Merge branch 'next-edit-profile' into 'next'

Next: EditProfile improvements

See merge request soapbox-pub/soapbox-fe!1278
This commit is contained in:
Alex Gleason 2022-04-30 03:11:48 +00:00
commit fa80911fae
26 changed files with 1136 additions and 19 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import React, { useMemo } from 'react';
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
interface IFormGroup {
hintText?: string | React.ReactNode,
labelText: string,
hintText?: React.ReactNode,
labelText: React.ReactNode,
errors?: string[]

View file

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ const AnimatedTab: React.FC<IAnimatedTab> = ({ index, ...props }) => {
type Item = {
text: string,
text: React.ReactNode,
title?: string,
href?: string,
to?: string,

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ interface ITextarea extends Pick<React.TextareaHTMLAttributes<HTMLTextAreaElemen
isCodeEditor?: boolean,
placeholder?: string,
value?: string,
autoComplete?: string,
const Textarea = React.forwardRef(

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import React from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import StillImage from 'soapbox/components/still_image';
import VerificationBadge from 'soapbox/components/verification_badge';
import { useSoapboxConfig } from 'soapbox/hooks';
import type { Account } from 'soapbox/types/entities';
interface IProfilePreview {
account: Account,
/** Displays a preview of the user's account, including avatar, banner, etc. */
const ProfilePreview: React.FC<IProfilePreview> = ({ account }) => {
const { displayFqn } = useSoapboxConfig();
return (
<div className='card h-card'>
<Link to={`/@${account.acct}`}>
<div className='card__img'>
<StillImage alt='' src={account.header} />
<div className='card__bar'>
<div className='avatar'>
<StillImage alt='' className='u-photo' src={account.avatar} width='48' height='48' />
<div className='display-name'>
<span style={{ display: 'none' }}>{account.username}</span>
<strong className='emojify p-name'>
{account.verified && <VerificationBadge />}
<span>@{displayFqn ? account.fqn : account.acct}</span>
export default ProfilePreview;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
import { unescape } from 'lodash';
import React, { useState, useEffect, useMemo } from 'react';
import { defineMessages, useIntl, FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import { updateNotificationSettings } from 'soapbox/actions/accounts';
import { patchMe } from 'soapbox/actions/me';
import snackbar from 'soapbox/actions/snackbar';
import {
} from 'soapbox/features/forms';
import { useAppDispatch, useOwnAccount, useFeatures } from 'soapbox/hooks';
import { normalizeAccount } from 'soapbox/normalizers';
import resizeImage from 'soapbox/utils/resize_image';
import { Button, Column, Form, FormActions, FormGroup, Input, Textarea } from '../../components/ui';
import ProfilePreview from './components/profile_preview';
import type { Account } from 'soapbox/types/entities';
* Whether the user is hiding their follows and/or followers.
* Pleroma's config is granular, but we simplify it into one setting.
const hidesNetwork = (account: Account): boolean => {
const { hide_followers, hide_follows, hide_followers_count, hide_follows_count } = account.pleroma.toJS();
return Boolean(hide_followers && hide_follows && hide_followers_count && hide_follows_count);
const messages = defineMessages({
heading: { id: 'column.edit_profile', defaultMessage: 'Edit profile' },
header: { id: 'edit_profile.header', defaultMessage: 'Edit Profile' },
metaFieldLabel: { id: 'edit_profile.fields.meta_fields.label_placeholder', defaultMessage: 'Label' },
metaFieldContent: { id: 'edit_profile.fields.meta_fields.content_placeholder', defaultMessage: 'Content' },
success: { id: 'edit_profile.success', defaultMessage: 'Profile saved!' },
error: { id: 'edit_profile.error', defaultMessage: 'Profile update failed' },
bioPlaceholder: { id: 'edit_profile.fields.bio_placeholder', defaultMessage: 'Tell us about yourself.' },
displayNamePlaceholder: { id: 'edit_profile.fields.display_name_placeholder', defaultMessage: 'Name' },
websitePlaceholder: { id: 'edit_profile.fields.website_placeholder', defaultMessage: 'Display a Link' },
locationPlaceholder: { id: 'edit_profile.fields.location_placeholder', defaultMessage: 'Location' },
cancel: { id: 'common.cancel', defaultMessage: 'Cancel' },
// /** Forces fields to be maxFields size, filling empty values. */
// const normalizeFields = (fields, maxFields: number) => (
// ImmutableList(fields).setSize(Math.max(fields.size, maxFields)).map(field =>
// field ? field : ImmutableMap({ name: '', value: '' }),
// )
// );
* Profile metadata `name` and `value`.
* (By default, max 4 fields and 255 characters per property/value)
interface AccountCredentialsField {
name: string,
value: string,
/** Private information (settings) for the account. */
interface AccountCredentialsSource {
/** Default post privacy for authored statuses. */
privacy?: string,
/** Whether to mark authored statuses as sensitive by default. */
sensitive?: boolean,
/** Default language to use for authored statuses. (ISO 6391) */
language?: string,
