2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
import z from 'zod' ;
import {
accountSchema ,
adminAccountSchema ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
adminAnnouncementSchema ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
adminCanonicalEmailBlockSchema ,
adminCohortSchema ,
adminDimensionSchema ,
adminDomainAllowSchema ,
adminDomainBlockSchema ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
adminDomainSchema ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
adminEmailDomainBlockSchema ,
adminIpBlockSchema ,
adminMeasureSchema ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
adminModerationLogEntrySchema ,
adminRelaySchema ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
adminReportSchema ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
adminRuleSchema ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
adminTagSchema ,
announcementSchema ,
applicationSchema ,
backupSchema ,
bookmarkFolderSchema ,
chatMessageSchema ,
chatSchema ,
contextSchema ,
conversationSchema ,
credentialAccountSchema ,
customEmojiSchema ,
domainBlockSchema ,
emojiReactionSchema ,
extendedDescriptionSchema ,
familiarFollowersSchema ,
featuredTagSchema ,
filterKeywordSchema ,
filterSchema ,
filterStatusSchema ,
groupMemberSchema ,
groupRelationshipSchema ,
groupSchema ,
instanceSchema ,
interactionPoliciesSchema ,
interactionRequestSchema ,
listSchema ,
locationSchema ,
markersSchema ,
mediaAttachmentSchema ,
mutedAccountSchema ,
notificationPolicySchema ,
notificationRequestSchema ,
notificationSchema ,
oauthTokenSchema ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
pleromaConfigSchema ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
pollSchema ,
relationshipSchema ,
reportSchema ,
ruleSchema ,
scheduledStatusSchema ,
2024-09-01 05:57:41 -07:00
scrobbleSchema ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
searchSchema ,
statusEditSchema ,
statusSchema ,
statusSourceSchema ,
streamingEventSchema ,
suggestionSchema ,
tagSchema ,
tokenSchema ,
translationSchema ,
trendsLinkSchema ,
webPushSubscriptionSchema ,
} from './entities' ;
import { filteredArray } from './entities/utils' ;
import { AKKOMA , type Features , getFeatures , GOTOSOCIAL , MITRA } from './features' ;
import request , { getNextLink , getPrevLink , type RequestBody , RequestMeta } from './request' ;
import { buildFullPath } from './utils/url' ;
import type {
Account ,
AdminAccount ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
AdminAnnouncement ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
AdminCanonicalEmailBlock ,
AdminDomainAllow ,
AdminDomainBlock ,
AdminEmailDomainBlock ,
AdminIpBlock ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
AdminModerationLogEntry ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
AdminReport ,
Chat ,
ChatMessage ,
Conversation ,
GroupRole ,
Instance ,
Notification ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
PleromaConfig ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
ScheduledStatus ,
2024-09-01 05:57:41 -07:00
Scrobble ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
Status ,
StreamingEvent ,
Tag ,
} from './entities' ;
import type {
AdminAccountAction ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
AdminCreateAnnouncementParams ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
AdminCreateDomainBlockParams ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
AdminCreateDomainParams ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
AdminCreateIpBlockParams ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
AdminCreateRuleParams ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
AdminDimensionKey ,
AdminGetAccountsParams ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
AdminGetAnnouncementsParams ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
AdminGetCanonicalEmailBlocks ,
AdminGetDimensionsParams ,
AdminGetDomainAllowsParams ,
AdminGetDomainBlocksParams ,
AdminGetEmailDomainBlocksParams ,
AdminGetGroupsParams ,
AdminGetIpBlocksParams ,
AdminGetMeasuresParams ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
AdminGetModerationLogParams ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
AdminGetReportsParams ,
AdminGetStatusesParams ,
AdminMeasureKey ,
AdminPerformAccountActionParams ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
AdminUpdateAnnouncementParams ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
AdminUpdateDomainBlockParams ,
AdminUpdateReportParams ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
AdminUpdateRuleParams ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
AdminUpdateStatusParams ,
BubbleTimelineParams ,
CreateAccountParams ,
CreateApplicationParams ,
CreateBookmarkFolderParams ,
CreateChatMessageParams ,
CreateEventParams ,
CreateFilterParams ,
CreateGroupParams ,
CreateListParams ,
CreatePushNotificationsSubscriptionParams ,
2024-09-01 05:57:41 -07:00
CreateScrobbleParams ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
CreateStatusParams ,
EditEventParams ,
EditStatusParams ,
FollowAccountParams ,
GetAccountEndorsementsParams ,
GetAccountFavouritesParams ,
GetAccountFollowersParams ,
GetAccountFollowingParams ,
GetAccountParams ,
GetAccountStatusesParams ,
GetBlocksParams ,
GetBookmarksParams ,
GetChatMessagesParams ,
GetChatsParams ,
GetConversationsParams ,
GetDomainBlocksParams ,
GetEndorsementsParams ,
GetEventParticipationRequestsParams ,
GetEventParticipationsParams ,
GetFavouritedByParams ,
GetFavouritesParams ,
GetFollowedTagsParams ,
GetFollowRequestsParams ,
GetGroupBlocksParams ,
GetGroupMembershipRequestsParams ,
GetGroupMembershipsParams ,
GetInteractionRequestsParams ,
GetJoinedEventsParams ,
GetListAccountsParams ,
GetMutesParams ,
GetNotificationParams ,
GetNotificationRequestsParams ,
GetRebloggedByParams ,
GetRelationshipsParams ,
GetScheduledStatusesParams ,
2024-09-01 05:57:41 -07:00
GetScrobblesParams ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
GetStatusContextParams ,
GetStatusesParams ,
GetStatusParams ,
GetStatusQuotesParams ,
GetTokenParams ,
GetTrendingLinks ,
GetTrendingStatuses ,
GetTrendingTags ,
GroupTimelineParams ,
HashtagTimelineParams ,
HomeTimelineParams ,
ListTimelineParams ,
MfaChallengeParams ,
MuteAccountParams ,
OauthAuthorizeParams ,
ProfileDirectoryParams ,
PublicTimelineParams ,
ReportAccountParams ,
RevokeTokenParams ,
SaveMarkersParams ,
SearchAccountParams ,
SearchParams ,
UpdateBookmarkFolderParams ,
UpdateCredentialsParams ,
UpdateFilterParams ,
UpdateGroupParams ,
UpdateInteractionPoliciesParams ,
UpdateListParams ,
UpdateMediaParams ,
UpdateNotificationPolicyRequest ,
UpdateNotificationSettingsParams ,
UpdatePushNotificationsSubscriptionParams ,
UploadMediaParams ,
} from './params' ;
import type { PaginatedResponse } from './responses' ;
import type { ZodTypeAny } from 'zod' ;
class PlApiClient {
baseURL : string ;
# accessToken? : string ;
# instance : Instance = instanceSchema . parse ( { } ) ;
public request = request . bind ( this ) as typeof request ;
public features : Features = getFeatures ( ) ;
# socket ? : {
listen : ( listener : any , stream? : string ) = > number ;
unlisten : ( listener : any ) = > void ;
subscribe : ( stream : string , params ? : { list? : string ; tag? : string } ) = > void ;
unsubscribe : ( stream : string , params ? : { list? : string ; tag? : string } ) = > void ;
close : ( ) = > void ;
} ;
constructor ( baseURL : string , accessToken? : string , { instance , fetchInstance } : {
instance? : Instance ;
fetchInstance? : boolean ;
} = { } ) {
this . baseURL = baseURL ;
this . # accessToken = accessToken ;
if ( instance ) {
this . # setInstance ( instance ) ;
if ( fetchInstance ) {
this . instance . getInstance ( ) ;
# paginatedGet = async < T > ( input : URL | RequestInfo , body : RequestBody , schema : ZodTypeAny ) : Promise < PaginatedResponse < T > > = > {
const getMore = ( input : string | null ) = > input ? async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( input ) ;
return {
previous : getMore ( getPrevLink ( response ) ) ,
next : getMore ( getNextLink ( response ) ) ,
items : filteredArray ( schema ) . parse ( response . json ) as Array < T > ,
partial : response.status === 206 ,
} ;
} : null ;
const response = await this . request ( input , body ) ;
return {
previous : getMore ( getPrevLink ( response ) ) ,
next : getMore ( getNextLink ( response ) ) ,
items : filteredArray ( schema ) . parse ( response . json ) as Array < T > ,
partial : response.status === 206 ,
} ;
} ;
# paginatedPleromaAccounts = async ( params : {
query? : string ;
filters? : string ;
page? : number ;
page_size : number ;
tags? : Array < string > ;
actor_types? : Array < string > ;
name? : string ;
email? : string ;
} ) : Promise < PaginatedResponse < AdminAccount > > = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users' , { params } ) ;
return {
previous : ! params . page ? null : ( ) = > this . # paginatedPleromaAccounts ( { . . . params , page : params.page ! - 1 } ) ,
next : response.json?.count > ( params . page_size * ( ( params . page || 1 ) - 1 ) + response . json ? . users ? . length )
? ( ) = > this . # paginatedPleromaAccounts ( { . . . params , page : ( params . page || 0 ) + 1 } )
: null ,
items : filteredArray ( adminAccountSchema ) . parse ( response . json ? . users ) ,
partial : response.status === 206 ,
total : response.json?.total ,
} ;
} ;
# paginatedPleromaReports = async ( params : {
state ? : 'open' | 'closed' | 'resolved' ;
limit? : number ;
page? : number ;
page_size : number ;
} ) : Promise < PaginatedResponse < AdminReport > > = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/reports' , { params } ) ;
return {
previous : ! params . page ? null : ( ) = > this . # paginatedPleromaReports ( { . . . params , page : params.page ! - 1 } ) ,
next : response.json?.total > ( params . page_size * ( ( params . page || 1 ) - 1 ) + response . json ? . reports ? . length )
? ( ) = > this . # paginatedPleromaReports ( { . . . params , page : ( params . page || 0 ) + 1 } )
: null ,
items : filteredArray ( adminReportSchema ) . parse ( response . json ? . reports ) ,
partial : response.status === 206 ,
total : response.json?.total ,
} ;
} ;
# paginatedPleromaStatuses = async ( params : {
page_size? : number ;
local_only? : boolean ;
godmode? : boolean ;
with_reblogs? : boolean ;
page? : number ;
} ) : Promise < PaginatedResponse < Status > > = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/statuses' , { params } ) ;
return {
previous : ! params . page ? null : ( ) = > this . # paginatedPleromaStatuses ( { . . . params , page : params.page ! - 1 } ) ,
next : response.json?.length
? ( ) = > this . # paginatedPleromaStatuses ( { . . . params , page : ( params . page || 0 ) + 1 } )
: null ,
items : filteredArray ( statusSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ,
partial : response.status === 206 ,
} ;
} ;
/** Register client applications that can be used to obtain OAuth tokens. */
public readonly apps = {
/ * *
* Create an application
* Create a new application to obtain OAuth2 credentials .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/apps/#create}
* /
createApplication : async ( params : CreateApplicationParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/apps' , { method : 'POST' , body : params } ) ;
return applicationSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Verify your app works
* Confirm that the app ’ s OAuth2 credentials work .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/apps/#verify_credentials}
* /
verifyApplication : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/apps/verify_credentials' ) ;
return applicationSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly oauth = {
/ * *
* Authorize a user
* Displays an authorization form to the user . If approved , it will create and return an authorization code , then redirect to the desired ` redirect_uri ` , or show the authorization code if ` urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob ` was requested . The authorization code can be used while requesting a token to obtain access to user - level methods .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/oauth/#authorize}
* /
authorize : async ( params : OauthAuthorizeParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/oauth/authorize' , { params } ) ;
return z . string ( ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Obtain a token
* Obtain an access token , to be used during API calls that are not public .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/oauth/#token}
* /
getToken : async ( params : GetTokenParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/oauth/token' , { method : 'POST' , body : params } ) ;
return tokenSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Revoke a token
* Revoke an access token to make it no longer valid for use .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/oauth/#revoke}
* /
revokeToken : async ( params : RevokeTokenParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/oauth/revoke' , { method : 'POST' , body : params } ) ;
this . # socket ? . close ( ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Get a new captcha
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#apiv1pleromacaptcha}
* /
getCaptcha : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/pleroma/captcha' ) ;
return z . intersection ( z . object ( {
type : z . string ( ) ,
} ) , z . record ( z . any ( ) ) ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
mfaChallenge : async ( params : MfaChallengeParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/oauth/mfa/challenge' , { method : 'POST' , body : params } ) ;
return tokenSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly emails = {
resendConfirmationEmail : async ( email : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/emails/confirmations' , { method : 'POST' , body : { email } } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly accounts = {
/ * *
* Get account
* View information about a profile .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#get}
* /
getAccount : async ( accountId : string , params? : GetAccountParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/accounts/ ${ accountId } ` , { params } ) ;
return accountSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Get multiple accounts
* View information about multiple profiles .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'getAccounts' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#index}
* /
getAccounts : async ( accountId : string [ ] ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/accounts' , { params : { id : accountId } } ) ;
return filteredArray ( accountSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Get account ’ s statuses
* Statuses posted to the given account .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#statuses}
* /
getAccountStatuses : async ( accountId : string , params? : GetAccountStatusesParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Status > ( ` /api/v1/accounts/ ${ accountId } /statuses ` , { params } , statusSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Get account ’ s followers
* Accounts which follow the given account , if network is not hidden by the account owner .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#followers}
* /
getAccountFollowers : async ( accountId : string , params? : GetAccountFollowersParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Account > ( ` /api/v1/accounts/ ${ accountId } /followers ` , { params } , accountSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Get account ’ s following
* Accounts which the given account is following , if network is not hidden by the account owner .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#following}
* /
getAccountFollowing : async ( accountId : string , params? : GetAccountFollowingParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Account > ( ` /api/v1/accounts/ ${ accountId } /following ` , { params } , accountSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Get account ’ s featured tags
* Tags featured by this account .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#featured_tags}
* /
getAccountFeaturedTags : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/accounts/ ${ accountId } /featured_tags ` ) ;
return filteredArray ( featuredTagSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Get lists containing this account
* User lists that you have added this account to .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#lists}
* /
getAccountLists : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/accounts/ ${ accountId } /lists ` ) ;
return filteredArray ( listSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Follow account
* Follow the given account . Can also be used to update whether to show reblogs or enable notifications .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#follow}
* /
followAccount : async ( accountId : string , params? : FollowAccountParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/accounts/ ${ accountId } /follow ` , { method : 'POST' , body : params } ) ;
return relationshipSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Unfollow account
* Unfollow the given account .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#unfollow}
* /
unfollowAccount : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/accounts/ ${ accountId } /unfollow ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return relationshipSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Remove account from followers
* Remove the given account from your followers .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#remove_from_followers}
* /
