import { NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE, NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_SUCCESS, NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_REQUEST, NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_FAIL, NOTIFICATIONS_FILTER_SET, NOTIFICATIONS_CLEAR, NOTIFICATIONS_SCROLL_TOP, NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE_QUEUE, NOTIFICATIONS_DEQUEUE, NOTIFICATIONS_MARK_READ_REQUEST, MAX_QUEUED_NOTIFICATIONS, } from '../actions/notifications'; import { ACCOUNT_BLOCK_SUCCESS, ACCOUNT_MUTE_SUCCESS, } from '../actions/accounts'; import { TIMELINE_DELETE, TIMELINE_DISCONNECT } from '../actions/timelines'; import { Map as ImmutableMap, OrderedSet as ImmutableOrderedSet } from 'immutable'; import { get } from 'lodash'; const initialState = ImmutableMap({ items: ImmutableOrderedSet(), hasMore: true, top: false, unread: 0, isLoading: false, queuedNotifications: ImmutableOrderedSet(), //max = MAX_QUEUED_NOTIFICATIONS totalQueuedNotificationsCount: 0, //used for queuedItems overflow for MAX_QUEUED_NOTIFICATIONS+ lastRead: -1, }); // For sorting the notifications const comparator = (a, b) => { if (a.get('id') < b.get('id')) return 1; if (a.get('id') > b.get('id')) return -1; return 0; }; const notificationToMap = notification => ImmutableMap({ id:, type: notification.type, account:, created_at: notification.created_at, status: notification.status ? : null, emoji: notification.emoji, chat_message: notification.chat_message, is_seen: get(notification, ['pleroma', 'is_seen'], true), }); // const isValid = notification => Boolean(; const normalizeNotification = (state, notification) => { const top = state.get('top'); if (!top) state = state.update('unread', unread => unread + 1); return state.update('items', list => { if (top && list.size > 40) { list = list.take(20); } return list.add(notificationToMap(notification)).sort(comparator); }); }; const processRawNotifications = notifications => ( ImmutableOrderedSet( notifications .filter(isValid) .map(notificationToMap))); const expandNormalizedNotifications = (state, notifications, next) => { const items = processRawNotifications(notifications); return state.withMutations(mutable => { mutable.update('items', list => list.union(items).sort(comparator)); if (!next) mutable.set('hasMore', false); mutable.set('isLoading', false); }); }; const filterNotifications = (state, relationship) => { return state.update('items', list => list.filterNot(item => item !== null && item.get('account') ===; }; const updateTop = (state, top) => { if (top) state = state.set('unread', 0); return state.set('top', top); }; const deleteByStatus = (state, statusId) => { return state.update('items', list => list.filterNot(item => item !== null && item.get('status') === statusId)); }; const updateNotificationsQueue = (state, notification, intlMessages, intlLocale) => { const queuedNotifications = state.getIn(['queuedNotifications'], ImmutableOrderedSet()); const listedNotifications = state.getIn(['items'], ImmutableOrderedSet()); const totalQueuedNotificationsCount = state.getIn(['totalQueuedNotificationsCount'], 0); let alreadyExists = queuedNotifications.find(existingQueuedNotification => ===; if (!alreadyExists) alreadyExists = listedNotifications.find(existingListedNotification => existingListedNotification.get('id') ===; if (alreadyExists) { return state; } let newQueuedNotifications = queuedNotifications; return state.withMutations(mutable => { if (totalQueuedNotificationsCount <= MAX_QUEUED_NOTIFICATIONS) { mutable.set('queuedNotifications', newQueuedNotifications.add({ notification, intlMessages, intlLocale, })); } mutable.set('totalQueuedNotificationsCount', totalQueuedNotificationsCount + 1); }); }; export default function notifications(state = initialState, action) { switch(action.type) { case NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_REQUEST: return state.set('isLoading', true); case NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_FAIL: return state.set('isLoading', false); case NOTIFICATIONS_FILTER_SET: return state.set('items', ImmutableOrderedSet()).set('hasMore', true); case NOTIFICATIONS_SCROLL_TOP: return updateTop(state,; case NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE: return normalizeNotification(state, action.notification); case NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE_QUEUE: return updateNotificationsQueue(state, action.notification, action.intlMessages, action.intlLocale); case NOTIFICATIONS_DEQUEUE: return state.withMutations(mutable => { mutable.set('queuedNotifications', ImmutableOrderedSet()); mutable.set('totalQueuedNotificationsCount', 0); }); case NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_SUCCESS: const legacyUnread = action.notifications.reduce((acc, cur) => get(cur, ['pleroma', 'is_seen'], false) === false ? acc + 1 : acc, 0); return expandNormalizedNotifications(state, action.notifications, .merge({ unread: Math.max(legacyUnread, state.get('unread')) }); case ACCOUNT_BLOCK_SUCCESS: return filterNotifications(state, action.relationship); case ACCOUNT_MUTE_SUCCESS: return action.relationship.muting_notifications ? filterNotifications(state, action.relationship) : state; case NOTIFICATIONS_CLEAR: return state.set('items', ImmutableOrderedSet()).set('hasMore', false); case NOTIFICATIONS_MARK_READ_REQUEST: return state.set('lastRead', action.lastRead); case TIMELINE_DELETE: return deleteByStatus(state,; case TIMELINE_DISCONNECT: // This is kind of a hack - `null` renders a LoadGap in the component // return action.timeline === 'home' ? state.update('items', items => items.first() ? ImmutableOrderedSet([null]).union(items) : items) : state; default: return state; } };