* Params to submit when updating an account.
* @see PATCH /api/v1/accounts/update_credentials
interface AccountCredentials {
/** Whether the account should be shown in the profile directory. */
discoverable?: boolean,
/** Whether the account has a bot flag. */
bot?: boolean,
/** The display name to use for the profile. */
display_name?: string,
/** The account bio. */
note?: string,
/** Avatar image encoded using multipart/form-data */
avatar?: File,
/** Header image encoded using multipart/form-data */
header?: File,
/** Whether manual approval of follow requests is required. */
locked?: boolean,
/** Private information (settings) about the account. */
source?: AccountCredentialsSource,
/** Custom profile fields. */
fields_attributes?: AccountCredentialsField[],
// Non-Mastodon fields
/** Pleroma: whether to accept notifications from people you don't follow. */
stranger_notifications?: boolean,
/** Soapbox BE: whether the user opts-in to email communications. */
accepts_email_list?: boolean,
/** Pleroma: whether to publicly display followers. */
hide_followers?: boolean,
/** Pleroma: whether to publicly display follows. */
hide_follows?: boolean,
/** Pleroma: whether to publicly display follower count. */
hide_followers_count?: boolean,
/** Pleroma: whether to publicly display follows count. */
hide_follows_count?: boolean,
/** User's website URL. */
website?: string,
/** User's location. */
location?: string,
/** User's birthday. */
birthday?: string,
/** Convert an account into an update_credentials request object. */
const accountToCredentials = (account: Account): AccountCredentials => {
const hideNetwork = hidesNetwork(account);
return {
discoverable: account.discoverable,
display_name: unescape(account.display_name),
note: account.source.get('note') || unescape(account.note),
locked: account.locked,
fields_attributes: [...account.source.get<Iterable<AccountCredentialsField>>('fields', [])],
stranger_notifications: account.getIn(['pleroma', 'notification_settings', 'block_from_strangers']) === true,
accepts_email_list: account.getIn(['pleroma', 'accepts_email_list']) === true,
hide_followers: hideNetwork,
hide_follows: hideNetwork,
hide_followers_count: hideNetwork,
hide_follows_count: hideNetwork,
location: account.location,
birthday: account.birthday,
/** Edit profile page. */
const EditProfile: React.FC = () => {
const intl = useIntl();
const dispatch = useAppDispatch();
const account = useOwnAccount();
const features = useFeatures();
// const maxFields = useAppSelector(state => state.instance.pleroma.getIn(['metadata', 'fields_limits', 'max_fields'], 4) as number);
const [isLoading, setLoading] = useState(false);
const [data, setData] = useState<AccountCredentials>({});
const [muteStrangers, setMuteStrangers] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (account) {
const credentials = accountToCredentials(account);
const strangerNotifications = account.getIn(['pleroma', 'notification_settings', 'block_from_strangers']) === true;
}, [account?.id]);
/** Set a single key in the request data. */
const updateData = (key: string, value: any) => {
setData(prevData => {
return { ...prevData, [key]: value };
const handleSubmit: React.FormEventHandler = (event) => {
const promises = [];
promises.push(dispatch(patchMe(data, true)));
if (features.muteStrangers) {
block_from_strangers: muteStrangers,
Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
}).catch(() => {
const handleCheckboxChange = (key: keyof AccountCredentials): React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> => {
return e => {
const handleTextChange = (key: keyof AccountCredentials): React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement> => {
return e => {
const handleHideNetworkChange: React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> = e => {
const hide =;
setData(prevData => {
return {
hide_followers: hide,
hide_follows: hide,
hide_followers_count: hide,
hide_follows_count: hide,
const handleFileChange = (
name: keyof AccountCredentials,
maxPixels: number,
): React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> => {
return e => {
const f =;
if (!f) return;
resizeImage(f, maxPixels).then(file => {
updateData(name, file);
// handleFieldChange = (i, key) => {
// return (e) => {
// this.setState({
// fields: this.state.fields.setIn([i, key],,
// });
// };
// };
// handleAddField = () => {
// this.setState({
// fields: this.state.fields.push(ImmutableMap({ name: '', value: '' })),
// });
// };
// handleDeleteField = i => {
// return () => {
// this.setState({
// fields: normalizeFields(this.state.fields.delete(i), Math.min(this.props.maxFields, 4)),
// });
// };
// };
/** Memoized avatar preview URL. */
const avatarUrl = useMemo(() => {
return data.avatar ? URL.createObjectURL(data.avatar) : account?.avatar;
}, [data.avatar, account?.avatar]);
/** Memoized header preview URL. */
const headerUrl = useMemo(() => {
return data.header ? URL.createObjectURL(data.header) : account?.header;
}, [data.header, account?.header]);
/** Preview account data. */
const previewAccount = useMemo(() => {
return normalizeAccount({
avatar: avatarUrl,
header: headerUrl,
}) as Account;
