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Installing Soapbox on Ubuntu

We recommend installing Soapbox on a dedicated VPS (virtual private server) running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. You should get your VPS up and running before starting this guide.

Some popular VPS hosting providers include:

Expect to spend between $1015 USD/mo, depending on the size of your community and how you choose to configure it.

You should already have a domain name from a registrar like Namecheap or Epik. Create an A record with your registrar pointing to the IP address of your VPS.

1. Shelling in

Once your VPS is running, you'll need to open a terminal program on your computer. This will allow you to remotely connect to the server so you can run commands and install Soapbox.


Linux and Mac users should have a terminal program pre-installed (it's just called "Terminal"), but Windows users may need to install Cygwin first.

Once the terminal is open, connect to your server with the username and IP address provided by your VPS host. It will likely prompt for a password.

ssh root@123.456.789

If you see a screen that looks like this, you've succeeded:

Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-65-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:

  System information as of Wed Apr 28 18:59:27 UTC 2021

  System load:  1.86                Processes:              201
  Usage of /:   66.1% of 146.15GB   Users logged in:        0
  Memory usage: 29%                 IPv4 address for ens18:
  Swap usage:   4%                  IPv4 address for ens19:

 * Pure upstream Kubernetes 1.21, smallest, simplest cluster ops!

79 updates can be installed immediately.
0 of these updates are security updates.
To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable

Last login: Tue Apr 27 17:28:56 2021 from

2. System setup

Before installing Soapbox, we have to prepare the system.

2.a. Install updates

Usually a fresh VPS already has outdated software, so run the following commands to update it:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

When prompted ([Y/n]) type Y and hit Enter.

2.b. Install system dependencies

Soapbox relies on some additional system software in order to function. Install them with the following command:

sudo apt install git build-essential postgresql postgresql-contrib cmake libmagic-dev imagemagick ffmpeg libimage-exiftool-perl nginx certbot

2.c. Install Elixir

Soapbox uses the Elixir programming language (based on Erlang). Unfortunately the latest version is not included in Ubuntu by default, so we have to add a third-party repository before we can install it.

To install the Elixir repository, use these commands:

wget -P /tmp/
sudo dpkg -i /tmp/erlang-solutions_2.0_all.deb

Now we can install Elixir (and Erlang):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install elixir erlang-dev erlang-nox

2.d. Create the Pleroma user

For security reasons, it's best to run Soapbox as a separate user with limited access.

We'll create this user and call it pleroma:

sudo useradd -r -s /bin/false -m -d /var/lib/pleroma -U pleroma

3. Install Soapbox

Finally! It's time to install Soapbox itself. Let's get things up and running.

3.a. Downloading the source code

We'll need to create a folder to hold the Soapbox source code, then download it with git:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/pleroma
sudo chown -R pleroma:pleroma /opt/pleroma
sudo -Hu pleroma git clone -b stable /opt/pleroma

3.b. Install Elixir dependencies

First let's enter the Soapbox source code directory:

cd /opt/pleroma

Soapbox depends on third-party Elixir modules which need to be downloaded:

sudo -Hu pleroma mix deps.get

If it asks you to install Hex, answer yes:

3.c. Generate the configuration

It's time to preconfigure our instance. The following command will set up some basics such as your domain name.

sudo -Hu pleroma mix pleroma.instance gen
  • Answer with yes if it asks you to install rebar3.

  • This may take some time, because parts of pleroma get compiled first.

  • After that it will ask you a few questions about your instance and generates a configuration file in config/generated_config.exs.

Check if the configuration looks right. If so, rename it to prod.secret.exs:

sudo -Hu pleroma mv config/{generated_config.exs,prod.secret.exs}

3.d. Provision the database

The previous section also created a file called config/setup_db.psql, which you can use to create the database:

sudo -Hu postgres psql -f config/setup_db.psql

Now run the database migration:

sudo -Hu pleroma MIX_ENV=prod mix ecto.migrate

3.e. Start Soapbox

Copy the systemd service and enable it to start Soapbox:

sudo cp /opt/pleroma/installation/pleroma.service /etc/systemd/system/pleroma.service
sudo systemctl enable --now pleroma.service

If you've made it this far, congrats! You're very close to being done. Your Soapbox server is running, and you just need to make it accessible to the outside world.

4. Getting online

The last step is to make your server accessible to the outside world. We'll achieve that by installing Nginx and enabling HTTPS support.

4.a. HTTPS

We'll use certbot to get an SSL certificate.

First, shut off Nginx:

systemctl stop nginx

Now you can get the certificate:

sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/letsencrypt/
sudo certbot certonly --email <your@emailaddress> -d <yourdomain> --standalone

Replace <your@emailaddress> and <yourdomain> with real values.

4.b. Nginx

Copy the example nginx configuration and activate it:

sudo cp /opt/pleroma/installation/pleroma.nginx /etc/nginx/sites-available/pleroma.nginx
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/pleroma.nginx /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pleroma.nginx

Before starting Nginx again, edit the configuration and change it to your needs (e.g. change servername, change cert paths)

Enable and start nginx:

sudo systemctl enable --now nginx.service

🎉 Congrats, you're done! Check your site in a browser and it should be online.

5. Post-installation

Below are some additional steps you can take after you've finished installation.

Create your first user

If your instance is up and running, you can create your first user with administrative rights with the following task:

sudo -Hu pleroma MIX_ENV=prod mix pleroma.user new <username> <your@emailaddress> --admin

Renewing SSL

If you need to renew the certificate in the future, uncomment the relevant location block in the nginx config and run:

sudo certbot certonly --email <your@emailaddress> -d <yourdomain> --webroot -w /var/lib/letsencrypt/


If you have questions or run into trouble, please create an issue on the Soapbox GitLab.