removeAccountFromFollowers : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/accounts/ ${ accountId } /remove_from_followers ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return relationshipSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Feature account on your profile
* Add the given account to the user ’ s featured profiles .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#pin}
* /
pinAccount : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/accounts/ ${ accountId } /pin ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return relationshipSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Unfeature account from profile
* Remove the given account from the user ’ s featured profiles .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#unpin}
* /
unpinAccount : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/accounts/ ${ accountId } /unpin ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return relationshipSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Set private note on profile
* Sets a private note on a user .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#note}
* /
updateAccountNote : async ( accountId : string , comment : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/accounts/ ${ accountId } /note ` , { method : 'POST' , body : { comment } } ) ;
return relationshipSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Check relationships to other accounts
* Find out whether a given account is followed , blocked , muted , etc .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#relationships}
* /
getRelationships : async ( accountIds : string [ ] , params? : GetRelationshipsParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/accounts/relationships' , { params : { . . . params , id : accountIds } } ) ;
return filteredArray ( relationshipSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Find familiar followers
* Obtain a list of all accounts that follow a given account , filtered for accounts you follow .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'familiarFollowers' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#familiar_followers}
* /
getFamiliarFollowers : async ( accountIds : string [ ] ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/accounts/familiar_followers' , { params : { id : accountIds } } ) ;
return filteredArray ( familiarFollowersSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Search for matching accounts
* Search for matching accounts by username or display name .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#search}
* /
searchAccounts : async ( q : string , params? : SearchAccountParams , meta? : RequestMeta ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/accounts/search' , { . . . meta , params : { . . . params , q } } ) ;
return filteredArray ( accountSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Lookup account ID from Webfinger address
* Quickly lookup a username to see if it is available , skipping WebFinger resolution .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#lookup}
* /
lookupAccount : async ( acct : string , meta? : RequestMeta ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/accounts/lookup' , { . . . meta , params : { acct } } ) ;
return accountSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* File a report
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/reports/#post}
* /
reportAccount : async ( accountId : string , params : ReportAccountParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/reports' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { . . . params , account_id : accountId } ,
} ) ;
return reportSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Endorsements
* Returns endorsed accounts
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'accountEndorsements' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#apiv1pleromaaccountsidendorsements}
* /
getAccountEndorsements : async ( accountId : string , params? : GetAccountEndorsementsParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/accounts/ ${ accountId } /endorsements ` , { params } ) ;
return filteredArray ( accountSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Birthday reminders
* Birthday reminders about users you follow .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'birthdays' ] } .
* /
getBirthdays : async ( day : number , month : number ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/birthdays' , { params : { day , month } } ) ;
return filteredArray ( accountSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Returns favorites timeline of any user
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'publicFavourites' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#apiv1pleromaaccountsidfavourites}
* /
getAccountFavourites : async ( accountId : string , params? : GetAccountFavouritesParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Status > ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/accounts/ ${ accountId } /favourites ` , { params } , statusSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Interact with profile or status from remote account
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'remoteInteractions' ] } .
* @param ap_id - Profile or status ActivityPub ID
* @param profile - Remote profile webfinger
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#apiv1pleromaremote_interaction}
* /
remoteInteraction : async ( ap_id : string , profile : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/remote_interaction' , { method : 'POST' , body : { ap_id , profile } } ) ;
if ( response . json ? . error ) throw response . json . error ;
return z . object ( {
url : z.string ( ) ,
} ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Bite the given user .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'bites' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //github.com/purifetchi/Toki/blob/master/Toki/Controllers/MastodonApi/Bite/BiteController.cs}
* /
2024-09-01 05:57:41 -07:00
biteAccount : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/bite' , { method : 'POST' , params : { id : accountId } } ) ;
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
2024-09-01 05:57:41 -07:00
/ * *
* Requests a list of current and recent Listen activities for an account
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'scrobbles' ] }
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#get-apiv1pleromaaccountsidscrobbles}
* /
getScrobbles : async ( accountId : string , params? : GetScrobblesParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Scrobble > ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/accounts/ ${ accountId } /scrobbles ` , { params } , scrobbleSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Creates a new Listen activity for an account
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'scrobbles' ] }
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#post-apiv1pleromascrobble}
* /
createScrobble : async ( params : CreateScrobbleParams ) = > {
if ( params . external_link ) ( params as any ) . externalLink = params . external_link ;
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/scrobble' , { body : params } ) ;
return scrobbleSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
} ;
public readonly myAccount = {
/ * *
* View bookmarked statuses
* Statuses the user has bookmarked .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/bookmarks/#get}
* /
getBookmarks : async ( params? : GetBookmarksParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Status > ( '/api/v1/bookmarks' , { params } , statusSchema ) ,
/ * *
* View favourited statuses
* Statuses the user has favourited .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/favourites/#get}
* /
getFavourites : async ( params? : GetFavouritesParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Status > ( '/api/v1/favourites' , { params } , statusSchema ) ,
/ * *
* View pending follow requests
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/follow_requests/#get}
* /
getFollowRequests : async ( params? : GetFollowRequestsParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Account > ( '/api/v1/follow_requests' , { params } , accountSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Accept follow request
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/follow_requests/#accept}
* /
acceptFollowRequest : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/follow_requests/ ${ accountId } /authorize ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return relationshipSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Reject follow request
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/follow_requests/#reject}
* /
rejectFollowRequest : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/follow_requests/ ${ accountId } /reject ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return relationshipSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View currently featured profiles
* Accounts that the user is currently featuring on their profile .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/endorsements/#get}
* /
getEndorsements : async ( params? : GetEndorsementsParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Account > ( '/api/v1/endorsements' , { params } , accountSchema ) ,
/ * *
* View your featured tags
* List all hashtags featured on your profile .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/featured_tags/#get}
* /
getFeaturedTags : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/featured_tags' ) ;
return filteredArray ( featuredTagSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Feature a tag
* Promote a hashtag on your profile .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/featured_tags/#feature}
* /
featureTag : async ( name : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/featured_tags' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { name } ,
} ) ;
return filteredArray ( featuredTagSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Unfeature a tag
* Stop promoting a hashtag on your profile .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/featured_tags/#unfeature}
* /
unfeatureTag : async ( name : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/featured_tags' , {
method : 'DELETE' ,
body : { name } ,
} ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* View suggested tags to feature
* Shows up to 10 recently - used tags .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/featured_tags/#suggestions}
* /
getFeaturedTagsSuggestions : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/featured_tags/suggestions' ) ;
return filteredArray ( tagSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View all followed tags
* List your followed hashtags .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'followHashtags' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/followed_tags/#get}
* /
getFollowedTags : async ( params? : GetFollowedTagsParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Tag > ( '/api/v1/followed_tags' , { params } , tagSchema ) ,
/ * *
* View information about a single tag
* Show a hashtag and its associated information
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/tags/#get}
* /
getTag : async ( tagId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/tags/ ${ tagId } ` ) ;
return tagSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Follow a hashtag
* Follow a hashtag . Posts containing a followed hashtag will be inserted into your home timeline .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/tags/#follow}
* /
followTag : async ( tagId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/tags/ ${ tagId } /follow ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return tagSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Unfollow a hashtag
* Unfollow a hashtag . Posts containing this hashtag will no longer be inserted into your home timeline .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/tags/#unfollow}
* /
unfollowTag : async ( tagId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/tags/ ${ tagId } /unfollow ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return tagSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View follow suggestions
* Accounts that are promoted by staff , or that the user has had past positive interactions with , but is not yet following .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'suggestions' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/suggestions/#v2}
* /
getSuggestions : async ( limit? : number ) = > {
const response = await this . request (
this . features . suggestionsV2 ? '/api/v2/suggestions' : '/api/v1/suggestions' ,
{ params : { limit } } ,
) ;
return filteredArray ( suggestionSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Remove a suggestion
* Remove an account from follow suggestions .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'suggestions' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/suggestions/#remove}
* /
dismissSuggestions : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/suggestions/ ${ accountId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Gets user bookmark folders
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'bookmarkFolders' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#get-apiv1pleromabookmark_folders}
* /
getBookmarkFolders : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/bookmark_folders' ) ;
return filteredArray ( bookmarkFolderSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Creates a bookmark folder
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'bookmarkFolders' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#post-apiv1pleromabookmark_folders}
* /
createBookmarkFolder : async ( params : CreateBookmarkFolderParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/bookmark_folders' , { method : 'POST' , body : params } ) ;
return bookmarkFolderSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Updates a bookmark folder
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'bookmarkFolders' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#patch-apiv1pleromabookmark_foldersid}
* /
updateBookmarkFolder : async ( bookmarkFolderId : string , params : UpdateBookmarkFolderParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/bookmark_folders/ ${ bookmarkFolderId } ` , { method : 'PATCH' , body : params } ) ;
return bookmarkFolderSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Deletes a bookmark folder
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'bookmarkFolders' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#delete-apiv1pleromabookmark_foldersid}
* /
deleteBookmarkFolder : async ( bookmarkFolderId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/bookmark_folders/ ${ bookmarkFolderId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return bookmarkFolderSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly settings = {
/ * *
* Register an account
* Creates a user and account records . Returns an account access token for the app that initiated the request . The app should save this token for later , and should wait for the user to confirm their account by clicking a link in their email inbox .
* Requires features { @link Features [ ' accountCreation `
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#create}
* /
createAccount : async ( params : CreateAccountParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/accounts' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { language : params.locale , . . . params } ,
} ) ;
return tokenSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Verify account credentials
* Test to make sure that the user token works .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#verify_credentials}
* /
verifyCredentials : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials' ) ;
return credentialAccountSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Update account credentials
* Update the user ’ s display and preferences .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#update_credentials}
* /
updateCredentials : async ( params : UpdateCredentialsParams ) = > {
if ( params . background_image ) {
( params as any ) . pleroma_background_image = params . background_image ;
delete params . background_image ;
if ( params . settings_store ) {
( params as any ) . pleroma_settings_store = params . settings_store ;
delete params . settings_store ;
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials' , {
method : 'PATCH' ,
contentType : ( this . features . version . software === GOTOSOCIAL || params . avatar || params . header ) ? '' : undefined ,
body : params ,
} ) ;
return credentialAccountSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Delete profile avatar
* Deletes the avatar associated with the user ’ s profile .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/profile/#delete-profile-avatar}
* /
deleteAvatar : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/profile/avatar' , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return credentialAccountSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Delete profile header
* Deletes the header image associated with the user ’ s profile .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/profile/#delete-profile-header}
* /
deleteHeader : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/profile/header' , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return credentialAccountSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View user preferences
* Preferences defined by the user in their account settings .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/preferences/#get}
* /
getPreferences : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/preferences' ) ;
return response . json as Record < string , any > ;
} ,
/ * *
* Create a user backup archive
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'accountBackups' ] } .