}, [account?.id, data.display_name, avatarUrl, headerUrl]);
return (
<Column label={intl.formatMessage(messages.header)}>
<Form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
labelText={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.fields.display_name_label' defaultMessage='Display name' />}
{features.birthdays && (
labelText={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.fields.birthday_label' defaultMessage='Birthday' />}
{features.accountLocation && (
labelText={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.fields.location_label' defaultMessage='Location' />}
{features.accountWebsite && (
labelText={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.fields.website_label' defaultMessage='Website' />}
labelText={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.fields.bio_label' defaultMessage='Bio' />}
<div className='grid grid-cols-2 gap-4'>
<ProfilePreview account={previewAccount} />
<div className='space-y-4'>
labelText={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.fields.header_label' defaultMessage='Choose Background Picture' />}
hintText={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.hints.header' defaultMessage='PNG, GIF or JPG. Will be downscaled to {size}' values={{ size: '1920x1080px' }} />}
<input type='file' onChange={handleFileChange('header', 1920 * 1080)} className='text-sm' />
labelText={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.fields.avatar_label' defaultMessage='Choose Profile Picture' />}
hintText={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.hints.avatar' defaultMessage='PNG, GIF or JPG. Will be downscaled to {size}' values={{ size: '400x400px' }} />}
<input type='file' onChange={handleFileChange('avatar', 400 * 400)} className='text-sm' />
{/* HACK: wrap these checkboxes in a .simple_form container so they get styled (for now) */}
{/* Need a either move, replace, or refactor these checkboxes. */}
<div className='simple_form'>
{features.followRequests && (
label={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.fields.locked_label' defaultMessage='Lock account' />}
hint={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.hints.locked' defaultMessage='Requires you to manually approve followers' />}
{features.hideNetwork && (
label={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.fields.hide_network_label' defaultMessage='Hide network' />}
hint={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.hints.hide_network' defaultMessage='Who you follow and who follows you will not be shown on your profile' />}
checked={account ? hidesNetwork(account): false}
{features.bots && (
label={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.fields.bot_label' defaultMessage='This is a bot account' />}
hint={<FormattedMessage id='' defaultMessage='This account mainly performs automated actions and might not be monitored' />}
{features.muteStrangers && (
label={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.fields.stranger_notifications_label' defaultMessage='Block notifications from strangers' />}
hint={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.hints.stranger_notifications' defaultMessage='Only show notifications from people you follow' />}
onChange={(e) => setMuteStrangers(}
{features.profileDirectory && (
label={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.fields.discoverable_label' defaultMessage='Allow account discovery' />}
hint={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.hints.discoverable' defaultMessage='Display account in profile directory and allow indexing by external services' />}
{features.emailList && (
label={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.fields.accepts_email_list_label' defaultMessage='Subscribe to newsletter' />}
hint={<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.hints.accepts_email_list' defaultMessage='Opt-in to news and marketing updates.' />}
{/* </FieldsGroup> */}
<div className='fields-row__column fields-group'>
<div className='input with_block_label'>
<label><FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.fields.meta_fields_label' defaultMessage='Profile metadata' /></label>
<span className='hint'>
<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.hints.meta_fields' defaultMessage='You can have up to {count, plural, one {# item} other {# items}} displayed as a table on your profile' values={{ count: maxFields }} />
{, i) => (
<div className='row' key={i}>
onChange={this.handleFieldChange(i, 'name')}
onChange={this.handleFieldChange(i, 'value')}
this.state.fields.size > 4 && <Icon className='delete-field' src={require('@tabler/icons/icons/circle-x.svg')} onClick={this.handleDeleteField(i)} />
this.state.fields.size < maxFields && (
<div className='actions add-row'>
<div name='button' type='button' role='presentation' className='btn button button-secondary' onClick={this.handleAddField}>
<Icon src={require('@tabler/icons/icons/circle-plus.svg')} />
<FormattedMessage id='edit_profile.meta_fields.add' defaultMessage='Add new item' />
{/* </fieldset> */}
<Button to='/settings' theme='ghost'>
<Button theme='primary' type='submit' disabled={isLoading}>
<FormattedMessage id='' defaultMessage='Save' />
export default EditProfile;

