import React from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { openModal } from '../../../actions/modal'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import SoapboxPropTypes from 'soapbox/utils/soapbox_prop_types'; import IconButton from '../../../components/icon_button'; import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes'; import DropdownMenuContainer from '../../../containers/dropdown_menu_container'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { isStaff, isAdmin } from 'soapbox/utils/accounts'; import { isUserTouching } from 'soapbox/is_mobile'; import EmojiSelector from 'soapbox/components/emoji_selector'; import { getReactForStatus } from 'soapbox/utils/emoji_reacts'; import { getFeatures } from 'soapbox/utils/features'; const messages = defineMessages({ delete: { id: 'status.delete', defaultMessage: 'Delete' }, redraft: { id: 'status.redraft', defaultMessage: 'Delete & re-draft' }, direct: { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Direct message @{name}' }, chat: { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Chat with @{name}' }, mention: { id: 'status.mention', defaultMessage: 'Mention @{name}' }, reply: { id: 'status.reply', defaultMessage: 'Reply' }, reblog: { id: 'status.reblog', defaultMessage: 'Repost' }, reblog_private: { id: 'status.reblog_private', defaultMessage: 'Repost to original audience' }, cancel_reblog_private: { id: 'status.cancel_reblog_private', defaultMessage: 'Un-repost' }, cannot_reblog: { id: 'status.cannot_reblog', defaultMessage: 'This post cannot be reposted' }, favourite: { id: 'status.favourite', defaultMessage: 'Like' }, mute: { id: 'status.mute', defaultMessage: 'Mute @{name}' }, muteConversation: { id: 'status.mute_conversation', defaultMessage: 'Mute conversation' }, unmuteConversation: { id: 'status.unmute_conversation', defaultMessage: 'Unmute conversation' }, block: { id: 'status.block', defaultMessage: 'Block @{name}' }, report: { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Report @{name}' }, share: { id: 'status.share', defaultMessage: 'Share' }, pin: { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Pin on profile' }, unpin: { id: 'status.unpin', defaultMessage: 'Unpin from profile' }, embed: { id: 'status.embed', defaultMessage: 'Embed' }, admin_account: { id: 'status.admin_account', defaultMessage: 'Open moderation interface for @{name}' }, admin_status: { id: 'status.admin_status', defaultMessage: 'Open this post in the moderation interface' }, copy: { id: 'status.copy', defaultMessage: 'Copy link to post' }, bookmark: { id: 'status.bookmark', defaultMessage: 'Bookmark' }, unbookmark: { id: 'status.unbookmark', defaultMessage: 'Remove bookmark' }, deactivateUser: { id: 'admin.users.actions.deactivate_user', defaultMessage: 'Deactivate @{name}' }, deleteUser: { id: 'admin.users.actions.delete_user', defaultMessage: 'Delete @{name}' }, deleteStatus: { id: 'admin.statuses.actions.delete_status', defaultMessage: 'Delete post' }, markStatusSensitive: { id: 'admin.statuses.actions.mark_status_sensitive', defaultMessage: 'Mark post sensitive' }, markStatusNotSensitive: { id: 'admin.statuses.actions.mark_status_not_sensitive', defaultMessage: 'Mark post not sensitive' }, reactionLike: { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Like' }, reactionHeart: { id: 'status.reactions.heart', defaultMessage: 'Love' }, reactionLaughing: { id: 'status.reactions.laughing', defaultMessage: 'Haha' }, reactionOpenMouth: { id: 'status.reactions.open_mouth', defaultMessage: 'Wow' }, reactionCry: { id: 'status.reactions.cry', defaultMessage: 'Sad' }, reactionWeary: { id: 'status.reactions.weary', defaultMessage: 'Weary' }, emojiPickerExpand: { id: 'status.reactions_expand', defaultMessage: 'Select emoji' }, }); const mapStateToProps = state => { const me = state.get('me'); const account = state.getIn(['accounts', me]); const instance = state.get('instance'); return { me, isStaff: account ? isStaff(account) : false, isAdmin: account ? isAdmin(account) : false, features: getFeatures(instance), }; }; const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({ onOpenUnauthorizedModal() { dispatch(openModal('UNAUTHORIZED')); }, }); class ActionBar extends React.PureComponent { static contextTypes = { router: PropTypes.object, }; static propTypes = { status:, onReply: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onReblog: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onFavourite: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onEmojiReact: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onDelete: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onBookmark: PropTypes.func, onDirect: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onChat: PropTypes.func, onMention: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onMute: PropTypes.func, onMuteConversation: PropTypes.func, onBlock: PropTypes.func, onReport: