2022-08-31 02:35:06 -07:00
import classNames from 'clsx' ;
2022-04-29 19:05:39 -07:00
import React from 'react' ;
2022-04-29 19:37:09 -07:00
import { defineMessages , useIntl , FormattedMessage , FormatDateOptions } from 'react-intl' ;
2022-11-19 16:13:27 -08:00
import Markup from 'soapbox/components/markup' ;
import { Widget , Stack , HStack , Icon } from 'soapbox/components/ui' ;
2022-11-16 05:32:32 -08:00
import BundleContainer from 'soapbox/features/ui/containers/bundle-container' ;
2022-04-29 19:37:09 -07:00
import { CryptoAddress } from 'soapbox/features/ui/util/async-components' ;
import type { Account , Field } from 'soapbox/types/entities' ;
const getTicker = ( value : string ) : string = > ( value . match ( /\$([a-zA-Z]*)/i ) || [ ] ) [ 1 ] ;
const isTicker = ( value : string ) : boolean = > Boolean ( getTicker ( value ) ) ;
2022-04-29 19:05:39 -07:00
2022-04-29 19:37:09 -07:00
const messages = defineMessages ( {
linkVerifiedOn : { id : 'account.link_verified_on' , defaultMessage : 'Ownership of this link was checked on {date}' } ,
account_locked : { id : 'account.locked_info' , defaultMessage : 'This account privacy status is set to locked. The owner manually reviews who can follow them.' } ,
deactivated : { id : 'account.deactivated' , defaultMessage : 'Deactivated' } ,
bot : { id : 'account.badges.bot' , defaultMessage : 'Bot' } ,
} ) ;
const dateFormatOptions : FormatDateOptions = {
month : 'short' ,
day : 'numeric' ,
year : 'numeric' ,
2022-10-14 08:38:37 -07:00
hour12 : true ,
hour : 'numeric' ,
2022-04-29 19:37:09 -07:00
minute : '2-digit' ,
} ;
interface IProfileField {
field : Field ,
2022-04-29 19:05:39 -07:00
2022-04-29 19:37:09 -07:00
/** Renders a single profile field. */
const ProfileField : React.FC < IProfileField > = ( { field } ) = > {
const intl = useIntl ( ) ;
if ( isTicker ( field . name ) ) {
return (
< BundleContainer fetchComponent = { CryptoAddress } >
{ Component = > (
< Component
ticker = { getTicker ( field . name ) . toLowerCase ( ) }
address = { field . value_plain }
/ >
) }
< / BundleContainer >
) ;
return (
< dl >
< dt title = { field . name } >
2022-11-19 16:13:27 -08:00
< Markup weight = 'bold' tag = 'span' dangerouslySetInnerHTML = { { __html : field.name_emojified } } / >
2022-04-29 19:37:09 -07:00
< / dt >
< dd
2022-04-29 19:51:48 -07:00
className = { classNames ( { 'text-success-500' : field . verified_at } ) }
2022-04-29 19:37:09 -07:00
title = { field . value_plain }
2022-04-29 19:51:48 -07:00
< HStack space = { 2 } alignItems = 'center' >
{ field . verified_at && (
< span className = 'flex-none' title = { intl . formatMessage ( messages . linkVerifiedOn , { date : intl.formatDate ( field . verified_at , dateFormatOptions ) } ) } >
2022-07-09 09:20:02 -07:00
< Icon src = { require ( '@tabler/icons/check.svg' ) } / >
2022-04-29 19:51:48 -07:00
< / span >
) }
2022-04-29 19:37:09 -07:00
2022-11-19 16:13:27 -08:00
< Markup className = 'break-words overflow-hidden' tag = 'span' dangerouslySetInnerHTML = { { __html : field.value_emojified } } / >
2022-04-29 19:51:48 -07:00
< / HStack >
2022-04-29 19:37:09 -07:00
< / dd >
< / dl >
) ;
} ;
2022-04-29 19:05:39 -07:00
interface IProfileFieldsPanel {
account : Account ,
/** Custom profile fields for sidebar. */
const ProfileFieldsPanel : React.FC < IProfileFieldsPanel > = ( { account } ) = > {
return (
< Widget title = { < FormattedMessage id = 'profile_fields_panel.title' defaultMessage = 'Profile fields' / > } >
2022-04-29 19:37:09 -07:00
< Stack space = { 4 } >
{ account . fields . map ( ( field , i ) = > (
< ProfileField field = { field } key = { i } / >
2022-04-29 19:05:39 -07:00
) ) }
< / Stack >
< / Widget >
) ;
} ;
export default ProfileFieldsPanel ;