View file

@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ interface ISimpleInput {
export const SimpleInput: React.FC<ISimpleInput> = (props) => {
const { hint, label, error, } = props;
const Input = label ? LabelInput : 'input';
const { hint, error, } = props;
const Input = props.label ? LabelInput : 'input';
return (
<InputContainer {...props}>
@ -146,7 +146,14 @@ export const FieldsGroup: React.FC = ({ children }) => (
<div className='fields-group'>{children}</div>
export const Checkbox: React.FC = (props) => (
interface ICheckbox {
label?: React.ReactNode,
hint?: React.ReactNode,
checked?: boolean,
onChange?: React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>,
export const Checkbox: React.FC<ICheckbox> = (props) => (
<SimpleInput type='checkbox' {...props} />

View file

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ const AvatarSelectionStep = ({ onNext }: { onNext: () => void }) => {
if (error.response?.status === 422) {
dispatch(snackbar.error('Validation failed: ', '')));
dispatch(snackbar.error(( as any).error.replace('Validation failed: ', '')));
} else {
dispatch(snackbar.error('An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.'));

View file

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ const BioStep = ({ onNext }: { onNext: () => void }) => {
if (error.response?.status === 422) {
setErrors(['Validation failed: ', '')]);
setErrors([( as any).error.replace('Validation failed: ', '')]);
} else {
dispatch(snackbar.error('An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.'));

View file

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ const CoverPhotoSelectionStep = ({ onNext }: { onNext: () => void }) => {
if (error.response?.status === 422) {
dispatch(snackbar.error('Validation failed: ', '')));
dispatch(snackbar.error(( as any).error.replace('Validation failed: ', '')));
} else {
dispatch(snackbar.error('An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.'));

View file

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ const DisplayNameStep = ({ onNext }: { onNext: () => void }) => {
if (error.response?.status === 422) {
setErrors(['Validation failed: ', '')]);
setErrors([( as any).error.replace('Validation failed: ', '')]);
} else {
dispatch(snackbar.error('An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or skip this step.'));

