import { fromJS, Map as ImmutableMap } from 'immutable'; import { STATUSES_IMPORT } from 'pl-fe/actions/importer'; import { __stub } from 'pl-fe/api'; import { mockStore, rootState } from 'pl-fe/jest/test-helpers'; import { normalizeStatus } from 'pl-fe/normalizers/status'; import { deleteStatus, fetchContext } from './statuses'; describe('fetchContext()', () => { it('handles Mitra context', async () => { const statuses = await import('pl-fe/__fixtures__/mitra-context.json'); __stub(mock => { mock.onGet('/api/v1/statuses/017ed505-5926-392f-256a-f86d5075df70/context') .reply(200, statuses); }); const store = mockStore(rootState); await store.dispatch(fetchContext('017ed505-5926-392f-256a-f86d5075df70')); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions[3].type).toEqual(STATUSES_IMPORT); expect(actions[3].statuses[0].id).toEqual('017ed503-bc96-301a-e871-2c23b30ddd05'); }); }); describe('deleteStatus()', () => { let store: ReturnType; describe('if logged out', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', null); store = mockStore(state); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(deleteStatus('1')); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('if logged in', () => { const statusId = 'AHU2RrX0wdcwzCYjFQ'; const cachedStatus = normalizeStatus({ id: statusId, }); beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState .set('me', '1234') .set('statuses', fromJS({ [statusId]: cachedStatus, }) as any); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { let status: any; beforeEach(async () => { status = await import('pl-fe/__fixtures__/pleroma-status-deleted.json'); __stub((mock) => { mock.onDelete(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}`).reply(200, status); }); }); it('should delete the status from the API', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'STATUS_DELETE_REQUEST', params: cachedStatus, }, { type: 'STATUS_DELETE_SUCCESS', id: statusId }, { type: 'TIMELINE_DELETE', id: statusId, accountId: null, references: ImmutableMap({}), reblogOf: null, }, ]; await store.dispatch(deleteStatus(statusId)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); it('should handle redraft', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'STATUS_DELETE_REQUEST', params: cachedStatus, }, { type: 'STATUS_DELETE_SUCCESS', id: statusId }, { type: 'TIMELINE_DELETE', id: statusId, accountId: null, references: ImmutableMap({}), reblogOf: null, }, { type: 'COMPOSE_SET_STATUS', status: cachedStatus, rawText: status.text, explicitAddressing: false, spoilerText: '', contentType: 'text/markdown', v: { build: undefined, compatVersion: '0.0.0', software: 'Mastodon', version: '0.0.0', }, withRedraft: true, id: 'compose-modal', }, { type: 'MODAL_CLOSE', modalType: 'COMPOSE', modalProps: undefined }, { type: 'MODAL_OPEN', modalType: 'COMPOSE', modalProps: undefined }, ]; await store.dispatch(deleteStatus(statusId, true)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onDelete(`/api/v1/statuses/${statusId}`).networkError(); }); }); it('should dispatch failed action', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'STATUS_DELETE_REQUEST', params: cachedStatus, }, { type: 'STATUS_DELETE_FAIL', params: cachedStatus, error: new Error('Network Error'), }, ]; await store.dispatch(deleteStatus(statusId, true)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); });