diff --git a/docs/configuration/cheatsheet.md b/docs/configuration/cheatsheet.md
index a17f8735a9..a4cae4dbb3 100644
--- a/docs/configuration/cheatsheet.md
+++ b/docs/configuration/cheatsheet.md
@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ To add configuration to your config file, you can copy it from the base config.
* `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.KeywordPolicy`: Rejects or removes from the federated timeline or replaces keywords. (See [`:mrf_keyword`](#mrf_keyword)).
* `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.ForceMentionsInContent`: Forces every mentioned user to be reflected in the post content.
* `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.InlineQuotePolicy`: Forces quote post URLs to be reflected in the message content inline.
+ * `Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.QuoteToLinkTagPolicy`: Force a Link tag for posts quoting another post. (may break outgoing federation of quote posts with older Pleroma versions)
* `transparency`: Make the content of your Message Rewrite Facility settings public (via nodeinfo).
* `transparency_exclusions`: Exclude specific instance names from MRF transparency. The use of the exclusions feature will be disclosed in nodeinfo as a boolean value.
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/constants.ex b/lib/pleroma/constants.ex
index 9d764ec25a..ed60bcc371 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/constants.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/constants.ex
@@ -84,6 +84,10 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Constants do
const(upload_object_types, do: ["Document", "Image"])
+ const(activity_json_canonical_mime_type,
+ do: "application/ld+json; profile=\"https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams\""
+ )
do: [
"application/ld+json; profile=\"https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams\"",
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/mrf/quote_to_link_tag_policy.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/mrf/quote_to_link_tag_policy.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1c573d1b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/mrf/quote_to_link_tag_policy.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2023 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.QuoteToLinkTagPolicy do
+ @moduledoc "Force a Link tag for posts quoting another post. (may break outgoing federation of quote posts with older Pleroma versions)"
+ @behaviour Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.Policy
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidators.CommonFixes
+ require Pleroma.Constants
+ @impl Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.Policy
+ def filter(%{"object" => %{"quoteUrl" => _} = object} = activity) do
+ {:ok, Map.put(activity, "object", filter_object(object))}
+ end
+ @impl Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.Policy
+ def filter(object), do: {:ok, object}
+ @impl Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.Policy
+ def describe, do: {:ok, %{}}
+ @impl Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.Policy
+ def history_awareness, do: :auto
+ defp filter_object(%{"quoteUrl" => quote_url} = object) do
+ tags = object["tag"] || []
+ if Enum.any?(tags, fn tag ->
+ CommonFixes.is_object_link_tag(tag) and tag["href"] == quote_url
+ end) do
+ object
+ else
+ object
+ |> Map.put(
+ "tag",
+ tags ++
+ [
+ %{
+ "type" => "Link",
+ "mediaType" => Pleroma.Constants.activity_json_canonical_mime_type(),
+ "href" => quote_url
+ }
+ ]
+ )
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/object_validators/common_fixes.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/object_validators/common_fixes.ex
index 65b8d9a2c0..4d9be0bdd4 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/object_validators/common_fixes.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/object_validators/common_fixes.ex
@@ -112,16 +112,14 @@ def fix_quote_url(%{"tag" => [_ | _] = tags} = data) do
def fix_quote_url(data), do: data
# https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src/branch/main/fep/e232/fep-e232.md
- defp is_object_link_tag(
- %{
- "type" => "Link",
- "mediaType" => media_type,
- "href" => href
- } = tag
- )
- when media_type in Pleroma.Constants.activity_json_mime_types() and is_binary(href) do
+ def is_object_link_tag(%{
+ "type" => "Link",
+ "mediaType" => media_type,
+ "href" => href
+ })
+ when media_type in Pleroma.Constants.activity_json_mime_types() and is_binary(href) do
- defp is_object_link_tag(_), do: false
+ def is_object_link_tag(_), do: false
diff --git a/test/pleroma/web/activity_pub/mrf/quote_to_link_tag_policy_test.exs b/test/pleroma/web/activity_pub/mrf/quote_to_link_tag_policy_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96b49b6a0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pleroma/web/activity_pub/mrf/quote_to_link_tag_policy_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2023 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.QuoteToLinkTagPolicyTest do
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.QuoteToLinkTagPolicy
+ use Pleroma.DataCase
+ require Pleroma.Constants
+ test "Add quote url to Link tag" do
+ quote_url = "https://gleasonator.com/objects/1234"
+ activity = %{
+ "type" => "Create",
+ "actor" => "https://gleasonator.com/users/alex",
+ "object" => %{
+ "type" => "Note",
+ "content" => "Nice post",
+ "quoteUrl" => quote_url
+ }
+ }
+ {:ok, %{"object" => object}} = QuoteToLinkTagPolicy.filter(activity)
+ assert object["tag"] == [
+ %{
+ "type" => "Link",
+ "href" => quote_url,
+ "mediaType" => Pleroma.Constants.activity_json_canonical_mime_type()
+ }
+ ]
+ end
+ test "Add quote url to Link tag, append to the end" do
+ quote_url = "https://gleasonator.com/objects/1234"
+ activity = %{
+ "type" => "Create",
+ "actor" => "https://gleasonator.com/users/alex",
+ "object" => %{
+ "type" => "Note",
+ "content" => "Nice post",
+ "quoteUrl" => quote_url,
+ "tag" => [%{"type" => "Hashtag", "name" => "#foo"}]
+ }
+ }
+ {:ok, %{"object" => object}} = QuoteToLinkTagPolicy.filter(activity)
+ assert [_, tag] = object["tag"]
+ assert tag == %{
+ "type" => "Link",
+ "href" => quote_url,
+ "mediaType" => Pleroma.Constants.activity_json_canonical_mime_type()
+ }
+ end
+ test "Bypass posts without quoteUrl" do
+ activity = %{
+ "type" => "Create",
+ "actor" => "https://gleasonator.com/users/alex",
+ "object" => %{
+ "type" => "Note",
+ "content" => "Nice post"
+ }
+ }
+ assert {:ok, ^activity} = QuoteToLinkTagPolicy.filter(activity)
+ end