2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { defineMessages, injectIntl, FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import { throttle } from 'lodash';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import Icon from 'soapbox/components/icon';
import { getSettings } from 'soapbox/actions/settings';
const messages = defineMessages({
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
play: { id: 'audio.play', defaultMessage: 'Play' },
pause: { id: 'audio.pause', defaultMessage: 'Pause' },
2020-06-24 19:53:25 -07:00
mute: { id: 'audio.mute', defaultMessage: 'Mute' },
unmute: { id: 'audio.unmute', defaultMessage: 'Unmute' },
hide: { id: 'audio.hide', defaultMessage: 'Hide audio' },
expand: { id: 'audio.expand', defaultMessage: 'Expand audio' },
close: { id: 'audio.close', defaultMessage: 'Close audio' },
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
const formatTime = secondsNum => {
let hours = Math.floor(secondsNum / 3600);
let minutes = Math.floor((secondsNum - (hours * 3600)) / 60);
let seconds = secondsNum - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60);
if (hours < 10) hours = '0' + hours;
2020-06-24 19:53:25 -07:00
if (minutes < 10 && hours >= 1) minutes = '0' + minutes;
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
if (seconds < 10) seconds = '0' + seconds;
return (hours === '00' ? '' : `${hours}:`) + `${minutes}:${seconds}`;
export const findElementPosition = el => {
let box;
if (el.getBoundingClientRect && el.parentNode) {
box = el.getBoundingClientRect();
if (!box) {
return {
left: 0,
top: 0,
const docEl = document.documentElement;
const body = document.body;
const clientLeft = docEl.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0;
const scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset || body.scrollLeft;
const left = (box.left + scrollLeft) - clientLeft;
const clientTop = docEl.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0;
const scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || body.scrollTop;
const top = (box.top + scrollTop) - clientTop;
return {
left: Math.round(left),
top: Math.round(top),
export const getPointerPosition = (el, event) => {
const position = {};
const box = findElementPosition(el);
const boxW = el.offsetWidth;
const boxH = el.offsetHeight;
const boxY = box.top;
const boxX = box.left;
let pageY = event.pageY;
let pageX = event.pageX;
if (event.changedTouches) {
pageX = event.changedTouches[0].pageX;
pageY = event.changedTouches[0].pageY;
position.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (pageY - boxY) / boxH));
position.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (pageX - boxX) / boxW));
return position;
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
displayMedia: getSettings(state).get('displayMedia'),
export default @connect(mapStateToProps)
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
class Audio extends React.PureComponent {
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
static propTypes = {
src: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
alt: PropTypes.string,
sensitive: PropTypes.bool,
startTime: PropTypes.number,
detailed: PropTypes.bool,
inline: PropTypes.bool,
cacheWidth: PropTypes.func,
visible: PropTypes.bool,
onToggleVisibility: PropTypes.func,
intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
link: PropTypes.node,
displayMedia: PropTypes.string,
2020-06-28 18:51:10 -07:00
expandSpoilers: PropTypes.bool,
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
state = {
currentTime: 0,
duration: 0,
volume: 0.5,
paused: true,
dragging: false,
muted: false,
revealed: this.props.visible !== undefined ? this.props.visible : (this.props.displayMedia !== 'hide_all' && !this.props.sensitive || this.props.displayMedia === 'show_all'),
// hard coded in components.scss
// any way to get ::before values programatically?
volWidth = 50;
2020-06-24 19:53:25 -07:00
volOffset = 85;
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
volHandleOffset = v => {
const offset = v * this.volWidth + this.volOffset;
2020-06-24 19:53:25 -07:00
return (offset > 125) ? 125 : offset;
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
setPlayerRef = c => {
this.player = c;
if (c) {
if (this.props.cacheWidth) this.props.cacheWidth(this.player.offsetWidth);
containerWidth: c.offsetWidth,
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
setAudioRef = c => {
this.audio = c;
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
if (this.audio) {
this.setState({ volume: this.audio.volume, muted: this.audio.muted });
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
setSeekRef = c => {
this.seek = c;
setVolumeRef = c => {
this.volume = c;
handleClickRoot = e => e.stopPropagation();
handlePlay = () => {
this.setState({ paused: false });
handlePause = () => {
this.setState({ paused: true });
handleTimeUpdate = () => {
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
currentTime: Math.floor(this.audio.currentTime),
duration: Math.floor(this.audio.duration),
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
handleVolumeMouseDown = e => {
document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.handleMouseVolSlide, true);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.handleVolumeMouseUp, true);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', this.handleMouseVolSlide, true);
document.addEventListener('touchend', this.handleVolumeMouseUp, true);
handleVolumeMouseUp = () => {
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.handleMouseVolSlide, true);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.handleVolumeMouseUp, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.handleMouseVolSlide, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchend', this.handleVolumeMouseUp, true);
handleMouseVolSlide = throttle(e => {
const rect = this.volume.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = (e.clientX - rect.left) / this.volWidth; //x position within the element.
