prefer Pleroma assets
Signed-off-by: marcin mikołajczak <>
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This file is only for changes to Soapbox.
For changes to Pleroma, see ``
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
## Unreleased
- Added `AntiDuplicationPolicy` and `AntiMentionSpamPolicy` for spam.
### Fixed
- Link previews not working for some websites. Let rich media user-agent be configurable (with `:pleroma, :rich_media, user_agent: "whatever"`).
## [3.0.0] - 2022-05-24
Based on Pleroma 2.4 develop.
TODO: a full changelog
### Added
- Events
- Translations
## [1.1.1] - 2021-05-21
Based on Pleroma 2.3.0-stable.
### Fixed
- Broken frontend due to not all files being in the repo.
## [1.1.0] - 2021-05-18
Based on Pleroma 2.3.0-stable.
### Added
- Retain uploaded image aspect ratios. ([!18](
- Blurhash support. ([!21](
### Fixed
- Rich media not working for certain links. ([!19](, [!20](
### Changed
- Prepared installation files for use with asdf version manager. ([!22](, [!23](, [!24](
- **BREAKING:** `imagemagick` and `exiftool` are required to be installed on the system.
## [1.0.0] - 2021-05-11
Based on Pleroma 2.3.0-stable.
### Added
- Rich media embeds for sites like YouTube, etc. ([!13](
- Twitter-like block behavior, configured under "ActivityPub > Blockers visible" in AdminFE. ([!9](
- The Soapbox version in `/api/v1/instance` ([!6](
### Changed
- Soapbox FE is set as the default frontend. ([!16](
- Twitter-like block behavior is now the default. ([!9](
### Fixed
- Domain blocks: reposts from a blocked domain are now correctly blocked. ([!11](
- Fixed some (not all) Markdown issues, such as broken trailing slash in links. ([!10](
- Don't crash so hard when email settings are invalid. ([!12](
- Return OpenGraph metadata on Soapbox FE routes. ([!14](
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d="M 106.4261,24.663189 V 21.63286 l -0.49985,-0.812253 v -5.748251 q 0,-1.24962 -0.78101,-1.905671 -0.74978,-0.65605 -2.468,-0.65605 -1.1559,0 -2.34304,0.374886 -1.18714,0.343645 -2.030633,0.968455 L 96.054251,9.1991417 q 1.499544,-0.937215 3.592657,-1.437063 2.093112,-0.499848 4.092502,-0.499848 4.40491,0 6.81043,1.9681515 2.43676,1.9681518 2.43676,6.2480998 v 9.184707 z m -4.84228,0.312405 q -2.093114,0 -3.498937,-0.718532 -1.405822,-0.718531 -2.124354,-1.90567 -0.718531,-1.21838 -0.718531,-2.686683 0,-1.655746 0.843493,-2.811645 0.843494,-1.155898 2.561721,-1.749468 1.749468,-0.593569 4.404908,-0.593569 h 3.56142 v 3.405214 h -2.43676 q -1.12466,0 -1.65575,0.374886 -0.49984,0.343646 -0.49984,1.062177 0,0.59357 0.43736,0.999696 0.46861,0.374886 1.24962,0.374886 0.71853,0 1.3121,-0.374886 0.62481,-0.406126 0.90598,-1.24962 l 0.90597,2.093113 q -0.40612,1.905671 -1.71822,2.842886 -1.31211,0.937215 -3.53018,0.937215 z"
style="font-weight:900;font-family:Montserrat;-inkscape-font-specification:'Montserrat Heavy';stroke:none"
id="path2365" /><path
d="m 122.73363,24.975594 q -2.18683,0 -4.31118,-0.468608 -2.12436,-0.468607 -3.43646,-1.218379 l 1.93691,-4.654834 q 1.21838,0.718531 2.81165,1.124658 1.6245,0.406126 3.15529,0.406126 1.28086,0 1.71822,-0.218683 0.46861,-0.218684 0.46861,-0.59357 0,-0.374886 -0.53109,-0.531088 -0.53108,-0.187443 -1.40582,-0.281165 -0.87473,-0.09372 -1.93691,-0.218683 -1.03094,-0.156203 -2.09311,-0.437367 -1.06218,-0.281165 -1.93691,-0.843494 -0.87474,-0.562329 -1.40583,-1.499544 -0.53108,-0.968455 -0.53108,-2.436759 0,-1.624506 0.96845,-2.936607 0.9997,-1.3121008 2.93661,-2.0931133 1.96815,-0.812253 4.84227,-0.812253 1.87443,0 3.74886,0.3436455 1.87443,0.3436455 3.21778,1.062177 l -1.93691,4.6548348 q -1.31211,-0.718532 -2.59297,-0.968456 -1.24962,-0.281164 -2.34303,-0.281164 -1.34335,0 -1.84319,0.249924 -0.46861,0.249924 -0.46861,0.562329 0,0.374886 0.53109,0.562329 0.53109,0.187443 1.40582,0.281164 0.87473,0.09372 1.90567,0.249924 1.06218,0.124962 2.09311,0.437367 1.06218,0.281165 1.93692,0.843494 0.87473,0.562329 1.40582,1.530784 0.53109,0.937215 0.53109,2.405519 0,1.530784 -0.96846,2.874125 -0.96845,1.312101 -2.93661,2.124354 -1.96815,0.781013 -4.936,0.781013 z"
