import { AUTH_APP_CREATED, AUTH_LOGGED_IN, AUTH_APP_AUTHORIZED, AUTH_LOGGED_OUT, SWITCH_ACCOUNT, VERIFY_CREDENTIALS_SUCCESS, VERIFY_CREDENTIALS_FAIL, } from '../actions/auth'; import { Map as ImmutableMap, fromJS } from 'immutable'; const defaultState = ImmutableMap({ app: ImmutableMap(), users: ImmutableMap(), tokens: ImmutableMap(), me: null, }); const getSessionUser = () => { const id = sessionStorage.getItem('soapbox:auth:me'); if (id && typeof id === 'string' && id !== 'null' && id !== 'undefined') { return id; } else { return undefined; } }; const sessionUser = getSessionUser(); const localState = fromJS(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('soapbox:auth'))); // If `me` doesn't match an existing user, attempt to shift it. const maybeShiftMe = state => { const users = state.get('users', ImmutableMap()); const me = state.get('me'); if (!users.get(me)) { return state.set('me', users.first(ImmutableMap()).get('id', null)); } else { return state; } }; const setSessionUser = state => state.update('me', null, me => sessionUser || me); // Upgrade the initial state const migrateLegacy = state => { if (localState) return state; return state.withMutations(state => { const app = fromJS(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('soapbox:auth:app'))); const user = fromJS(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('soapbox:auth:user'))); if (!user) return; state.set('me', '_legacy'); // Placeholder account ID state.set('app', app); state.set('tokens', ImmutableMap({ [user.get('access_token')]: user.set('account', '_legacy'), })); state.set('users', ImmutableMap({ '_legacy': ImmutableMap({ id: '_legacy', access_token: user.get('access_token'), }), })); }); }; const persistAuth = state => localStorage.setItem('soapbox:auth', JSON.stringify(state.toJS())); const persistSession = state => { const me = state.get('me'); if (me && typeof me === 'string') { sessionStorage.setItem('soapbox:auth:me', me); } }; const persistState = state => { persistAuth(state); persistSession(state); }; const initialize = state => { return state.withMutations(state => { maybeShiftMe(state); setSessionUser(state); migrateLegacy(state); persistState(state); }); }; const initialState = initialize(defaultState.merge(localState)); const importToken = (state, token) => { return state.setIn(['tokens', token.access_token], fromJS(token)); }; // Upgrade the `_legacy` placeholder ID with a real account const upgradeLegacyId = (state, account) => { if (localState) return state; return state.withMutations(state => { state.update('me', null, me => me === '_legacy' ? : me); state.deleteIn(['users', '_legacy']); }); // TODO: Delete `soapbox:auth:app` and `soapbox:auth:user` localStorage? // By this point it's probably safe, but we'll leave it just in case. }; // Returns a predicate function for filtering a mismatched user/token const userMismatch = (token, account) => { return (user, id) => { const sameToken = user.get('access_token') === token; const differentId = id !== || user.get('id') !==; return sameToken && differentId; }; }; const importCredentials = (state, token, account) => { return state.withMutations(state => { state.setIn(['users',], ImmutableMap({ id:, access_token: token, })); state.setIn(['tokens', token, 'account'],; state.update('users', ImmutableMap(), users => users.filterNot(userMismatch(token, account))); state.update('me', null, me => me ||; upgradeLegacyId(state, account); }); }; const deleteToken = (state, token) => { return state.withMutations(state => { state.update('tokens', ImmutableMap(), tokens => tokens.delete(token)); state.update('users', ImmutableMap(), users => users.filterNot(user => user.get('access_token') === token)); maybeShiftMe(state); }); }; const deleteUser = (state, accountId) => { return state.withMutations(state => { state.update('users', ImmutableMap(), users => users.delete(accountId)); state.update('tokens', ImmutableMap(), tokens => tokens.filterNot(token => token.get('account') === accountId)); maybeShiftMe(state); }); }; const reducer = (state, action) => { switch(action.type) { case AUTH_APP_CREATED: return state.set('app', fromJS(; case AUTH_APP_AUTHORIZED: return state.update('app', ImmutableMap(), app => app.merge(fromJS(; case AUTH_LOGGED_IN: return importToken(state, action.token); case AUTH_LOGGED_OUT: return deleteUser(state, action.accountId); case VERIFY_CREDENTIALS_SUCCESS: return importCredentials(state, action.token, action.account); case VERIFY_CREDENTIALS_FAIL: return action.error.response.status === 403 ? deleteToken(state, action.token) : state; case SWITCH_ACCOUNT: return state.set('me', action.accountId); default: return state; } }; const reload = () => location.replace('/'); // `me` is a user ID string const validMe = state => { const me = state.get('me'); return typeof me === 'string' && me !== '_legacy'; }; // `me` has changed from one valid ID to another const userSwitched = (oldState, state) => { const stillValid = validMe(oldState) && validMe(state); const didChange = oldState.get('me') !== state.get('me'); return stillValid && didChange; }; const maybeReload = (oldState, state, action) => { if (userSwitched(oldState, state)) { reload(state); } }; export default function auth(oldState = initialState, action) { const state = reducer(oldState, action); if (!state.equals(oldState)) { // Persist the state in localStorage persistAuth(state); // When middle-clicking a profile, we want to save the // user in localStorage, but not update the reducer if (action.background === true) { return oldState; } // Persist the session persistSession(state); // Reload the page under some conditions maybeReload(oldState, state, action); } return state; };