* /
createBackup : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/backups' , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return backupSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* List user backups
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'accountBackups' ] } .
* /
getBackups : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/backups' ) ;
return filteredArray ( backupSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Get aliases of the current account
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'manageAccountAliases' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#get-aliases-of-the-current-account}
* /
getAccountAliases : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/aliases' ) ;
return z . object ( { aliases : filteredArray ( z . string ( ) ) } ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Add alias to the current account
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'manageAccountAliases' ] } .
* @param alias - the nickname of the alias to add , e . g . foo @example . org .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#add-alias-to-the-current-account}
* /
addAccountAlias : async ( alias : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/aliases' , { method : 'PUT' , body : { alias } } ) ;
return z . object ( { status : z.literal ( 'success' ) } ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Delete alias from the current account
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'manageAccountAliases' ] } .
* @param alias - the nickname of the alias to add , e . g . foo @example . org .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#delete-alias-from-the-current-account}
* /
deleteAccountAlias : async ( alias : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/aliases' , { method : 'DELETE' , body : { alias } } ) ;
return z . object ( { status : z.literal ( 'success' ) } ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Retrieve a list of active sessions for the user
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'sessions' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#get-apioauth_tokens}
* /
getOauthTokens : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/oauth_tokens' ) ;
return filteredArray ( oauthTokenSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Revoke a user session by its ID
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'sessions' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#delete-apioauth_tokensid}
* /
deleteOauthToken : async ( oauthTokenId : number ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/oauth_tokens/ ${ oauthTokenId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Change account password
* @see { @link https : //docs.gotosocial.org/en/latest/api/swagger}
* @see { @link https : //codeberg.org/silverpill/mitra/src/commit/f15c19527191d82bc3643f984deca43d1527525d/docs/openapi.yaml}
* @see { @link https : //git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma/-/blob/develop/lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/operations/twitter_util_operation.ex?ref_type=heads#L68}
* /
changePassword : async ( current_password : string , new_password : string ) = > {
let response ;
switch ( this . features . version . software ) {
response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/user/password_change' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : {
old_password : current_password ,
new_password ,
} ,
} ) ;
break ;
case MITRA :
response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/settings/change_password' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { new_password } ,
} ) ;
break ;
default :
response = await this . request ( '/api/pleroma/change_password' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : {
password : current_password ,
new_password ,
new_password_confirmation : new_password ,
} ,
} ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Request password reset e - mail
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'resetPassword' ] } .
* /
resetPassword : async ( email? : string , nickname? : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/auth/password' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { email , nickname } ,
} ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'changeEmail' ] } .
* /
changeEmail : async ( email : string , password : string ) = > {
let response ;
switch ( this . features . version . software ) {
response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/user/email_change' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : {
new_email : email ,
password ,
} ,
} ) ;
break ;
default :
response = await this . request ( '/api/pleroma/change_email' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : {
email ,
password ,
} ,
} ) ;
if ( response . json ? . error ) throw response . json . error ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'deleteAccount' ] } .
* /
deleteAccount : async ( password : string ) = > {
let response ;
switch ( this . features . version . software ) {
response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/accounts/delete' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { password } ,
} ) ;
break ;
default :
response = await this . request ( '/api/pleroma/delete_account' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { password } ,
} ) ;
if ( response . json ? . error ) throw response . json . error ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Disable an account
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'disableAccount' ] } .
* /
disableAccount : async ( password : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/pleroma/disable_account' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { password } ,
} ) ;
if ( response . json ? . error ) throw response . json . error ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'accountMoving' ] } .
* /
moveAccount : async ( target_account : string , password : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/pleroma/move_account' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { password , target_account } ,
} ) ;
if ( response . json ? . error ) throw response . json . error ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
mfa : {
/ * *
* Requires features { @link Features [ ' manageMfa ` .
* /
getMfaSettings : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/pleroma/accounts/mfa' ) ;
return z . object ( {
settings : z.object ( {
enabled : z.boolean ( ) ,
totp : z.boolean ( ) ,
} ) ,
} ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Requires features { @link Features [ ' manageMfa ` .
* /
getMfaBackupCodes : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/pleroma/accounts/mfa/backup_codes' ) ;
return z . object ( {
codes : z.array ( z . string ( ) ) ,
} ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Requires features { @link Features [ ' manageMfa ` .
* /
getMfaSetup : async ( method : 'totp' ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/pleroma/accounts/mfa/setup/ ${ method } ` ) ;
return z . object ( {
key : z.string ( ) ,
provisioning_uri : z.string ( ) ,
} ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Requires features { @link Features [ ' manageMfa ` .
* /
confirmMfaSetup : async ( method : 'totp' , code : string , password : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/pleroma/accounts/mfa/confirm/ ${ method } ` , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { code , password } ,
} ) ;
if ( response . json ? . error ) throw response . json . error ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Requires features { @link Features [ ' manageMfa ` .
* /
disableMfa : async ( method : 'totp' , password : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/pleroma/accounts/mfa/ ${ method } ` , {
method : 'DELETE' ,
body : { password } ,
} ) ;
if ( response . json ? . error ) throw response . json . error ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
} ,
/ * *
* Imports your follows , for example from a Mastodon CSV file .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'importFollows' ] } .
* ` overwrite ` mode requires features { @link Features [ 'importOverwrite' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#apipleromafollow_import}
* /
importFollows : async ( list : File | string , mode ? : 'merge' | 'overwrite' ) = > {
let response ;
switch ( this . features . version . software ) {
response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/import' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { data : list , type : 'following' , mode } ,
contentType : '' ,
} ) ;
break ;
default :
response = await this . request ( '/api/pleroma/follow_import' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { list } ,
contentType : '' ,
} ) ;
return response . json ;
} ,
/ * *
* Imports your blocks .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'importBlocks' ] } .
* ` overwrite ` mode requires features { @link Features [ 'importOverwrite' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#apipleromablocks_import}
* /
importBlocks : async ( list : File | string , mode ? : 'merge' | 'overwrite' ) = > {
let response ;
switch ( this . features . version . software ) {
response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/import' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { data : list , type : 'blocks' , mode } ,
contentType : '' ,
} ) ;
break ;
default :
response = await this . request ( '/api/pleroma/blocks_import' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { list } ,
contentType : '' ,
} ) ;
return response . json ;
} ,
/ * *
* Imports your mutes .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'importMutes' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#apipleromamutes_import}
* /
importMutes : async ( list : File | string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/pleroma/mutes_import' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { list } ,
contentType : '' ,
} ) ;
return response . json ;
} ,
/ * *
* Updates user notification settings
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'muteStrangers' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#apipleromanotification_settings}
* /
updateNotificationSettings : async ( params : UpdateNotificationSettingsParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/pleroma/notification_settings' , { method : 'PUT' , body : params } ) ;
if ( response . json ? . error ) throw response . json . error ;
return z . object ( { status : z.string ( ) } ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Get default interaction policies for new statuses created by you .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'interactionRequests' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.gotosocial.org/en/latest/api/swagger/}
* /
getInteractionPolicies : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/interaction_policies/defaults' ) ;
return interactionPoliciesSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Update default interaction policies per visibility level for new statuses created by you .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'interactionRequests' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.gotosocial.org/en/latest/api/swagger/}
* /
updateInteractionPolicies : async ( params : UpdateInteractionPoliciesParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/interaction_policies/defaults' , { method : 'PATCH' , body : params } ) ;
return interactionPoliciesSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly filtering = {
/ * *
* Block account
* Block the given account . Clients should filter statuses from this account if received ( e . g . due to a boost in the Home timeline )
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#block}
* /
blockAccount : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/accounts/ ${ accountId } /block ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return relationshipSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Unblock account
* Unblock the given account .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#unblock}
* /
unblockAccount : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/accounts/ ${ accountId } /unblock ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return relationshipSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Mute account
* Mute the given account . Clients should filter statuses and notifications from this account , if received ( e . g . due to a boost in the Home timeline ) .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'mutes' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#mute}
* /
muteAccount : async ( accountId : string , params? : MuteAccountParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/accounts/ ${ accountId } /mute ` , { method : 'POST' , body : params } ) ;
return relationshipSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Unmute account
* Unmute the given account .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'mutes' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/accounts/#unmute}
* /
unmuteAccount : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/accounts/ ${ accountId } /unmute ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return relationshipSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View muted accounts
* Accounts the user has muted .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'mutes' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/mutes/#get}
* /
getMutes : async ( params? : GetMutesParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Account > ( '/api/v1/mutes' , { params } , mutedAccountSchema ) ,
/ * *
* View blocked users
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/blocks/#get}
* /
getBlocks : async ( params? : GetBlocksParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Account > ( '/api/v1/blocks' , { params } , accountSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Get domain blocks
* View domains the user has blocked .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/domain_blocks/#get}
* /
getDomainBlocks : async ( params? : GetDomainBlocksParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < string > ( '/api/v1/domain_blocks' , { params } , z . string ( ) ) ,
/ * *
* Block a domain
* Block a domain to :
* - hide all public posts from it
* - hide all notifications from it
* - remove all followers from it
* - prevent following new users from it ( but does not remove existing follows )
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/domain_blocks/#block}
* /
blockDomain : async ( domain : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/domain_blocks' , { method : 'POST' , body : { domain } } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Unblock a domain
* Remove a domain block , if it exists in the user ’ s array of blocked domains .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/domain_blocks/#unblock}
* /
unblockDomain : async ( domain : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/domain_blocks' , {
method : 'DELETE' ,
body : { domain } ,
} ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* View all filters
* Obtain a list of all filter groups for the current user .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'filters' ] } or features { @link Features [ 'filtersV2' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/filters/#get}
* /
getFilters : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( this . features . filtersV2 ? '/api/v2/filters' : '/api/v1/filters' ) ;
return filteredArray ( filterSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View a specific filter
* Obtain a single filter group owned by the current user .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'filters' ] } or features { @link Features [ 'filtersV2' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/filters/#get-one}
* /
getFilter : async ( filterId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request (
this . features . filtersV2
? ` /api/v2/filters/ ${ filterId } `
: ` /api/v1/filters/ ${ filterId } ` ,
) ;
return filterSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Create a filter
* Create a filter group with the given parameters .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'filters' ] } or features { @link Features [ 'filtersV2' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/filters/#create}
* /
createFilter : async ( params : CreateFilterParams ) = > {
const { filtersV2 } = this . features ;
const response = await this . request (
filtersV2 ? '/api/v2/filters' : '/api/v1/filters' ,
method : 'POST' ,
body : filtersV2 ? params : {
phrase : params.keywords_attributes [ 0 ] ? . keyword ,
context : params.context ,
irreversible : params.filter_action === 'hide' ,
whole_word : params.keywords_attributes [ 0 ] ? . whole_word ,
expires_in : params.expires_in ,
} ,
} ,
) ;
return filterSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Update a filter
* Update a filter group with the given parameters .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'filters' ] } or features { @link Features [ 'filtersV2' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/filters/#update}
* /
updateFilter : async ( filterId : string , params : UpdateFilterParams ) = > {
const { filtersV2 } = this . features ;
const response = await this . request (
filtersV2 ? ` /api/v2/filters/ ${ filterId } ` : ` /api/v1/filters/ ${ filterId } ` ,
method : 'PUT' ,
body : filtersV2 ? params : {
phrase : params.keywords_attributes?. [ 0 ] ? . keyword ,
context : params.context ,
irreversible : params.filter_action === 'hide' ,
whole_word : params.keywords_attributes?. [ 0 ] ? . whole_word ,
expires_in : params.expires_in ,
} ,
} ,
) ;
return filterSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Delete a filter
* Delete a filter group with the given id .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'filters' ] } or features { @link Features [ 'filtersV2' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/filters/#delete}
* /
deleteFilter : async ( filterId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request (
this . features . filtersV2
? ` /api/v2/filters/ ${ filterId } `
: ` /api/v1/filters/ ${ filterId } ` ,
{ method : 'DELETE' } ,
) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* View keywords added to a filter
* List all keywords attached to the current filter group .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'filtersV2' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/filters/#keywords-get}
* /
getFilterKeywords : async ( filterId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v2/filters/ ${ filterId } /keywords ` ) ;
return filteredArray ( filterKeywordSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Add a keyword to a filter
* Add the given keyword to the specified filter group
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'filtersV2' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/filters/#keywords-create}
* /
addFilterKeyword : async ( filterId : string , keyword : string , whole_word? : boolean ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v2/filters/ ${ filterId } /keywords ` , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { keyword , whole_word } ,
} ) ;
return filterKeywordSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View a single keyword
* Get one filter keyword by the given id .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'filtersV2' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/filters/#keywords-get-one}
* /
getFilterKeyword : async ( filterId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v2/filters/keywords/ ${ filterId } ` ) ;
return filterKeywordSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Edit a keyword within a filter
* Update the given filter keyword .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'filtersV2' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/filters/#keywords-update}
* /
updateFilterKeyword : async ( filterId : string , keyword : string , whole_word? : boolean ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v2/filters/keywords/ ${ filterId } ` , {
method : 'PUT' ,
body : { keyword , whole_word } ,
} ) ;
return filterKeywordSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Remove keywords from a filter
* Deletes the given filter keyword .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'filtersV2' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/filters/#keywords-delete}
* /
deleteFilterKeyword : async ( filterId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v2/filters/keywords/ ${ filterId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* View all status filters
* Obtain a list of all status filters within this filter group .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'filtersV2' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/filters/#statuses-get}
* /
getFilterStatuses : async ( filterId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v2/filters/ ${ filterId } /statuses ` ) ;
return filteredArray ( filterStatusSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Add a status to a filter group
* Add a status filter to the current filter group .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'filtersV2' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/filters/#statuses-add}
* /
addFilterStatus : async ( filterId : string , statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v2/filters/ ${ filterId } /statuses ` , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { status_id : statusId } ,
} ) ;
return filterStatusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View a single status filter
* Obtain a single status filter .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'filtersV2' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/filters/#statuses-get-one}
* /
getFilterStatus : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v2/filters/statuses/ ${ statusId } ` ) ;
return filterStatusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Remove a status from a filter group
* Remove a status filter from the current filter group .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'filtersV2' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/filters/#statuses-remove}
* /
deleteFilterStatus : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v2/filters/statuses/ ${ statusId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly statuses = {
/ * *
* Post a new status
* Publish a status with the given parameters .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#create}
* /
createStatus : async ( params : CreateStatusParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/statuses' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : params ,
} ) ;
if ( response . json ? . scheduled_at ) return scheduledStatusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View a single status
* Obtain information about a status .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#get}
* /
getStatus : async ( statusId : string , params? : GetStatusParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } ` , { params } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View multiple statuses
* Obtain information about multiple statuses .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'getStatuses' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#index}
* /
getStatuses : async ( statusIds : string [ ] , params? : GetStatusesParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/statuses' , { params : { . . . params , id : statusIds } } ) ;
return filteredArray ( statusSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Delete a status
* Delete one of your own statuses .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#delete}
* /
deleteStatus : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return statusSourceSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Get parent and child statuses in context
* View statuses above and below this status in the thread .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#context}
* /
getContext : async ( statusId : string , params? : GetStatusContextParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } /context ` , { params } ) ;
return contextSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Translate a status
* Translate the status content into some language .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#translate}
* /
translateStatus : async ( statusId : string , lang? : string ) = > {
let response ;
if ( this . features . version . build === AKKOMA ) {
response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } /translations/ ${ lang } ` ) ;
} else {
response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } /translate ` , { method : 'POST' , body : { lang } } ) ;
return translationSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
/ * *
* Translate multiple statuses into given language .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'lazyTranslations' ] } .