if(!isNaN(x)) {
var slideamt = x;
if(x > 1) {
slideamt = 1;
} else if(x < 0) {
slideamt = 0;
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
this.audio.volume = slideamt;
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
this.setState({ volume: slideamt });
}, 60);
handleMouseDown = e => {
document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.handleMouseMove, true);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.handleMouseUp, true);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', this.handleMouseMove, true);
document.addEventListener('touchend', this.handleMouseUp, true);
this.setState({ dragging: true });
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
handleMouseUp = () => {
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.handleMouseMove, true);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.handleMouseUp, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.handleMouseMove, true);
document.removeEventListener('touchend', this.handleMouseUp, true);
this.setState({ dragging: false });
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
handleMouseMove = throttle(e => {
const { x } = getPointerPosition(this.seek, e);
2020-06-24 19:53:25 -07:00
const currentTime = Math.floor(this.audio.duration * x);
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if (!isNaN(currentTime)) {
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
this.audio.currentTime = currentTime;
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
this.setState({ currentTime });
}, 60);
togglePlay = () => {
if (this.state.paused) {
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
} else {
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
toggleMute = () => {
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
this.audio.muted = !this.audio.muted;
this.setState({ muted: this.audio.muted });
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
2020-06-28 18:51:10 -07:00
toggleWarning = () => {
this.setState({ revealed: !this.state.revealed });
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
handleLoadedData = () => {
if (this.props.startTime) {
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
this.audio.currentTime = this.props.startTime;
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
handleProgress = () => {
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
if (this.audio.buffered.length > 0) {
this.setState({ buffer: this.audio.buffered.end(0) / this.audio.duration * 100 });
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
handleVolumeChange = () => {
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
this.setState({ volume: this.audio.volume, muted: this.audio.muted });
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
getPreload = () => {
const { startTime, detailed } = this.props;
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
const { dragging } = this.state;
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
if (startTime || dragging) {
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
return 'auto';
} else if (detailed) {
return 'metadata';
} else {
return 'none';
render() {
2020-06-24 19:53:25 -07:00
const { src, inline, intl, alt, detailed, sensitive, link } = this.props;
const { currentTime, duration, volume, buffer, dragging, paused, muted, revealed } = this.state;
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
const progress = (currentTime / duration) * 100;
const volumeWidth = (muted) ? 0 : volume * this.volWidth;
const volumeHandleLoc = (muted) ? this.volHandleOffset(0) : this.volHandleOffset(volume);
const playerStyle = {};
let warning;
if (sensitive) {
warning = <FormattedMessage id='status.sensitive_warning' defaultMessage='Sensitive content' />;
} else {
warning = <FormattedMessage id='status.media_hidden' defaultMessage='Media hidden' />;
return (
2020-06-28 18:51:10 -07:00
className={classNames('audio-player', { detailed: detailed, inline: inline, warning_visible: !revealed })}
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
2020-06-28 18:51:10 -07:00
2020-06-24 19:53:25 -07:00
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
// preload={this.getPreload()}
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2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
2020-06-28 18:51:10 -07:00
<div className={classNames('audio-player__spoiler-warning', { 'spoiler-button--hidden': revealed })}>
<span className='audio-player__spoiler-warning__label'><Icon id='warning' fixedWidth /> {warning}</span>
<button aria-label={intl.formatMessage(messages.hide)} onClick={this.toggleWarning}><Icon id='times' fixedWidth /></button>
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
2020-06-24 19:53:25 -07:00
<div className={classNames('audio-player__controls')}>
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
<div className='audio-player__seek' onMouseDown={this.handleMouseDown} ref={this.setSeekRef}>
<div className='audio-player__seek__buffer' style={{ width: `${buffer}%` }} />
<div className='audio-player__seek__progress' style={{ width: `${progress}%` }} />
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
className={classNames('audio-player__seek__handle', { active: dragging })}
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
style={{ left: `${progress}%` }}
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
<div className='audio-player__buttons-bar'>
<div className='audio-player__buttons left'>
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
<button type='button' aria-label={intl.formatMessage(paused ? messages.play : messages.pause)} onClick={this.togglePlay}><Icon id={paused ? 'play' : 'pause'} fixedWidth /></button>
<button type='button' aria-label={intl.formatMessage(muted ? messages.unmute : messages.mute)} onClick={this.toggleMute}><Icon id={muted ? 'volume-off' : 'volume-up'} fixedWidth /></button>
2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
<div className='audio-player__volume' onMouseDown={this.handleVolumeMouseDown} ref={this.setVolumeRef}>
<div className='audio-player__volume__current' style={{ width: `${volumeWidth}px` }} />
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2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
2020-06-18 13:10:57 -07:00
style={{ left: `${volumeHandleLoc}px` }}
2020-06-24 19:53:25 -07:00
<span className='audio-player__time-current'>{formatTime(currentTime)}</span>
<span className='audio-player__time-sep'>/</span>
<span className='audio-player__time-total'>{formatTime(duration)}</span>
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2020-06-18 13:24:49 -07:00
{link && <span className='audio-player__link'>{link}</span>}
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2020-06-24 19:53:25 -07:00