import { SUGGESTIONS_FETCH_SUCCESS, SUGGESTIONS_DISMISS } from 'pl-fe/actions/suggestions'; import reducer from './suggestions'; describe('suggestions reducer', () => { it('should return the initial state', () => { expect(reducer(undefined, {} as any).toJS()).toEqual({ items: [], next: null, isLoading: false, }); }); describe('SUGGESTIONS_DISMISS', () => { it('should remove the account', () => { let state = reducer(undefined, {} as any); state = reducer(state, { type: SUGGESTIONS_FETCH_SUCCESS, accounts: [ { id: '123' }, { id: '456' }, { id: '789' }, ], }); const action = { type: SUGGESTIONS_DISMISS, id: '123' }; const expected = { items: [ { account: '456', source: 'past_interactions' }, { account: '789', source: 'past_interactions' }, ], isLoading: false, next: null, }; expect(reducer(state, action).toJS()).toEqual(expected); }); }); });