import z from 'zod'; import { accountSchema, adminAccountSchema, adminAnnouncementSchema, adminCanonicalEmailBlockSchema, adminCohortSchema, adminDimensionSchema, adminDomainAllowSchema, adminDomainBlockSchema, adminDomainSchema, adminEmailDomainBlockSchema, adminIpBlockSchema, adminMeasureSchema, adminModerationLogEntrySchema, adminRelaySchema, adminReportSchema, adminRuleSchema, adminTagSchema, announcementSchema, applicationSchema, backupSchema, bookmarkFolderSchema, chatMessageSchema, chatSchema, contextSchema, conversationSchema, credentialAccountSchema, customEmojiSchema, domainBlockSchema, emojiReactionSchema, extendedDescriptionSchema, familiarFollowersSchema, featuredTagSchema, filterKeywordSchema, filterSchema, filterStatusSchema, groupMemberSchema, groupRelationshipSchema, groupSchema, instanceSchema, interactionPoliciesSchema, interactionRequestSchema, listSchema, locationSchema, markersSchema, mediaAttachmentSchema, mutedAccountSchema, notificationPolicySchema, notificationRequestSchema, notificationSchema, oauthTokenSchema, pleromaConfigSchema, pollSchema, relationshipSchema, reportSchema, ruleSchema, scheduledStatusSchema, scrobbleSchema, searchSchema, statusEditSchema, statusSchema, statusSourceSchema, streamingEventSchema, suggestionSchema, tagSchema, tokenSchema, translationSchema, trendsLinkSchema, webPushSubscriptionSchema, } from './entities'; import { filteredArray } from './entities/utils'; import { AKKOMA, type Features, getFeatures, GOTOSOCIAL, MITRA } from './features'; import request, { getNextLink, getPrevLink, type RequestBody, RequestMeta } from './request'; import { buildFullPath } from './utils/url'; import type { Account, AdminAccount, AdminAnnouncement, AdminCanonicalEmailBlock, AdminDomainAllow, AdminDomainBlock, AdminEmailDomainBlock, AdminIpBlock, AdminModerationLogEntry, AdminReport, Chat, ChatMessage, Conversation, GroupRole, Instance, Notification, PleromaConfig, ScheduledStatus, Scrobble, Status, StreamingEvent, Tag, } from './entities'; import type { AdminAccountAction, AdminCreateAnnouncementParams, AdminCreateDomainBlockParams, AdminCreateDomainParams, AdminCreateIpBlockParams, AdminCreateRuleParams, AdminDimensionKey, AdminGetAccountsParams, AdminGetAnnouncementsParams, AdminGetCanonicalEmailBlocks, AdminGetDimensionsParams, AdminGetDomainAllowsParams, AdminGetDomainBlocksParams, AdminGetEmailDomainBlocksParams, AdminGetGroupsParams, AdminGetIpBlocksParams, AdminGetMeasuresParams, AdminGetModerationLogParams, AdminGetReportsParams, AdminGetStatusesParams, AdminMeasureKey, AdminPerformAccountActionParams, AdminUpdateAnnouncementParams, AdminUpdateDomainBlockParams, AdminUpdateReportParams, AdminUpdateRuleParams, AdminUpdateStatusParams, BubbleTimelineParams, CreateAccountParams, CreateApplicationParams, CreateBookmarkFolderParams, CreateChatMessageParams, CreateEventParams, CreateFilterParams, CreateGroupParams, CreateListParams, CreatePushNotificationsSubscriptionParams, CreateScrobbleParams, CreateStatusParams, EditEventParams, EditStatusParams, FollowAccountParams, GetAccountEndorsementsParams, GetAccountFavouritesParams, GetAccountFollowersParams, GetAccountFollowingParams, GetAccountParams, GetAccountStatusesParams, GetBlocksParams, GetBookmarksParams, GetChatMessagesParams, GetChatsParams, GetConversationsParams, GetDomainBlocksParams, GetEndorsementsParams, GetEventParticipationRequestsParams, GetEventParticipationsParams, GetFavouritedByParams, GetFavouritesParams, GetFollowedTagsParams, GetFollowRequestsParams, GetGroupBlocksParams, GetGroupMembershipRequestsParams, GetGroupMembershipsParams, GetInteractionRequestsParams, GetJoinedEventsParams, GetListAccountsParams, GetMutesParams, GetNotificationParams, GetNotificationRequestsParams, GetRebloggedByParams, GetRelationshipsParams, GetScheduledStatusesParams, GetScrobblesParams, GetStatusContextParams, GetStatusesParams, GetStatusParams, GetStatusQuotesParams, GetTokenParams, GetTrendingLinks, GetTrendingStatuses, GetTrendingTags, GroupTimelineParams, HashtagTimelineParams, HomeTimelineParams, ListTimelineParams, MfaChallengeParams, MuteAccountParams, OauthAuthorizeParams, ProfileDirectoryParams, PublicTimelineParams, ReportAccountParams, RevokeTokenParams, SaveMarkersParams, SearchAccountParams, SearchParams, UpdateBookmarkFolderParams, UpdateCredentialsParams, UpdateFilterParams, UpdateGroupParams, UpdateInteractionPoliciesParams, UpdateListParams, UpdateMediaParams, UpdateNotificationPolicyRequest, UpdateNotificationSettingsParams, UpdatePushNotificationsSubscriptionParams, UploadMediaParams, } from './params'; import type { PaginatedResponse } from './responses'; import type { ZodTypeAny } from 'zod'; class PlApiClient { baseURL: string; #accessToken?: string; #instance: Instance = instanceSchema.parse({}); public request = request.bind(this) as typeof request; public features: Features = getFeatures(); #socket?: { listen: (listener: any, stream?: string) => number; unlisten: (listener: any) => void; subscribe: (stream: string, params?: { list?: string; tag?: string }) => void; unsubscribe: (stream: string, params?: { list?: string; tag?: string }) => void; close: () => void; }; constructor(baseURL: string, accessToken?: string, { instance, fetchInstance }: { instance?: Instance; fetchInstance?: boolean; } = {}) { this.baseURL = baseURL; this.#accessToken = accessToken; if (instance) { this.#setInstance(instance); } if (fetchInstance) { this.instance.getInstance(); } } #paginatedGet = async (input: URL | RequestInfo, body: RequestBody, schema: ZodTypeAny): Promise> => { const getMore = (input: string | null) => input ? async () => { const response = await this.request(input); return { previous: getMore(getPrevLink(response)), next: getMore(getNextLink(response)), items: filteredArray(schema).parse(response.json) as Array, partial: response.status === 206, }; } : null; const response = await this.request(input, body); return { previous: getMore(getPrevLink(response)), next: getMore(getNextLink(response)), items: filteredArray(schema).parse(response.json) as Array, partial: response.status === 206, }; }; #paginatedPleromaAccounts = async (params: { query?: string; filters?: string; page?: number; page_size: number; tags?: Array; actor_types?: Array; name?: string; email?: string; }): Promise> => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users', { params }); return { previous: ! ? null : () => this.#paginatedPleromaAccounts({ ...params, page:! - 1 }), next: response.json?.count > (params.page_size * (( || 1) - 1) + response.json?.users?.length) ? () => this.#paginatedPleromaAccounts({ ...params, page: ( || 0) + 1 }) : null, items: filteredArray(adminAccountSchema).parse(response.json?.users), partial: response.status === 206, total: response.json?.total, }; }; #paginatedPleromaReports = async (params: { state?: 'open' | 'closed' | 'resolved'; limit?: number; page?: number; page_size: number; }): Promise> => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/reports', { params }); return { previous: ! ? null : () => this.#paginatedPleromaReports({ ...params, page:! - 1 }), next: response.json?.total > (params.page_size * (( || 1) - 1) + response.json?.reports?.length) ? () => this.#paginatedPleromaReports({ ...params, page: ( || 0) + 1 }) : null, items: filteredArray(adminReportSchema).parse(response.json?.reports), partial: response.status === 206, total: response.json?.total, }; }; #paginatedPleromaStatuses = async (params: { page_size?: number; local_only?: boolean; godmode?: boolean; with_reblogs?: boolean; page?: number; }): Promise> => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/statuses', { params }); return { previous: ! ? null : () => this.#paginatedPleromaStatuses({ ...params, page:! - 1 }), next: response.json?.length ? () => this.#paginatedPleromaStatuses({ ...params, page: ( || 0) + 1 }) : null, items: filteredArray(statusSchema).parse(response.json), partial: response.status === 206, }; }; /** Register client applications that can be used to obtain OAuth tokens. */ public readonly apps = { /** * Create an application * Create a new application to obtain OAuth2 credentials. * @see {@link} */ createApplication: async (params: CreateApplicationParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/apps', { method: 'POST', body: params }); return applicationSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Verify your app works * Confirm that the app’s OAuth2 credentials work. * @see {@link} */ verifyApplication: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/apps/verify_credentials'); return applicationSchema.parse(response.json); }, }; public readonly oauth = { /** * Authorize a user * Displays an authorization form to the user. If approved, it will create and return an authorization code, then redirect to the desired `redirect_uri`, or show the authorization code if `urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob` was requested. The authorization code can be used while requesting a token to obtain access to user-level methods. * @see {@link} */ authorize: async (params: OauthAuthorizeParams) => { const response = await this.request('/oauth/authorize', { params }); return z.string().parse(response.json); }, /** * Obtain a token * Obtain an access token, to be used during API calls that are not public. * @see {@link} */ getToken: async (params: GetTokenParams) => { const response = await this.request('/oauth/token', { method: 'POST', body: params }); return tokenSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Revoke a token * Revoke an access token to make it no longer valid for use. * @see {@link} */ revokeToken: async (params: RevokeTokenParams) => { const response = await this.request('/oauth/revoke', { method: 'POST', body: params }); this.#socket?.close(); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Get a new captcha * @see {@link} */ getCaptcha: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/pleroma/captcha'); return z.intersection(z.object({ type: z.string(), }), z.record(z.any())).parse(response.json); }, mfaChallenge: async (params: MfaChallengeParams) => { const response = await this.request('/oauth/mfa/challenge', { method: 'POST', body: params }); return tokenSchema.parse(response.json); }, }; public readonly emails = { resendConfirmationEmail: async (email: string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/emails/confirmations', { method: 'POST', body: { email } }); return response.json as {}; }, }; public readonly accounts = { /** * Get account * View information about a profile. * @see {@link} */ getAccount: async (accountId: string, params?: GetAccountParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}`, { params }); return accountSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Get multiple accounts * View information about multiple profiles. * * Requires features{@link Features['getAccounts']}. * @see {@link} */ getAccounts: async (accountId: string[]) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/accounts', { params: { id: accountId } }); return filteredArray(accountSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Get account’s statuses * Statuses posted to the given account. * @see {@link} */ getAccountStatuses: async (accountId: string, params?: GetAccountStatusesParams) => this.#paginatedGet(`/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/statuses`, { params }, statusSchema), /** * Get account’s followers * Accounts which follow the given account, if network is not hidden by the account owner. * @see {@link} */ getAccountFollowers: async (accountId: string, params?: GetAccountFollowersParams) => this.#paginatedGet(`/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/followers`, { params }, accountSchema), /** * Get account’s following * Accounts which the given account is following, if network is not hidden by the account owner. * @see {@link} */ getAccountFollowing: async (accountId: string, params?: GetAccountFollowingParams) => this.#paginatedGet(`/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/following`, { params }, accountSchema), /** * Get account’s featured tags * Tags featured by this account. * @see {@link} */ getAccountFeaturedTags: async (accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/featured_tags`); return filteredArray(featuredTagSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Get lists containing this account * User lists that you have added this account to. * @see {@link} */ getAccountLists: async (accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/lists`); return filteredArray(listSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Follow account * Follow the given account. Can also be used to update whether to show reblogs or enable notifications. * @see {@link} */ followAccount: async (accountId: string, params?: FollowAccountParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/follow`, { method: 'POST', body: params }); return relationshipSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Unfollow account * Unfollow the given account. * @see {@link} */ unfollowAccount: async (accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/unfollow`, { method: 'POST' }); return relationshipSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Remove account from followers * Remove the given account from your followers. * @see {@link} */ removeAccountFromFollowers: async (accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/remove_from_followers`, { method: 'POST' }); return relationshipSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Feature account on your profile * Add the given account to the user’s featured profiles. * @see {@link} */ pinAccount: async (accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/pin`, { method: 'POST' }); return relationshipSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Unfeature account from profile * Remove the given account from the user’s featured profiles. * @see {@link} */ unpinAccount: async (accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/unpin`, { method: 'POST' }); return relationshipSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Set private note on profile * Sets a private note on a user. * @see {@link} */ updateAccountNote: async (accountId: string, comment: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/note`, { method: 'POST', body: { comment } }); return relationshipSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Check relationships to other accounts * Find out whether a given account is followed, blocked, muted, etc. * @see {@link} */ getRelationships: async (accountIds: string[], params?: GetRelationshipsParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/accounts/relationships', { params: { ...params, id: accountIds } }); return filteredArray(relationshipSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Find familiar followers * Obtain a list of all accounts that follow a given account, filtered for accounts you follow. * * Requires features{@link Features['familiarFollowers']}. * @see {@link} */ getFamiliarFollowers: async (accountIds: string[]) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/accounts/familiar_followers', { params: { id: accountIds } }); return filteredArray(familiarFollowersSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Search for matching accounts * Search for matching accounts by username or display name. * @see {@link} */ searchAccounts: async (q: string, params?: SearchAccountParams, meta?: RequestMeta) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/accounts/search', { ...meta, params: { ...params, q } }); return filteredArray(accountSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Lookup account ID from Webfinger address * Quickly lookup a username to see if it is available, skipping WebFinger resolution. * @see {@link} */ lookupAccount: async (acct: string, meta?: RequestMeta) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/accounts/lookup', { ...meta, params: { acct } }); return accountSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * File a report * @see {@link} */ reportAccount: async (accountId: string, params: ReportAccountParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/reports', { method: 'POST', body: { ...params, account_id: accountId }, }); return reportSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Endorsements * Returns endorsed accounts * * Requires features{@link Features['accountEndorsements']}. * @see {@link} */ getAccountEndorsements: async (accountId: string, params?: GetAccountEndorsementsParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/${accountId}/endorsements`, { params }); return filteredArray(accountSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Birthday reminders * Birthday reminders about users you follow. * * Requires features{@link Features['birthdays']}. */ getBirthdays: async (day: number, month: number) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/birthdays', { params: { day, month } }); return filteredArray(accountSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Returns favorites timeline of any user * * Requires features{@link Features['publicFavourites']}. * @see {@link} */ getAccountFavourites: async (accountId: string, params?: GetAccountFavouritesParams) => this.