import { Map as ImmutableMap, Record as ImmutableRecord, fromJS } from 'immutable'; import { AUTH_APP_CREATED, AUTH_LOGGED_IN, AUTH_LOGGED_OUT, VERIFY_CREDENTIALS_SUCCESS, VERIFY_CREDENTIALS_FAIL, SWITCH_ACCOUNT, } from 'soapbox/actions/auth'; import { ME_FETCH_SKIP } from 'soapbox/actions/me'; import { MASTODON_PRELOAD_IMPORT } from 'soapbox/actions/preload'; import { ReducerRecord } from 'soapbox/reducers/auth'; import reducer from '../auth'; describe('auth reducer', () => { it('should return the initial state', () => { expect(reducer(undefined, {} as any)).toEqual(ImmutableMap({ app: ImmutableMap(), users: ImmutableMap(), tokens: ImmutableMap(), me: null, })); }); describe('AUTH_APP_CREATED', () => { it('should copy in the app', () => { const token = { token_type: 'Bearer', access_token: 'ABCDEFG' }; const action = { type: AUTH_APP_CREATED, app: token }; const result = reducer(undefined, action); const expected = fromJS(token); expect(result.get('app')).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('AUTH_LOGGED_IN', () => { it('should import the token', () => { const token = { token_type: 'Bearer', access_token: 'ABCDEFG' }; const action = { type: AUTH_LOGGED_IN, token }; const result = reducer(undefined, action); const expected = fromJS({ 'ABCDEFG': token }); expect(result.get('tokens')).toEqual(expected); }); it('should merge the token with existing state', () => { const state = ReducerRecord(ImmutableMap(fromJS({ tokens: { 'ABCDEFG': { token_type: 'Bearer', access_token: 'ABCDEFG' } }, }))); const expected = fromJS({ 'ABCDEFG': { token_type: 'Bearer', access_token: 'ABCDEFG' }, 'HIJKLMN': { token_type: 'Bearer', access_token: 'HIJKLMN' }, }); const action = { type: AUTH_LOGGED_IN, token: { token_type: 'Bearer', access_token: 'HIJKLMN' }, }; const result = reducer(state, action); expect(result.get('tokens')).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('AUTH_LOGGED_OUT', () => { it('deletes the user', () => { const action = { type: AUTH_LOGGED_OUT, account: fromJS({ url: '' }), }; const state = ReducerRecord(ImmutableMap(fromJS({ users: { '': { id: '1234', access_token: 'ABCDEFG', url: '' }, '': { id: '5678', access_token: 'HIJKLMN', url: '' }, }, }))); const expected = fromJS({ '': { id: '5678', access_token: 'HIJKLMN', url: '' }, }); const result = reducer(state, action); expect(result.get('users')).toEqual(expected); }); it('sets `me` to the next available user', () => { const state = ReducerRecord(ImmutableMap(fromJS({ me: '', users: { '': { id: '1234', access_token: 'ABCDEFG', url: '' }, '': { id: '5678', access_token: 'HIJKLMN', url: '' }, }, }))); const action = { type: AUTH_LOGGED_OUT, account: fromJS({ url: '' }), }; const result = reducer(state, action); expect(result.get('me')).toEqual(''); }); }); describe('VERIFY_CREDENTIALS_SUCCESS', () => { it('should import the user', () => { const action = { type: VERIFY_CREDENTIALS_SUCCESS, token: 'ABCDEFG', account: { id: '1234', url: '' }, }; const expected = fromJS({ '': { id: '1234', access_token: 'ABCDEFG', url: '' }, }); const result = reducer(undefined, action); expect(result.get('users')).toEqual(expected); }); it('should set the account in the token', () => { const action = { type: VERIFY_CREDENTIALS_SUCCESS, token: 'ABCDEFG', account: { id: '1234', url: '' }, }; const state = ReducerRecord(ImmutableMap(fromJS({ tokens: { 'ABCDEFG': { token_type: 'Bearer', access_token: 'ABCDEFG' } }, }))); const expected = fromJS({ 'ABCDEFG': { token_type: 'Bearer', access_token: 'ABCDEFG', account: '1234', me: '', }, }); const result = reducer(state, action); expect(result.get('tokens')).toEqual(expected); }); it('sets `me` to the account if unset', () => { const action = { type: VERIFY_CREDENTIALS_SUCCESS, token: 'ABCDEFG', account: { id: '1234', url: '' }, }; const result = reducer(undefined, action); expect(result.get('me')).toEqual(''); }); it('leaves `me` alone if already set', () => { const action = { type: VERIFY_CREDENTIALS_SUCCESS, token: 'ABCDEFG', account: { id: '1234', url: '' }, }; const state = ReducerRecord(ImmutableMap(fromJS({ me: '' }))); const result = reducer(state, action); expect(result.get('me')).toEqual(''); }); it('deletes mismatched users', () => { const action = { type: VERIFY_CREDENTIALS_SUCCESS, token: 'ABCDEFG', account: { id: '1234', url: '' }, }; const state = ReducerRecord(ImmutableMap(fromJS({ users: { '': { id: '4567', access_token: 'ABCDEFG', url: '' }, '': { id: '1234', access_token: 'ABCDEFG', url: '' }, '': { id: '5432', access_token: 'HIJKLMN', url: '' }, }, }))); const expected = fromJS({ '': { id: '1234', access_token: 'ABCDEFG', url: '' }, '': { id: '5432', access_token: 'HIJKLMN', url: '' }, }); const result = reducer(state, action); expect(result.get('users')).toEqual(expected); }); it('upgrades from an ID to a URL', () => { const action = { type: VERIFY_CREDENTIALS_SUCCESS, token: 'ABCDEFG', account: { id: '1234', url: '' }, }; const state = ReducerRecord(ImmutableMap(fromJS({ me: '1234', users: { '1234': { id: '1234', access_token: 'ABCDEFG' }, '5432': { id: '5432', access_token: 'HIJKLMN' }, }, tokens: { 'ABCDEFG': { access_token: 'ABCDEFG', account: '1234' }, }, }))); const expected = ImmutableRecord(fromJS({ me: '', users: { '': { id: '1234', access_token: 'ABCDEFG', url: '' }, '5432': { id: '5432', access_token: 'HIJKLMN' }, }, tokens: { 'ABCDEFG': { access_token: 'ABCDEFG', account: '1234', me: '' }, }, })); const result = reducer(state, action); expect(result).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('VERIFY_CREDENTIALS_FAIL', () => { it('should delete the failed token if it 403\'d', () => { const state = ReducerRecord(ImmutableMap(fromJS({ tokens: { 'ABCDEFG': { token_type: 'Bearer', access_token: 'ABCDEFG' }, 'HIJKLMN': { token_type: 'Bearer', access_token: 'HIJKLMN' }, }, }))); const expected = fromJS({ 'HIJKLMN': { token_type: 'Bearer', access_token: 'HIJKLMN' }, }); const action = { type: VERIFY_CREDENTIALS_FAIL, token: 'ABCDEFG', error: { response: { status: 403 } }, }; const result = reducer(state, action); expect(result.get('tokens')).toEqual(expected); }); it('should delete any users associated with the failed token', () => { const state = ReducerRecord(ImmutableMap(fromJS({ users: { '': { id: '1234', access_token: 'ABCDEFG', url: '' }, '': { id: '5678', access_token: 'HIJKLMN', url: '' }, }, }))); const expected = fromJS({ '': { id: '5678', access_token: 'HIJKLMN', url: '' }, }); const action = { type: VERIFY_CREDENTIALS_FAIL, token: 'ABCDEFG', error: { response: { status: 403 } }, }; const result = reducer(state, action); expect(result.get('users')).toEqual(expected); }); it('should reassign `me` to the next in line', () => { const state = ReducerRecord(ImmutableMap(fromJS({ me: '', users: { '': { id: '1234', access_token: 'ABCDEFG', url: '' }, '': { id: '5678', access_token: 'HIJKLMN', url: '' }, }, }))); const action = { type: VERIFY_CREDENTIALS_FAIL, token: 'ABCDEFG', error: { response: { status: 403 } }, }; const result = reducer(state, action); expect(result.get('me')).toEqual(''); }); }); describe('SWITCH_ACCOUNT', () => { it('sets the value of `me`', () => { const action = { type: SWITCH_ACCOUNT, account: fromJS({ url: '' }), }; const result = reducer(undefined, action); expect(result.get('me')).toEqual(''); }); }); describe('ME_FETCH_SKIP', () => { it('sets `me` to null', () => { const state = ReducerRecord(ImmutableMap(fromJS({ me: '' }))); const action = { type: ME_FETCH_SKIP }; const result = reducer(state, action); expect(result.get('me')).toEqual(null); }); }); describe('MASTODON_PRELOAD_IMPORT', () => { it('imports the user and token', () => { const action = { type: MASTODON_PRELOAD_IMPORT, data: require('soapbox/__fixtures__/mastodon_initial_state.json'), }; const expected = fromJS({ me: '', app: {}, users: { '': { id: '106801667066418367', access_token: 'Nh15V9JWyY5Fshf2OJ_feNvOIkTV7YGVfEJFr0Y0D6Q', url: '', }, }, tokens: { 'Nh15V9JWyY5Fshf2OJ_feNvOIkTV7YGVfEJFr0Y0D6Q': { access_token: 'Nh15V9JWyY5Fshf2OJ_feNvOIkTV7YGVfEJFr0Y0D6Q', account: '106801667066418367', me: '', scope: 'read write follow push', token_type: 'Bearer', }, }, }); const result = reducer(undefined, action); expect(result).toEqual(expected); }); }); });