import clsx from 'clsx'; import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { defineMessages, FormattedMessage, useIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { Link, useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'; import { length } from 'stringz'; import { changeCompose, submitCompose, clearComposeSuggestions, fetchComposeSuggestions, selectComposeSuggestion, insertEmojiCompose, uploadCompose, } from 'soapbox/actions/compose'; import AutosuggestInput, { AutoSuggestion } from 'soapbox/components/autosuggest-input'; import AutosuggestTextarea from 'soapbox/components/autosuggest-textarea'; import { Button, HStack, Stack } from 'soapbox/components/ui'; import EmojiPickerDropdown from 'soapbox/features/emoji/containers/emoji-picker-dropdown-container'; import { useAppDispatch, useAppSelector, useCompose, useDraggedFiles, useFeatures, useInstance, usePrevious } from 'soapbox/hooks'; import { isMobile } from 'soapbox/is-mobile'; import QuotedStatusContainer from '../containers/quoted-status-container'; import ReplyIndicatorContainer from '../containers/reply-indicator-container'; import ScheduleFormContainer from '../containers/schedule-form-container'; import UploadButtonContainer from '../containers/upload-button-container'; import WarningContainer from '../containers/warning-container'; import ComposeEditor from '../editor'; import { countableText } from '../util/counter'; import PollButton from './poll-button'; import PollForm from './polls/poll-form'; import PrivacyDropdown from './privacy-dropdown'; import ReplyGroupIndicator from './reply-group-indicator'; import ReplyMentions from './reply-mentions'; import ScheduleButton from './schedule-button'; import SpoilerButton from './spoiler-button'; import SpoilerInput from './spoiler-input'; import TextCharacterCounter from './text-character-counter'; import UploadForm from './upload-form'; import VisualCharacterCounter from './visual-character-counter'; import Warning from './warning'; import type { Emoji } from 'soapbox/features/emoji'; const allowedAroundShortCode = '><\u0085\u0020\u00a0\u1680\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029\u0009\u000a\u000b\u000c\u000d'; const messages = defineMessages({ spoiler_placeholder: { id: 'compose_form.spoiler_placeholder', defaultMessage: 'Write your warning here (optional)' }, publish: { id: 'compose_form.publish', defaultMessage: 'Post' }, publishLoud: { id: 'compose_form.publish_loud', defaultMessage: '{publish}!' }, message: { id: 'compose_form.message', defaultMessage: 'Message' }, schedule: { id: 'compose_form.schedule', defaultMessage: 'Schedule' }, saveChanges: { id: 'compose_form.save_changes', defaultMessage: 'Save changes' }, }); interface IComposeForm { id: ID extends 'default' ? never : ID shouldCondense?: boolean autoFocus?: boolean clickableAreaRef?: React.RefObject event?: string group?: string extra?: React.ReactNode } const ComposeForm = ({ id, shouldCondense, autoFocus, clickableAreaRef, event, group, extra }: IComposeForm) => { const history = useHistory(); const intl = useIntl(); const dispatch = useAppDispatch(); const { configuration } = useInstance(); const compose = useCompose(id); const showSearch = useAppSelector((state) => && !; const maxTootChars = configuration.getIn(['statuses', 'max_characters']) as number; const scheduledStatusCount = useAppSelector((state) => state.scheduled_statuses.size); const features = useFeatures(); const { spoiler, spoiler_text: spoilerText, privacy, focusDate, caretPosition, is_submitting: isSubmitting, is_changing_upload: isChangingUpload, is_uploading: isUploading, schedule: scheduledAt, group_id: groupId } = compose; const prevSpoiler = usePrevious(spoiler); const hasPoll = !!compose.poll; const isEditing = !== null; const anyMedia = compose.media_attachments.size > 0; const [composeFocused, setComposeFocused] = useState(false); const formRef = useRef(null); const spoilerTextRef = useRef(null); const autosuggestTextareaRef = useRef(null); const editorStateRef = useRef(null); const text = editorStateRef.current || ''; const { isDraggedOver } = useDraggedFiles(formRef); const getClickableArea = () => { return clickableAreaRef ? clickableAreaRef.current : formRef.current; }; const isEmpty = () => { return !