import { List as ImmutableList, Record as ImmutableRecord } from 'immutable'; import { MODAL_OPEN, MODAL_CLOSE } from 'pl-fe/actions/modals'; import reducer from './modals'; describe('modal reducer', () => { it('should return the initial state', () => { expect(reducer(undefined, {} as any)).toEqual(ImmutableList()); }); it('should handle MODAL_OPEN', () => { const state = ImmutableList(); const action = { type: MODAL_OPEN, modalType: 'type1', modalProps: { props1: '1' }, }; expect(reducer(state, action).toJS()).toMatchObject([{ modalType: 'type1', modalProps: { props1: '1' }, }]); }); it('should handle MODAL_CLOSE', () => { const state = ImmutableList([ ImmutableRecord({ modalType: 'type1', modalProps: { props1: '1' }, })(), ]); const action = { type: MODAL_CLOSE, }; expect(reducer(state, action).toJS()).toMatchObject([]); }); it('should handle MODAL_CLOSE with specified modalType', () => { const state = ImmutableList([ ImmutableRecord({ modalType: 'type1', modalProps: null, })(), ImmutableRecord({ modalType: 'type2', modalProps: null, })(), ImmutableRecord({ modalType: 'type1', modalProps: null, })(), ]); const action = { type: MODAL_CLOSE, modalType: 'type2', }; expect(reducer(state, action).toJS()).toEqual([ { modalType: 'type1', modalProps: null, }, ]); }); });