View file

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ const Header = () => {
.catch((error: AxiosError) => {
const data = error.response?.data;
const data: any = error.response?.data;
if (data?.error === 'mfa_required') {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
import classNames from 'classnames';
import React from 'react';
import { defineMessages, useIntl, FormattedMessage, FormatDateOptions } from 'react-intl';
import { Widget, Stack, HStack, Icon, Text } from 'soapbox/components/ui';
import BundleContainer from 'soapbox/features/ui/containers/bundle_container';
import { CryptoAddress } from 'soapbox/features/ui/util/async-components';
import type { Account, Field } from 'soapbox/types/entities';
const getTicker = (value: string): string => (value.match(/\$([a-zA-Z]*)/i) || [])[1];
const isTicker = (value: string): boolean => Boolean(getTicker(value));
const messages = defineMessages({
linkVerifiedOn: { id: 'account.link_verified_on', defaultMessage: 'Ownership of this link was checked on {date}' },
account_locked: { id: 'account.locked_info', defaultMessage: 'This account privacy status is set to locked. The owner manually reviews who can follow them.' },
deactivated: { id: 'account.deactivated', defaultMessage: 'Deactivated' },
bot: { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Bot' },
const dateFormatOptions: FormatDateOptions = {
month: 'short',
day: 'numeric',
year: 'numeric',
hour12: false,
hour: '2-digit',
minute: '2-digit',
interface IProfileField {
field: Field,
/** Renders a single profile field. */
const ProfileField: React.FC<IProfileField> = ({ field }) => {
const intl = useIntl();
if (isTicker( {
return (
<BundleContainer fetchComponent={CryptoAddress}>
{Component => (
return (
<dt title={}>
<Text weight='bold' tag='span' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: field.name_emojified }} />
className={classNames({ 'text-success-500': field.verified_at })}
<HStack space={2} alignItems='center'>
{field.verified_at && (
<span className='flex-none' title={intl.formatMessage(messages.linkVerifiedOn, { date: intl.formatDate(field.verified_at, dateFormatOptions) })}>
<Icon src={require('@tabler/icons/icons/check.svg')} />
<Text tag='span' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: field.value_emojified }} />
interface IProfileFieldsPanel {
account: Account,
/** Custom profile fields for sidebar. */
const ProfileFieldsPanel: React.FC<IProfileFieldsPanel> = ({ account }) => {
return (
<Widget title={<FormattedMessage id='profile_fields_panel.title' defaultMessage='Profile fields' />}>
<Stack space={4}>
{, i) => (
<ProfileField field={field} key={i} />
export default ProfileFieldsPanel;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
'use strict';
import React from 'react';
import { defineMessages, useIntl, FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import Badge from 'soapbox/components/badge';
import { Icon, HStack, Stack, Text } from 'soapbox/components/ui';
import VerificationBadge from 'soapbox/components/verification_badge';
import { useSoapboxConfig } from 'soapbox/hooks';
import { isLocal } from 'soapbox/utils/accounts';
import ProfileStats from './profile_stats';
import type { Account } from 'soapbox/types/entities';
/** Basically ensure the URL isn't `javascript:alert('hi')` or something like that */
const isSafeUrl = (text: string): boolean => {
try {
const url = new URL(text);
return ['http:', 'https:'].includes(url.protocol);
} catch (e) {
return false;
const messages = defineMessages({
linkVerifiedOn: { id: 'account.link_verified_on', defaultMessage: 'Ownership of this link was checked on {date}' },
account_locked: { id: 'account.locked_info', defaultMessage: 'This account privacy status is set to locked. The owner manually reviews who can follow them.' },
deactivated: { id: 'account.deactivated', defaultMessage: 'Deactivated' },
bot: { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Bot' },
interface IProfileInfoPanel {
account: Account,
/** Username from URL params, in case the account isn't found. */
username: string,
/** User profile metadata, such as location, birthday, etc. */
const ProfileInfoPanel: React.FC<IProfileInfoPanel> = ({ account, username }) => {
const intl = useIntl();
const { displayFqn } = useSoapboxConfig();
const getStaffBadge = (): React.ReactNode => {
if (account?.admin) {
return <Badge slug='admin' title='Admin' key='staff' />;
} else if (account?.moderator) {
return <Badge slug='moderator' title='Moderator' key='staff' />;
} else {
return null;
const getBadges = (): React.ReactNode[] => {
const staffBadge = getStaffBadge();
