import { createAsyncThunk } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import get from 'lodash/get'; import { gte } from 'semver'; import KVStore from 'soapbox/storage/kv-store'; import { RootState } from 'soapbox/store'; import { getAuthUserUrl, getMeUrl } from 'soapbox/utils/auth'; import { MASTODON, parseVersion, PLEROMA, REBASED } from 'soapbox/utils/features'; import api from '../api'; /** Figure out the appropriate instance to fetch depending on the state */ export const getHost = (state: RootState) => { const accountUrl = getMeUrl(state) || getAuthUserUrl(state) as string; try { return new URL(accountUrl).host; } catch { return null; } }; export const rememberInstance = createAsyncThunk( 'instance/remember', async(host: string) => { const instance = await KVStore.getItemOrError(`instance:${host}`); return { instance, host }; }, ); const supportsInstanceV2 = (instance: Record): boolean => { const v = parseVersion(get(instance, 'version')); return ( === MASTODON && gte(v.compatVersion, '4.0.0')) || ( === PLEROMA && === REBASED && gte(v.version, '2.5.54')); }; /** We may need to fetch nodeinfo on Pleroma < 2.1 */ const needsNodeinfo = (instance: Record): boolean => { const v = parseVersion(get(instance, 'version')); return === PLEROMA && !get(instance, ['pleroma', 'metadata']); }; export const fetchInstance = createAsyncThunk<{ instance: Record; host?: string | null }, string | null | undefined, { state: RootState }>( 'instance/fetch', async(host, { dispatch, getState, rejectWithValue }) => { try { const { data: instance } = await api(getState).get('/api/v1/instance'); if (supportsInstanceV2(instance)) { return dispatch(fetchInstanceV2(host)) as any as { instance: Record; host?: string | null }; } if (needsNodeinfo(instance)) { dispatch(fetchNodeinfo()); } return { instance, host }; } catch (e) { return rejectWithValue(e); } }, ); export const fetchInstanceV2 = createAsyncThunk<{ instance: Record; host?: string | null }, string | null | undefined, { state: RootState }>( 'instance/fetch', async(host, { getState, rejectWithValue }) => { try { const { data: instance } = await api(getState).get('/api/v2/instance'); return { instance, host }; } catch (e) { return rejectWithValue(e); } }, ); /** Tries to remember the instance from browser storage before fetching it */ export const loadInstance = createAsyncThunk( 'instance/load', async(_arg, { dispatch, getState }) => { const host = getHost(getState()); const rememberedInstance = await dispatch(rememberInstance(host || '')); if (rememberedInstance.payload && supportsInstanceV2((rememberedInstance.payload as any).instance)) { await dispatch(fetchInstanceV2(host)); } else dispatch(fetchInstance(host)); }, ); export const fetchNodeinfo = createAsyncThunk( 'nodeinfo/fetch', async(_arg, { getState }) => await api(getState).get('/nodeinfo/2.1.json'), );