PropTypes.func, onPin: PropTypes.func, onEmbed: PropTypes.func, onDeactivateUser: PropTypes.func, onDeleteUser: PropTypes.func, onDeleteStatus: PropTypes.func, onToggleStatusSensitivity: PropTypes.func, intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired, onOpenUnauthorizedModal: PropTypes.func.isRequired, me:, isStaff: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, isAdmin: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, allowedEmoji: ImmutablePropTypes.list, emojiSelectorFocused: PropTypes.bool, handleEmojiSelectorExpand: PropTypes.func.isRequired, handleEmojiSelectorUnfocus: PropTypes.func.isRequired, features: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; static defaultProps = { isStaff: false, } state = { emojiSelectorVisible: false, emojiSelectorFocused: false, } handleReplyClick = () => { const { me } = this.props; if (me) { this.props.onReply(this.props.status); } else { this.props.onOpenUnauthorizedModal(); } } handleReblogClick = (e) => { const { me } = this.props; if (me) { this.props.onReblog(this.props.status, e); } else { this.props.onOpenUnauthorizedModal(); } } handleBookmarkClick = () => { this.props.onBookmark(this.props.status); } handleFavouriteClick = () => { const { me } = this.props; if (me) { this.props.onFavourite(this.props.status); } else { this.props.onOpenUnauthorizedModal(); } } handleLikeButtonHover = e => { const { features } = this.props; if (features.emojiReacts && !isUserTouching()) { this.setState({ emojiSelectorVisible: true }); } } handleLikeButtonLeave = e => { const { features } = this.props; if (features.emojiReacts && !isUserTouching()) { this.setState({ emojiSelectorVisible: false }); } } handleLikeButtonClick = e => { const { features } = this.props; const meEmojiReact = getReactForStatus(this.props.status, this.props.allowedEmoji) || '👍'; if (features.emojiReacts && isUserTouching()) { if (this.state.emojiSelectorVisible) { this.handleReactClick(meEmojiReact)(); } else { this.setState({ emojiSelectorVisible: true }); } } else { this.handleReactClick(meEmojiReact)(); } } handleReactClick = emoji => { return e => { const { me } = this.props; if (me) { this.props.onEmojiReact(this.props.status, emoji); } else { this.props.onOpenUnauthorizedModal(); } this.setState({ emojiSelectorVisible: false, emojiSelectorFocused: false }); }; } handleHotkeyEmoji = () => { const { emojiSelectorVisible } = this.state; this.setState({ emojiSelectorVisible: !emojiSelectorVisible }); } handleDeleteClick = () => { this.props.onDelete(this.props.status, this.context.router.history); } handleRedraftClick = () => { this.props.onDelete(this.props.status, this.context.router.history, true); } handleDirectClick = () => { this.props.onDirect(this.props.status.get('account'), this.context.router.history); } handleChatClick = () => { this.props.onChat(this.props.status.get('account'), this.context.router.history); } handleMentionClick = () => { this.props.onMention(this.props.status.get('account'), this.context.router.history); } handleMuteClick = () => { this.props.onMute(this.props.status.get('account')); } handleConversationMuteClick = () => { this.props.onMuteConversation(this.props.status); } handleBlockClick = () => { this.props.onBlock(this.props.status); } handleReport = () => { this.props.onReport(this.props.status); } handlePinClick = () => { this.props.onPin(this.props.status); } handleShare = () => { navigator.share({ text: this.props.status.get('search_index'), url: this.props.status.get('url'), }); } handleEmbed = () => { this.props.onEmbed(this.props.status); } handleCopy = () => { const url = this.props.status.get('url'); const textarea = document.createElement('textarea'); textarea.textContent = url; = 'fixed'; document.body.appendChild(textarea); try {; document.execCommand('copy'); } catch (e) { // Do nothing } finally { document.body.removeChild(textarea); } } handleDeactivateUser = () => { this.props.onDeactivateUser(this.props.status); } handleDeleteUser = () => { this.props.onDeleteUser(this.props.status); } handleToggleStatusSensitivity = () => { this.props.onToggleStatusSensitivity(this.props.status); } handleDeleteStatus = () => { this.props.onDeleteStatus(this.props.status); } setRef = c => { this.node = c; } componentDidMount() { document.addEventListener('click', e => { if (this.node && !this.node.contains( this.setState({ emojiSelectorVisible: false, emojiSelectorFocused: false }); }); } render() { const { status, intl, me, isStaff, isAdmin, allowedEmoji, emojiSelectorFocused, handleEmojiSelectorExpand, handleEmojiSelectorUnfocus, features } = this.props; const { emojiSelectorVisible } = this.state; const ownAccount = status.getIn(['account', 'id']) === me; const publicStatus = ['public', 'unlisted'].includes(status.get('visibility')); const mutingConversation = status.get('muted'); const meEmojiReact = getReactForStatus(status, allowedEmoji); const