import * as BuildConfig from 'soapbox/build-config'; import type { CaptureContext } from '@sentry/types'; export const start = (): void => { Promise.all([ import('@sentry/react'), import('@sentry/tracing'), ]).then(([Sentry, { Integrations: Integrations }]) => { Sentry.init({ dsn: BuildConfig.SENTRY_DSN, environment: BuildConfig.NODE_ENV, debug: false, integrations: [new Integrations.BrowserTracing()], // Filter events. // ignoreErrors: [ // Network errors. 'AxiosError', // sw.js couldn't be downloaded. 'Failed to update a ServiceWorker for scope', // Useful for try/catch, useless as a Sentry error. 'AbortError', // localForage error in FireFox private browsing mode (which doesn't support IndexedDB). // We only use IndexedDB as a cache, so we can safely ignore the error. 'No available storage method found', ], denyUrls: [ // Browser extensions. /extensions\//i, /^chrome:\/\//i, /^moz-extension:\/\//i, ], // We recommend adjusting this value in production, or using tracesSampler // for finer control tracesSampleRate: 1.0, }); }).catch(console.error); }; export const captureException = (exception: any, captureContext?: CaptureContext | undefined): void => { import('@sentry/react') .then(Sentry => { Sentry.captureException(exception, captureContext); }) .catch(console.error); };