* /
translateStatuses : async ( statusIds : Array < string > , lang : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pl/statuses/translate' , { method : 'POST' , body : { ids : statusIds , lang } } ) ;
return filteredArray ( translationSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
/ * *
* See who boosted a status
* View who boosted a given status .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#reblogged_by}
* /
getRebloggedBy : async ( statusId : string , params? : GetRebloggedByParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Account > ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } /reblogged_by ` , { params } , accountSchema ) ,
/ * *
* See who favourited a status
* View who favourited a given status .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#favourited_by}
* /
getFavouritedBy : async ( statusId : string , params? : GetFavouritedByParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Account > ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } /favourited_by ` , { params } , accountSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Favourite a status
* Add a status to your favourites list .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#favourite}
* /
favouriteStatus : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } /favourite ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Undo favourite of a status
* Remove a status from your favourites list .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#unfavourite}
* /
unfavouriteStatus : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } /unfavourite ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Boost a status
* Reshare a status on your own profile .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#reblog}
* /
reblogStatus : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } /reblog ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Undo boost of a status
* Undo a reshare of a status .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#unreblog}
* /
unreblogStatus : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } /unreblog ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Bookmark a status
* Privately bookmark a status .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#bookmark}
* /
bookmarkStatus : async ( statusId : string , folderId? : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } /bookmark ` , { method : 'POST' , body : { folder_id : folderId } } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Undo bookmark of a status
* Remove a status from your private bookmarks .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#unbookmark}
* /
unbookmarkStatus : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } /unbookmark ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Mute a conversation
* Do not receive notifications for the thread that this status is part of . Must be a thread in which you are a participant .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#mute}
* /
muteStatus : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } /mute ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Unmute a conversation
* Start receiving notifications again for the thread that this status is part of .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#unmute}
* /
unmuteStatus : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } /unmute ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Pin status to profile
* Feature one of your own public statuses at the top of your profile .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#pin}
* /
pinStatus : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } /pin ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Unpin status from profile
* Unfeature a status from the top of your profile .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#unpin}
* /
unpinStatus : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } /unpin ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Edit a status
* Edit a given status to change its text , sensitivity , media attachments , or poll . Note that editing a poll ’ s options will reset the votes .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#unpin}
* /
editStatus : async ( statusId : string , params : EditStatusParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } ` , { method : 'PUT' , body : params } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View edit history of a status
* Get all known versions of a status , including the initial and current states .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#history}
* /
getStatusHistory : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } /history ` ) ;
return filteredArray ( statusEditSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View status source
* Obtain the source properties for a status so that it can be edited .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/statuses/#source}
* /
getStatusSource : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/statuses/ ${ statusId } /source ` ) ;
return statusSourceSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Get an object of emoji to account mappings with accounts that reacted to the post
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'emojiReacts' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#get-apiv1pleromastatusesidreactions}
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#get-apiv1pleromastatusesidreactionsemoji}
* /
getStatusReactions : async ( statusId : string , emoji? : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/statuses/ ${ statusId } /reactions ${ emoji ? ` / ${ emoji } ` : '' } ` ) ;
return filteredArray ( emojiReactionSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* React to a post with a unicode emoji
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'emojiReacts' ] } .
* Using custom emojis requires features { @link Features [ 'customEmojiReacts' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#put-apiv1pleromastatusesidreactionsemoji}
* /
createStatusReaction : async ( statusId : string , emoji : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/statuses/ ${ statusId } /reactions/ ${ emoji } ` , { method : 'PUT' } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Remove a reaction to a post with a unicode emoji
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'emojiReacts' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/pleroma_api/#delete-apiv1pleromastatusesidreactionsemoji}
* /
deleteStatusReaction : async ( statusId : string , emoji : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/statuses/ ${ statusId } /reactions/ ${ emoji } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View quotes for a given status
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'quotePosts' ] } .
* /
getStatusQuotes : async ( statusId : string , params? : GetStatusQuotesParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Status > ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/statuses/ ${ statusId } /quotes ` , { params } , statusSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Returns the list of accounts that have disliked the status as known by the current server
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'statusDislikes' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/2024.06-rc/doc/API-Friendica.md#get-apifriendicastatusesiddisliked_by}
* /
getDislikedBy : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/friendica/statuses/ ${ statusId } /disliked_by ` ) ;
return filteredArray ( accountSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Marks the given status as disliked by this user
* @see { @link https : //github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/2024.06-rc/doc/API-Friendica.md#post-apifriendicastatusesiddislike}
* /
dislikeStatus : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/friendica/statuses/ ${ statusId } /dislike ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Removes the dislike mark ( if it exists ) on this status for this user
* @see { @link https : //github.com/friendica/friendica/blob/2024.06-rc/doc/API-Friendica.md#post-apifriendicastatusesidundislike}
* /
undislikeStatus : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/friendica/statuses/ ${ statusId } /undislike ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly media = {
/ * *
* Upload media as an attachment
* Creates a media attachment to be used with a new status . The full sized media will be processed asynchronously in the background for large uploads .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/media/#v2}
* /
uploadMedia : async ( params : UploadMediaParams , meta? : RequestMeta ) = > {
const response = await this . request (
this . features . mediaV2 ? '/api/v2/media' : '/api/v1/media' ,
{ . . . meta , method : 'POST' , body : params , contentType : '' } ,
) ;
return mediaAttachmentSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Get media attachment
* Get a media attachment , before it is attached to a status and posted , but after it is accepted for processing . Use this method to check that the full - sized media has finished processing .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/media/#get}
* /
getMedia : async ( attachmentId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/media/ ${ attachmentId } ` ) ;
return mediaAttachmentSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Update media attachment
* Update a MediaAttachment ’ s parameters , before it is attached to a status and posted .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/media/#update}
* /
updateMedia : async ( attachmentId : string , params : UpdateMediaParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/media/ ${ attachmentId } ` , {
method : 'PUT' ,
body : params , contentType : params.thumbnail ? '' : undefined ,
} ) ;
return mediaAttachmentSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly polls = {
/ * *
* View a poll
* View a poll attached to a status .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/polls/#get}
* /
getPoll : async ( pollId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/polls/ ${ pollId } ` ) ;
return pollSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Vote on a poll
* Vote on a poll attached to a status .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/polls/#vote}
* /
vote : async ( pollId : string , choices : number [ ] ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/polls/ ${ pollId } /votes ` , { method : 'POST' , body : { choices } } ) ;
return pollSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly scheduledStatuses = {
/ * *
* View scheduled statuses
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/scheduled_statuses/#get}
* /
getScheduledStatuses : async ( params? : GetScheduledStatusesParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < ScheduledStatus > ( '/api/v1/scheduled_statuses' , { params } , scheduledStatusSchema ) ,
/ * *
* View a single scheduled status
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/scheduled_statuses/#get-one}
* /
getScheduledStatus : async ( scheduledStatusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/scheduled_statuses/ ${ scheduledStatusId } ` ) ;
return scheduledStatusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Update a scheduled status ’ s publishing date
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/scheduled_statuses/#update}
* /
updateScheduledStatus : async ( scheduledStatusId : string , scheduled_at : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/scheduled_statuses/ ${ scheduledStatusId } ` , {
method : 'PUT' ,
body : { scheduled_at } ,
} ) ;
return scheduledStatusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Cancel a scheduled status
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/scheduled_statuses/#cancel}
* /
cancelScheduledStatus : async ( scheduledStatusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/scheduled_statuses/ ${ scheduledStatusId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly timelines = {
/ * *
* View public timeline
* View public statuses .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/timelines/#public}
* /
publicTimeline : ( params? : PublicTimelineParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Status > ( '/api/v1/timelines/public' , { params } , statusSchema ) ,
/ * *
* View hashtag timeline
* View public statuses containing the given hashtag .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/timelines/#tag}
* /
hashtagTimeline : ( hashtag : string , params? : HashtagTimelineParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Status > ( ` /api/v1/timelines/tag/ ${ hashtag } ` , { params } , statusSchema ) ,
/ * *
* View home timeline
* View statuses from followed users and hashtags .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/timelines/#home}
* /
homeTimeline : ( params? : HomeTimelineParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Status > ( '/api/v1/timelines/home' , { params } , statusSchema ) ,
/ * *
* View link timeline
* View public statuses containing a link to the specified currently - trending article . This only lists statuses from people who have opted in to discoverability features .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/timelines/#link}
* /
linkTimeline : ( url : string , params? : HashtagTimelineParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Status > ( '/api/v1/timelines/link' , { params : { . . . params , url } } , statusSchema ) ,
/ * *
* View list timeline
* View statuses in the given list timeline .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/timelines/#list}
* /
listTimeline : ( listId : string , params? : ListTimelineParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Status > ( ` /api/v1/timelines/list/ ${ listId } ` , { params } , statusSchema ) ,
/ * *
* View all conversations
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/conversations/#get}
* /
getConversations : ( params? : GetConversationsParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Conversation > ( '/api/v1/conversations' , { params } , conversationSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Remove a conversation
* Removes a conversation from your list of conversations .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/conversations/#delete}
* /
deleteConversation : async ( conversationId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/conversations/ ${ conversationId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Mark a conversation as read
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/conversations/#read}
* /
markConversationRead : async ( conversationId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/conversations/ ${ conversationId } /read ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return conversationSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Get saved timeline positions
* Get current positions in timelines .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/markers/#get}
* /
getMarkers : async ( timelines? : string [ ] ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/markers' , { params : { timeline : timelines } } ) ;
return markersSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Save your position in a timeline
* Save current position in timeline .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/markers/#create}
* /
saveMarkers : async ( params : SaveMarkersParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/markers' , { method : 'POST' , body : params } ) ;
return markersSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'groups' ] } .
* /
groupTimeline : async ( groupId : string , params? : GroupTimelineParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Status > ( ` /api/v1/timelines/group/ ${ groupId } ` , { params } , statusSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'bubbleTimeline' ] } .
