import { Map as ImmutableMap, OrderedSet as ImmutableOrderedSet } from 'immutable'; import { getSettings } from 'soapbox/actions/settings'; import { normalizeStatus } from 'soapbox/normalizers'; import { shouldFilter } from 'soapbox/utils/timelines'; import api, { getLinks } from '../api'; import { importFetchedStatus, importFetchedStatuses } from './importer'; import type { AxiosError } from 'axios'; import type { AppDispatch, RootState } from 'soapbox/store'; import type { APIEntity, Status } from 'soapbox/types/entities'; const TIMELINE_UPDATE = 'TIMELINE_UPDATE'; const TIMELINE_DELETE = 'TIMELINE_DELETE'; const TIMELINE_CLEAR = 'TIMELINE_CLEAR'; const TIMELINE_UPDATE_QUEUE = 'TIMELINE_UPDATE_QUEUE'; const TIMELINE_DEQUEUE = 'TIMELINE_DEQUEUE'; const TIMELINE_SCROLL_TOP = 'TIMELINE_SCROLL_TOP'; const TIMELINE_EXPAND_REQUEST = 'TIMELINE_EXPAND_REQUEST'; const TIMELINE_EXPAND_SUCCESS = 'TIMELINE_EXPAND_SUCCESS'; const TIMELINE_EXPAND_FAIL = 'TIMELINE_EXPAND_FAIL'; const TIMELINE_CONNECT = 'TIMELINE_CONNECT'; const TIMELINE_DISCONNECT = 'TIMELINE_DISCONNECT'; const TIMELINE_REPLACE = 'TIMELINE_REPLACE'; const TIMELINE_INSERT = 'TIMELINE_INSERT'; const TIMELINE_CLEAR_FEED_ACCOUNT_ID = 'TIMELINE_CLEAR_FEED_ACCOUNT_ID'; const MAX_QUEUED_ITEMS = 40; const processTimelineUpdate = (timeline: string, status: APIEntity, accept: ((status: APIEntity) => boolean) | null) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const me = getState().me; const ownStatus = status.account?.id === me; const hasPendingStatuses = !getState().pending_statuses.isEmpty(); const columnSettings = getSettings(getState()).get(timeline, ImmutableMap()); const shouldSkipQueue = shouldFilter(normalizeStatus(status) as Status, columnSettings); if (ownStatus && hasPendingStatuses) { // WebSockets push statuses without the Idempotency-Key, // so if we have pending statuses, don't import it from here. // We implement optimistic non-blocking statuses. return; } dispatch(importFetchedStatus(status)); if (shouldSkipQueue) { dispatch(updateTimeline(timeline,, accept)); } else { dispatch(updateTimelineQueue(timeline,, accept)); } }; const updateTimeline = (timeline: string, statusId: string, accept: ((status: APIEntity) => boolean) | null) => (dispatch: AppDispatch) => { // if (typeof accept === 'function' && !accept(status)) { // return; // } dispatch({ type: TIMELINE_UPDATE, timeline, statusId, }); }; const updateTimelineQueue = (timeline: string, statusId: string, accept: ((status: APIEntity) => boolean) | null) => (dispatch: AppDispatch) => { // if (typeof accept === 'function' && !accept(status)) { // return; // } dispatch({ type: TIMELINE_UPDATE_QUEUE, timeline, statusId, }); }; const dequeueTimeline = (timelineId: string, expandFunc?: (lastStatusId: string) => void, optionalExpandArgs?: any) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const state = getState(); const queuedCount = state.timelines.get(timelineId)?.totalQueuedItemsCount || 0; if (queuedCount <= 0) return; if (queuedCount <= MAX_QUEUED_ITEMS) { dispatch({ type: TIMELINE_DEQUEUE, timeline: timelineId }); return; } if (typeof expandFunc === 'function') { dispatch(clearTimeline(timelineId)); // @ts-ignore expandFunc(); } else { if (timelineId === 'home') { dispatch(clearTimeline(timelineId)); dispatch(expandHomeTimeline(optionalExpandArgs)); } else if (timelineId === 'community') { dispatch(clearTimeline(timelineId)); dispatch(expandCommunityTimeline(optionalExpandArgs)); } } }; const deleteFromTimelines = (id: string) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const accountId = getState().statuses.get(id)?.account; const references = getState().statuses.filter(status => status.get('reblog') === id).map(status => [status.get('id'), status.get('account')]); const reblogOf = getState().statuses.getIn([id, 'reblog'], null); dispatch({ type: TIMELINE_DELETE, id, accountId, references, reblogOf, }); }; const clearTimeline = (timeline: string) => (dispatch: AppDispatch) => dispatch({ type: TIMELINE_CLEAR, timeline }); const noOp = () => { }; const noOpAsync = () => () => new Promise(f => f(undefined)); const parseTags = (tags: Record<string, any[]> = {}, mode: 'any' | 'all' | 'none') => { return (tags[mode] || []).map((tag) => { return tag.value; }); }; const replaceHomeTimeline = ( accountId: string | null, { maxId }: Record<string, any> = {}, done?: () => void, ) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, _getState: () => RootState) => { dispatch({ type: TIMELINE_REPLACE, accountId }); dispatch(expandHomeTimeline({ accountId, maxId }, () => { dispatch(insertSuggestionsIntoTimeline()); if (done) { done(); } })); }; const expandTimeline = (timelineId: string, path: string, params: Record<string, any> = {}, done = noOp) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const timeline = getState().timelines.get(timelineId) || {} as Record<string, any>; const isLoadingMore = !!params.max_id; if (timeline.isLoading) { done(); return dispatch(noOpAsync()); } if (!params.max_id && !params.pinned && (timeline.items || ImmutableOrderedSet()).size > 0) { params.since_id = timeline.getIn(['items', 0]); } const isLoadingRecent = !!params.since_id; dispatch(expandTimelineRequest(timelineId, isLoadingMore)); return api(getState).get(path, { params }).then(response => { const next = getLinks(response).refs.find(link => link.rel === 'next'); dispatch(importFetchedStatuses(; dispatch(expandTimelineSuccess(timelineId,, next ? next.uri : null, response.status === 206, isLoadingRecent, isLoadingMore)); done(); }).catch(error => { dispatch(expandTimelineFail(timelineId, error, isLoadingMore)); done(); }); }; const expandHomeTimeline = ({ accountId, maxId }: Record<string, any> = {}, done = noOp) => { const endpoint = accountId ? `/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/statuses` : '/api/v1/timelines/home'; const params: any = { max_id: maxId }; if (accountId) { params.exclude_replies = true; params.with_muted = true; } return expandTimeline('home', endpoint, params, done); }; const expandPublicTimeline = ({ maxId, onlyMedia }: Record<string, any> = {}, done = noOp) => expandTimeline(`public${onlyMedia ? ':media' : ''}`, '/api/v1/timelines/public', { max_id: maxId, only_media: !!onlyMedia }, done); const expandRemoteTimeline = (instance: string, { maxId, onlyMedia }: Record<string, any> = {}, done = noOp) => expandTimeline(`remote${onlyMedia ? ':media' : ''}:${instance}`, '/api/v1/timelines/public', { local: false, instance: instance, max_id: maxId, only_media: !!onlyMedia }, done); const expandCommunityTimeline = ({ maxId, onlyMedia }: Record<string, any> = {}, done = noOp) => expandTimeline(`community${onlyMedia ? ':media' : ''}`, '/api/v1/timelines/public', { local: true, max_id: maxId, only_media: !!onlyMedia }, done); const expandDirectTimeline = ({ maxId }: Record<string, any> = {}, done = noOp) => expandTimeline('direct', '/api/v1/timelines/direct', { max_id: maxId }, done); const expandAccountTimeline = (accountId: string, { maxId, withReplies }: Record<string, any> = {}) => expandTimeline(`account:${accountId}${withReplies ? ':with_replies' : ''}`, `/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/statuses`, { exclude_replies: !withReplies, max_id: maxId, with_muted: true }); const expandAccountFeaturedTimeline = (accountId: string) => expandTimeline(`account:${accountId}:pinned`, `/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/statuses`, { pinned: true, with_muted: true }); const expandAccountMediaTimeline = (accountId: string | number, { maxId }: Record<string, any> = {}) => expandTimeline(`account:${accountId}:media`, `/api/v1/accounts/${accountId}/statuses`, { max_id: maxId, only_media: true, limit: 40, with_muted: true }); const expandListTimeline = (id: string, { maxId }: Record<string, any> = {}, done = noOp) => expandTimeline(`list:${id}`, `/api/v1/timelines/list/${id}`, { max_id: maxId }, done); const expandGroupTimeline = (id: string, { maxId }: Record<string, any> = {}, done = noOp) => expandTimeline(`group:${id}`, `/api/v1/timelines/group/${id}`, { max_id: maxId }, done); const expandHashtagTimeline = (hashtag: string, { maxId, tags }: Record<string, any> = {}, done = noOp) => { return expandTimeline(`hashtag:${hashtag}`, `/api/v1/timelines/tag/${hashtag}`, { max_id: maxId, any: parseTags(tags, 'any'), all: parseTags(tags, 'all'), none: parseTags(tags, 'none'), }, done); }; const expandTimelineRequest = (timeline: string, isLoadingMore: boolean) => ({ type: TIMELINE_EXPAND_REQUEST, timeline, skipLoading: !isLoadingMore, }); const expandTimelineSuccess = (timeline: string, statuses: APIEntity[], next: string | null, partial: boolean, isLoadingRecent: boolean, isLoadingMore: boolean) => ({ type: TIMELINE_EXPAND_SUCCESS, timeline, statuses, next, partial, isLoadingRecent, skipLoading: !isLoadingMore, }); const expandTimelineFail = (timeline: string, error: AxiosError, isLoadingMore: boolean) => ({ type: TIMELINE_EXPAND_FAIL, timeline, error, skipLoading: !isLoadingMore, }); const connectTimeline = (timeline: string) => ({ type: TIMELINE_CONNECT, timeline, }); const disconnectTimeline = (timeline: string) => ({ type: TIMELINE_DISCONNECT, timeline, }); const scrollTopTimeline = (timeline: string, top: boolean) => ({ type: TIMELINE_SCROLL_TOP, timeline, top, }); const insertSuggestionsIntoTimeline = () => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { dispatch({ type: TIMELINE_INSERT, timeline: 'home' }); }; const clearFeedAccountId = () => (dispatch: AppDispatch, _getState: () => RootState) => { dispatch({ type: TIMELINE_CLEAR_FEED_ACCOUNT_ID }); }; export { TIMELINE_UPDATE, TIMELINE_DELETE, TIMELINE_CLEAR, TIMELINE_UPDATE_QUEUE, TIMELINE_DEQUEUE, TIMELINE_SCROLL_TOP, TIMELINE_EXPAND_REQUEST, TIMELINE_EXPAND_SUCCESS, TIMELINE_EXPAND_FAIL, TIMELINE_CONNECT, TIMELINE_DISCONNECT, TIMELINE_REPLACE, TIMELINE_CLEAR_FEED_ACCOUNT_ID, TIMELINE_INSERT, MAX_QUEUED_ITEMS, processTimelineUpdate, updateTimeline, updateTimelineQueue, dequeueTimeline, deleteFromTimelines, clearTimeline, expandTimeline, replaceHomeTimeline, expandHomeTimeline, expandPublicTimeline, expandRemoteTimeline, expandCommunityTimeline, expandDirectTimeline, expandAccountTimeline, expandAccountFeaturedTimeline, expandAccountMediaTimeline, expandListTimeline, expandGroupTimeline, expandHashtagTimeline, expandTimelineRequest, expandTimelineSuccess, expandTimelineFail, connectTimeline, disconnectTimeline, scrollTopTimeline, insertSuggestionsIntoTimeline, clearFeedAccountId, };