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style="font-weight:900;font-family:Montserrat;-inkscape-font-specification:'Montserrat Heavy';stroke:none"
id="path2369" /><path
d="m 161.59676,24.975594 q -2.21807,0 -4.12375,-1.062177 -1.87443,-1.093418 -2.99908,-3.061569 -1.12466,-1.999392 -1.12466,-4.748556 0,-2.749164 1.12466,-4.717315 1.12465,-1.9993923 2.99908,-3.0615693 1.90568,-1.062177 4.12375,-1.062177 2.24932,0 3.68638,0.9684555 1.43706,0.937215 2.12435,2.9053668 0.68729,1.936911 0.68729,4.967239 0,3.061569 -0.65605,5.02972 -0.62481,1.968152 -2.06187,2.905367 -1.40582,0.937215 -3.7801,0.937215 z m 1.68699,-5.498328 q 0.78101,0 1.40582,-0.374886 0.62481,-0.374886 0.9997,-1.124658 0.37488,-0.781012 0.37488,-1.87443 0,-1.124658 -0.37488,-1.843189 -0.37489,-0.749772 -0.9997,-1.124658 -0.62481,-0.374886 -1.40582,-0.374886 -0.78101,0 -1.40582,0.374886 -0.62481,0.374886 -0.9997,1.124658 -0.37489,0.718531 -0.37489,1.843189 0,1.093418 0.37489,1.87443 0.37489,0.749772 0.9997,1.124658 0.62481,0.374886 1.40582,0.374886 z m 2.99909,5.185923 v -2.311797 l -0.0312,-6.2481 -0.31241,-6.2480998 V 1.4827383 h 7.06035 V 24.663189 Z"
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id="path2371" /></g><path
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d="M 412.38163 316.12998 A 19.374084 19.374084 0 0 0 399.20541 310.95896 A 19.374084 19.374084 0 0 0 379.83112 330.33325 A 19.374084 19.374084 0 0 0 380.13771 333.69203 L 359.06189 339.76917 A 14.165557 14.165557 0 0 0 345.32189 329.02006 A 14.165557 14.165557 0 0 0 338.49022 330.78631 L 328.8959 316.6682 A 14.846037 14.846037 0 0 0 332.03156 298.75188 A 14.846037 14.846037 0 0 0 319.42252 290.85398 A 61.663666 61.663666 0 0 0 306.59716 313.95325 A 14.846037 14.846037 0 0 0 325.71937 318.87389 L 335.28644 333.2032 A 14.165557 14.165557 0 0 0 331.1561 343.18586 A 14.165557 14.165557 0 0 0 345.32189 357.35165 A 14.165557 14.165557 0 0 0 359.47066 343.91484 L 381.1903 337.45958 A 19.374084 19.374084 0 0 0 399.20541 349.70754 A 19.374084 19.374084 0 0 0 418.5797 330.33325 A 19.374084 19.374084 0 0 0 412.38163 316.12998 z "
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<title>Welcome to Rebased</title>
<title>Welcome to pl</title>
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<img class="logo" src="/images/rebased-wide.svg" alt="Rebased" />
<h2>Almost done...</h2>
<h2>Almost done...</h2>
<p>Congrats! 🎉 You've installed Rebased. Now you just need to install a frontend.</p>
<p>Congrats! 🎉 You've installed pl. Now you just need to install a frontend.</p>
<h2>Installing Soapbox</h2>
<h2>Installing pl-fe</h2>
<p>To install <a href="" target="_blank">Soapbox</a>, SSH into the server and download a .zip of the latest build:</p>
<p>To install <a href="" target="_blank">pl-fe</a>, SSH into the server and download a .zip of the latest build:</p>
<code>curl -L -o</code>
<code>curl -O</code>
<p>Then unpack it into the <code class="inline">instance</code> directory:</p>
<p>Then unpack it into the <code class="inline">instance</code> directory:</p>
<code>busybox unzip -o -d /opt/pleroma/instance</code>
<code>unzip -d /opt/pleroma/instance/static/</code>
<p><strong>That's it!</strong> Just refresh this page.</p>
<p><strong>That's it!</strong> Just refresh this page.</p>
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