* /
bubbleTimeline : async ( params? : BubbleTimelineParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Status > ( '/api/v1/timelines/bubble' , { params } , statusSchema ) ,
} ;
public readonly lists = {
/ * *
* View your lists
* Fetch all lists that the user owns .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/lists/#get}
* /
getLists : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/lists' ) ;
return filteredArray ( listSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Show a single list
* Fetch the list with the given ID . Used for verifying the title of a list , and which replies to show within that list .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/lists/#get-one}
* /
getList : async ( listId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/lists/ ${ listId } ` ) ;
return listSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Create a list
* Create a new list .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/lists/#create}
* /
createList : async ( params : CreateListParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/lists' , { method : 'POST' , body : params } ) ;
return listSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Update a list
* Change the title of a list , or which replies to show .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/lists/#update}
* /
updateList : async ( listId : string , params : UpdateListParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/lists/ ${ listId } ` , { method : 'PUT' , body : params } ) ;
return listSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Delete a list
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/lists/#delete}
* /
deleteList : async ( listId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/lists/ ${ listId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* View accounts in a list
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/lists/#accounts}
* /
getListAccounts : async ( listId : string , params? : GetListAccountsParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Account > ( ` /api/v1/lists/ ${ listId } /accounts ` , { params } , accountSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Add accounts to a list
* Add accounts to the given list . Note that the user must be following these accounts .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/lists/#accounts-add}
* /
addListAccounts : async ( listId : string , accountIds : string [ ] ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/lists/ ${ listId } /accounts ` , {
method : 'POST' , body : { account_ids : accountIds } ,
} ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Remove accounts from list
* Remove accounts from the given list .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/lists/#accounts-remove}
* /
deleteListAccounts : async ( listId : string , accountIds : string [ ] ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/lists/ ${ listId } /accounts ` , {
method : 'DELETE' , body : { account_ids : accountIds } ,
} ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly streaming = {
/ * *
* Check if the server is alive
* Verify that the streaming service is alive before connecting to it
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/streaming/#health}
* /
health : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/streaming/health' ) ;
return z . literal ( 'OK' ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Establishing a WebSocket connection
* Open a multiplexed WebSocket connection to receive events .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/streaming/#websocket}
* /
connect : ( ) = > {
if ( this . # socket ) return this . # socket ;
const path = buildFullPath ( '/api/v1/streaming' , this . # instance ? . configuration . urls . streaming , { access_token : this.accessToken } ) ;
const ws = new WebSocket ( path , this . accessToken as any ) ;
let listeners : Array < { listener : ( event : StreamingEvent ) = > any ; stream? : string } > = [ ] ;
const queue : Array < ( ) = > any > = [ ] ;
const enqueue = ( fn : ( ) = > any ) = > ws . readyState === WebSocket . CONNECTING ? queue . push ( fn ) : fn ( ) ;
ws . onmessage = ( event ) = > {
const message = streamingEventSchema . parse ( JSON . parse ( event . data as string ) ) ;
listeners . filter ( ( { listener , stream } ) = > ( ! stream || message . stream . includes ( stream ) ) && listener ( message ) ) ;
} ;
ws . onopen = ( ) = > {
queue . forEach ( fn = > fn ( ) ) ;
} ;
this . # socket = {
listen : ( listener : ( event : StreamingEvent ) = > any , stream? : string ) = > listeners . push ( { listener , stream } ) ,
unlisten : ( listener : ( event : StreamingEvent ) = > any ) = > listeners = listeners . filter ( ( value ) = > value . listener !== listener ) ,
subscribe : ( stream : string , { list , tag } : { list? : string ; tag? : string } = { } ) = >
enqueue ( ( ) = > ws . send ( JSON . stringify ( { type : 'subscribe' , stream , list , tag } ) ) ) ,
unsubscribe : ( stream : string , { list , tag } : { list? : string ; tag? : string } = { } ) = >
enqueue ( ( ) = > ws . send ( JSON . stringify ( { type : 'unsubscribe' , stream , list , tag } ) ) ) ,
close : ( ) = > {
ws . close ( ) ;
this . # socket = undefined ;
} ,
} ;
return this . # socket ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly notifications = {
/ * *
* Get all notifications
* Notifications concerning the user . This API returns Link headers containing links to the next / previous page . However , the links can also be constructed dynamically using query params and ` id ` values .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/notifications/#get}
* /
getNotifications : async ( params? : GetNotificationParams , meta? : RequestMeta ) = > {
'chat_mention' , 'emoji_reaction' , 'report' , 'participation_accepted' , 'participation_request' , 'event_reminder' , 'event_update' ,
] ;
if ( params ? . types ) params . types = [
. . . params . types ,
. . . params . types . filter ( type = > PLEROMA_TYPES . includes ( type ) ) . map ( type = > ` pleroma: ${ type } ` ) ,
] ;
if ( params ? . exclude_types ) params . exclude_types = [
. . . params . exclude_types ,
. . . params . exclude_types . filter ( type = > PLEROMA_TYPES . includes ( type ) ) . map ( type = > ` pleroma: ${ type } ` ) ,
] ;
return this . # paginatedGet < Notification > ( '/api/v1/notifications' , { . . . meta , params } , notificationSchema ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Get a single notification
* View information about a notification with a given ID .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/notifications/#get-one}
* /
getNotification : async ( notificationId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/notifications/ ${ notificationId } ` ) ;
return notificationSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Dismiss all notifications
* Clear all notifications from the server .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/notifications/#clear}
* /
dismissNotifications : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/notifications/clear' , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Dismiss a single notification
* Dismiss a single notification from the server .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/notifications/#dismiss}
* /
dismissNotification : async ( notificationId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/notifications/ ${ notificationId } /dismiss ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Get the filtering policy for notifications
* Notifications filtering policy for the user .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/notifications/#get-policy}
* /
getNotificationPolicy : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/notifications/policy' ) ;
return notificationPolicySchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Update the filtering policy for notifications
* Update the user ’ s notifications filtering policy .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/notifications/#update-the-filtering-policy-for-notifications}
* /
updateNotificationPolicy : async ( params : UpdateNotificationPolicyRequest ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/notifications/policy' , { method : 'POST' , body : params } ) ;
return notificationPolicySchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Get all notification requests
* Notification requests for notifications filtered by the user ’ s policy . This API returns Link headers containing links to the next / previous page .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/notifications/#get-requests}
* /
getNotificationRequests : async ( params? : GetNotificationRequestsParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Notification > ( '/api/v1/notifications/requests' , { params } , notificationRequestSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Get a single notification request
* View information about a notification request with a given ID .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/notifications/#get-one-request}
* /
getNotificationRequest : async ( notificationRequestId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/notifications/requests/ ${ notificationRequestId } ` ) ;
return notificationRequestSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Accept a single notification request
* Accept a notification request , which merges the filtered notifications from that user back into the main notification and accepts any future notification from them .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/notifications/#accept-request}
* /
acceptNotificationRequest : async ( notificationRequestId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/notifications/requests/ ${ notificationRequestId } /dismiss ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Dismiss a single notification request
* Dismiss a notification request , which hides it and prevent it from contributing to the pending notification requests count .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/notifications/#dismiss-request}
* /
dismissNotificationRequest : async ( notificationRequestId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/notifications/requests/ ${ notificationRequestId } /dismiss ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* An endpoint to delete multiple statuses by IDs .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'notificationsDismissMultiple' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/differences_in_mastoapi_responses/#delete-apiv1notificationsdestroy_multiple}
* /
dismissMultipleNotifications : async ( notificationIds : string [ ] ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/notifications/destroy_multiple' , {
params : { ids : notificationIds } ,
method : 'DELETE' ,
} ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly pushNotifications = {
/ * *
* Subscribe to push notifications
* Add a Web Push API subscription to receive notifications . Each access token can have one push subscription . If you create a new subscription , the old subscription is deleted .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/push/#create}
* /
createSubscription : async ( params : CreatePushNotificationsSubscriptionParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/push/subscription' , { method : 'POST' , body : params } ) ;
return webPushSubscriptionSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Get current subscription
* View the PushSubscription currently associated with this access token .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/push/#get}
* /
getSubscription : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/push/subscription' ) ;
return webPushSubscriptionSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Change types of notifications
* Updates the current push subscription . Only the data part can be updated . To change fundamentals , a new subscription must be created instead .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/push/#update}
* /
updateSubscription : async ( params : UpdatePushNotificationsSubscriptionParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/push/subscription' , { method : 'PUT' , body : params } ) ;
return webPushSubscriptionSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Remove current subscription
* Removes the current Web Push API subscription .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/push/#delete}
* /
deleteSubscription : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/push/subscription' , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly search = {
/ * *
* Perform a search
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/search/#v2}
* /
search : async ( q : string , params? : SearchParams , meta? : RequestMeta ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v2/search' , { . . . meta , params : { . . . params , q } } ) ;
return searchSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Searches for locations
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'events' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //github.com/mkljczk/pl/blob/fork/docs/development/API/pleroma_api.md#apiv1pleromasearchlocation}
* /
searchLocation : async ( q : string , meta? : RequestMeta ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/search/location' , { . . . meta , params : { q } } ) ;
return filteredArray ( locationSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly instance = {
/ * *
* View server information
* Obtain general information about the server .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/instance/#v2}
* /
getInstance : async ( ) = > {
let response ;
try {
response = await this . request ( '/api/v2/instance' ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/instance' ) ;
const instance = instanceSchema . readonly ( ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
this . # setInstance ( instance ) ;
return instance ;
} ,
/ * *
* List of connected domains
* Domains that this instance is aware of .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/instance/#peers}
* /
getInstancePeers : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/instance/peers' ) ;
return z . array ( z . string ( ) ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Weekly activity
* Instance activity over the last 3 months , binned weekly .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/instance/#activity}
* /
getInstanceActivity : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/instance/activity' ) ;
return z . array ( z . object ( {
week : z.string ( ) ,
statuses : z.coerce.string ( ) ,
logins : z.coerce.string ( ) ,
registrations : z.coerce.string ( ) ,
} ) ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* List of rules
* Rules that the users of this service should follow .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/instance/#rules}
* /
getInstanceRules : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/instance/rules' ) ;
return filteredArray ( ruleSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View moderated servers
* Obtain a list of domains that have been blocked .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/instance/#domain_blocks}
* /
getInstanceDomainBlocks : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/instance/rules' ) ;
return filteredArray ( domainBlockSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View extended description
* Obtain an extended description of this server
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/instance/#extended_description}
* /
getInstanceExtendedDescription : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/instance/extended_description' ) ;
return extendedDescriptionSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View translation languages
* Translation language pairs supported by the translation engine used by the server .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/instance/#translation_languages}
* /
getInstanceTranslationLanguages : async ( ) = > {
if ( this . features . version . build === AKKOMA ) {
const response = await this . request < {
source : Array < { code : string ; name : string } > ;
target : Array < { code : string ; name : string } > ;
} > ( '/api/v1/akkoma/translation/languages' ) ;
return Object . fromEntries ( response . json . source . map ( source = > [
source . code . toLocaleLowerCase ( ) ,
response . json . target . map ( lang = > lang . code ) . filter ( lang = > lang !== source . code ) . map ( lang = > lang . toLocaleLowerCase ( ) ) ,
] ) ) ;
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/instance/translation_languages' ) ;
return z . record ( z . array ( z . string ( ) ) ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View profile directory
* List accounts visible in the directory .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/directory/#get}
* /
profileDirectory : async ( params? : ProfileDirectoryParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/directory' , { params } ) ;
return filteredArray ( accountSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View all custom emoji
* Returns custom emojis that are available on the server .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/custom_emojis/#get}
* /
getCustomEmojis : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/custom_emojis' ) ;
return filteredArray ( customEmojiSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Dump frontend configurations
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'frontendConfigurations' ] } .
