
276 lines
9.3 KiB

'use strict';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from 'react';
import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes';
import { IntlProvider } from 'react-intl';
import { Provider, connect } from 'react-redux';
import { BrowserRouter, Switch, Redirect, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import { ScrollContext } from 'react-router-scroll-4';
import { loadInstance } from 'soapbox/actions/instance';
import { fetchMe } from 'soapbox/actions/me';
import { getSettings } from 'soapbox/actions/settings';
import { loadSoapboxConfig } from 'soapbox/actions/soapbox';
import { getSoapboxConfig } from 'soapbox/actions/soapbox';
import { fetchVerificationConfig } from 'soapbox/actions/verification';
import { FE_SUBDIRECTORY } from 'soapbox/build_config';
import { NODE_ENV } from 'soapbox/build_config';
import Helmet from 'soapbox/components/helmet';
import AuthLayout from 'soapbox/features/auth_layout';
import OnboardingWizard from 'soapbox/features/onboarding/onboarding-wizard';
import PublicLayout from 'soapbox/features/public_layout';
import NotificationsContainer from 'soapbox/features/ui/containers/notifications_container';
import WaitlistPage from 'soapbox/features/verification/waitlist_page';
import { createGlobals } from 'soapbox/globals';
import messages from 'soapbox/locales/messages';
import { makeGetAccount } from 'soapbox/selectors';
import { getFeatures } from 'soapbox/utils/features';
import SoapboxPropTypes from 'soapbox/utils/soapbox_prop_types';
import { generateThemeCss } from 'soapbox/utils/theme';
import { ONBOARDING_VERSION } from '../actions/onboarding';
import { preload } from '../actions/preload';
import ErrorBoundary from '../components/error_boundary';
import UI from '../features/ui';
import { store } from '../store';
const validLocale = locale => Object.keys(messages).includes(locale);
// Configure global functions for developers
// Preload happens synchronously
/** Load initial data from the backend */
const loadInitial = () => {
return async(dispatch, getState) => {
// Await for authenticated fetch
await dispatch(fetchMe());
// Await for feature detection
await dispatch(loadInstance());
const promises = [];
const state = getState();
const features = getFeatures(state.instance);
if (features.pepe && ! {
await Promise.all(promises);
const makeAccount = makeGetAccount();
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
const me = state.get('me');
const account = makeAccount(state, me);
const settings = getSettings(state);
const needsOnboarding = settings.get('onboardingVersion') < ONBOARDING_VERSION;
const soapboxConfig = getSoapboxConfig(state);
const locale = settings.get('locale');
const singleUserMode = soapboxConfig.get('singleUserMode') && soapboxConfig.get('singleUserModeProfile');
return {
reduceMotion: settings.get('reduceMotion'),
underlineLinks: settings.get('underlineLinks'),
systemFont: settings.get('systemFont'),
dyslexicFont: settings.get('dyslexicFont'),
demetricator: settings.get('demetricator'),
locale: validLocale(locale) ? locale : 'en',
themeCss: generateThemeCss(soapboxConfig),
brandColor: soapboxConfig.get('brandColor'),
appleAppId: soapboxConfig.get('appleAppId'),
themeMode: settings.get('themeMode'),
class SoapboxMount extends React.PureComponent {
static propTypes = {
account: ImmutablePropTypes.record,
reduceMotion: PropTypes.bool,
underlineLinks: PropTypes.bool,
systemFont: PropTypes.bool,
needsOnboarding: PropTypes.bool,
dyslexicFont: PropTypes.bool,
demetricator: PropTypes.bool,
locale: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
themeCss: PropTypes.string,
themeMode: PropTypes.string,
brandColor: PropTypes.string,
appleAppId: PropTypes.string,
dispatch: PropTypes.func,
singleUserMode: PropTypes.bool,
state = {
messages: {},
localeLoading: true,
isLoaded: false,