const isPatron = account.getIn(['patron', 'is_patron']) === true;
const badges = [];
if (staffBadge) {
if (isPatron) {
badges.push(<Badge slug='patron' title='Patron' key='patron' />);
if (account.donor) {
badges.push(<Badge slug='donor' title='Donor' key='donor' />);
return badges;
const renderBirthday = (): React.ReactNode => {
const birthday = account.birthday;
if (!birthday) return null;
const formattedBirthday = intl.formatDate(birthday, { timeZone: 'UTC', day: 'numeric', month: 'long', year: 'numeric' });
const date = new Date(birthday);
const today = new Date();
const hasBirthday = date.getDate() === today.getDate() && date.getMonth() === today.getMonth();
return (
<HStack alignItems='center' space={0.5}>
className='w-4 h-4 text-gray-800 dark:text-gray-200'
<Text size='sm'>
{hasBirthday ? (
<FormattedMessage id='account.birthday_today' defaultMessage='Birthday is today!' />
) : (
<FormattedMessage id='account.birthday' defaultMessage='Born {date}' values={{ date: formattedBirthday }} />
if (!account) {
return (
<div className='mt-6 min-w-0 flex-1 sm:px-2'>
<Stack space={2}>
<HStack space={1} alignItems='center'>
<Text size='sm' theme='muted'>
const content = { __html: account.note_emojified };
const deactivated = !account.pleroma.get('is_active', true) === true;
const displayNameHtml = deactivated ? { __html: intl.formatMessage(messages.deactivated) } : { __html: account.display_name_html };
const memberSinceDate = intl.formatDate(account.created_at, { month: 'long', year: 'numeric' });
const verified = account.verified;
const badges = getBadges();
return (
<div className='mt-6 min-w-0 flex-1 sm:px-2'>
<Stack space={2}>
{/* Not sure if this is actual used. */}
{/* <div className='profile-info-panel-content__deactivated'>
id='account.deactivated_description' defaultMessage='This account has been deactivated.'
</div> */}
<HStack space={1} alignItems='center'>
<Text size='lg' weight='bold' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={displayNameHtml} />
{verified && <VerificationBadge />}
{ && <Badge slug='bot' title={intl.formatMessage(} />}
{badges.length > 0 && (
<HStack space={1} alignItems='center'>
<HStack alignItems='center' space={0.5}>
<Text size='sm' theme='muted'>
@{displayFqn ? account.fqn : account.acct}
{account.locked && (
className='w-4 h-4 text-gray-600'
<ProfileStats account={account} />
{account.note.length > 0 && account.note !== '<p></p>' && (
<Text size='sm' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={content} />
<div className='flex flex-col md:flex-row items-start md:flex-wrap md:items-center gap-2'>
{isLocal(account as any) ? (
<HStack alignItems='center' space={0.5}>
className='w-4 h-4 text-gray-800 dark:text-gray-200'
<Text size='sm'>
id='account.member_since' defaultMessage='Joined {date}' values={{
date: memberSinceDate,
) : null}
{account.location ? (
<HStack alignItems='center' space={0.5}>
className='w-4 h-4 text-gray-800 dark:text-gray-200'
<Text size='sm'>
) : null}
{ ? (
<HStack alignItems='center' space={0.5}>
className='w-4 h-4 text-gray-800 dark:text-gray-200'
<div className='max-w-[300px]'>
<Text size='sm' truncate>
{isSafeUrl( ? (
<a className='text-primary-600 dark:text-primary-400 hover:underline' href={} target='_blank'>{}</a>
) : (
) : null}
export default ProfileInfoPanel;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
import React from 'react';
import { useIntl, defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';
import { shortNumberFormat } from 'soapbox/utils/numbers';
import { HStack, Text } from '../../../components/ui';
import type { Account } from 'soapbox/types/entities';
const messages = defineMessages({
followers: { id: 'account.followers', defaultMessage: 'Followers' },
follows: { id: 'account.follows', defaultMessage: 'Follows' },
interface IProfileStats {
account: Account | undefined,
onClickHandler?: React.MouseEventHandler,
/** Display follower and following counts for an account. */
const ProfileStats: React.FC<IProfileStats> = ({ account, onClickHandler }) => {
const intl = useIntl();
if (!account) {
return null;
return (
<HStack alignItems='center' space={3}>
<NavLink to={`/@${account.acct}/followers`} onClick={onClickHandler} title={intl.formatNumber(account.followers_count)}>
<HStack alignItems='center' space={1}>
<Text theme='primary' weight='bold' size='sm'>
<Text weight='bold' size='sm'>
<NavLink to={`/@${account.acct}/following`} onClick={onClickHandler} title={intl.formatNumber(account.following_count)}>
<HStack alignItems='center' space={1}>
<Text theme='primary' weight='bold' size='sm'>
<Text weight='bold' size='sm'>
export default ProfileStats;