* /
getFrontendConfigurations : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/pleroma/frontend_configurations' ) ;
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
return z . record ( z . record ( z . any ( ) ) ) . catch ( { } ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
} ,
} ;
public readonly trends = {
/ * *
* View trending tags
* Tags that are being used more frequently within the past week .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/trends/#tags}
* /
getTrendingTags : async ( params? : GetTrendingTags ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/trends/tags' , { params } ) ;
return filteredArray ( tagSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View trending statuses
* Statuses that have been interacted with more than others .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/trends/#statuses}
* /
getTrendingStatuses : async ( params? : GetTrendingStatuses ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/trends/statuses' , { params } ) ;
return filteredArray ( statusSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View trending links
* Links that have been shared more than others .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/trends/#links}
* /
getTrendingLinks : async ( params? : GetTrendingLinks ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/trends/links' , { params } ) ;
return filteredArray ( trendsLinkSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly announcements = {
/ * *
* View all announcements
* See all currently active announcements set by admins .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/announcements/#get}
* /
getAnnouncements : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/announcements' ) ;
return filteredArray ( announcementSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Dismiss an announcement
* Allows a user to mark the announcement as read .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/announcements/#dismiss}
* /
dismissAnnouncements : async ( announcementId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/announcements/ ${ announcementId } ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Add a reaction to an announcement
* React to an announcement with an emoji .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/announcements/#put-reactions}
* /
addAnnouncementReaction : async ( announcementId : string , emoji : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/announcements/ ${ announcementId } /reactions/ ${ emoji } ` , { method : 'PUT' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Remove a reaction from an announcement
* Undo a react emoji to an announcement .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/announcements/#delete-reactions}
* /
deleteAnnouncementReaction : async ( announcementId : string , emoji : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/announcements/ ${ announcementId } /reactions/ ${ emoji } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly admin = {
/** Perform moderation actions with accounts. */
accounts : {
/ * *
* View accounts
* View all accounts , optionally matching certain criteria for filtering , up to 100 at a time .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/accounts/#v2}
* /
getAccounts : async ( params? : AdminGetAccountsParams ) = > {
if ( this . features . mastodonAdminV2 ) {
return this . # paginatedGet < AdminAccount > ( '/api/v2/admin/accounts' , { params } , adminAccountSchema ) ;
} else {
return this . # paginatedPleromaAccounts ( params ? {
query : params.username ,
name : params.display_name ,
email : params.email ,
filters : [
params . origin === 'local' && 'local' ,
params . origin === 'remote' && 'external' ,
params . status === 'active' && 'active' ,
params . status === 'pending' && 'need_approval' ,
params . status === 'disabled' && 'deactivated' ,
params . permissions === 'staff' && 'is_admin' ,
params . permissions === 'staff' && 'is_moderator' ,
] . filter ( filter = > filter ) . join ( ',' ) ,
page_size : 100 ,
} : { page_size : 100 } ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View a specific account
* View admin - level information about the given account .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/accounts/#get-one}
* /
getAccount : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
let response ;
if ( this . features . mastodonAdmin ) {
response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/accounts/ ${ accountId } ` ) ;
} else {
response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/users/ ${ accountId } ` ) ;
return adminAccountSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Approve a pending account
* Approve the given local account if it is currently pending approval .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/accounts/#approve}
* /
approveAccount : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
let response ;
if ( this . features . mastodonAdmin ) {
response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/accounts/ ${ accountId } /approve ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
} else {
const account = await this . admin . accounts . getAccount ( accountId ) ! ;
response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/approve' , { body : { nicknames : [ account . account ! . username ] } } ) ;
response . json = response . json ? . users ? . [ 0 ] ;
return adminAccountSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Reject a pending account
* Reject the given local account if it is currently pending approval .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/accounts/#reject}
* /
rejectAccount : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
let response ;
if ( this . features . mastodonAdmin ) {
response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/accounts/ ${ accountId } /reject ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
} else {
const account = await this . admin . accounts . getAccount ( accountId ) ! ;
response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/approve' , { body : {
method : 'DELETE' ,
nicknames : [ account . account ! . username ] ,
} } ) ;
return adminAccountSchema . safeParse ( response . json ) . data || { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Delete an account
* Permanently delete data for a suspended account .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/accounts/#delete}
* /
deleteAccount : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/accounts/ ${ accountId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return adminAccountSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Perform an action against an account
* Perform an action against an account and log this action in the moderation history . Also resolves any open reports against this account .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/accounts/#action}
* /
performAccountAction : async ( accountId : string , type : AdminAccountAction , params? : AdminPerformAccountActionParams ) = > {
let response ;
if ( this . features . mastodonAdmin ) {
response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/accounts/ ${ accountId } /action ` , { body : { . . . params , type } } ) ;
} else {
const account = await this . admin . accounts . getAccount ( accountId ) ! ;
switch ( type ) {
case 'disable' :
case 'suspend' :
response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/deactivate' , { body : { nicknames : [ account . account ! . username ] } } ) ;
break ;
default :
response = { json : { } } ;
break ;
if ( params ? . report_id ) await this . admin . reports . resolveReport ( params . report_id ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Enable a currently disabled account
* Re - enable a local account whose login is currently disabled .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/accounts/#enable}
* /
enableAccount : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
let response ;
if ( this . features . mastodonAdmin ) {
response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/accounts/ ${ accountId } /enable ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
} else {
const account = await this . admin . accounts . getAccount ( accountId ) ! ;
response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/activate' , { body : { nicknames : [ account . account ! . username ] } } ) ;
response . json = response . json ? . users ? . [ 0 ] ;
return adminAccountSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Unsilence an account
* Unsilence an account if it is currently silenced .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/accounts/#unsilence}
* /
unsilenceAccount : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/accounts/ ${ accountId } /unsilence ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return adminAccountSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Unsuspend an account
* Unsuspend a currently suspended account .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/accounts/#unsuspend}
* /
unsuspendAccount : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
let response ;
if ( this . features . mastodonAdmin ) {
response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/accounts/ ${ accountId } /unsuspend ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
} else {
const { account } = await this . admin . accounts . getAccount ( accountId ) ! ;
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/activate' , { body : { nicknames : [ account ! . acct ] } } ) ;
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
response . json = response . json ? . users ? . [ 0 ] ;
return adminAccountSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Unmark an account as sensitive
* Stops marking an account ’ s posts as sensitive , if it was previously flagged as sensitive .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/accounts/#unsensitive}
* /
unsensitiveAccount : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/accounts/ ${ accountId } /unsensitive ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return adminAccountSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminAccounts' ] } .
* /
promoteToAdmin : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const { account } = await this . admin . accounts . getAccount ( accountId ) ! ;
await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/permission_group/moderator' , {
method : 'DELETE' ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
body : { nicknames : [ account ! . acct ] } ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
} ) ;
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/permission_group/admin' , {
method : 'POST' ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
body : { nicknames : [ account ! . acct ] } ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
} ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminAccounts' ] } .
* /
promoteToModerator : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const { account } = await this . admin . accounts . getAccount ( accountId ) ! ;
await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/permission_group/admin' , {
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
method : 'DELETE' , body : { nicknames : [ account ! . acct ] } } ) ;
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/permission_group/moderator' , {
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
method : 'POST' , body : { nicknames : [ account ! . acct ] } } ) ;
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminAccounts' ] } .
* /
demoteToUser : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const { account } = await this . admin . accounts . getAccount ( accountId ) ! ;
await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/permission_group/moderator' , {
method : 'DELETE' ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
body : { nicknames : [ account ! . acct ] } ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
} ) ;
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/permission_group/admin' , {
method : 'DELETE' ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
body : { nicknames : [ account ! . acct ] } ,
} ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Tag a user .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminAccounts' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#patch-apiv1pleromaadminuserssuggest}
* /
suggestUser : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const { account } = await this . admin . accounts . getAccount ( accountId ) ! ;
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/suggest' , {
method : 'PATCH' ,
body : { nicknames : [ account ! . acct ] } ,
} ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Untag a user .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminAccounts' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#patch-apiv1pleromaadminusersunsuggest}
* /
unsuggestUser : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const { account } = await this . admin . accounts . getAccount ( accountId ) ! ;
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/unsuggest' , {
method : 'PATCH' ,
body : { nicknames : [ account ! . acct ] } ,
} ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Tag a user .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminAccounts' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#put-apiv1pleromaadminuserstag}
* /
tagUser : async ( accountId : string , tags : Array < string > ) = > {
const { account } = await this . admin . accounts . getAccount ( accountId ) ! ;
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/tag' , {
method : 'PUT' ,
body : { nicknames : [ account ! . acct ] , tags } ,
} ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/ * *
* Untag a user .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminAccounts' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#delete-apiv1pleromaadminuserstag}
* /
untagUser : async ( accountId : string , tags : Array < string > ) = > {
const { account } = await this . admin . accounts . getAccount ( accountId ) ! ;
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/users/tag' , {
method : 'DELETE' ,
body : { nicknames : [ account ! . acct ] , tags } ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
} ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
} ,
/** Disallow certain domains to federate. */
domainBlocks : {
/ * *
* List all blocked domains
* Show information about all blocked domains .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/domain_blocks/#get}
* /
getDomainBlocks : ( params? : AdminGetDomainBlocksParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < AdminDomainBlock > ( '/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks' , { params } , adminDomainBlockSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Get a single blocked domain
* Show information about a single blocked domain .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/domain_blocks/#get-one}
* /
getDomainBlock : async ( domainBlockId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/domain_blocks/ ${ domainBlockId } ` ) ;
return adminDomainBlockSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Block a domain from federating
* Add a domain to the list of domains blocked from federating .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/domain_blocks/#create}
* /
createDomainBlock : async ( domain : string , params? : AdminCreateDomainBlockParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { . . . params , domain } ,
} ) ;
return adminDomainBlockSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Update a domain block
* Change parameters for an existing domain block .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/domain_blocks/#update}
* /
updateDomainBlock : async ( domainBlockId : string , params? : AdminUpdateDomainBlockParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/domain_blocks/ ${ domainBlockId } ` , {
method : 'PUT' ,
body : params ,
} ) ;
return adminDomainBlockSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Remove a domain block
* Lift a block against a domain .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/domain_blocks/#delete}
* /
deleteDomainBlock : async ( domainBlockId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/domain_blocks/ ${ domainBlockId } ` , {
method : 'DELETE' ,
} ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
} ,
/** Perform moderation actions with reports. */
reports : {
/ * *
* View all reports
* View information about all reports .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/reports/#get}
* /
getReports : async ( params? : AdminGetReportsParams ) = > {
if ( this . features . mastodonAdmin ) {
return this . # paginatedGet < AdminReport > ( '/api/v1/admin/reports' , { params } , adminReportSchema ) ;
} else {
return this . # paginatedPleromaReports ( {
state : params?.resolved === true ? 'resolved' : params ? . resolved === false ? 'open' : undefined ,
page_size : params?.limit || 100 ,
} ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View a single report
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/reports/#get-one}
* /
getReport : async ( reportId : string ) = > {
let response ;
if ( this . features . mastodonAdmin ) {
response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/reports/ ${ reportId } ` ) ;
} else {
response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/admin/reports/ ${ reportId } ` ) ;
return adminReportSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Update a report
* Change metadata for a report .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/reports/#update}
* /
updateReport : async ( reportId : string , params : AdminUpdateReportParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/reports/ ${ reportId } ` , { method : 'PUT' , body : params } ) ;
return adminReportSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Assign report to self
* Claim the handling of this report to yourself .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/reports/#assign_to_self}
* /
assignReportToSelf : async ( reportId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/reports/ ${ reportId } /assign_to_self ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return adminReportSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Unassign report
* Unassign a report so that someone else can claim it .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/reports/#unassign}
* /
unassignReport : async ( reportId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/reports/ ${ reportId } /unassign ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return adminReportSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Mark report as resolved
* Mark a report as resolved with no further action taken .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/reports/#resolve}
* /
resolveReport : async ( reportId : string ) = > {
let response ;
if ( this . features . mastodonAdmin ) {
response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/reports/ ${ reportId } /resolve ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
} else {
response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/admin/reports/ ${ reportId } ` , {
method : 'PATCH' ,
body : { reports : [ { id : reportId , state : 'resolved' } ] } ,
} ) ;
return adminReportSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Reopen a closed report
* Reopen a currently closed report , if it is closed .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/reports/#reopen}
* /
reopenReport : async ( reportId : string ) = > {
let response ;
if ( this . features . mastodonAdmin ) {
response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/reports/ ${ reportId } /reopen ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
} else {
response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/admin/reports/ ${ reportId } ` , {
method : 'PATCH' ,
body : { reports : [ { id : reportId , state : 'open' } ] } ,
} ) ;
return adminReportSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ,
statuses : {
/ * *
* @param params Retrieves all latest statuses
* The params are subject to change in case Mastodon implements alike route .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminStatuses' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#get-apiv1pleromaadminstatuses}
* /
getStatuses : async ( params? : AdminGetStatusesParams ) = > this . # paginatedPleromaStatuses ( {
page_size : params?.limit || 100 ,
page : 1 ,
local_only : params?.local_only ,
with_reblogs : params?.with_reblogs ,
godmode : params?.with_private ,
} ) ,
/ * *
* Show status by id
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminStatuses' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#get-apiv1pleromaadminstatusesid}
* /
getStatus : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/admin/statuses/ ${ statusId } ` ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Change the scope of an individual reported status
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminStatuses' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#put-apiv1pleromaadminstatusesid}
* /
