import { Map as ImmutableMap, fromJS } from 'immutable'; import lain from 'soapbox/__fixtures__/lain.json'; import reducer from '../relationships'; import { ACCOUNT_IMPORT, } from '../../actions/importer'; describe('relationships reducer', () => { it('should return the initial state', () => { expect(reducer(undefined, {})).toEqual(ImmutableMap()); }); describe('ACCOUNT_IMPORT', () => { it('should import the relationship', () => { const action = { type: ACCOUNT_IMPORT, account: lain, }; const state = ImmutableMap(); expect(reducer(state, action)).toEqual(fromJS({ '9v5bqYwY2jfmvPNhTM': { blocked_by: false, blocking: false, domain_blocking: false, endorsed: false, followed_by: true, following: true, id: '9v5bqYwY2jfmvPNhTM', muting: false, muting_notifications: false, requested: false, showing_reblogs: true, subscribing: false, }, })); }); }); });