View file

@ -362,6 +362,10 @@ export function ProfileMediaPanel() {
return import(/* webpackChunkName: "features/account_gallery" */'../components/profile_media_panel');
export function ProfileFieldsPanel() {
return import(/* webpackChunkName: "features/account_timeline" */'../components/profile_fields_panel');
export function PinnedAccountsPanel() {
return import(/* webpackChunkName: "features/pinned_accounts" */'../components/pinned_accounts_panel');

View file

@ -24,9 +24,10 @@ export const AccountRecord = ImmutableRecord({
acct: '',
avatar: '',
avatar_static: '',
birthday: undefined as Date | undefined,
birthday: undefined as string | undefined,
bot: false,
created_at: new Date(),
discoverable: false,
display_name: '',
emojis: ImmutableList<Emoji>(),
favicon: '',
@ -255,6 +256,11 @@ const addStaffFields = (account: ImmutableMap<string, any>) => {
const normalizeDiscoverable = (account: ImmutableMap<string, any>) => {
const discoverable = Boolean(account.get('discoverable') || account.getIn(['source', 'pleroma', 'discoverable']));
return account.set('discoverable', discoverable);
export const normalizeAccount = (account: Record<string, any>) => {
return AccountRecord(
ImmutableMap(fromJS(account)).withMutations(account => {
@ -269,6 +275,7 @@ export const normalizeAccount = (account: Record<string, any>) => {