meEmojiTitle = intl.formatMessage({ '👍': messages.reactionLike, '❤️': messages.reactionHeart, '😆': messages.reactionLaughing, '😮': messages.reactionOpenMouth, '😢': messages.reactionCry, '😩': messages.reactionWeary, }[meEmojiReact] || messages.favourite); const menu = []; if (publicStatus) { menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.copy), action: this.handleCopy, icon: require('@tabler/icons/icons/link.svg'), }); // menu.push({ // text: intl.formatMessage(messages.embed), // action: this.handleEmbed, // icon: require('feather-icons/dist/icons/link-2.svg'), // }); } if (features.bookmarks) { menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(status.get('bookmarked') ? messages.unbookmark : messages.bookmark), action: this.handleBookmarkClick, icon: require(status.get('bookmarked') ? '@tabler/icons/icons/bookmark-off.svg' : '@tabler/icons/icons/bookmark.svg'), }); } menu.push(null); if (ownAccount) { if (publicStatus) { menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(status.get('pinned') ? messages.unpin :, action: this.handlePinClick, icon: require(mutingConversation ? '@tabler/icons/icons/pinned-off.svg' : '@tabler/icons/icons/pin.svg'), }); } else { if (status.get('visibility') === 'private') { menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(status.get('reblogged') ? messages.cancel_reblog_private : messages.reblog_private), action: this.handleReblogClick, icon: require('@tabler/icons/icons/repeat.svg'), }); } } menu.push(null); menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(mutingConversation ? messages.unmuteConversation : messages.muteConversation), action: this.handleConversationMuteClick, icon: require(mutingConversation ? '@tabler/icons/icons/bell.svg' : '@tabler/icons/icons/bell-off.svg'), }); menu.push(null); menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.delete), action: this.handleDeleteClick, icon: require('@tabler/icons/icons/trash.svg'), destructive: true, }); menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.redraft), action: this.handleRedraftClick, icon: require('@tabler/icons/icons/edit.svg'), destructive: true, }); } else { menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.mention, { name: status.getIn(['account', 'username']) }), action: this.handleMentionClick, icon: require('feather-icons/dist/icons/at-sign.svg'), }); if (status.getIn(['account', 'pleroma', 'accepts_chat_messages'], false) === true) { menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(, { name: status.getIn(['account', 'username']) }), action: this.handleChatClick, icon: require('@tabler/icons/icons/messages.svg'), }); } else { menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(, { name: status.getIn(['account', 'username']) }), action: this.handleDirectClick, icon: require('@tabler/icons/icons/mail.svg'), }); } menu.push(null); menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.mute, { name: status.getIn(['account', 'username']) }), action: this.handleMuteClick, icon: require('@tabler/icons/icons/circle-x.svg'), }); menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.block, { name: status.getIn(['account', 'username']) }), action: this.handleBlockClick, icon: require('@tabler/icons/icons/ban.svg'), }); menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(, { name: status.getIn(['account', 'username']) }), action: this.handleReport, icon: require('@tabler/icons/icons/flag.svg'), }); } if (isStaff) { menu.push(null); if (isAdmin) { menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.admin_account, { name: status.getIn(['account', 'username']) }), href: `/pleroma/admin/#/users/${status.getIn(['account', 'id'])}/`, icon: require('icons/gavel.svg'), }); menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.admin_status), href: `/pleroma/admin/#/statuses/${status.get('id')}/`, icon: require('@tabler/icons/icons/pencil.svg'), }); } menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(status.get('sensitive') === false ? messages.markStatusSensitive : messages.markStatusNotSensitive), action: this.handleToggleStatusSensitivity, icon: require('@tabler/icons/icons/alert-triangle.svg'), }); if (!ownAccount) { menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.deactivateUser, { name: status.getIn(['account', 'username']) }), action: this.handleDeactivateUser, icon: require('@tabler/icons/icons/user-off.svg'), }); menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.deleteUser, { name: status.getIn(['account', 'username']) }), action: this.handleDeleteUser, icon: require('@tabler/icons/icons/user-minus.svg'), destructive: true, }); menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.deleteStatus), action: this.handleDeleteStatus, icon: require('@tabler/icons/icons/trash.svg'), destructive: true, }); } } const canShare = ('share' in navigator) && status.get('visibility') === 'public'; const shareButton = canShare && (