import reducer from '../compose'; import { Map as ImmutableMap } from 'immutable'; import { COMPOSE_REPLY } from 'soapbox/actions/compose'; import { ME_FETCH_SUCCESS } from 'soapbox/actions/me'; import { SETTING_CHANGE } from 'soapbox/actions/settings'; describe('compose reducer', () => { it('returns the initial state by default', () => { expect(reducer(undefined, {}).toJS()).toMatchObject({ mounted: 0, sensitive: false, spoiler: false, spoiler_text: '', privacy: null, text: '', focusDate: null, caretPosition: null, in_reply_to: null, is_composing: false, is_submitting: false, is_changing_upload: false, is_uploading: false, progress: 0, media_attachments: [], poll: null, suggestion_token: null, suggestions: [], default_privacy: 'public', default_sensitive: false, idempotencyKey: null, tagHistory: [], }); }); it('uses \'public\' scope as default', () => { const action = { type: COMPOSE_REPLY, status: ImmutableMap(), account: ImmutableMap(), }; expect(reducer(undefined, action).toJS()).toMatchObject({ privacy: 'public' }); }); it('uses \'direct\' scope when replying to a DM', () => { const state = ImmutableMap({ default_privacy: 'public' }); const action = { type: COMPOSE_REPLY, status: ImmutableMap({ visibility: 'direct' }), account: ImmutableMap(), }; expect(reducer(state, action).toJS()).toMatchObject({ privacy: 'direct' }); }); it('uses \'private\' scope when replying to a private post', () => { const state = ImmutableMap({ default_privacy: 'public' }); const action = { type: COMPOSE_REPLY, status: ImmutableMap({ visibility: 'private' }), account: ImmutableMap(), }; expect(reducer(state, action).toJS()).toMatchObject({ privacy: 'private' }); }); it('uses \'unlisted\' scope when replying to an unlisted post', () => { const state = ImmutableMap({ default_privacy: 'public' }); const action = { type: COMPOSE_REPLY, status: ImmutableMap({ visibility: 'unlisted' }), account: ImmutableMap(), }; expect(reducer(state, action).toJS()).toMatchObject({ privacy: 'unlisted' }); }); it('uses \'private\' scope when set as preference and replying to a public post', () => { const state = ImmutableMap({ default_privacy: 'private' }); const action = { type: COMPOSE_REPLY, status: ImmutableMap({ visibility: 'public' }), account: ImmutableMap(), }; expect(reducer(state, action).toJS()).toMatchObject({ privacy: 'private' }); }); it('uses \'unlisted\' scope when set as preference and replying to a public post', () => { const state = ImmutableMap({ default_privacy: 'unlisted' }); const action = { type: COMPOSE_REPLY, status: ImmutableMap({ visibility: 'public' }), account: ImmutableMap(), }; expect(reducer(state, action).toJS()).toMatchObject({ privacy: 'unlisted' }); }); it('sets preferred scope on user login', () => { const state = ImmutableMap({ default_privacy: 'public' }); const action = { type: ME_FETCH_SUCCESS, me: { pleroma: { settings_store: { soapbox_fe: { defaultPrivacy: 'unlisted' } } } }, }; expect(reducer(state, action).toJS()).toMatchObject({ default_privacy: 'unlisted', privacy: 'unlisted', }); }); it('sets preferred scope on settings change', () => { const state = ImmutableMap({ default_privacy: 'public' }); const action = { type: SETTING_CHANGE, path: ['defaultPrivacy'], value: 'unlisted', }; expect(reducer(state, action).toJS()).toMatchObject({ default_privacy: 'unlisted', privacy: 'unlisted', }); }); });