updateStatus : async ( statusId : string , params : AdminUpdateStatusParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/admin/statuses/ ${ statusId } ` , { method : 'PUT' , params } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Delete an individual reported status
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminStatuses' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#delete-apiv1pleromaadminstatusesid}
* /
deleteStatus : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/admin/statuses/ ${ statusId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
} ,
trends : {
/ * *
* View trending links
* Links that have been shared more than others , including unapproved and unreviewed links .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/trends/#links}
* /
getTrendingLinks : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/admin/trends/links' ) ;
return filteredArray ( trendsLinkSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View trending statuses
* Statuses that have been interacted with more than others , including unapproved and unreviewed statuses .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/trends/#statuses}
* /
getTrendingStatuses : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/admin/trends/statuses' ) ;
return filteredArray ( statusSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* View trending tags
* Tags that are being used more frequently within the past week , including unapproved and unreviewed tags .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/trends/#tags}
* /
getTrendingTags : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/admin/trends/links' ) ;
return filteredArray ( adminTagSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ,
/** Block certain email addresses by their hash. */
canonicalEmailBlocks : {
/ * *
* List all canonical email blocks
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/canonical_email_blocks/#get}
* /
getCanonicalEmailBlocks : async ( params? : AdminGetCanonicalEmailBlocks ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < AdminCanonicalEmailBlock > ( '/api/v1/admin/canonical_email_blocks' , { params } , adminCanonicalEmailBlockSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Show a single canonical email block
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/canonical_email_blocks/#get-one}
* /
getCanonicalEmailBlock : async ( canonicalEmailBlockId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/canonical_email_blocks/ ${ canonicalEmailBlockId } ` ) ;
return adminCanonicalEmailBlockSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Test
* Canoniocalize and hash an email address .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/canonical_email_blocks/#test}
* /
testCanonicalEmailBlock : async ( email : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/admin/canonical_email_blocks/test' , { method : 'POST' , body : { email } } ) ;
return filteredArray ( adminCanonicalEmailBlockSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Block a canonical email
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/canonical_email_blocks/#create}
* /
createCanonicalEmailBlock : async ( email : string , canonical_email_hash? : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/admin/canonical_email_blocks' , { method : 'POST' , body : { email , canonical_email_hash } } ) ;
return filteredArray ( adminCanonicalEmailBlockSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Delete a canonical email block
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/canonical_email_blocks/#delete}
* /
deleteCanonicalEmailBlock : async ( canonicalEmailBlockId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/canonical_email_blocks/ ${ canonicalEmailBlockId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
} ,
/** Obtain qualitative metrics about the server. */
dimensions : {
/ * *
* Get dimensional data
* Obtain information about popularity of certain accounts , servers , languages , etc .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/dimensions/#get}
* /
getDimensions : async ( keys : AdminDimensionKey [ ] , params? : AdminGetDimensionsParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/admin/dimensions' , { params : { . . . params , keys } } ) ;
return filteredArray ( adminDimensionSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ,
/** Allow certain domains to federate. */
domainAllows : {
/ * *
* List all allowed domains
* Show information about all allowed domains .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/domain_allows/#get}
* /
getDomainAllows : ( params? : AdminGetDomainAllowsParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < AdminDomainAllow > ( '/api/v1/admin/domain_allows' , { params } , adminDomainAllowSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Get a single allowed domain
* Show information about a single allowed domain .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/domain_allows/#get-one}
* /
getDomainAllow : async ( domainAllowId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/domain_allows/ ${ domainAllowId } ` ) ;
return adminDomainAllowSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Allow a domain to federate
* Add a domain to the list of domains allowed to federate , to be used when the instance is in allow - list federation mode .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/domain_allows/#create}
* /
createDomainAllow : async ( domain : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/admin/domain_allows' , { method : 'POST' , body : { domain } } ) ;
return adminDomainAllowSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Delete an allowed domain
* Delete a domain from the allowed domains list .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/domain_allows/#delete}
* /
deleteDomainAllow : async ( domainAllowId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/domain_allows/ ${ domainAllowId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
} ,
/** Disallow certain email domains from signing up. */
emailDomainBlocks : {
/ * *
* List all blocked email domains
* Show information about all email domains blocked from signing up .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/email_domain_blocks/#get}
* /
getEmailDomainBlocks : ( params? : AdminGetEmailDomainBlocksParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < AdminEmailDomainBlock > ( '/api/v1/admin/email_domain_blocks' , { params } , adminEmailDomainBlockSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Get a single blocked email domain
* Show information about a single email domain that is blocked from signups .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/email_domain_blocks/#get-one}
* /
getEmailDomainBlock : async ( emailDomainBlockId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/email_domain_blocks/ ${ emailDomainBlockId } ` ) ;
return adminEmailDomainBlockSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Block an email domain from signups
* Add a domain to the list of email domains blocked from signups .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/email_domain_blocks/#create}
* /
createEmailDomainBlock : async ( domain : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/admin/email_domain_blocks' , { method : 'POST' , body : { domain } } ) ;
return adminEmailDomainBlockSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Delete an email domain block
* Lift a block against an email domain .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/email_domain_blocks/#delete}
* /
deleteEmailDomainBlock : async ( emailDomainBlockId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/email_domain_blocks/ ${ emailDomainBlockId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
} ,
/** Disallow certain IP address ranges from signing up. */
ipBlocks : {
/ * *
* List all IP blocks
* Show information about all blocked IP ranges .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/ip_blocks/#get}
* /
getIpBlocks : ( params? : AdminGetIpBlocksParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < AdminIpBlock > ( '/api/v1/admin/ip_blocks' , { params } , adminIpBlockSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Get a single IP block
* Show information about a single IP block .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/ip_blocks/#get-one}
* /
getIpBlock : async ( ipBlockId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/ip_blocks/ ${ ipBlockId } ` ) ;
return adminIpBlockSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Block an IP address range from signing up
* Add an IP address range to the list of IP blocks .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/ip_blocks/#create}
* /
createIpBlock : async ( params : AdminCreateIpBlockParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/admin/ip_blocks' , { method : 'POST' , body : params } ) ;
return adminIpBlockSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Update a domain block
* Change parameters for an existing IP block .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/ip_blocks/#update}
* /
updateIpBlock : async ( ipBlockId : string , params : AdminCreateIpBlockParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/ip_blocks/ ${ ipBlockId } ` , { method : 'POST' , body : params } ) ;
return adminIpBlockSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Delete an IP block
* Lift a block against an IP range .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/ip_blocks/#delete}
* /
deleteIpBlock : async ( ipBlockId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/ip_blocks/ ${ ipBlockId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
} ,
/** Obtain quantitative metrics about the server. */
measures : {
/ * *
* Get measurable data
* Obtain quantitative metrics about the server .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/measures/#get}
* /
getMeasures : async ( keys : AdminMeasureKey [ ] , start_at : string , end_at : string , params? : AdminGetMeasuresParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/admin/measures' , { params : { . . . params , keys , start_at , end_at } } ) ;
return filteredArray ( adminMeasureSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ,
/** Show retention data over time. */
retention : {
/ * *
* Calculate retention data
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
* Generate a retention data report for a given time period and bucket .
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/admin/retention/#create}
* /
getRetention : async ( start_at : string , end_at : string , frequency : 'day' | 'month' ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/admin/retention' , { params : { start_at , end_at , frequency } } ) ;
return adminCohortSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ,
2024-08-28 11:58:20 -07:00
announcements : {
/ * *
* List announcements
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminAnnouncements' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#get-apiv1pleromaadminannouncements}
* /
getAnnouncements : async ( params? : AdminGetAnnouncementsParams ) : Promise < PaginatedResponse < AdminAnnouncement > > = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/announcements' , { params } ) ;
const items = filteredArray ( adminAnnouncementSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
return {
previous : null ,
next : items.length ? ( ) = > this . admin . announcements . getAnnouncements ( { . . . params , offset : ( params ? . offset || 0 ) + items . length } ) : null ,
items ,
partial : false ,
} ;
} ,
/ * *
* Display one announcement
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminAnnouncements' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#get-apiv1pleromaadminannouncementsid}
* /
getAnnouncement : async ( announcementId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/admin/announcements/ ${ announcementId } ` ) ;
return adminAnnouncementSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Create an announcement
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminAnnouncements' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#post-apiv1pleromaadminannouncements}
* /
createAnnouncement : async ( params : AdminCreateAnnouncementParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/announcements' , { method : 'POST' , body : params } ) ;
return adminAnnouncementSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Change an announcement
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminAnnouncements' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#patch-apiv1pleromaadminannouncementsid}
* /
updateAnnouncement : async ( announcementId : string , params : AdminUpdateAnnouncementParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/admin/announcements/ ${ announcementId } ` , { method : 'PATCH' , body : params } ) ;
return adminAnnouncementSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Delete an announcement
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminAnnouncements' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#delete-apiv1pleromaadminannouncementsid}
* /
deleteAnnouncement : async ( announcementId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/admin/announcements/ ${ announcementId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
} ,
domains : {
/ * *
* List of domains
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'domains' ] } .
* /
getDomains : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/domains' ) ;
return filteredArray ( adminDomainSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Create a domain
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'domains' ] } .
* /
createDomain : async ( params : AdminCreateDomainParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/domains' , { method : 'POST' , body : params } ) ;
return adminDomainSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Change domain publicity
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'domains' ] } .
* /
updateDomain : async ( domainId : string , isPublic : boolean ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/admin/domains/ ${ domainId } ` , { method : 'PATCH' , body : { public : isPublic } } ) ;
return adminDomainSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Delete a domain
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'domains' ] } .
* /
deleteDomain : async ( domainId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/admin/domains/ ${ domainId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
} ,
moderationLog : {
/ * *
* Get moderation log
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminModerationLog' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#get-apiv1pleromaadminmoderation_log}
* /
getModerationLog : async ( { limit , . . . params } : AdminGetModerationLogParams = { } ) : Promise < PaginatedResponse < AdminModerationLogEntry > > = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/moderation_log' , { params : { page_size : limit , . . . params } } ) ;
const items = filteredArray ( adminModerationLogEntrySchema ) . parse ( response . json . items ) ;
return {
previous : ( params . page && params . page > 1 ) ? ( ) = > this . admin . moderationLog . getModerationLog ( { . . . params , page : params.page ! - 1 } ) : null ,
next : response.json.total > ( params . page || 1 ) * ( limit || 50 ) ? ( ) = > this . admin . moderationLog . getModerationLog ( { . . . params , page : ( params . page || 1 ) + 1 } ) : null ,
items ,
partial : response.status === 206 ,
} ;
} ,
} ,
relays : {
/ * *
* List Relays
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminRelays' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#get-apiv1pleromaadminrelay}
* /
getRelays : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/relay' ) ;
return filteredArray ( adminRelaySchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Follow a Relay
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminRelays' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#post-apiv1pleromaadminrelay}
* /
followRelay : async ( relayUrl : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/relay' , { method : 'POST' , body : { relay_url : relayUrl } } ) ;
return adminRelaySchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Unfollow a Relay
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminRelays' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#delete-apiv1pleromaadminrelay}
* /
unfollowRelay : async ( relayUrl : string , force = false ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/relay' , { method : 'DELETE' , body : { relay_url : relayUrl , force } } ) ;
return adminRelaySchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ,
rules : {
/ * *
* List rules
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminRules' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#get-apiv1pleromaadminrules}
* /
getRules : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/rules' ) ;
return filteredArray ( adminRuleSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Create a rule
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminRules' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#post-apiv1pleromaadminrules}
* /
createRule : async ( params : AdminCreateRuleParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/rules' , { method : 'POST' , body : params } ) ;
return adminRuleSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Update a rule
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminRules' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#patch-apiv1pleromaadminrulesid}
* /
updateRule : async ( ruleId : string , params : AdminUpdateRuleParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/admin/rules/ ${ ruleId } ` , { method : 'PATCH' , body : params } ) ;
return adminRuleSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Delete a rule
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'pleromaAdminRules' ] } .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/admin_api/#delete-apiv1pleromaadminrulesid}
* /
deleteRule : async ( ruleId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/admin/rules/ ${ ruleId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
} ,
config : {
getPleromaConfig : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/config' ) ;
return pleromaConfigSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
updatePleromaConfig : async ( params : PleromaConfig [ 'configs' ] ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/admin/config' , { method : 'POST' , body : { configs : params } } ) ;
return pleromaConfigSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ,
2024-08-28 04:43:23 -07:00
} ;
public readonly oembed = {
/ * *
* Get OEmbed info as JSON
* @see { @link https : //docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/oembed/#get}
* /
getOembed : async ( url : string , maxwidth? : number , maxheight? : number ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/oembed' , { params : { url , maxwidth , maxheight } } ) ;
return z . object ( {
type : z . string ( ) . catch ( 'rich' ) ,
version : z.string ( ) . catch ( '' ) ,
author_name : z.string ( ) . catch ( '' ) ,
author_url : z.string ( ) . catch ( '' ) . catch ( '' ) ,
provider_name : z.string ( ) . catch ( '' ) ,
provider_url : z.string ( ) . catch ( '' ) ,
cache_age : z.number ( ) ,
html : z.string ( ) ,
width : z.number ( ) . nullable ( ) . catch ( null ) ,
height : z.number ( ) . nullable ( ) . catch ( null ) ,
} ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ;
/** @see {@link https://docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/chats} */
public readonly chats = {
/ * *
* create or get an existing Chat for a certain recipient
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/chats/#creating-or-getting-a-chat}
* /
createChat : async ( accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/chats/by-account-id/ ${ accountId } ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return chatSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/chats/#creating-or-getting-a-chat}
* /
getChat : async ( chatId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/chats/ ${ chatId } ` ) ;
return chatSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Marking a chat as read
* mark a number of messages in a chat up to a certain message as read
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/chats/#marking-a-chat-as-read}
* /
markChatAsRead : async ( chatId : string , last_read_id : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/chats/ ${ chatId } /read ` , { method : 'POST' , body : { last_read_id } } ) ;
return chatSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Marking a single chat message as read
* To set the ` unread ` property of a message to ` false `
* https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/chats/#marking-a-single-chat-message-as-read
* /
markChatMessageAsRead : async ( chatId : string , chatMessageId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/chats/ ${ chatId } /messages/ ${ chatMessageId } /read ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return chatSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Getting a list of Chats
* This will return a list of chats that you have been involved in , sorted by their last update ( so new chats will be at the top ) .
