import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { defineMessages, useIntl, FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl'; import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'; import { remoteInteraction } from 'soapbox/actions/interactions'; import { Button, Modal, Stack, Text } from 'soapbox/components/ui'; import { useAppSelector, useAppDispatch, useFeatures, useSoapboxConfig, useInstance } from 'soapbox/hooks'; import toast from 'soapbox/toast'; const messages = defineMessages({ close: { id: 'lightbox.close', defaultMessage: 'Close' }, accountPlaceholder: { id: 'remote_interaction.account_placeholder', defaultMessage: 'Enter your username@domain you want to act from' }, userNotFoundError: { id: 'remote_interaction.user_not_found_error', defaultMessage: 'Couldn\'t find given user' }, }); interface IUnauthorizedModal { /** Unauthorized action type. */ action: 'FOLLOW' | 'REPLY' | 'REBLOG' | 'FAVOURITE' | 'POLL_VOTE' | 'JOIN', /** Close event handler. */ onClose: (modalType: string) => void, /** ActivityPub ID of the account OR status being acted upon. */ ap_id?: string, /** Account ID of the account being acted upon. */ account?: string, } /** Modal to display when a logged-out user tries to do something that requires login. */ const UnauthorizedModal: React.FC<IUnauthorizedModal> = ({ action, onClose, account: accountId, ap_id: apId }) => { const intl = useIntl(); const history = useHistory(); const dispatch = useAppDispatch(); const instance = useInstance(); const { singleUserMode } = useSoapboxConfig(); const username = useAppSelector(state => state.accounts.get(accountId)?.display_name); const features = useFeatures(); const [account, setAccount] = useState(''); const onAccountChange: React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> = e => { setAccount(; }; const onClickClose = () => { onClose('UNAUTHORIZED'); }; const onSubmit: React.FormEventHandler = e => { e.preventDefault(); dispatch(remoteInteraction(apId!, account)) .then(url => {, '_new', 'noopener,noreferrer'); onClose('UNAUTHORIZED'); }) .catch(error => { if (error.message === 'Couldn\'t find user') { toast.error(intl.formatMessage(messages.userNotFoundError)); } }); }; const onLogin = () => { history.push('/login'); onClickClose(); }; const onRegister = () => { history.push('/signup'); onClickClose(); }; const renderRemoteInteractions = () => { let header; let button; if (action === 'FOLLOW') { header = <FormattedMessage id='remote_interaction.follow_title' defaultMessage='Follow {user} remotely' values={{ user: username }} />; button = <FormattedMessage id='remote_interaction.follow' defaultMessage='Proceed to follow' />; } else if (action === 'REPLY') { header = <FormattedMessage id='remote_interaction.reply_title' defaultMessage='Reply to a post remotely' />; button = <FormattedMessage id='remote_interaction.reply' defaultMessage='Proceed to reply' />; } else if (action === 'REBLOG') { header = <FormattedMessage id='remote_interaction.reblog_title' defaultMessage='Reblog a post remotely' />; button = <FormattedMessage id='remote_interaction.reblog' defaultMessage='Proceed to repost' />; } else if (action === 'FAVOURITE') { header = <FormattedMessage id='remote_interaction.favourite_title' defaultMessage='Like a post remotely' />; button = <FormattedMessage id='remote_interaction.favourite' defaultMessage='Proceed to like' />; } else if (action === 'POLL_VOTE') { header = <FormattedMessage id='remote_interaction.poll_vote_title' defaultMessage='Vote in a poll remotely' />; button = <FormattedMessage id='remote_interaction.poll_vote' defaultMessage='Proceed to vote' />; } else if (action === 'JOIN') { header = <FormattedMessage id='remote_interaction.event_join_title' defaultMessage='Join an event remotely' />; button = <FormattedMessage id='remote_interaction.event_join' defaultMessage='Proceed to join' />; } return ( <Modal title={header} onClose={onClickClose} confirmationAction={!singleUserMode ? onLogin : undefined} confirmationText={<FormattedMessage id='account.login' defaultMessage='Log in' />} secondaryAction={onRegister} secondaryText={<FormattedMessage id='account.register' defaultMessage='Sign up' />} > <div className='remote-interaction-modal__content'> <form className='simple_form remote-interaction-modal__fields' onSubmit={onSubmit}> <input type='text' placeholder={intl.formatMessage(messages.accountPlaceholder)} name='remote_follow[acct]' value={account} autoCorrect='off' autoCapitalize='off' onChange={onAccountChange} required /> <Button type='submit' theme='primary'>{button}</Button> </form> <div className='remote-interaction-modal__divider'> <Text align='center'> <FormattedMessage id='remote_interaction.divider' defaultMessage='or' /> </Text> </div> {!singleUserMode && ( <Text size='lg' weight='medium'> <FormattedMessage id='unauthorized_modal.title' defaultMessage='Sign up for {site_title}' values={{ site_title: instance.title }} /> </Text> )} </div> </Modal> ); }; if (action && features.remoteInteractions && features.federating) { return renderRemoteInteractions(); } return ( <Modal title={<FormattedMessage id='unauthorized_modal.title' defaultMessage='Sign up for {site_title}' values={{ site_title: instance.title }} />} onClose={onClickClose} confirmationAction={onLogin} confirmationText={<FormattedMessage id='account.login' defaultMessage='Log in' />} secondaryAction={onRegister} secondaryText={<FormattedMessage id='account.register' defaultMessage='Sign up' />} > <Stack> <Text> <FormattedMessage id='unauthorized_modal.text' defaultMessage='You need to be logged in to do that.' /> </Text> </Stack> </Modal> ); }; export default UnauthorizedModal;