#paginatedGet(`/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/${accountId}/favourites`, { params }, statusSchema), /** * Interact with profile or status from remote account * * Requires features{@link Features['remoteInteractions']}. * @param ap_id - Profile or status ActivityPub ID * @param profile - Remote profile webfinger * @see {@link} */ remoteInteraction: async (ap_id: string, profile: string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/remote_interaction', { method: 'POST', body: { ap_id, profile } }); if (response.json?.error) throw response.json.error; return z.object({ url: z.string(), }).parse(response.json); }, /** * Bite the given user. * * Requires features{@link Features['bites']}. * @see {@link} */ biteAccount: async (accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/bite', { method: 'POST', params: { id: accountId } }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Requests a list of current and recent Listen activities for an account * * Requires features{@link Features['scrobbles']} * @see {@link} */ getScrobbles: async (accountId: string, params?: GetScrobblesParams) => this.#paginatedGet(`/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/${accountId}/scrobbles`, { params }, scrobbleSchema), /** * Creates a new Listen activity for an account * * Requires features{@link Features['scrobbles']} * @see {@link} */ createScrobble: async (params: CreateScrobbleParams) => { if (params.external_link) (params as any).externalLink = params.external_link; const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/scrobble', { body: params }); return scrobbleSchema.parse(response.json); }, }; public readonly myAccount = { /** * View bookmarked statuses * Statuses the user has bookmarked. * @see {@link} */ getBookmarks: async (params?: GetBookmarksParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/bookmarks', { params }, statusSchema), /** * View favourited statuses * Statuses the user has favourited. * @see {@link} */ getFavourites: async (params?: GetFavouritesParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/favourites', { params }, statusSchema), /** * View pending follow requests * @see {@link} */ getFollowRequests: async (params?: GetFollowRequestsParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/follow_requests', { params }, accountSchema), /** * Accept follow request * @see {@link} */ acceptFollowRequest: async (accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/follow_requests/${accountId}/authorize`, { method: 'POST' }); return relationshipSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Reject follow request * @see {@link} */ rejectFollowRequest: async (accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/follow_requests/${accountId}/reject`, { method: 'POST' }); return relationshipSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * View currently featured profiles * Accounts that the user is currently featuring on their profile. * @see {@link} */ getEndorsements: async (params?: GetEndorsementsParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/endorsements', { params }, accountSchema), /** * View your featured tags * List all hashtags featured on your profile. * @see {@link} */ getFeaturedTags: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/featured_tags'); return filteredArray(featuredTagSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Feature a tag * Promote a hashtag on your profile. * @see {@link} */ featureTag: async (name: string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/featured_tags', { method: 'POST', body: { name }, }); return filteredArray(featuredTagSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Unfeature a tag * Stop promoting a hashtag on your profile. * @see {@link} */ unfeatureTag: async (name: string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/featured_tags', { method: 'DELETE', body: { name }, }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * View suggested tags to feature * Shows up to 10 recently-used tags. * @see {@link} */ getFeaturedTagsSuggestions: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/featured_tags/suggestions'); return filteredArray(tagSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * View all followed tags * List your followed hashtags. * * Requires features{@link Features['followHashtags']}. * @see {@link} */ getFollowedTags: async (params?: GetFollowedTagsParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/followed_tags', { params }, tagSchema), /** * View information about a single tag * Show a hashtag and its associated information * @see {@link} */ getTag: async (tagId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/tags/${tagId}`); return tagSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Follow a hashtag * Follow a hashtag. Posts containing a followed hashtag will be inserted into your home timeline. * @see {@link} */ followTag: async (tagId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/tags/${tagId}/follow`, { method: 'POST' }); return tagSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Unfollow a hashtag * Unfollow a hashtag. Posts containing this hashtag will no longer be inserted into your home timeline. * @see {@link} */ unfollowTag: async (tagId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/tags/${tagId}/unfollow`, { method: 'POST' }); return tagSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * View follow suggestions * Accounts that are promoted by staff, or that the user has had past positive interactions with, but is not yet following. * * Requires features{@link Features['suggestions']}. * @see {@link} */ getSuggestions: async (limit?: number) => { const response = await this.request( this.features.suggestionsV2 ? '/api/v2/suggestions' : '/api/v1/suggestions', { params: { limit } }, ); return filteredArray(suggestionSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Remove a suggestion * Remove an account from follow suggestions. * * Requires features{@link Features['suggestions']}. * @see {@link} */ dismissSuggestions: async (accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/suggestions/${accountId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Gets user bookmark folders * * Requires features{@link Features['bookmarkFolders']}. * @see {@link} */ getBookmarkFolders: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/bookmark_folders'); return filteredArray(bookmarkFolderSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Creates a bookmark folder * * Requires features{@link Features['bookmarkFolders']}. * @see {@link} */ createBookmarkFolder: async (params: CreateBookmarkFolderParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/bookmark_folders', { method: 'POST', body: params }); return bookmarkFolderSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Updates a bookmark folder * * Requires features{@link Features['bookmarkFolders']}. * @see {@link} */ updateBookmarkFolder: async (bookmarkFolderId: string, params: UpdateBookmarkFolderParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/bookmark_folders/${bookmarkFolderId}`, { method: 'PATCH', body: params }); return bookmarkFolderSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Deletes a bookmark folder * * Requires features{@link Features['bookmarkFolders']}. * @see {@link} */ deleteBookmarkFolder: async (bookmarkFolderId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/bookmark_folders/${bookmarkFolderId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return bookmarkFolderSchema.parse(response.json); }, }; public readonly settings = { /** * Register an account * Creates a user and account records. Returns an account access token for the app that initiated the request. The app should save this token for later, and should wait for the user to confirm their account by clicking a link in their email inbox. * * Requires features{@link Features['accountCreation` * @see {@link} */ createAccount: async (params: CreateAccountParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/accounts', { method: 'POST', body: { language: params.locale, ...params }, }); return tokenSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Verify account credentials * Test to make sure that the user token works. * @see {@link} */ verifyCredentials: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials'); return credentialAccountSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Update account credentials * Update the user’s display and preferences. * @see {@link} */ updateCredentials: async (params: UpdateCredentialsParams) => { if (params.background_image) { (params as any).pleroma_background_image = params.background_image; delete params.background_image; } if (params.settings_store) { (params as any).pleroma_settings_store = params.settings_store; delete params.settings_store; } const response = await this.request('/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials', { method: 'PATCH', contentType: ( === GOTOSOCIAL || params.avatar || params.header) ? '' : undefined, body: params, }); return credentialAccountSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Delete profile avatar * Deletes the avatar associated with the user’s profile. * @see {@link} */ deleteAvatar: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/profile/avatar', { method: 'DELETE' }); return credentialAccountSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Delete profile header * Deletes the header image associated with the user’s profile. * @see {@link} */ deleteHeader: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/profile/header', { method: 'DELETE' }); return credentialAccountSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * View user preferences * Preferences defined by the user in their account settings. * @see {@link} */ getPreferences: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/preferences'); return response.json as Record; }, /** * Create a user backup archive * * Requires features{@link Features['accountBackups']}. */ createBackup: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/backups', { method: 'POST' }); return backupSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * List user backups * * Requires features{@link Features['accountBackups']}. */ getBackups: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/backups'); return filteredArray(backupSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Get aliases of the current account * * Requires features{@link Features['manageAccountAliases']}. * @see {@link} */ getAccountAliases: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/aliases'); return z.object({ aliases: filteredArray(z.string()) }).parse(response.json); }, /** * Add alias to the current account * * Requires features{@link Features['manageAccountAliases']}. * @param alias - the nickname of the alias to add, e.g. * @see {@link} */ addAccountAlias: async (alias: string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/aliases', { method: 'PUT', body: { alias } }); return z.object({ status: z.literal('success') }).parse(response.json); }, /** * Delete alias from the current account * * Requires features{@link Features['manageAccountAliases']}. * @param alias - the nickname of the alias to add, e.g. * @see {@link} */ deleteAccountAlias: async (alias: string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/aliases', { method: 'DELETE', body: { alias } }); return z.object({ status: z.literal('success') }).parse(response.json); }, /** * Retrieve a list of active sessions for the user * * Requires features{@link Features['sessions']}. * @see {@link} */ getOauthTokens: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/oauth_tokens'); return filteredArray(oauthTokenSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Revoke a user session by its ID * * Requires features{@link Features['sessions']}. * @see {@link} */ deleteOauthToken: async (oauthTokenId: number) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/oauth_tokens/${oauthTokenId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Change account password * @see {@link} * @see {@link} * @see {@link} */ changePassword: async (current_password: string, new_password: string) => { let response; switch ( { case GOTOSOCIAL: response = await this.request('/api/v1/user/password_change', { method: 'POST', body: { old_password: current_password, new_password, }, }); break; case MITRA: response = await this.request('/api/v1/settings/change_password', { method: 'POST', body: { new_password }, }); break; default: response = await this.request('/api/pleroma/change_password', { method: 'POST', body: { password: current_password, new_password, new_password_confirmation: new_password, }, }); } return response.json as {}; }, /** * Request password reset e-mail * * Requires features{@link Features['resetPassword']}. */ resetPassword: async (email?: string, nickname?: string) => { const response = await this.request('/auth/password', { method: 'POST', body: { email, nickname }, }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Requires features{@link Features['changeEmail']}. */ changeEmail: async (email: string, password: string) => { let response; switch ( { case GOTOSOCIAL: response = await this.request('/api/v1/user/email_change', { method: 'POST', body: { new_email: email, password, }, }); break; default: response = await this.request('/api/pleroma/change_email', { method: 'POST', body: { email, password, }, }); } if (response.json?.error) throw response.json.error; return response.json as {}; }, /** * Requires features{@link Features['deleteAccount']}. */ deleteAccount: async (password: string) => { let response; switch ( { case GOTOSOCIAL: response = await this.request('/api/v1/accounts/delete', { method: 'POST', body: { password }, }); break; default: response = await this.request('/api/pleroma/delete_account', { method: 'POST', body: { password }, }); } if (response.json?.error) throw response.json.error; return response.json as {}; }, /** * Disable an account * * Requires features{@link Features['disableAccount']}. */ disableAccount: async (password: string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/pleroma/disable_account', { method: 'POST', body: { password }, }); if (response.json?.error) throw response.json.error; return response.json as {}; }, /** * Requires features{@link Features['accountMoving']}. */ moveAccount: async (target_account: string, password: string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/pleroma/move_account', { method: 'POST', body: { password, target_account }, }); if (response.json?.error) throw response.json.error; return response.json as {}; }, mfa: { /** * Requires features{@link Features['manageMfa`. */ getMfaSettings: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/pleroma/accounts/mfa'); return z.object({ settings: z.object({ enabled: z.boolean(), totp: z.boolean(), }), }).parse(response.json); }, /** * Requires features{@link Features['manageMfa`. */ getMfaBackupCodes: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/pleroma/accounts/mfa/backup_codes'); return z.object({ codes: z.array(z.string()), }).parse(response.json); }, /** * Requires features{@link Features['manageMfa`. */ getMfaSetup: async (method: 'totp') => { const response = await this.request(`/api/pleroma/accounts/mfa/setup/${method}`); return z.object({ key: z.string(), provisioning_uri: z.string(), }).parse(response.json); }, /** * Requires features{@link Features['manageMfa`. */ confirmMfaSetup: async (method: 'totp', code: string, password: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/pleroma/accounts/mfa/confirm/${method}`, { method: 'POST', body: { code, password }, }); if (response.json?.error) throw response.json.error; return response.json as {}; }, /** * Requires features{@link Features['manageMfa`. */ disableMfa: async (method: 'totp', password: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/pleroma/accounts/mfa/${method}`, { method: 'DELETE', body: { password }, }); if (response.json?.error) throw response.json.error; return response.json as {}; }, }, /** * Imports your follows, for example from a Mastodon CSV file. * * Requires features{@link Features['importFollows']}. * `overwrite` mode requires features{@link Features['importOverwrite']}. * @see {@link} */ importFollows: async (list: File | string, mode?: 'merge' | 'overwrite') => { let response; switch ( { case GOTOSOCIAL: response = await this.request('/api/v1/import', { method: 'POST', body: { data: list, type: 'following', mode }, contentType: '', }); break; default: response = await this.request('/api/pleroma/follow_import', { method: 'POST', body: { list }, contentType: '', }); } return response.json; }, /** * Imports your blocks. * * Requires features{@link Features['importBlocks']}. * `overwrite` mode requires features{@link Features['importOverwrite']}. * @see {@link} */ importBlocks: async (list: File | string, mode?: 'merge' | 'overwrite') => { let response; switch ( { case GOTOSOCIAL: response = await this.request('/api/v1/import', { method: 'POST', body: { data: list, type: 'blocks', mode }, contentType: '', }); break; default: response = await this.request('/api/pleroma/blocks_import', { method: 'POST', body: { list }, contentType: '', }); } return response.json; }, /** * Imports your mutes. * * Requires features{@link Features['importMutes']}. * @see {@link} */ importMutes: async (list: File | string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/pleroma/mutes_import', { method: 'POST', body: { list }, contentType: '', }); return response.json; }, /** * Updates user notification settings * * Requires features{@link Features['muteStrangers']}. * @see {@link} */ updateNotificationSettings: async (params: UpdateNotificationSettingsParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/pleroma/notification_settings', { method: 'PUT', body: params }); if (response.json?.error) throw response.json.error; return z.object({ status: z.string() }).parse(response.json); }, /** * Get default interaction policies for new statuses created by you. * * Requires features{@link Features['interactionRequests']}. * @see {@link} */ getInteractionPolicies: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/interaction_policies/defaults'); return interactionPoliciesSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Update default interaction policies per visibility level for new statuses created by you. * * Requires features{@link Features['interactionRequests']}. * @see {@link} */ updateInteractionPolicies: async (params: UpdateInteractionPoliciesParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/interaction_policies/defaults', { method: 'PATCH', body: params }); return interactionPoliciesSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * List frontend setting profiles * * Requires features{@link Features['preferredFrontends']}. */ getAvailableFrontends: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/akkoma/preferred_frontend/available'); return z.array(z.string()).parse(response.json); }, /** * Update preferred frontend setting * * Store preferred frontend in cookies * * Requires features{@link Features['preferredFrontends']}. */ setPreferredFrontend: async (frontendName: string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/akkoma/preferred_frontend', { method: 'PUT', body: { frontend_name: frontendName } }); return z.object({ frontend_name: z.string() }).parse(response.json); }, }; public readonly filtering = { /** * Block account * Block the given account. Clients should filter statuses from this account if received (e.g. due to a boost in the Home timeline) * @see {@link} */ blockAccount: async (accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/block`, { method: 'POST' }); return relationshipSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Unblock account * Unblock the given account. * @see {@link} */ unblockAccount: async (accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/unblock`, { method: 'POST' }); return relationshipSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Mute account * Mute the given account. Clients should filter statuses and notifications from this account, if received (e.g. due to a boost in the Home timeline). * * Requires features{@link Features['mutes']}. * @see {@link} */ muteAccount: async (accountId: string, params?: MuteAccountParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/mute`, { method: 'POST', body: params }); return relationshipSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Unmute account * Unmute the given account. * * Requires features{@link Features['mutes']}. * @see {@link} */ unmuteAccount: async (accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/unmute`, { method: 'POST' }); return relationshipSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * View muted accounts * Accounts the user has muted. * * Requires features{@link Features['mutes']}. * @see {@link} */ getMutes: async (params?: GetMutesParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/mutes', { params }, mutedAccountSchema), /** * View blocked users * @see {@link} */ getBlocks: async (params?: GetBlocksParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/blocks', { params }, accountSchema), /** * Get domain blocks * View domains the user has blocked. * @see {@link} */ getDomainBlocks: async (params?: GetDomainBlocksParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/domain_blocks', { params }, z.string()), /** * Block a domain * Block a domain to: * - hide all public posts from it * - hide all notifications from it * - remove all followers from it * - prevent following new users from it (but does not remove existing follows) * @see {@link} */ blockDomain: async (domain: string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/domain_blocks', { method: 'POST', body: { domain } }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Unblock a domain * Remove a domain block, if it exists in the user’s array of blocked domains. * @see {@link} */ unblockDomain: async (domain: string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/domain_blocks', { method: 'DELETE', body: { domain }, }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * View all filters * Obtain a list of all filter groups for the current user. * * Requires features{@link Features['filters']} or features{@link Features['filtersV2']}. * @see {@link} */ getFilters: async () => { const response = await this.request(this.features.filtersV2 ? '/api/v2/filters' : '/api/v1/filters'); return filteredArray(filterSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * View a specific filter * Obtain a single filter group owned by the current user. * * Requires features{@link Features['filters']} or features{@link Features['filtersV2']}. * @see {@link} */ getFilter: async (filterId: string) => { const response = await this.request( this.features.filtersV2 ? `/api/v2/filters/${filterId}` : `/api/v1/filters/${filterId}`, ); return filterSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Create a filter * Create a filter group with the given parameters. * * Requires features{@link Features['filters']} or features{@link Features['filtersV2']}. * @see {@link} */ createFilter: async (params: CreateFilterParams) => { const { filtersV2 } = this.features; const response = await this.request( filtersV2 ? '/api/v2/filters' : '/api/v1/filters', { method: 'POST', body: filtersV2 ? params : { phrase: params.keywords_attributes[0]?.keyword, context: params.context, irreversible: params.filter_action === 'hide', whole_word: params.keywords_attributes[0]?.whole_word, expires_in: params.expires_in, }, }, ); return filterSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Update a filter * Update a filter group with the given parameters. * * Requires features{@link Features['filters']} or features{@link Features['filtersV2']}. * @see {@link} */ updateFilter: async (filterId: string, params: UpdateFilterParams) => { const { filtersV2 } = this.features; const response = await this.request( filtersV2 ? `/api/v2/filters/${filterId}` : `/api/v1/filters/${filterId}`, { method: 'PUT', body: filtersV2 ? params : { phrase: params.keywords_attributes?.[0]?.keyword, context: params.context, irreversible: params.filter_action === 'hide', whole_word: params.keywords_attributes?.[0]?.whole_word, expires_in: params.expires_in, }, }, ); return filterSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Delete a filter * Delete a filter group with the given id. * * Requires features{@link Features['filters']} or features{@link Features['filtersV2']}. * @see {@link} */ deleteFilter: async (filterId: string) => { const response = await this.request( this.features.filtersV2 ? `/api/v2/filters/${filterId}` : `/api/v1/filters/${filterId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }, ); return response.json as {}; }, /** * View keywords added to a filter * List all keywords attached to the current filter group. * * Requires features{@link Features['filtersV2']}. * @see {@link} */ getFilterKeywords: async (filterId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v2/filters/${filterId}/keywords`); return filteredArray(filterKeywordSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Add a keyword to a filter * Add the given keyword to the specified filter group * * Requires features{@link Features['filtersV2']}. * @see {@link} */ addFilterKeyword: async (filterId: string, keyword: string, whole_word?: boolean) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v2/filters/${filterId}/keywords`, { method: 'POST', body: { keyword, whole_word }, }); return filterKeywordSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * View a single keyword * Get one filter keyword by the given id. * * Requires features{@link Features['filtersV2']}. * @see {@link} */ getFilterKeyword: async (filterId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v2/filters/keywords/${filterId}`); return filterKeywordSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Edit a keyword within a filter * Update the given filter keyword. * * Requires features{@link Features['filtersV2']}. * @see {@link} */ updateFilterKeyword: async (filterId: string, keyword: string, whole_word?: boolean) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v2/filters/keywords/${filterId}`, { method: 'PUT', body: { keyword, whole_word }, }); return filterKeywordSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Remove keywords from a filter * Deletes the given filter keyword. * * Requires features{@link Features['filtersV2']}. * @see {@link} */ deleteFilterKeyword: async (filterId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v2/filters/keywords/${filterId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * View all status filters * Obtain a list of all status filters within this filter group. * * Requires features{@link Features['filtersV2']}. * @see {@link} */ getFilterStatuses: async (filterId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v2/filters/${filterId}/statuses`); return filteredArray(filterStatusSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Add a status to a filter group * Add a status filter to the current filter group. * * Requires features{@link Features['filtersV2']}. * @see {@link} */ addFilterStatus: async (filterId: string, statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v2/filters/${filterId}/statuses`, { method: 'POST', body: { status_id: statusId }, }); return filterStatusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * View a single status filter * Obtain a single status filter. * * Requires features{@link Features['filtersV2']}. * @see {@link} */ getFilterStatus: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v2/filters/statuses/${statusId}`); return filterStatusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Remove a status from a filter group * Remove a status filter from the current filter group. * * Requires features{@link