(text || spoilerText || anyMedia); }; const isClickOutside = (e: MouseEvent | React.MouseEvent) => { return ![ // List of elements that shouldn't collapse the composer when clicked // FIXME: Make this less brittle getClickableArea(), document.querySelector('.privacy-dropdown__dropdown'), document.querySelector('em-emoji-picker'), document.getElementById('modal-overlay'), ].some(element => element?.contains( as any)); }; const handleClick = useCallback((e: MouseEvent | React.MouseEvent) => { if (isEmpty() && isClickOutside(e)) { handleClickOutside(); } }, []); const handleClickOutside = () => { setComposeFocused(false); }; const handleComposeFocus = () => { setComposeFocused(true); }; const handleSubmit = (e?: React.FormEvent) => { dispatch(changeCompose(id, editorStateRef.current!)); // Submit disabled: const fulltext = [spoilerText, countableText(text)].join(''); if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } if (isSubmitting || isUploading || isChangingUpload || length(fulltext) > maxTootChars || (fulltext.length !== 0 && fulltext.trim().length === 0 && !anyMedia)) { return; } dispatch(submitCompose(id, history)); }; const onSuggestionsClearRequested = () => { dispatch(clearComposeSuggestions(id)); }; const onSuggestionsFetchRequested = (token: string | number) => { dispatch(fetchComposeSuggestions(id, token as string)); }; const onSpoilerSuggestionSelected = (tokenStart: number, token: string | null, value: AutoSuggestion) => { dispatch(selectComposeSuggestion(id, tokenStart, token, value, ['spoiler_text'])); }; const setCursor = (start: number, end: number = start) => { if (!autosuggestTextareaRef.current?.textarea) return; autosuggestTextareaRef.current.textarea.setSelectionRange(start, end); }; const handleEmojiPick = (data: Emoji) => { const position = autosuggestTextareaRef.current!.textarea!.selectionStart; const needsSpace = !!data.custom && position > 0 && !allowedAroundShortCode.includes(text[position - 1]); dispatch(insertEmojiCompose(id, position, data, needsSpace)); }; const onPaste = (files: FileList) => { dispatch(uploadCompose(id, files, intl)); }; const focusSpoilerInput = () => { spoilerTextRef.current?.input?.focus(); }; const focusTextarea = () => { autosuggestTextareaRef.current?.textarea?.focus(); }; useEffect(() => { const length = text.length; document.addEventListener('click', handleClick, true); if (length > 0) { setCursor(length); // Set cursor at end } return () => { document.removeEventListener('click', handleClick, true); }; }, []); useEffect(() => { if (spoiler && !prevSpoiler) { focusSpoilerInput(); } else if (!spoiler && prevSpoiler) { focusTextarea(); } }, [spoiler]); useEffect(() => { if (typeof caretPosition === 'number') { setCursor(caretPosition); } }, [focusDate]); const renderButtons = useCallback(() => ( { && } {features.polls && } {features.privacyScopes && !group && !groupId && } {features.scheduledStatuses && } {features.spoilers && } ), [features, id]); const condensed = shouldCondense && !isDraggedOver && !composeFocused && isEmpty() && !isUploading; const disabled = isSubmitting; const countedText = [spoilerText, countableText(text)].join(''); const disabledButton = disabled || isUploading || isChangingUpload || length(countedText) > maxTootChars || (countedText.length !== 0 && countedText.trim().length === 0 && !anyMedia); const shouldAutoFocus = autoFocus && !showSearch && !isMobile(window.innerWidth); let publishText: string | JSX.Element = ''; let publishIcon: string | undefined = undefined; if (isEditing) { publishText = intl.formatMessage(messages.saveChanges); } else if (privacy === 'direct') { publishIcon = require('@tabler/icons/mail.svg'); publishText = intl.formatMessage(messages.message); } else if (privacy === 'private') { publishIcon = require('@tabler/icons/lock.svg'); publishText = intl.formatMessage(messages.publish); } else { publishText = privacy !== 'unlisted' ? intl.formatMessage(messages.publishLoud, { publish: intl.formatMessage(messages.publish) }) : intl.formatMessage(messages.publish); } if (scheduledAt) { publishText = intl.formatMessage(messages.schedule); } return ( {scheduledStatusCount > 0 && !event && !group && ( ) }} />) } /> )} {!shouldCondense && !event && !group && groupId && } {!shouldCondense && !event && !group && } {!shouldCondense && !event && !group && }
{!condensed && ( )}
{extra &&
{renderButtons()} {maxTootChars && ( )}
); }; export default ComposeForm;