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/chats/#getting-a-list-of-chats}
* /
getChats : async ( params? : GetChatsParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Chat > ( '/api/v2/pleroma/chats' , { params } , chatSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Getting the messages for a Chat
* For a given Chat id , you can get the associated messages with
* /
getChatMessages : async ( chatId : string , params? : GetChatMessagesParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < ChatMessage > ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/chats/ ${ chatId } /messages ` , { params } , chatMessageSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Posting a chat message
* Posting a chat message for given Chat id works like this :
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/chats/#posting-a-chat-message}
* /
createChatMessage : async ( chatId : string , params : CreateChatMessageParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/chats/ ${ chatId } /messages ` , { method : 'POST' , body : params } ) ;
return chatMessageSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Deleting a chat message
* Deleting a chat message for given Chat id works like this :
* @see { @link https : //docs.pleroma.social/backend/development/API/chats/#deleting-a-chat-message}
* /
deleteChatMessage : async ( chatId : string , messageId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/chats/ ${ chatId } /messages/ ${ messageId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return chatMessageSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Deleting a chat
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'chatsDelete' ] } .
* /
deleteChat : async ( chatId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/chats/ ${ chatId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return chatSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly events = {
/ * *
* Creates an event
* @see { @link }
* /
createEvent : async ( params : CreateEventParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/pleroma/events' , { method : 'POST' , body : params } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Edits an event
* @see { @link }
* /
editEvent : async ( statusId : string , params : EditEventParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/events/ ${ statusId } ` , { method : 'PUT' , body : params } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Gets user ' s joined events
* @see { @link }
* /
getJoinedEvents : async ( state ? : 'pending' | 'reject' | 'accept' , params? : GetJoinedEventsParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Status > ( '/api/v1/pleroma/events/joined_events' , { params : { . . . params , state } } , statusSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Gets event participants
* @see { @link https : //github.com/mkljczk/pl/blob/fork/docs/development/API/pleroma_api.md#apiv1pleromaeventsidparticipations}
* /
getEventParticipations : async ( statusId : string , params? : GetEventParticipationsParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Account > ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/events/ ${ statusId } /participations ` , { params } , accountSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Gets event participation requests
* @see { @link https : //github.com/mkljczk/pl/blob/fork/docs/development/API/pleroma_api.md#apiv1pleromaeventsidparticipation_requests}
* /
getEventParticipationRequests : async ( statusId : string , params? : GetEventParticipationRequestsParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < {
account :Account ;
participation_message : string ;
} > ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/events/ ${ statusId } /participation_requests ` , { params } , z . object ( {
account : accountSchema ,
participation_message : z.string ( ) . catch ( '' ) ,
} ) ) ,
/ * *
* Accepts user to the event
* @see { @link https : //github.com/mkljczk/pl/blob/fork/docs/development/API/pleroma_api.md#apiv1pleromaeventsidparticipation_requestsparticipant_idauthorize}
* /
acceptEventParticipationRequest : async ( statusId : string , accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/events/ ${ statusId } /participation_requests/ ${ accountId } /authorize ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Rejects user from the event
* @see { @link https : //github.com/mkljczk/pl/blob/fork/docs/development/API/pleroma_api.md#rejects-user-from-the-event}
* /
rejectEventParticipationRequest : async ( statusId : string , accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/events/ ${ statusId } /participation_requests/ ${ accountId } /reject ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Joins the event
* @see { @link https : //github.com/mkljczk/pl/blob/fork/docs/development/API/pleroma_api.md#joins-the-event}
* /
joinEvent : async ( statusId : string , participation_message? : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/events/ ${ statusId } /join ` , { method : 'POST' , body : { participation_message } } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Leaves the event
* @see { @link https : //github.com/mkljczk/pl/blob/fork/docs/development/API/pleroma_api.md#leaves-the-event}
* /
leaveEvent : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/events/ ${ statusId } /leave ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return statusSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Event ICS file
* @see { @link https : //github.com/mkljczk/pl/blob/fork/docs/development/API/pleroma_api.md#event-ics-file}
* /
getEventIcs : async ( statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/pleroma/events/ ${ statusId } /ics ` , { contentType : '' } ) ;
return response . data ;
} ,
} ;
public readonly interactionRequests = {
/ * *
* Get an array of interactions requested on your statuses by other accounts , and pending your approval .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'interactionRequests' ] } .
* /
getInteractionRequests : async ( params? : GetInteractionRequestsParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet ( '/api/v1/interaction_requests' , { params } , interactionRequestSchema ) ,
/ * *
* Get interaction request with the given ID .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'interactionRequests' ] } .
* /
getInteractionRequest : async ( interactionRequestId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/interaction_requests/ ${ interactionRequestId } ` ) ;
return interactionRequestSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Accept / authorize / approve an interaction request with the given ID .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'interactionRequests' ] } .
* /
authorizeInteractionRequest : async ( interactionRequestId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/interaction_requests/ ${ interactionRequestId } /authorize ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return interactionRequestSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Reject an interaction request with the given ID .
* Requires features { @link Features [ 'interactionRequests' ] } .
* /
rejectInteractionRequest : async ( interactionRequestId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/interaction_requests/ ${ interactionRequestId } /authorize ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return interactionRequestSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ;
/** Routes that are not part of any stable release */
public readonly experimental = {
admin : {
/** @see {@link https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/19059} */
groups : {
/** list groups known to the instance. Mimics the interface of `/api/v1/admin/accounts` */
getGroups : async ( params? : AdminGetGroupsParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/admin/groups' , { params } ) ;
return filteredArray ( groupSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/** return basic group information */
getGroup : async ( groupId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/groups/ ${ groupId } ` ) ;
return groupSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/** suspends a group */
suspendGroup : async ( groupId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/groups/ ${ groupId } /suspend ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return groupSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/** lift a suspension */
unsuspendGroup : async ( groupId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/groups/ ${ groupId } /unsuspend ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return groupSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/** deletes an already-suspended group */
deleteGroup : async ( groupId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/admin/groups/ ${ groupId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return groupSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ,
} ,
/** @see {@link https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/19059} */
groups : {
/** returns an array of `Group` entities the current user is a member of */
getGroups : async ( ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/groups' ) ;
return filteredArray ( groupSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/** create a group with the given attributes (`display_name`, `note`, `avatar` and `header`). Sets the user who made the request as group administrator */
createGroup : async ( params : CreateGroupParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/groups' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : params ,
contentType : params.avatar || params . header ? '' : undefined ,
} ) ;
return groupSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/** returns the `Group` entity describing a given group */
getGroup : async ( groupId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/groups/ ${ groupId } ` ) ;
return groupSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/** update group attributes (`display_name`, `note`, `avatar` and `header`) */
updateGroup : async ( groupId : string , params : UpdateGroupParams ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/groups/ ${ groupId } ` , {
method : 'PUT' ,
body : params ,
contentType : params.avatar || params . header ? '' : undefined ,
} ) ;
return groupSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/** irreversibly deletes the group */
deleteGroup : async ( groupId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/groups/ ${ groupId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/** Has an optional role attribute that can be used to filter by role (valid roles are `"admin"`, `"moderator"`, `"user"`). */
getGroupMemberships : async ( groupId : string , role? : GroupRole , params? : GetGroupMembershipsParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Account > ( ` /api/v1/groups/ ${ groupId } /memberships ` , { params : { . . . params , role } } , groupMemberSchema ) ,
/** returns an array of `Account` entities representing pending requests to join a group */
getGroupMembershipRequests : async ( groupId : string , params? : GetGroupMembershipRequestsParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Account > ( ` /api/v1/groups/ ${ groupId } /membership_requests ` , { params } , accountSchema ) ,
/** accept a pending request to become a group member */
acceptGroupMembershipRequest : async ( groupId : string , accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/groups/ ${ groupId } /membership_requests/ ${ accountId } /authorize ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/** reject a pending request to become a group member */
rejectGroupMembershipRequest : async ( groupId : string , accountId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/groups/ ${ groupId } /membership_requests/ ${ accountId } /reject ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/** delete a group post (actually marks it as `revoked` if it is a local post) */
deleteGroupStatus : async ( groupId : string , statusId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/groups/ ${ groupId } /statuses/ ${ statusId } ` , { method : 'DELETE' } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/** list accounts blocked from interacting with the group */
getGroupBlocks : async ( groupId : string , params? : GetGroupBlocksParams ) = >
this . # paginatedGet < Account > ( ` /api/v1/groups/ ${ groupId } /blocks ` , { params } , accountSchema ) ,
/** block one or more users. If they were in the group, they are also kicked of it */
blockGroupUsers : async ( groupId : string , accountIds : string [ ] ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/groups/ ${ groupId } /blocks ` , { method : 'POST' , params : { account_ids : accountIds } } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/** block one or more users. If they were in the group, they are also kicked of it */
unblockGroupUsers : async ( groupId : string , accountIds : string [ ] ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/groups/ ${ groupId } /blocks ` , { method : 'DELETE' , params : { account_ids : accountIds } } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/** joins (or request to join) a given group */
joinGroup : async ( groupId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/groups/ ${ groupId } /join ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return groupRelationshipSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/** leaves a given group */
leaveGroup : async ( groupId : string ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/groups/ ${ groupId } /leave ` , { method : 'POST' } ) ;
return groupRelationshipSchema . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/** kick one or more group members */
kickGroupUsers : async ( groupId : string , accountIds : string [ ] ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/groups/ ${ groupId } /kick ` , { method : 'POST' , params : { account_ids : accountIds } } ) ;
return response . json as { } ;
} ,
/** promote one or more accounts to role `new_role`. An error is returned if any of those accounts has a higher role than `new_role` already, or if the role is higher than the issuing user's. Valid roles are `admin`, and `moderator` and `user`. */
promoteGroupUsers : async ( groupId : string , accountIds : string [ ] , role : GroupRole ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/groups/ ${ groupId } /promote ` , { method : 'POST' , params : { account_ids : accountIds , role } } ) ;
return filteredArray ( groupMemberSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
/** demote one or more accounts to role `new_role`. Returns an error unless every of the target account has a strictly lower role than the user (you cannot demote someone with the same role as you), or if any target account already has a role lower than `new_role`. Valid roles are `admin`, `moderator` and `user`. */
demoteGroupUsers : async ( groupId : string , accountIds : string [ ] , role : GroupRole ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( ` /api/v1/groups/ ${ groupId } /demote ` , { method : 'POST' , params : { account_ids : accountIds , role } } ) ;
return filteredArray ( groupMemberSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
getGroupRelationships : async ( groupIds : string [ ] ) = > {
const response = await this . request ( '/api/v1/groups/relationships' , { params : { id : groupIds } } ) ;
return filteredArray ( groupRelationshipSchema ) . parse ( response . json ) ;
} ,
} ,
} ;
# setInstance = ( instance : Instance ) = > {
this . # instance = instance ;
this . features = getFeatures ( this . # instance ) ;
} ;
get accessToken ( ) : string | undefined {
return this . # accessToken ;
set accessToken ( accessToken : string | undefined ) {
if ( this . # accessToken === accessToken ) return ;
this . # socket ? . close ( ) ;
this . # accessToken = accessToken ;
get instanceInformation() {
return this . # instance ;
export {
PlApiClient ,
PlApiClient as default ,
} ;