Features['filtersV2']}. * @see {@link} */ deleteFilterStatus: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v2/filters/statuses/${statusId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, }; public readonly statuses = { /** * Post a new status * Publish a status with the given parameters. * @see {@link} */ createStatus: async (params: CreateStatusParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/statuses', { method: 'POST', body: params, }); if (response.json?.scheduled_at) return scheduledStatusSchema.parse(response.json); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * View a single status * Obtain information about a status. * @see {@link} */ getStatus: async (statusId: string, params?: GetStatusParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}`, { params }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * View multiple statuses * Obtain information about multiple statuses. * * Requires features{@link Features['getStatuses']}. * @see {@link} */ getStatuses: async (statusIds: string[], params?: GetStatusesParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/statuses', { params: { ...params, id: statusIds } }); return filteredArray(statusSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Delete a status * Delete one of your own statuses. * @see {@link} */ deleteStatus: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return statusSourceSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Get parent and child statuses in context * View statuses above and below this status in the thread. * @see {@link} */ getContext: async (statusId: string, params?: GetStatusContextParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}/context`, { params }); return contextSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Translate a status * Translate the status content into some language. * @see {@link} */ translateStatus: async (statusId: string, lang?: string) => { let response; if ( === AKKOMA) { response = await this.request(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}/translations/${lang}`); } else { response = await this.request(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}/translate`, { method: 'POST', body: { lang } }); } return translationSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Translate multiple statuses into given language. * * Requires features{@link Features['lazyTranslations']}. */ translateStatuses: async (statusIds: Array, lang: string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pl/statuses/translate', { method: 'POST', body: { ids: statusIds, lang } }); return filteredArray(translationSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * See who boosted a status * View who boosted a given status. * @see {@link} */ getRebloggedBy: async (statusId: string, params?: GetRebloggedByParams) => this.#paginatedGet(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}/reblogged_by`, { params }, accountSchema), /** * See who favourited a status * View who favourited a given status. * @see {@link} */ getFavouritedBy: async (statusId: string, params?: GetFavouritedByParams) => this.#paginatedGet(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}/favourited_by`, { params }, accountSchema), /** * Favourite a status * Add a status to your favourites list. * @see {@link} */ favouriteStatus: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}/favourite`, { method: 'POST' }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Undo favourite of a status * Remove a status from your favourites list. * @see {@link} */ unfavouriteStatus: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}/unfavourite`, { method: 'POST' }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Boost a status * Reshare a status on your own profile. * @see {@link} */ reblogStatus: async (statusId: string, visibility?: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}/reblog`, { method: 'POST', body: { visibility } }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Undo boost of a status * Undo a reshare of a status. * @see {@link} */ unreblogStatus: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}/unreblog`, { method: 'POST' }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Bookmark a status * Privately bookmark a status. * @see {@link} */ bookmarkStatus: async (statusId: string, folderId?: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}/bookmark`, { method: 'POST', body: { folder_id: folderId } }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Undo bookmark of a status * Remove a status from your private bookmarks. * @see {@link} */ unbookmarkStatus: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}/unbookmark`, { method: 'POST' }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Mute a conversation * Do not receive notifications for the thread that this status is part of. Must be a thread in which you are a participant. * @see {@link} */ muteStatus: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}/mute`, { method: 'POST' }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Unmute a conversation * Start receiving notifications again for the thread that this status is part of. * @see {@link} */ unmuteStatus: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}/unmute`, { method: 'POST' }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Pin status to profile * Feature one of your own public statuses at the top of your profile. * @see {@link} */ pinStatus: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}/pin`, { method: 'POST' }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Unpin status from profile * Unfeature a status from the top of your profile. * @see {@link} */ unpinStatus: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}/unpin`, { method: 'POST' }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Edit a status * Edit a given status to change its text, sensitivity, media attachments, or poll. Note that editing a poll’s options will reset the votes. * @see {@link} */ editStatus: async (statusId: string, params: EditStatusParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}`, { method: 'PUT', body: params }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * View edit history of a status * Get all known versions of a status, including the initial and current states. * @see {@link} */ getStatusHistory: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}/history`); return filteredArray(statusEditSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * View status source * Obtain the source properties for a status so that it can be edited. * @see {@link} */ getStatusSource: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}/source`); return statusSourceSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Get an object of emoji to account mappings with accounts that reacted to the post * * Requires features{@link Features['emojiReacts']}. * @see {@link} * @see {@link} */ getStatusReactions: async (statusId: string, emoji?: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/statuses/${statusId}/reactions${emoji ? `/${emoji}` : ''}`); return filteredArray(emojiReactionSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * React to a post with a unicode emoji * * Requires features{@link Features['emojiReacts']}. * Using custom emojis requires features{@link Features['customEmojiReacts']}. * @see {@link} */ createStatusReaction: async (statusId: string, emoji: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/statuses/${statusId}/reactions/${emoji}`, { method: 'PUT' }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Remove a reaction to a post with a unicode emoji * * Requires features{@link Features['emojiReacts']}. * @see {@link} */ deleteStatusReaction: async (statusId: string, emoji: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/statuses/${statusId}/reactions/${emoji}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * View quotes for a given status * * Requires features{@link Features['quotePosts']}. */ getStatusQuotes: async (statusId: string, params?: GetStatusQuotesParams) => this.#paginatedGet(`/api/v1/pleroma/statuses/${statusId}/quotes`, { params }, statusSchema), /** * Returns the list of accounts that have disliked the status as known by the current server * * Requires features{@link Features['statusDislikes']}. * @see {@link} */ getDislikedBy: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/friendica/statuses/${statusId}/disliked_by`); return filteredArray(accountSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Marks the given status as disliked by this user * @see {@link} */ dislikeStatus: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/friendica/statuses/${statusId}/dislike`, { method: 'POST' }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Removes the dislike mark (if it exists) on this status for this user * @see {@link} */ undislikeStatus: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/friendica/statuses/${statusId}/undislike`, { method: 'POST' }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, }; public readonly media = { /** * Upload media as an attachment * Creates a media attachment to be used with a new status. The full sized media will be processed asynchronously in the background for large uploads. * @see {@link} */ uploadMedia: async (params: UploadMediaParams, meta?: RequestMeta) => { const response = await this.request( this.features.mediaV2 ? '/api/v2/media' : '/api/v1/media', { ...meta, method: 'POST', body: params, contentType: '' }, ); return mediaAttachmentSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Get media attachment * Get a media attachment, before it is attached to a status and posted, but after it is accepted for processing. Use this method to check that the full-sized media has finished processing. * @see {@link} */ getMedia: async (attachmentId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/media/${attachmentId}`); return mediaAttachmentSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Update media attachment * Update a MediaAttachment’s parameters, before it is attached to a status and posted. * @see {@link} */ updateMedia: async (attachmentId: string, params: UpdateMediaParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/media/${attachmentId}`, { method: 'PUT', body: params, contentType: params.thumbnail ? '' : undefined, }); return mediaAttachmentSchema.parse(response.json); }, }; public readonly polls = { /** * View a poll * View a poll attached to a status. * @see {@link} */ getPoll: async (pollId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/polls/${pollId}`); return pollSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Vote on a poll * Vote on a poll attached to a status. * @see {@link} */ vote: async (pollId: string, choices: number[]) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/polls/${pollId}/votes`, { method: 'POST', body: { choices } }); return pollSchema.parse(response.json); }, }; public readonly scheduledStatuses = { /** * View scheduled statuses * @see {@link} */ getScheduledStatuses: async (params?: GetScheduledStatusesParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/scheduled_statuses', { params }, scheduledStatusSchema), /** * View a single scheduled status * @see {@link} */ getScheduledStatus: async (scheduledStatusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/scheduled_statuses/${scheduledStatusId}`); return scheduledStatusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Update a scheduled status’s publishing date * @see {@link} */ updateScheduledStatus: async (scheduledStatusId: string, scheduled_at: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/scheduled_statuses/${scheduledStatusId}`, { method: 'PUT', body: { scheduled_at }, }); return scheduledStatusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Cancel a scheduled status * @see {@link} */ cancelScheduledStatus: async (scheduledStatusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/scheduled_statuses/${scheduledStatusId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, }; public readonly timelines = { /** * View public timeline * View public statuses. * @see {@link} */ publicTimeline: (params?: PublicTimelineParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/timelines/public', { params }, statusSchema), /** * View hashtag timeline * View public statuses containing the given hashtag. * @see {@link} */ hashtagTimeline: (hashtag: string, params?: HashtagTimelineParams) => this.#paginatedGet(`/api/v1/timelines/tag/${hashtag}`, { params }, statusSchema), /** * View home timeline * View statuses from followed users and hashtags. * @see {@link} */ homeTimeline: (params?: HomeTimelineParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/timelines/home', { params }, statusSchema), /** * View link timeline * View public statuses containing a link to the specified currently-trending article. This only lists statuses from people who have opted in to discoverability features. * @see {@link} */ linkTimeline: (url: string, params?: HashtagTimelineParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/timelines/link', { params: { ...params, url } }, statusSchema), /** * View list timeline * View statuses in the given list timeline. * @see {@link} */ listTimeline: (listId: string, params?: ListTimelineParams) => this.#paginatedGet(`/api/v1/timelines/list/${listId}`, { params }, statusSchema), /** * View all conversations * @see {@link} */ getConversations: (params?: GetConversationsParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/conversations', { params }, conversationSchema), /** * Remove a conversation * Removes a conversation from your list of conversations. * @see {@link} */ deleteConversation: async (conversationId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/conversations/${conversationId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Mark a conversation as read * @see {@link} */ markConversationRead: async (conversationId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/conversations/${conversationId}/read`, { method: 'POST' }); return conversationSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Get saved timeline positions * Get current positions in timelines. * @see {@link} */ getMarkers: async (timelines?: string[]) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/markers', { params: { timeline: timelines } }); return markersSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Save your position in a timeline * Save current position in timeline. * @see {@link} */ saveMarkers: async (params: SaveMarkersParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/markers', { method: 'POST', body: params }); return markersSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Requires features{@link Features['groups']}. */ groupTimeline: async (groupId: string, params?: GroupTimelineParams) => this.