import clsx from 'clsx'; import React, { MouseEventHandler, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { defineMessages, useIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'; import StatusMedia from 'soapbox/components/status-media'; import { Stack } from 'soapbox/components/ui'; import AccountContainer from 'soapbox/containers/account-container'; import EventPreview from './event-preview'; import OutlineBox from './outline-box'; import QuotedStatusIndicator from './quoted-status-indicator'; import StatusContent from './status-content'; import StatusReplyMentions from './status-reply-mentions'; import SensitiveContentOverlay from './statuses/sensitive-content-overlay'; import type { Status as StatusEntity } from 'soapbox/types/entities'; const messages = defineMessages({ cancel: { id: 'reply_indicator.cancel', defaultMessage: 'Cancel' }, }); interface IQuotedStatus { /** The quoted status entity. */ status?: StatusEntity; /** Callback when cancelled (during compose). */ onCancel?: Function; /** Whether the status is shown in the post composer. */ compose?: boolean; } /** Status embedded in a quote post. */ const QuotedStatus: React.FC = ({ status, onCancel, compose }) => { const intl = useIntl(); const history = useHistory(); const overlay = useRef(null); const [minHeight, setMinHeight] = useState(208); useEffect(() => { if (overlay.current) { setMinHeight(overlay.current.getBoundingClientRect().height); } }, [overlay.current]); const handleExpandClick: MouseEventHandler = (e) => { if (!status) return; const account = status.account; if (!compose && e.button === 0) { const statusUrl = `/@${account.acct}/posts/${}`; if (!(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { history.push(statusUrl); } else {, '_blank'); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } }; const handleClose = () => { if (onCancel) { onCancel(); } }; if (!status) { return null; } const account = status.account; let actions = {}; if (onCancel) { actions = { onActionClick: handleClose, actionIcon: require('@tabler/icons/outline/x.svg'), actionAlignment: 'top', actionTitle: intl.formatMessage(messages.cancel), }; } return ( {status.event ? : ( {status.quote && } {status.media_attachments.length > 0 && ( )} )} ); }; export { QuotedStatus as default };