import { Map as ImmutableMap } from 'immutable'; import { __stub } from 'soapbox/api'; import { buildInstance, buildRelationship } from 'soapbox/jest/factory'; import { mockStore, rootState } from 'soapbox/jest/test-helpers'; import { normalizeAccount } from 'soapbox/normalizers'; import { ListRecord, ReducerRecord } from 'soapbox/reducers/user-lists'; import { authorizeFollowRequest, blockAccount, createAccount, expandFollowers, expandFollowing, expandFollowRequests, fetchAccount, fetchAccountByUsername, fetchFollowers, fetchFollowing, fetchFollowRequests, fetchRelationships, muteAccount, removeFromFollowers, subscribeAccount, unblockAccount, unmuteAccount, unsubscribeAccount, } from './accounts'; let store: ReturnType; describe('createAccount()', () => { const params = { email: '', }; describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState; store = mockStore(state); __stub((mock) => { mock.onPost('/api/v1/accounts').reply(200, { token: '123 ' }); }); }); it('dispatches the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_CREATE_REQUEST', params }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_CREATE_SUCCESS', params, token: { token: '123 ' }, }, ]; await store.dispatch(createAccount(params)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); describe('fetchAccount()', () => { const id = '123'; describe('when the account has "should_refetch" set to false', () => { beforeEach(() => { const account = normalizeAccount({ id, acct: 'justin-username', display_name: 'Justin L', avatar: 'test.jpg', }); const state = rootState .set('entities', { 'ACCOUNTS': { store: { [id]: account, }, lists: {}, }, }); store = mockStore(state); __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet(`/api/v1/accounts/${id}`).reply(200, account); }); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(fetchAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('with a successful API request', async () => { const account = await import('soapbox/__fixtures__/pleroma-account.json'); beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState; store = mockStore(state); __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet(`/api/v1/accounts/${id}`).reply(200, account); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_FETCH_REQUEST', id: '123' }, { type: 'ACCOUNTS_IMPORT', accounts: [account] }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_FETCH_SUCCESS', account, }, ]; await store.dispatch(fetchAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState; store = mockStore(state); __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet(`/api/v1/accounts/${id}`).networkError(); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_FETCH_REQUEST', id: '123' }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_FETCH_FAIL', id, error: new Error('Network Error'), skipAlert: true, }, ]; await store.dispatch(fetchAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); describe('fetchAccountByUsername()', () => { const id = '123'; const username = 'tiger'; let state, account: any; beforeEach(() => { account = normalizeAccount({ id, acct: username, display_name: 'Tiger', avatar: 'test.jpg', birthday: undefined, }); state = rootState .set('entities', { 'ACCOUNTS': { store: { [id]: account, }, lists: {}, }, }); store = mockStore(state); __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet(`/api/v1/accounts/${id}`).reply(200, account); }); }); describe('when "accountByUsername" feature is enabled', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState .set('instance', buildInstance({ version: '2.7.2 (compatible; Pleroma 2.4.52-1337-g4779199e.gleasonator+soapbox)', pleroma: { metadata: { features: [], }, }, })) .set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet(`/api/v1/accounts/${username}`).reply(200, account); mock.onGet(`/api/v1/accounts/relationships?${[].map(id => `id[]=${id}`).join('&')}`); }); }); it('should return dispatch the proper actions', async() => { await store.dispatch(fetchAccountByUsername(username)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions[0]).toEqual({ type: 'RELATIONSHIPS_FETCH_REQUEST', ids: ['123'], }); expect(actions[1].type).toEqual('ACCOUNTS_IMPORT'); expect(actions[2].type).toEqual('ACCOUNT_FETCH_SUCCESS'); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet(`/api/v1/accounts/${username}`).networkError(); }); }); it('should return dispatch the proper actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_FETCH_FAIL', id: null, error: new Error('Network Error'), skipAlert: true, }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_FETCH_FAIL_FOR_USERNAME_LOOKUP', username: 'tiger' }, ]; await store.dispatch(fetchAccountByUsername(username)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); describe('when "accountLookup" feature is enabled', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState .set('instance', buildInstance({ version: '3.4.1 (compatible; TruthSocial 1.0.0)', pleroma: { metadata: { features: [], }, }, })) .set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet('/api/v1/accounts/lookup').reply(200, account); }); }); it('should return dispatch the proper actions', async() => { await store.dispatch(fetchAccountByUsername(username)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions[0]).toEqual({ type: 'ACCOUNT_LOOKUP_REQUEST', acct: username, }); expect(actions[1].type).toEqual('ACCOUNTS_IMPORT'); expect(actions[2].type).toEqual('ACCOUNT_LOOKUP_SUCCESS'); expect(actions[3].type).toEqual('RELATIONSHIPS_FETCH_REQUEST'); expect(actions[4].type).toEqual('ACCOUNT_FETCH_SUCCESS'); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet('/api/v1/accounts/lookup').networkError(); }); }); it('should return dispatch the proper actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_LOOKUP_REQUEST', acct: 'tiger' }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_LOOKUP_FAIL' }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_FETCH_FAIL', id: null, error: new Error('Network Error'), skipAlert: true, }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_FETCH_FAIL_FOR_USERNAME_LOOKUP', username }, ]; await store.dispatch(fetchAccountByUsername(username)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); describe('when using the accountSearch function', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet('/api/v1/accounts/search').reply(200, [account]); }); }); it('should return dispatch the proper actions', async() => { await store.dispatch(fetchAccountByUsername(username)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions[0]).toEqual({ type: 'ACCOUNT_SEARCH_REQUEST', params: { q: username, limit: 5, resolve: true }, }); expect(actions[1].type).toEqual('ACCOUNTS_IMPORT'); expect(actions[2].type).toEqual('ACCOUNT_SEARCH_SUCCESS'); expect(actions[3]).toEqual({ type: 'RELATIONSHIPS_FETCH_REQUEST', ids: [ '123' ], }); expect(actions[4].type).toEqual('ACCOUNT_FETCH_SUCCESS'); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet('/api/v1/accounts/search').networkError(); }); }); it('should return dispatch the proper actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_SEARCH_REQUEST', params: { q: username, limit: 5, resolve: true }, }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_SEARCH_FAIL', skipAlert: true }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_FETCH_FAIL', id: null, error: new Error('Network Error'), skipAlert: true, }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_FETCH_FAIL_FOR_USERNAME_LOOKUP', username }, ]; await store.dispatch(fetchAccountByUsername(username)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); }); describe('blockAccount()', () => { const id = '1'; describe('when logged out', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', null); store = mockStore(state); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(blockAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('when logged in', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onPost(`/api/v1/accounts/${id}/block`).reply(200, {}); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_BLOCK_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_BLOCK_SUCCESS', relationship: {}, statuses: ImmutableMap({}), }, ]; await store.dispatch(blockAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onPost(`/api/v1/accounts/${id}/block`).networkError(); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_BLOCK_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_BLOCK_FAIL', error: new Error('Network Error') }, ]; await store.dispatch(blockAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); }); describe('unblockAccount()', () => { const id = '1'; describe('when logged out', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', null); store = mockStore(state); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(unblockAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('when logged in', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onPost(`/api/v1/accounts/${id}/unblock`).reply(200, {}); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_UNBLOCK_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_UNBLOCK_SUCCESS', relationship: {}, }, ]; await store.dispatch(unblockAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onPost(`/api/v1/accounts/${id}/unblock`).networkError(); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_UNBLOCK_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_UNBLOCK_FAIL', error: new Error('Network Error') }, ]; await store.dispatch(unblockAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); }); describe('muteAccount()', () => { const id = '1'; describe('when logged out', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', null); store = mockStore(state); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(unblockAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('when logged in', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onPost(`/api/v1/accounts/${id}/mute`).reply(200, {}); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_MUTE_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_MUTE_SUCCESS', relationship: {}, statuses: ImmutableMap({}), }, ]; await store.dispatch(muteAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onPost(`/api/v1/accounts/${id}/mute`).networkError(); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_MUTE_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_MUTE_FAIL', error: new Error('Network Error') }, ]; await store.dispatch(muteAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); }); describe('unmuteAccount()', () => { const id = '1'; describe('when logged out', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', null); store = mockStore(state); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(unblockAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('when logged in', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onPost(`/api/v1/accounts/${id}/unmute`).reply(200, {}); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_UNMUTE_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_UNMUTE_SUCCESS', relationship: {}, }, ]; await store.dispatch(unmuteAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onPost(`/api/v1/accounts/${id}/unmute`).networkError(); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_UNMUTE_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_UNMUTE_FAIL', error: new Error('Network Error') }, ]; await store.dispatch(unmuteAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); }); describe('subscribeAccount()', () => { const id = '1'; describe('when logged out', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', null); store = mockStore(state); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(subscribeAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('when logged in', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onPost(`/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/${id}/subscribe`).reply(200, {}); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_SUBSCRIBE_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_SUBSCRIBE_SUCCESS', relationship: {}, }, ]; await store.dispatch(subscribeAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onPost(`/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/${id}/subscribe`).networkError(); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_SUBSCRIBE_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_SUBSCRIBE_FAIL', error: new Error('Network Error') }, ]; await store.dispatch(subscribeAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); }); describe('unsubscribeAccount()', () => { const id = '1'; describe('when logged out', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', null); store = mockStore(state); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(subscribeAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('when logged in', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onPost(`/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/${id}/unsubscribe`).reply(200, {}); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_UNSUBSCRIBE_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_UNSUBSCRIBE_SUCCESS', relationship: {}, }, ]; await store.dispatch(unsubscribeAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onPost(`/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/${id}/unsubscribe`).networkError(); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_UNSUBSCRIBE_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_UNSUBSCRIBE_FAIL', error: new Error('Network Error') }, ]; await store.dispatch(unsubscribeAccount(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); }); describe('removeFromFollowers()', () => { const id = '1'; describe('when logged out', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', null); store = mockStore(state); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(removeFromFollowers(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('when logged in', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onPost(`/api/v1/accounts/${id}/remove_from_followers`).reply(200, {}); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_REMOVE_FROM_FOLLOWERS_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_REMOVE_FROM_FOLLOWERS_SUCCESS', relationship: {}, }, ]; await store.dispatch(removeFromFollowers(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onPost(`/api/v1/accounts/${id}/remove_from_followers`).networkError(); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'ACCOUNT_REMOVE_FROM_FOLLOWERS_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'ACCOUNT_REMOVE_FROM_FOLLOWERS_FAIL', id, error: new Error('Network Error') }, ]; await store.dispatch(removeFromFollowers(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); }); describe('fetchFollowers()', () => { const id = '1'; describe('when logged in', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet(`/api/v1/accounts/${id}/followers`).reply(200, [], { link: `; rel='prev'`, }); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'FOLLOWERS_FETCH_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'ACCOUNTS_IMPORT', accounts: [] }, { type: 'FOLLOWERS_FETCH_SUCCESS', id, accounts: [], next: null, }, ]; await store.dispatch(fetchFollowers(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet(`/api/v1/accounts/${id}/followers`).networkError(); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'FOLLOWERS_FETCH_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'FOLLOWERS_FETCH_FAIL', id, error: new Error('Network Error') }, ]; await store.dispatch(fetchFollowers(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); }); describe('expandFollowers()', () => { const id = '1'; describe('when logged out', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', null); store = mockStore(state); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(expandFollowers(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('when logged in', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState .set('user_lists', ReducerRecord({ followers: ImmutableMap({ [id]: ListRecord({ next: 'next_url', }), }), })) .set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('when the url is null', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState .set('user_lists', ReducerRecord({ followers: ImmutableMap({ [id]: ListRecord({ next: null, }), }), })) .set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(expandFollowers(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet('next_url').reply(200, [], { link: `; rel='prev'`, }); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'FOLLOWERS_EXPAND_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'ACCOUNTS_IMPORT', accounts: [] }, { type: 'FOLLOWERS_EXPAND_SUCCESS', id, accounts: [], next: null, }, ]; await store.dispatch(expandFollowers(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet('next_url').networkError(); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'FOLLOWERS_EXPAND_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'FOLLOWERS_EXPAND_FAIL', id, error: new Error('Network Error') }, ]; await store.dispatch(expandFollowers(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); }); describe('fetchFollowing()', () => { const id = '1'; describe('when logged in', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet(`/api/v1/accounts/${id}/following`).reply(200, [], { link: `; rel='prev'`, }); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'FOLLOWING_FETCH_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'ACCOUNTS_IMPORT', accounts: [] }, { type: 'FOLLOWING_FETCH_SUCCESS', id, accounts: [], next: null, }, ]; await store.dispatch(fetchFollowing(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet(`/api/v1/accounts/${id}/following`).networkError(); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'FOLLOWING_FETCH_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'FOLLOWING_FETCH_FAIL', id, error: new Error('Network Error') }, ]; await store.dispatch(fetchFollowing(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); }); describe('expandFollowing()', () => { const id = '1'; describe('when logged out', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', null); store = mockStore(state); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(expandFollowing(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('when logged in', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState .set('user_lists', ReducerRecord({ following: ImmutableMap({ [id]: ListRecord({ next: 'next_url', }), }), })) .set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('when the url is null', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState .set('user_lists', ReducerRecord({ following: ImmutableMap({ [id]: ListRecord({ next: null, }), }), })) .set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(expandFollowing(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet('next_url').reply(200, [], { link: `; rel='prev'`, }); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'FOLLOWING_EXPAND_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'ACCOUNTS_IMPORT', accounts: [] }, { type: 'FOLLOWING_EXPAND_SUCCESS', id, accounts: [], next: null, }, ]; await store.dispatch(expandFollowing(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet('next_url').networkError(); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'FOLLOWING_EXPAND_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'FOLLOWING_EXPAND_FAIL', id, error: new Error('Network Error') }, ]; await store.dispatch(expandFollowing(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); }); describe('fetchRelationships()', () => { const id = '1'; describe('when logged out', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', null); store = mockStore(state); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(fetchRelationships([id])); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('when logged in', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState .set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('without newAccountIds', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState .set('relationships', ImmutableMap({ [id]: buildRelationship() })) .set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(fetchRelationships([id])); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState .set('relationships', ImmutableMap({})) .set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); __stub((mock) => { mock .onGet(`/api/v1/accounts/relationships?${[id].map(id => `id[]=${id}`).join('&')}`) .reply(200, []); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'RELATIONSHIPS_FETCH_REQUEST', ids: [id] }, { type: 'RELATIONSHIPS_FETCH_SUCCESS', relationships: [] }, ]; await store.dispatch(fetchRelationships([id])); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock .onGet(`/api/v1/accounts/relationships?${[id].map(id => `id[]=${id}`).join('&')}`) .networkError(); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'RELATIONSHIPS_FETCH_REQUEST', ids: [id] }, { type: 'RELATIONSHIPS_FETCH_FAIL', error: new Error('Network Error') }, ]; await store.dispatch(fetchRelationships([id])); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); }); describe('fetchFollowRequests()', () => { describe('when logged out', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', null); store = mockStore(state); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(fetchFollowRequests()); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('when logged in', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState .set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState .set('relationships', ImmutableMap({})) .set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet('/api/v1/follow_requests').reply(200, [], { link: '; rel=\'prev\'', }); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'FOLLOW_REQUESTS_FETCH_REQUEST' }, { type: 'ACCOUNTS_IMPORT', accounts: [] }, { type: 'FOLLOW_REQUESTS_FETCH_SUCCESS', accounts: [], next: null, }, ]; await store.dispatch(fetchFollowRequests()); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet('/api/v1/follow_requests').networkError(); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'FOLLOW_REQUESTS_FETCH_REQUEST' }, { type: 'FOLLOW_REQUESTS_FETCH_FAIL', error: new Error('Network Error') }, ]; await store.dispatch(fetchFollowRequests()); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); }); describe('expandFollowRequests()', () => { describe('when logged out', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', null); store = mockStore(state); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(expandFollowRequests()); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('when logged in', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState .set('user_lists', ReducerRecord({ follow_requests: ListRecord({ next: 'next_url', }), })) .set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('when the url is null', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState .set('user_lists', ReducerRecord({ follow_requests: ListRecord({ next: null, }), })) .set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(expandFollowRequests()); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet('next_url').reply(200, [], { link: '; rel=\'prev\'', }); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'FOLLOW_REQUESTS_EXPAND_REQUEST' }, { type: 'ACCOUNTS_IMPORT', accounts: [] }, { type: 'FOLLOW_REQUESTS_EXPAND_SUCCESS', accounts: [], next: null, }, ]; await store.dispatch(expandFollowRequests()); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onGet('next_url').networkError(); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'FOLLOW_REQUESTS_EXPAND_REQUEST' }, { type: 'FOLLOW_REQUESTS_EXPAND_FAIL', error: new Error('Network Error') }, ]; await store.dispatch(expandFollowRequests()); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); }); describe('authorizeFollowRequest()', () => { const id = '1'; describe('when logged out', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', null); store = mockStore(state); }); it('should do nothing', async() => { await store.dispatch(authorizeFollowRequest(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('when logged in', () => { beforeEach(() => { const state = rootState.set('me', '123'); store = mockStore(state); }); describe('with a successful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onPost(`/api/v1/follow_requests/${id}/authorize`).reply(200); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'FOLLOW_REQUEST_AUTHORIZE_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'FOLLOW_REQUEST_AUTHORIZE_SUCCESS', id }, ]; await store.dispatch(authorizeFollowRequest(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); describe('with an unsuccessful API request', () => { beforeEach(() => { __stub((mock) => { mock.onPost(`/api/v1/follow_requests/${id}/authorize`).networkError(); }); }); it('should dispatch the correct actions', async() => { const expectedActions = [ { type: 'FOLLOW_REQUEST_AUTHORIZE_REQUEST', id }, { type: 'FOLLOW_REQUEST_AUTHORIZE_FAIL', id, error: new Error('Network Error') }, ]; await store.dispatch(authorizeFollowRequest(id)); const actions = store.getActions(); expect(actions).toEqual(expectedActions); }); }); }); });