#paginatedGet(`/api/v1/timelines/group/${groupId}`, { params }, statusSchema), /** * Requires features{@link Features['bubbleTimeline']}. */ bubbleTimeline: async (params?: BubbleTimelineParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/timelines/bubble', { params }, statusSchema), }; public readonly lists = { /** * View your lists * Fetch all lists that the user owns. * @see {@link} */ getLists: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/lists'); return filteredArray(listSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Show a single list * Fetch the list with the given ID. Used for verifying the title of a list, and which replies to show within that list. * @see {@link} */ getList: async (listId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/lists/${listId}`); return listSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Create a list * Create a new list. * @see {@link} */ createList: async (params: CreateListParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/lists', { method: 'POST', body: params }); return listSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Update a list * Change the title of a list, or which replies to show. * @see {@link} */ updateList: async (listId: string, params: UpdateListParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/lists/${listId}`, { method: 'PUT', body: params }); return listSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Delete a list * @see {@link} */ deleteList: async (listId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/lists/${listId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * View accounts in a list * @see {@link} */ getListAccounts: async (listId: string, params?: GetListAccountsParams) => this.#paginatedGet(`/api/v1/lists/${listId}/accounts`, { params }, accountSchema), /** * Add accounts to a list * Add accounts to the given list. Note that the user must be following these accounts. * @see {@link} */ addListAccounts: async (listId: string, accountIds: string[]) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/lists/${listId}/accounts`, { method: 'POST', body: { account_ids: accountIds }, }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Remove accounts from list * Remove accounts from the given list. * @see {@link} */ deleteListAccounts: async (listId: string, accountIds: string[]) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/lists/${listId}/accounts`, { method: 'DELETE', body: { account_ids: accountIds }, }); return response.json as {}; }, }; public readonly streaming = { /** * Check if the server is alive * Verify that the streaming service is alive before connecting to it * @see {@link} */ health: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/streaming/health'); return z.literal('OK').parse(response.json); }, /** * Establishing a WebSocket connection * Open a multiplexed WebSocket connection to receive events. * @see {@link} */ connect: () => { if (this.#socket) return this.#socket; const path = buildFullPath('/api/v1/streaming', this.#instance?.configuration.urls.streaming, { access_token: this.accessToken }); const ws = new WebSocket(path, this.accessToken as any); let listeners: Array<{ listener: (event: StreamingEvent) => any; stream?: string }> = []; const queue: Array<() => any> = []; const enqueue = (fn: () => any) => ws.readyState === WebSocket.CONNECTING ? queue.push(fn) : fn(); ws.onmessage = (event) => { const message = streamingEventSchema.parse(JSON.parse( as string)); listeners.filter(({ listener, stream }) => (!stream || && listener(message)); }; ws.onopen = () => { queue.forEach(fn => fn()); }; this.#socket = { listen: (listener: (event: StreamingEvent) => any, stream?: string) => listeners.push({ listener, stream }), unlisten: (listener: (event: StreamingEvent) => any) => listeners = listeners.filter((value) => value.listener !== listener), subscribe: (stream: string, { list, tag }: { list?: string; tag?: string } = {}) => enqueue(() => ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'subscribe', stream, list, tag }))), unsubscribe: (stream: string, { list, tag }: { list?: string; tag?: string } = {}) => enqueue(() => ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'unsubscribe', stream, list, tag }))), close: () => { ws.close(); this.#socket = undefined; }, }; return this.#socket; }, }; public readonly notifications = { /** * Get all notifications * Notifications concerning the user. This API returns Link headers containing links to the next/previous page. However, the links can also be constructed dynamically using query params and `id` values. * @see {@link} */ getNotifications: async (params?: GetNotificationParams, meta?: RequestMeta) => { const PLEROMA_TYPES = [ 'chat_mention', 'emoji_reaction', 'report', 'participation_accepted', 'participation_request', 'event_reminder', 'event_update', ]; if (params?.types) params.types = [ ...params.types, ...params.types.filter(type => PLEROMA_TYPES.includes(type)).map(type => `pleroma:${type}`), ]; if (params?.exclude_types) params.exclude_types = [ ...params.exclude_types, ...params.exclude_types.filter(type => PLEROMA_TYPES.includes(type)).map(type => `pleroma:${type}`), ]; return this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/notifications', { ...meta, params }, notificationSchema); }, /** * Get a single notification * View information about a notification with a given ID. * @see {@link} */ getNotification: async (notificationId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/notifications/${notificationId}`); return notificationSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Dismiss all notifications * Clear all notifications from the server. * @see {@link} */ dismissNotifications: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/notifications/clear', { method: 'POST' }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Dismiss a single notification * Dismiss a single notification from the server. * @see {@link} */ dismissNotification: async (notificationId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/notifications/${notificationId}/dismiss`, { method: 'POST' }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Get the filtering policy for notifications * Notifications filtering policy for the user. * @see {@link} */ getNotificationPolicy: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/notifications/policy'); return notificationPolicySchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Update the filtering policy for notifications * Update the user’s notifications filtering policy. * @see {@link} */ updateNotificationPolicy: async (params: UpdateNotificationPolicyRequest) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/notifications/policy', { method: 'POST', body: params }); return notificationPolicySchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Get all notification requests * Notification requests for notifications filtered by the user’s policy. This API returns Link headers containing links to the next/previous page. * @see {@link} */ getNotificationRequests: async (params?: GetNotificationRequestsParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/notifications/requests', { params }, notificationRequestSchema), /** * Get a single notification request * View information about a notification request with a given ID. * @see {@link} */ getNotificationRequest: async (notificationRequestId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/notifications/requests/${notificationRequestId}`); return notificationRequestSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Accept a single notification request * Accept a notification request, which merges the filtered notifications from that user back into the main notification and accepts any future notification from them. * @see {@link} */ acceptNotificationRequest: async (notificationRequestId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/notifications/requests/${notificationRequestId}/dismiss`, { method: 'POST' }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Dismiss a single notification request * Dismiss a notification request, which hides it and prevent it from contributing to the pending notification requests count. * @see {@link} */ dismissNotificationRequest: async (notificationRequestId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/notifications/requests/${notificationRequestId}/dismiss`, { method: 'POST' }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * An endpoint to delete multiple statuses by IDs. * * Requires features{@link Features['notificationsDismissMultiple']}. * @see {@link} */ dismissMultipleNotifications: async (notificationIds: string[]) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/notifications/destroy_multiple', { params: { ids: notificationIds }, method: 'DELETE', }); return response.json as {}; }, }; public readonly pushNotifications = { /** * Subscribe to push notifications * Add a Web Push API subscription to receive notifications. Each access token can have one push subscription. If you create a new subscription, the old subscription is deleted. * @see {@link} */ createSubscription: async (params: CreatePushNotificationsSubscriptionParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/push/subscription', { method: 'POST', body: params }); return webPushSubscriptionSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Get current subscription * View the PushSubscription currently associated with this access token. * @see {@link} */ getSubscription: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/push/subscription'); return webPushSubscriptionSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Change types of notifications * Updates the current push subscription. Only the data part can be updated. To change fundamentals, a new subscription must be created instead. * @see {@link} */ updateSubscription: async (params: UpdatePushNotificationsSubscriptionParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/push/subscription', { method: 'PUT', body: params }); return webPushSubscriptionSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Remove current subscription * Removes the current Web Push API subscription. * @see {@link} */ deleteSubscription: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/push/subscription', { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, }; public readonly search = { /** * Perform a search * @see {@link} */ search: async (q: string, params?: SearchParams, meta?: RequestMeta) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v2/search', { ...meta, params: { ...params, q } }); return searchSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Searches for locations * * Requires features{@link Features['events']}. * @see {@link} */ searchLocation: async (q: string, meta?: RequestMeta) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/search/location', { ...meta, params: { q } }); return filteredArray(locationSchema).parse(response.json); }, }; public readonly instance = { /** * View server information * Obtain general information about the server. * @see {@link} */ getInstance: async () => { let response; try { response = await this.request('/api/v2/instance'); } catch (e) { response = await this.request('/api/v1/instance'); } const instance = instanceSchema.readonly().parse(response.json); this.#setInstance(instance); return instance; }, /** * List of connected domains * Domains that this instance is aware of. * @see {@link} */ getInstancePeers: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/instance/peers'); return z.array(z.string()).parse(response.json); }, /** * Weekly activity * Instance activity over the last 3 months, binned weekly. * @see {@link} */ getInstanceActivity: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/instance/activity'); return z.array(z.object({ week: z.string(), statuses: z.coerce.string(), logins: z.coerce.string(), registrations: z.coerce.string(), })).parse(response.json); }, /** * List of rules * Rules that the users of this service should follow. * @see {@link} */ getInstanceRules: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/instance/rules'); return filteredArray(ruleSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * View moderated servers * Obtain a list of domains that have been blocked. * @see {@link} */ getInstanceDomainBlocks: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/instance/rules'); return filteredArray(domainBlockSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * View extended description * Obtain an extended description of this server * @see {@link} */ getInstanceExtendedDescription: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/instance/extended_description'); return extendedDescriptionSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * View translation languages * Translation language pairs supported by the translation engine used by the server. * @see {@link} */ getInstanceTranslationLanguages: async () => { if ( === AKKOMA) { const response = await this.request<{ source: Array<{ code: string; name: string }>; target: Array<{ code: string; name: string }>; }>('/api/v1/akkoma/translation/languages'); return Object.fromEntries( => [ source.code.toLocaleLowerCase(), => lang.code).filter(lang => lang !== source.code).map(lang => lang.toLocaleLowerCase()), ])); } const response = await this.request('/api/v1/instance/translation_languages'); return z.record(z.array(z.string())).parse(response.json); }, /** * View profile directory * List accounts visible in the directory. * @see {@link} */ profileDirectory: async (params?: ProfileDirectoryParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/directory', { params }); return filteredArray(accountSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * View all custom emoji * Returns custom emojis that are available on the server. * @see {@link} */ getCustomEmojis: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/custom_emojis'); return filteredArray(customEmojiSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Dump frontend configurations * * Requires features{@link Features['frontendConfigurations']}. */ getFrontendConfigurations: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/pleroma/frontend_configurations'); return z.record(z.record(z.any())).catch({}).parse(response.json); }, }; public readonly trends = { /** * View trending tags * Tags that are being used more frequently within the past week. * @see {@link} */ getTrendingTags: async (params?: GetTrendingTags) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/trends/tags', { params }); return filteredArray(tagSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * View trending statuses * Statuses that have been interacted with more than others. * @see {@link} */ getTrendingStatuses: async (params?: GetTrendingStatuses) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/trends/statuses', { params }); return filteredArray(statusSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * View trending links * Links that have been shared more than others. * @see {@link} */ getTrendingLinks: async (params?: GetTrendingLinks) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/trends/links', { params }); return filteredArray(trendsLinkSchema).parse(response.json); }, }; public readonly announcements = { /** * View all announcements * See all currently active announcements set by admins. * @see {@link} */ getAnnouncements: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/announcements'); return filteredArray(announcementSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Dismiss an announcement * Allows a user to mark the announcement as read. * @see {@link} */ dismissAnnouncements: async (announcementId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/announcements/${announcementId}`, { method: 'POST' }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Add a reaction to an announcement * React to an announcement with an emoji. * @see {@link} */ addAnnouncementReaction: async (announcementId: string, emoji: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/announcements/${announcementId}/reactions/${emoji}`, { method: 'PUT' }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Remove a reaction from an announcement * Undo a react emoji to an announcement. * @see {@link} */ deleteAnnouncementReaction: async (announcementId: string, emoji: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/announcements/${announcementId}/reactions/${emoji}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, }; public readonly admin = { /** Perform moderation actions with accounts. */ accounts: { /** * View accounts * View all accounts, optionally matching certain criteria for filtering, up to 100 at a time. * @see {@link} */ getAccounts: async (params?: AdminGetAccountsParams) => { if (this.features.mastodonAdminV2) { return this.