setMessages = () => {
messages[this.props.locale]().then(messages => {
this.setState({ messages, localeLoading: false });
}).catch(() => {});
maybeUpdateMessages = prevProps => {
if (this.props.locale !== prevProps.locale) {
componentDidMount() {
this.props.dispatch(loadInitial()).then(() => {
this.setState({ isLoaded: true });
}).catch(() => {
this.setState({ isLoaded: false });
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
shouldUpdateScroll(prevRouterProps, { location }) {
return !(location.state?.soapboxModalKey && location.state?.soapboxModalKey !== prevRouterProps?.location?.state?.soapboxModalKey);
render() {
const { me, account, themeCss, locale, needsOnboarding, singleUserMode } = this.props;
if (me === null) return null;
if (me && !account) return null;
if (!this.state.isLoaded) return null;
if (this.state.localeLoading) return null;
const waitlisted = account && !account.getIn(['source', 'approved'], true);
if (account && !waitlisted && needsOnboarding) {
return (
<IntlProvider locale={locale} messages={this.state.messages}>
<html lang='en' className={classNames({ dark: this.props.themeMode === 'dark' })} />
<body className={bodyClass} />
{themeCss && <style id='theme' type='text/css'>{`:root{${themeCss}}`}</style>}
<meta name='theme-color' content={this.props.brandColor} />
<BrowserRouter basename={FE_SUBDIRECTORY}>
<OnboardingWizard />
<NotificationsContainer />
const bodyClass = classNames('bg-white dark:bg-slate-900 text-base', {
'no-reduce-motion': !this.props.reduceMotion,
'underline-links': this.props.underlineLinks,
'dyslexic': this.props.dyslexicFont,
'demetricator': this.props.demetricator,
return (
<IntlProvider locale={locale} messages={this.state.messages}>
<html lang='en' className={classNames({ dark: this.props.themeMode === 'dark' })} />
<body className={bodyClass} />
{themeCss && <style id='theme' type='text/css'>{`:root{${themeCss}}`}</style>}
<meta name='theme-color' content={this.props.brandColor} />
{this.props.appleAppId && (
<meta name='apple-itunes-app' content={`app-id=${this.props.appleAppId}`} />
<BrowserRouter basename={FE_SUBDIRECTORY}>
<ScrollContext shouldUpdateScroll={this.shouldUpdateScroll}>
<Redirect from='/v1/verify_email/:token' to='/auth/verify/email/:token' />
{waitlisted && <Route render={(props) => <WaitlistPage {...props} account={account} />} />}
{!me && (singleUserMode
? <Redirect exact from='/' to={`/${singleUserMode}`} />
: <Route exact path='/' component={PublicLayout} />)}
{!me && <Route exact path='/' component={PublicLayout} />}
<Route exact path='/about/:slug?' component={PublicLayout} />
<Route exact path='/beta/:slug?' component={PublicLayout} />
<Route exact path='/mobile/:slug?' component={PublicLayout} />
<Route exact path='/login' component={AuthLayout} />
<Route path='/auth/verify' component={AuthLayout} />
<Route path='/reset-password' component={AuthLayout} />
<Route path='/edit-password' component={AuthLayout} />
<Route path='/' component={UI} />
export default class Soapbox extends React.PureComponent {
printConsoleWarning = () => {
/* eslint-disable no-console */
console.log('%cStop!', [
'color: #ff0000',
'display: block',
'font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Ubuntu, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif',
'font-size: 50px',
'font-weight: 800',
'padding: 4px 0',
console.log('%cThis is a browser feature intended for developers. If someone told you to copy-paste something here it is a scam and will give them access to your account.', [
'color: #111111',
'display: block',
'font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Ubuntu, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif',
'font-size: 18px',
'padding: 4px 0 16px',
/* eslint-enable no-console */
componentDidMount() {
if (NODE_ENV === 'production') {
render() {
return (
<Provider store={store}>
<SoapboxMount />