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
import React from 'react';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import { Redirect, useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
import LinkFooter from 'soapbox/features/ui/components/link_footer';
import BundleContainer from 'soapbox/features/ui/containers/bundle_container';
import {
} from 'soapbox/features/ui/util/async-components';
import { useAppSelector, useFeatures, useSoapboxConfig } from 'soapbox/hooks';
import { findAccountByUsername } from 'soapbox/selectors';
import { getAcct } from 'soapbox/utils/accounts';
import { Column, Layout, Tabs } from '../components/ui';
import HeaderContainer from '../features/account_timeline/containers/header_container';
import { makeGetAccount } from '../selectors';
const getAccount = makeGetAccount();
interface IProfilePage {
params?: {
username?: string,
const ProfilePage: React.FC<IProfilePage> = ({ params, children }) => {
const history = useHistory();
const { accountId, account, accountUsername, realAccount } = useAppSelector(state => {
const username = params?.username || '';
const { accounts } = state;
const accountFetchError = (((state.accounts.getIn([-1, 'username']) || '') as string).toLowerCase() === username.toLowerCase());
let accountId: string | -1 | null = -1;
let account = null;
let accountUsername = username;
if (accountFetchError) {
accountId = null;
} else {
account = findAccountByUsername(state, username);
accountId = account ? : -1;
accountUsername = account ? account.acct : '';
let realAccount;
if (!account) {
const maybeAccount = accounts.get(username);
if (maybeAccount) {
realAccount = maybeAccount;
return {
account: typeof accountId === 'string' ? getAccount(state, accountId) : account,
const me = useAppSelector(state =>;
const features = useFeatures();
const { displayFqn } = useSoapboxConfig();
if (realAccount) {
return <Redirect to={`/@${realAccount.acct}`} />;
const tabItems = [
text: <FormattedMessage id='account.posts' defaultMessage='Posts' />,
to: `/@${accountUsername}`,
name: 'profile',
text: <FormattedMessage id='account.posts_with_replies' defaultMessage='Posts and replies' />,
to: `/@${accountUsername}/with_replies`,
name: 'replies',
text: <FormattedMessage id='' defaultMessage='Media' />,
to: `/@${accountUsername}/media`,
name: 'media',
if (account) {
const ownAccount = === me;
if (ownAccount || !account.pleroma.get('hide_favorites', true)) {
text: <FormattedMessage id='navigation_bar.favourites' defaultMessage='Likes' />,
to: `/@${account.acct}/favorites`,
name: 'likes',
let activeItem;
const pathname = history.location.pathname.replace(`@${accountUsername}/`, '');
if (pathname.includes('with_replies')) {
activeItem = 'replies';
} else if (pathname.includes('media')) {
activeItem = 'media';
} else if (pathname.includes('favorites')) {
activeItem = 'likes';
} else if (pathname === `/@${accountUsername}`) {
activeItem = 'profile';
return (
<Column label={account ? `@${getAcct(account, displayFqn)}` : ''} withHeader={false}>
<div className='space-y-4'>
{/* @ts-ignore */}
<HeaderContainer accountId={accountId} username={accountUsername} />
<BundleContainer fetchComponent={ProfileInfoPanel}>
{Component => <Component username={accountUsername} account={account} />}
{account && activeItem && (
<Tabs items={tabItems} activeItem={activeItem} />
{!me && (
<BundleContainer fetchComponent={SignUpPanel}>
{Component => <Component key='sign-up-panel' />}
<BundleContainer fetchComponent={ProfileMediaPanel}>
{Component => <Component account={account} />}
{account && !account.fields.isEmpty() && (
<BundleContainer fetchComponent={ProfileFieldsPanel}>
{Component => <Component account={account} />}
{features.suggestions && (
<BundleContainer fetchComponent={WhoToFollowPanel}>
{Component => <Component limit={5} key='wtf-panel' />}
<LinkFooter key='link-footer' />
export default ProfilePage;

View file

@ -148,6 +148,15 @@ const getInstanceFeatures = (instance: Instance) => { === PIXELFED,
* Accounts can be marked as bots.
* @see PATCH /api/v1/accounts/update_credentials
bots: any([ === MASTODON, === PLEROMA,
* Pleroma chats API.
* @see {@link}
@ -240,12 +249,27 @@ const getInstanceFeatures = (instance: Instance) => {
focalPoint: === MASTODON && gte(v.compatVersion, '2.3.0'),
* Ability to lock accounts and manually approve followers.
* @see PATCH /api/v1/accounts/update_credentials
followRequests: any([ === MASTODON, === PLEROMA,
* Whether client settings can be retrieved from the API.
* @see GET /api/pleroma/frontend_configurations
frontendConfigurations: === PLEROMA,
* Can hide follows/followers lists and counts.
* @see PATCH /api/v1/accounts/update_credentials
hideNetwork: === PLEROMA,
* Pleroma import API.
* @see POST /api/pleroma/follow_import
@ -287,6 +311,12 @@ const getInstanceFeatures = (instance: Instance) => {
// === PLEROMA && gte(v.version, '2.1.0'),
* Ability to hide notifications from people you don't follow.
* @see PUT /api/pleroma/notification_settings
muteStrangers: === PLEROMA,
* Add private notes to accounts.
* @see POST /api/v1/accounts/:id/note

View file

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
"@types/uuid": "^8.3.4",
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View file

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