#paginatedGet('/api/v2/admin/accounts', { params }, adminAccountSchema); } else { return this.#paginatedPleromaAccounts(params ? { query: params.username, name: params.display_name, email:, filters: [ params.origin === 'local' && 'local', params.origin === 'remote' && 'external', params.status === 'active' && 'active', params.status === 'pending' && 'need_approval', params.status === 'disabled' && 'deactivated', params.permissions === 'staff' && 'is_admin', params.permissions === 'staff' && 'is_moderator', ].filter(filter => filter).join(','), page_size: 100, } : { page_size: 100 }); } }, /** * View a specific account * View admin-level information about the given account. * @see {@link} */ getAccount: async (accountId: string) => { let response; if (this.features.mastodonAdmin) { response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/accounts/${accountId}`); } else { response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/users/${accountId}`); } return adminAccountSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Approve a pending account * Approve the given local account if it is currently pending approval. * @see {@link} */ approveAccount: async (accountId: string) => { let response; if (this.features.mastodonAdmin) { response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/accounts/${accountId}/approve`, { method: 'POST' }); } else { const account = await this.admin.accounts.getAccount(accountId)!; response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/approve', { body: { nicknames: [account.account!.username] } }); response.json = response.json?.users?.[0]; } return adminAccountSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Reject a pending account * Reject the given local account if it is currently pending approval. * @see {@link} */ rejectAccount: async (accountId: string) => { let response; if (this.features.mastodonAdmin) { response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/accounts/${accountId}/reject`, { method: 'POST' }); } else { const account = await this.admin.accounts.getAccount(accountId)!; response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/approve', { body: { method: 'DELETE', nicknames: [account.account!.username], } }); } return adminAccountSchema.safeParse(response.json).data || {}; }, /** * Delete an account * Permanently delete data for a suspended account. * @see {@link} */ deleteAccount: async (accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/accounts/${accountId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return adminAccountSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Perform an action against an account * Perform an action against an account and log this action in the moderation history. Also resolves any open reports against this account. * @see {@link} */ performAccountAction: async (accountId: string, type: AdminAccountAction, params?: AdminPerformAccountActionParams) => { let response; if (this.features.mastodonAdmin) { response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/accounts/${accountId}/action`, { body: { ...params, type } }); } else { const account = await this.admin.accounts.getAccount(accountId)!; switch (type) { case 'disable': case 'suspend': response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/deactivate', { body: { nicknames: [account.account!.username] } }); break; default: response = { json: {} }; break; } if (params?.report_id) await this.admin.reports.resolveReport(params.report_id); } return response.json as {}; }, /** * Enable a currently disabled account * Re-enable a local account whose login is currently disabled. * @see {@link} */ enableAccount: async (accountId: string) => { let response; if (this.features.mastodonAdmin) { response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/accounts/${accountId}/enable`, { method: 'POST' }); } else { const account = await this.admin.accounts.getAccount(accountId)!; response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/activate', { body: { nicknames: [account.account!.username] } }); response.json = response.json?.users?.[0]; } return adminAccountSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Unsilence an account * Unsilence an account if it is currently silenced. * @see {@link} */ unsilenceAccount: async (accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/accounts/${accountId}/unsilence`, { method: 'POST' }); return adminAccountSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Unsuspend an account * Unsuspend a currently suspended account. * @see {@link} */ unsuspendAccount: async (accountId: string) => { let response; if (this.features.mastodonAdmin) { response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/accounts/${accountId}/unsuspend`, { method: 'POST' }); } else { const { account } = await this.admin.accounts.getAccount(accountId)!; response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/activate', { body: { nicknames: [account!.acct] } }); response.json = response.json?.users?.[0]; } return adminAccountSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Unmark an account as sensitive * Stops marking an account’s posts as sensitive, if it was previously flagged as sensitive. * @see {@link} */ unsensitiveAccount: async (accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/accounts/${accountId}/unsensitive`, { method: 'POST' }); return adminAccountSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminAccounts']}. */ promoteToAdmin: async (accountId: string) => { const { account } = await this.admin.accounts.getAccount(accountId)!; await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/permission_group/moderator', { method: 'DELETE', body: { nicknames: [account!.acct] }, }); const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/permission_group/admin', { method: 'POST', body: { nicknames: [account!.acct] }, }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminAccounts']}. */ promoteToModerator: async (accountId: string) => { const { account } = await this.admin.accounts.getAccount(accountId)!; await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/permission_group/admin', { method: 'DELETE', body: { nicknames: [account!.acct] } }); const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/permission_group/moderator', { method: 'POST', body: { nicknames: [account!.acct] } }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminAccounts']}. */ demoteToUser: async (accountId: string) => { const { account } = await this.admin.accounts.getAccount(accountId)!; await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/permission_group/moderator', { method: 'DELETE', body: { nicknames: [account!.acct] }, }); const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/permission_group/admin', { method: 'DELETE', body: { nicknames: [account!.acct] }, }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Tag a user. * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminAccounts']}. * @see {@link} */ suggestUser: async (accountId: string) => { const { account } = await this.admin.accounts.getAccount(accountId)!; const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/suggest', { method: 'PATCH', body: { nicknames: [account!.acct] }, }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Untag a user. * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminAccounts']}. * @see {@link} */ unsuggestUser: async (accountId: string) => { const { account } = await this.admin.accounts.getAccount(accountId)!; const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/unsuggest', { method: 'PATCH', body: { nicknames: [account!.acct] }, }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Tag a user. * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminAccounts']}. * @see {@link} */ tagUser: async (accountId: string, tags: Array) => { const { account } = await this.admin.accounts.getAccount(accountId)!; const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/tag', { method: 'PUT', body: { nicknames: [account!.acct], tags }, }); return response.json as {}; }, /** * Untag a user. * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminAccounts']}. * @see {@link} */ untagUser: async (accountId: string, tags: Array) => { const { account } = await this.admin.accounts.getAccount(accountId)!; const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/tag', { method: 'DELETE', body: { nicknames: [account!.acct], tags }, }); return response.json as {}; }, }, /** Disallow certain domains to federate. */ domainBlocks: { /** * List all blocked domains * Show information about all blocked domains. * @see {@link} */ getDomainBlocks: (params?: AdminGetDomainBlocksParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks', { params }, adminDomainBlockSchema), /** * Get a single blocked domain * Show information about a single blocked domain. * @see {@link} */ getDomainBlock: async (domainBlockId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks/${domainBlockId}`); return adminDomainBlockSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Block a domain from federating * Add a domain to the list of domains blocked from federating. * @see {@link} */ createDomainBlock: async (domain: string, params?: AdminCreateDomainBlockParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks', { method: 'POST', body: { ...params, domain }, }); return adminDomainBlockSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Update a domain block * Change parameters for an existing domain block. * @see {@link} */ updateDomainBlock: async (domainBlockId: string, params?: AdminUpdateDomainBlockParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks/${domainBlockId}`, { method: 'PUT', body: params, }); return adminDomainBlockSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Remove a domain block * Lift a block against a domain. * @see {@link} */ deleteDomainBlock: async (domainBlockId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks/${domainBlockId}`, { method: 'DELETE', }); return response.json as {}; }, }, /** Perform moderation actions with reports. */ reports: { /** * View all reports * View information about all reports. * @see {@link} */ getReports: async (params?: AdminGetReportsParams) => { if (this.features.mastodonAdmin) { return this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/admin/reports', { params }, adminReportSchema); } else { return this.#paginatedPleromaReports({ state: params?.resolved === true ? 'resolved' : params?.resolved === false ? 'open' : undefined, page_size: params?.limit || 100, }); } }, /** * View a single report * @see {@link} */ getReport: async (reportId: string) => { let response; if (this.features.mastodonAdmin) { response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/reports/${reportId}`); } else { response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/admin/reports/${reportId}`); } return adminReportSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Update a report * Change metadata for a report. * @see {@link} */ updateReport: async (reportId: string, params: AdminUpdateReportParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/reports/${reportId}`, { method: 'PUT', body: params }); return adminReportSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Assign report to self * Claim the handling of this report to yourself. * @see {@link} */ assignReportToSelf: async (reportId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/reports/${reportId}/assign_to_self`, { method: 'POST' }); return adminReportSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Unassign report * Unassign a report so that someone else can claim it. * @see {@link} */ unassignReport: async (reportId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/reports/${reportId}/unassign`, { method: 'POST' }); return adminReportSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Mark report as resolved * Mark a report as resolved with no further action taken. * @see {@link} */ resolveReport: async (reportId: string) => { let response; if (this.features.mastodonAdmin) { response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/reports/${reportId}/resolve`, { method: 'POST' }); } else { response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/admin/reports/${reportId}`, { method: 'PATCH', body: { reports: [{ id: reportId, state: 'resolved' }] }, }); } return adminReportSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Reopen a closed report * Reopen a currently closed report, if it is closed. * @see {@link} */ reopenReport: async (reportId: string) => { let response; if (this.features.mastodonAdmin) { response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/reports/${reportId}/reopen`, { method: 'POST' }); } else { response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/admin/reports/${reportId}`, { method: 'PATCH', body: { reports: [{ id: reportId, state: 'open' }] }, }); } return adminReportSchema.parse(response.json); }, }, statuses: { /** * @param params Retrieves all latest statuses * * The params are subject to change in case Mastodon implements alike route. * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminStatuses']}. * @see {@link} */ getStatuses: async (params?: AdminGetStatusesParams) => this.#paginatedPleromaStatuses({ page_size: params?.limit || 100, page: 1, local_only: params?.local_only, with_reblogs: params?.with_reblogs, godmode: params?.with_private, }), /** * Show status by id * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminStatuses']}. * @see {@link} */ getStatus: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/admin/statuses/${statusId}`); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Change the scope of an individual reported status * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminStatuses']}. * @see {@link} */ updateStatus: async (statusId: string, params: AdminUpdateStatusParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/admin/statuses/${statusId}`, { method: 'PUT', params }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Delete an individual reported status * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminStatuses']}. * @see {@link} */ deleteStatus: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/admin/statuses/${statusId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, }, trends: { /** * View trending links * Links that have been shared more than others, including unapproved and unreviewed links. * @see {@link} */ getTrendingLinks: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/admin/trends/links'); return filteredArray(trendsLinkSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * View trending statuses * Statuses that have been interacted with more than others, including unapproved and unreviewed statuses. * @see {@link} */ getTrendingStatuses: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/admin/trends/statuses'); return filteredArray(statusSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * View trending tags * Tags that are being used more frequently within the past week, including unapproved and unreviewed tags. * @see {@link} */ getTrendingTags: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/admin/trends/links'); return filteredArray(adminTagSchema).parse(response.json); }, }, /** Block certain email addresses by their hash. */ canonicalEmailBlocks: { /** * List all canonical email blocks * @see {@link} */ getCanonicalEmailBlocks: async (params?: AdminGetCanonicalEmailBlocks) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/admin/canonical_email_blocks', { params }, adminCanonicalEmailBlockSchema), /** * Show a single canonical email block * @see {@link} */ getCanonicalEmailBlock: async (canonicalEmailBlockId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/canonical_email_blocks/${canonicalEmailBlockId}`); return adminCanonicalEmailBlockSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Test * Canoniocalize and hash an email address. * @see {@link} */ testCanonicalEmailBlock: async (email: string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/admin/canonical_email_blocks/test', { method: 'POST', body: { email } }); return filteredArray(adminCanonicalEmailBlockSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Block a canonical email * @see {@link} */ createCanonicalEmailBlock: async (email: string, canonical_email_hash?: string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/admin/canonical_email_blocks', { method: 'POST', body: { email, canonical_email_hash } }); return filteredArray(adminCanonicalEmailBlockSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Delete a canonical email block * @see {@link} */ deleteCanonicalEmailBlock: async (canonicalEmailBlockId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/canonical_email_blocks/${canonicalEmailBlockId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, }, /** Obtain qualitative metrics about the server. */ dimensions: { /** * Get dimensional data * Obtain information about popularity of certain accounts, servers, languages, etc. * @see {@link} */ getDimensions: async (keys: AdminDimensionKey[], params?: AdminGetDimensionsParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/admin/dimensions', { params: { ...params, keys } }); return filteredArray(adminDimensionSchema).parse(response.json); }, }, /** Allow certain domains to federate. */ domainAllows: { /** * List all allowed domains * Show information about all allowed domains. * @see {@link} */ getDomainAllows: (params?: AdminGetDomainAllowsParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/admin/domain_allows', { params }, adminDomainAllowSchema), /** * Get a single allowed domain * Show information about a single allowed domain. * @see {@link} */ getDomainAllow: async (domainAllowId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/domain_allows/${domainAllowId}`); return adminDomainAllowSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Allow a domain to federate * Add a domain to the list of domains allowed to federate, to be used when the instance is in allow-list federation mode. * @see {@link} */ createDomainAllow: async (domain: string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/admin/domain_allows', { method: 'POST', body: { domain } }); return adminDomainAllowSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Delete an allowed domain * Delete a domain from the allowed domains list. * @see {@link} */ deleteDomainAllow: async (domainAllowId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/domain_allows/${domainAllowId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, }, /** Disallow certain email domains from signing up. */ emailDomainBlocks: { /** * List all blocked email domains * Show information about all email domains blocked from signing up. * @see {@link} */ getEmailDomainBlocks: (params?: AdminGetEmailDomainBlocksParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/admin/email_domain_blocks', { params }, adminEmailDomainBlockSchema), /** * Get a single blocked email domain * Show information about a single email domain that is blocked from signups. * @see {@link} */ getEmailDomainBlock: async (emailDomainBlockId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/email_domain_blocks/${emailDomainBlockId}`); return adminEmailDomainBlockSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Block an email domain from signups * Add a domain to the list of email domains blocked from signups. * @see {@link} */ createEmailDomainBlock: async (domain: string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/admin/email_domain_blocks', { method: 'POST', body: { domain } }); return adminEmailDomainBlockSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Delete an email domain block * Lift a block against an email domain. * @see {@link} */ deleteEmailDomainBlock: async (emailDomainBlockId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/email_domain_blocks/${emailDomainBlockId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, }, /** Disallow certain IP address ranges from signing up. */ ipBlocks: { /** * List all IP blocks * Show information about all blocked IP ranges. * @see {@link} */ getIpBlocks: (params?: AdminGetIpBlocksParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/admin/ip_blocks', { params }, adminIpBlockSchema), /** * Get a single IP block * Show information about a single IP block. * @see {@link} */ getIpBlock: async (ipBlockId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/ip_blocks/${ipBlockId}`); return adminIpBlockSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Block an IP address range from signing up * Add an IP address range to the list of IP blocks. * @see {@link} */ createIpBlock: async (params: AdminCreateIpBlockParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/admin/ip_blocks', { method: 'POST', body: params }); return adminIpBlockSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Update a domain block * Change parameters for an existing IP block. * @see {@link} */ updateIpBlock: async (ipBlockId: string, params: AdminCreateIpBlockParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/ip_blocks/${ipBlockId}`, { method: 'POST', body: params }); return adminIpBlockSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Delete an IP block * Lift a block against an IP range. * @see {@link} */ deleteIpBlock: async (ipBlockId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/ip_blocks/${ipBlockId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, }, /** Obtain quantitative metrics about the server. */ measures: { /** * Get measurable data * Obtain quantitative metrics about the server. * @see {@link} */ getMeasures: async (keys: AdminMeasureKey[], start_at: string, end_at: string, params?: AdminGetMeasuresParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/admin/measures', { params: { ...params, keys, start_at, end_at } }); return filteredArray(adminMeasureSchema).parse(response.json); }, }, /** Show retention data over time. */ retention: { /** * Calculate retention data * * Generate a retention data report for a given time period and bucket. * @see {@link} */ getRetention: async (start_at: string, end_at: string, frequency: 'day' | 'month') => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/admin/retention', { params: { start_at, end_at, frequency } }); return adminCohortSchema.parse(response.json); }, }, announcements: { /** * List announcements * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminAnnouncements']}. * @see {@link} */ getAnnouncements: async (params?: AdminGetAnnouncementsParams): Promise> => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/announcements', { params }); const items = filteredArray(adminAnnouncementSchema).parse(response.json); return { previous: null, next: items.length ? () => this.admin.announcements.getAnnouncements({ ...params, offset: (params?.offset || 0) + items.length }) : null, items, partial: false, }; }, /** * Display one announcement * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminAnnouncements']}. * @see {@link} */ getAnnouncement: async (announcementId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/admin/announcements/${announcementId}`); return adminAnnouncementSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Create an announcement * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminAnnouncements']}. * @see {@link} */ createAnnouncement: async (params: AdminCreateAnnouncementParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/announcements', { method: 'POST', body: params }); return adminAnnouncementSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Change an announcement * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminAnnouncements']}. * @see {@link} */ updateAnnouncement: async (announcementId: string, params: AdminUpdateAnnouncementParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/admin/announcements/${announcementId}`, { method: 'PATCH', body: params }); return adminAnnouncementSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Delete an announcement * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminAnnouncements']}. * @see {@link} */ deleteAnnouncement: async (announcementId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/admin/announcements/${announcementId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, }, domains: { /** * List of domains * * Requires features{@link Features['domains']}. */ getDomains: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/domains'); return filteredArray(adminDomainSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Create a domain * * Requires features{@link Features['domains']}. */ createDomain: async (params: AdminCreateDomainParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/domains', { method: 'POST', body: params }); return adminDomainSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Change domain publicity * * Requires features{@link Features['domains']}. */ updateDomain: async (domainId: string, isPublic: boolean) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/admin/domains/${domainId}`, { method: 'PATCH', body: { public: isPublic } }); return adminDomainSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Delete a domain * * Requires features{@link Features['domains']}. */ deleteDomain: async (domainId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/admin/domains/${domainId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, }, moderationLog: { /** * Get moderation log * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminModerationLog']}. * @see {@link} */ getModerationLog: async ({ limit, ...params }: AdminGetModerationLogParams = {}): Promise> => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/moderation_log', { params: { page_size: limit, ...params } }); const items = filteredArray(adminModerationLogEntrySchema).parse(response.json.items); return { previous: ( && > 1) ? () => this.admin.moderationLog.getModerationLog({ ...params, page:! - 1 }) : null, next: > ( || 1) * (limit || 50) ? () => this.admin.moderationLog.getModerationLog({ ...params, page: ( || 1) + 1 }) : null, items, partial: response.status === 206, }; }, }, relays: { /** * List Relays * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminRelays']}. * @see {@link} */ getRelays: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/relay'); return filteredArray(adminRelaySchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Follow a Relay * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminRelays']}. * @see {@link} */ followRelay: async (relayUrl: string) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/relay', { method: 'POST', body: { relay_url: relayUrl } }); return adminRelaySchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Unfollow a Relay * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminRelays']}. * @see {@link} */ unfollowRelay: async (relayUrl: string, force = false) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/relay', { method: 'DELETE', body: { relay_url: relayUrl, force } }); return adminRelaySchema.parse(response.json); }, }, rules: { /** * List rules * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminRules']}. * @see {@link} */ getRules: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/rules'); return filteredArray(adminRuleSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** * Create a rule * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminRules']}. * @see {@link} */ createRule: async (params: AdminCreateRuleParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/rules', { method: 'POST', body: params }); return adminRuleSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Update a rule * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminRules']}. * @see {@link} */ updateRule: async (ruleId: string, params: AdminUpdateRuleParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/admin/rules/${ruleId}`, { method: 'PATCH', body: params }); return adminRuleSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Delete a rule * * Requires features{@link Features['pleromaAdminRules']}. * @see {@link} */ deleteRule: async (ruleId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/admin/rules/${ruleId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, }, config: { getPleromaConfig: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/config'); return pleromaConfigSchema.parse(response.json); }, updatePleromaConfig: async (params: PleromaConfig['configs']) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/admin/config', { method: 'POST', body: { configs: params } }); return pleromaConfigSchema.parse(response.json); }, }, }; public readonly oembed = { /** * Get OEmbed info as JSON * @see {@link} */ getOembed: async (url: string, maxwidth?: number, maxheight?: number) => { const response = await this.request('/api/oembed', { params: { url, maxwidth, maxheight } }); return z.object({ type: z.string().catch('rich'), version: z.string().catch(''), author_name: z.string().catch(''), author_url: z.string().catch('').catch(''), provider_name: z.string().catch(''), provider_url: z.string().catch(''), cache_age: z.number(), html: z.string(), width: z.number().nullable().catch(null), height: z.number().nullable().catch(null), }).parse(response.json); }, }; /** @see {@link} */ public readonly chats = { /** * create or get an existing Chat for a certain recipient * @see {@link} */ createChat: async (accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/by-account-id/${accountId}`, { method: 'POST' }); return chatSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * @see {@link} */ getChat: async (chatId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}`); return chatSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Marking a chat as read * mark a number of messages in a chat up to a certain message as read * @see {@link} */ markChatAsRead: async (chatId: string, last_read_id: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}/read`, { method: 'POST', body: { last_read_id } }); return chatSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Marking a single chat message as read * To set the `unread` property of a message to `false` * */ markChatMessageAsRead: async (chatId: string, chatMessageId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}/messages/${chatMessageId}/read`, { method: 'POST' }); return chatSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Getting a list of Chats * This will return a list of chats that you have been involved in, sorted by their last update (so new chats will be at the top). * @see {@link} */ getChats: async (params?: GetChatsParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v2/pleroma/chats', { params }, chatSchema), /** * Getting the messages for a Chat * For a given Chat id, you can get the associated messages with */ getChatMessages: async (chatId: string, params?: GetChatMessagesParams) => this.#paginatedGet(`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}/messages`, { params }, chatMessageSchema), /** * Posting a chat message * Posting a chat message for given Chat id works like this: * @see {@link} */ createChatMessage: async (chatId: string, params: CreateChatMessageParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}/messages`, { method: 'POST', body: params }); return chatMessageSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Deleting a chat message * Deleting a chat message for given Chat id works like this: * @see {@link} */ deleteChatMessage: async (chatId: string, messageId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}/messages/${messageId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return chatMessageSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Deleting a chat * * Requires features{@link Features['chatsDelete']}. */ deleteChat: async (chatId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return chatSchema.parse(response.json); }, }; public readonly events = { /** * Creates an event * @see {@link } */ createEvent: async (params: CreateEventParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/pleroma/events', { method: 'POST', body: params }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Edits an event * @see {@link } */ editEvent: async (statusId: string, params: EditEventParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/events/${statusId}`, { method: 'PUT', body: params }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Gets user's joined events * @see {@link } */ getJoinedEvents: async (state?: 'pending' | 'reject' | 'accept', params?: GetJoinedEventsParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/pleroma/events/joined_events', { params: { ...params, state } }, statusSchema), /** * Gets event participants * @see {@link} */ getEventParticipations: async (statusId: string, params?: GetEventParticipationsParams) => this.#paginatedGet(`/api/v1/pleroma/events/${statusId}/participations`, { params }, accountSchema), /** * Gets event participation requests * @see {@link} */ getEventParticipationRequests: async (statusId: string, params?: GetEventParticipationRequestsParams) => this.#paginatedGet<{ account:Account; participation_message: string; }>(`/api/v1/pleroma/events/${statusId}/participation_requests`, { params }, z.object({ account: accountSchema, participation_message: z.string().catch(''), })), /** * Accepts user to the event * @see {@link} */ acceptEventParticipationRequest: async (statusId: string, accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/events/${statusId}/participation_requests/${accountId}/authorize`, { method: 'POST' }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Rejects user from the event * @see {@link} */ rejectEventParticipationRequest: async (statusId: string, accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/events/${statusId}/participation_requests/${accountId}/reject`, { method: 'POST' }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Joins the event * @see {@link} */ joinEvent: async (statusId: string, participation_message?: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/events/${statusId}/join`, { method: 'POST', body: { participation_message } }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Leaves the event * @see {@link} */ leaveEvent: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/events/${statusId}/leave`, { method: 'POST' }); return statusSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Event ICS file * @see {@link} */ getEventIcs: async (statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/pleroma/events/${statusId}/ics`, { contentType: '' }); return; }, }; public readonly interactionRequests = { /** * Get an array of interactions requested on your statuses by other accounts, and pending your approval. * * Requires features{@link Features['interactionRequests']}. */ getInteractionRequests: async (params?: GetInteractionRequestsParams) => this.#paginatedGet('/api/v1/interaction_requests', { params }, interactionRequestSchema), /** * Get interaction request with the given ID. * * Requires features{@link Features['interactionRequests']}. */ getInteractionRequest: async (interactionRequestId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/interaction_requests/${interactionRequestId}`); return interactionRequestSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Accept/authorize/approve an interaction request with the given ID. * * Requires features{@link Features['interactionRequests']}. */ authorizeInteractionRequest: async (interactionRequestId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/interaction_requests/${interactionRequestId}/authorize`, { method: 'POST' }); return interactionRequestSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** * Reject an interaction request with the given ID. * * Requires features{@link Features['interactionRequests']}. */ rejectInteractionRequest: async (interactionRequestId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/interaction_requests/${interactionRequestId}/authorize`, { method: 'POST' }); return interactionRequestSchema.parse(response.json); }, }; /** Routes that are not part of any stable release */ public readonly experimental = { admin: { /** @see {@link} */ groups: { /** list groups known to the instance. Mimics the interface of `/api/v1/admin/accounts` */ getGroups: async (params?: AdminGetGroupsParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/admin/groups', { params }); return filteredArray(groupSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** return basic group information */ getGroup: async (groupId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/groups/${groupId}`); return groupSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** suspends a group */ suspendGroup: async (groupId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/groups/${groupId}/suspend`, { method: 'POST' }); return groupSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** lift a suspension */ unsuspendGroup: async (groupId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/groups/${groupId}/unsuspend`, { method: 'POST' }); return groupSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** deletes an already-suspended group */ deleteGroup: async (groupId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/admin/groups/${groupId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return groupSchema.parse(response.json); }, }, }, /** @see {@link} */ groups: { /** returns an array of `Group` entities the current user is a member of */ getGroups: async () => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/groups'); return filteredArray(groupSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** create a group with the given attributes (`display_name`, `note`, `avatar` and `header`). Sets the user who made the request as group administrator */ createGroup: async (params: CreateGroupParams) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/groups', { method: 'POST', body: params, contentType: params.avatar || params.header ? '' : undefined, }); return groupSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** returns the `Group` entity describing a given group */ getGroup: async (groupId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/groups/${groupId}`); return groupSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** update group attributes (`display_name`, `note`, `avatar` and `header`) */ updateGroup: async (groupId: string, params: UpdateGroupParams) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/groups/${groupId}`, { method: 'PUT', body: params, contentType: params.avatar || params.header ? '' : undefined, }); return groupSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** irreversibly deletes the group */ deleteGroup: async (groupId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/groups/${groupId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, /** Has an optional role attribute that can be used to filter by role (valid roles are `"admin"`, `"moderator"`, `"user"`). */ getGroupMemberships: async (groupId: string, role?: GroupRole, params?: GetGroupMembershipsParams) => this.#paginatedGet(`/api/v1/groups/${groupId}/memberships`, { params: { ...params, role } }, groupMemberSchema), /** returns an array of `Account` entities representing pending requests to join a group */ getGroupMembershipRequests: async (groupId: string, params?: GetGroupMembershipRequestsParams) => this.#paginatedGet(`/api/v1/groups/${groupId}/membership_requests`, { params }, accountSchema), /** accept a pending request to become a group member */ acceptGroupMembershipRequest: async (groupId: string, accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/groups/${groupId}/membership_requests/${accountId}/authorize`, { method: 'POST' }); return response.json as {}; }, /** reject a pending request to become a group member */ rejectGroupMembershipRequest: async (groupId: string, accountId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/groups/${groupId}/membership_requests/${accountId}/reject`, { method: 'POST' }); return response.json as {}; }, /** delete a group post (actually marks it as `revoked` if it is a local post) */ deleteGroupStatus: async (groupId: string, statusId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/groups/${groupId}/statuses/${statusId}`, { method: 'DELETE' }); return response.json as {}; }, /** list accounts blocked from interacting with the group */ getGroupBlocks: async (groupId: string, params?: GetGroupBlocksParams) => this.#paginatedGet(`/api/v1/groups/${groupId}/blocks`, { params }, accountSchema), /** block one or more users. If they were in the group, they are also kicked of it */ blockGroupUsers: async (groupId: string, accountIds: string[]) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/groups/${groupId}/blocks`, { method: 'POST', params: { account_ids: accountIds } }); return response.json as {}; }, /** block one or more users. If they were in the group, they are also kicked of it */ unblockGroupUsers: async (groupId: string, accountIds: string[]) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/groups/${groupId}/blocks`, { method: 'DELETE', params: { account_ids: accountIds } }); return response.json as {}; }, /** joins (or request to join) a given group */ joinGroup: async (groupId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/groups/${groupId}/join`, { method: 'POST' }); return groupRelationshipSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** leaves a given group */ leaveGroup: async (groupId: string) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/groups/${groupId}/leave`, { method: 'POST' }); return groupRelationshipSchema.parse(response.json); }, /** kick one or more group members */ kickGroupUsers: async (groupId: string, accountIds: string[]) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/groups/${groupId}/kick`, { method: 'POST', params: { account_ids: accountIds } }); return response.json as {}; }, /** promote one or more accounts to role `new_role`. An error is returned if any of those accounts has a higher role than `new_role` already, or if the role is higher than the issuing user's. Valid roles are `admin`, and `moderator` and `user`. */ promoteGroupUsers: async (groupId: string, accountIds: string[], role: GroupRole) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/groups/${groupId}/promote`, { method: 'POST', params: { account_ids: accountIds, role } }); return filteredArray(groupMemberSchema).parse(response.json); }, /** demote one or more accounts to role `new_role`. Returns an error unless every of the target account has a strictly lower role than the user (you cannot demote someone with the same role as you), or if any target account already has a role lower than `new_role`. Valid roles are `admin`, `moderator` and `user`. */ demoteGroupUsers: async (groupId: string, accountIds: string[], role: GroupRole) => { const response = await this.request(`/api/v1/groups/${groupId}/demote`, { method: 'POST', params: { account_ids: accountIds, role } }); return filteredArray(groupMemberSchema).parse(response.json); }, getGroupRelationships: async (groupIds: string[]) => { const response = await this.request('/api/v1/groups/relationships', { params: { id: groupIds } }); return filteredArray(groupRelationshipSchema).parse(response.json); }, }, }; #setInstance = (instance: Instance) => { this.#instance = instance; this.features = getFeatures(this.#instance); }; get accessToken(): string | undefined { return this.#accessToken; } set accessToken(accessToken: string | undefined) { if (this.#accessToken === accessToken) return; this.#socket?.close(); this.#accessToken = accessToken; } get instanceInformation() { return this.#instance; } } export { PlApiClient, PlApiClient as default, };