
171 lines
6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Status normalizer:
* Converts API statuses into our internal format.
* @see {@link}
import escapeTextContentForBrowser from 'escape-html';
import DOMPurify from 'isomorphic-dompurify';
import { type Account as BaseAccount, type Status as BaseStatus, type MediaAttachment, mentionSchema, type Translation } from 'pl-api';
import emojify from 'pl-fe/features/emoji';
import { stripCompatibilityFeatures, unescapeHTML } from 'pl-fe/utils/html';
import { makeEmojiMap } from 'pl-fe/utils/normalizers';
const domParser = new DOMParser();
type StatusApprovalStatus = Exclude<BaseStatus['approval_status'], null>;
type StatusVisibility = 'public' | 'unlisted' | 'private' | 'direct' | 'group' | 'mutuals_only' | 'local';
type CalculatedValues = {
search_index: string;
contentHtml: string;
spoilerHtml: string;
contentMapHtml?: Record<string, string>;
spoilerMapHtml?: Record<string, string>;
expanded?: boolean | null;
hidden?: boolean | null;
translation?: Translation | null | false;
currentLanguage?: string;
type OldStatus = Pick<BaseStatus, 'content' | 'spoiler_text'> & CalculatedValues;
// Gets titles of poll options from status
const getPollOptionTitles = ({ poll }: Pick<BaseStatus, 'poll'>): readonly string[] => {
if (poll && typeof poll === 'object') {
return{ title }) => title);
} else {
return [];
// Gets usernames of mentioned users from status
const getMentionedUsernames = (status: Pick<BaseStatus, 'mentions'>): Array<string> =>{ acct }) => `@${acct}`);
// Creates search text from the status
const buildSearchContent = (status: Pick<BaseStatus, 'poll' | 'mentions' | 'spoiler_text' | 'content'>): string => {
const pollOptionTitles = getPollOptionTitles(status);
const mentionedUsernames = getMentionedUsernames(status);
const fields = [
return unescapeHTML(fields.join('\n\n')) || '';
const calculateContent = (text: string, emojiMap: any, hasQuote?: boolean) => DOMPurify.sanitize(stripCompatibilityFeatures(emojify(text, emojiMap), hasQuote), { USE_PROFILES: { html: true } });
const calculateSpoiler = (text: string, emojiMap: any) => DOMPurify.sanitize(emojify(escapeTextContentForBrowser(text), emojiMap), { USE_PROFILES: { html: true } });
const calculateStatus = (status: BaseStatus, oldStatus?: OldStatus): CalculatedValues => {
if (oldStatus && oldStatus.content === status.content && oldStatus.spoiler_text === status.spoiler_text) {
const {
search_index, contentHtml, spoilerHtml, contentMapHtml, spoilerMapHtml, hidden, expanded, translation, currentLanguage,
} = oldStatus;
return {
search_index, contentHtml, spoilerHtml, contentMapHtml, spoilerMapHtml, hidden, expanded, translation, currentLanguage,
} else {
const searchContent = buildSearchContent(status);
const emojiMap = makeEmojiMap(status.emojis);
return {
search_index: domParser.parseFromString(searchContent, 'text/html').documentElement.textContent || '',
contentHtml: calculateContent(status.content, emojiMap, !!status.quote),
spoilerHtml: calculateSpoiler(status.spoiler_text, emojiMap),
contentMapHtml: status.content_map
? Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(status.content_map)?.map(([key, value]) => [key, calculateContent(value, emojiMap, !!status.quote)]))
: undefined,
spoilerMapHtml: status.spoiler_text_map
? Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(status.spoiler_text_map).map(([key, value]) => [key, calculateSpoiler(value, emojiMap)]))
: undefined,
const normalizeStatus = (status: BaseStatus & {
accounts?: Array<BaseAccount>;
}, oldStatus?: OldStatus) => {
const calculated = calculateStatus(status, oldStatus);
// Sort the replied-to mention to the top
let mentions = status.mentions.toSorted((a, _b) => {
if ( === status.in_reply_to_account_id) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
// Add self to mentions if it's a reply to self
const isSelfReply = === status.in_reply_to_account_id;
const hasSelfMention = status.mentions.some(mention => ===;
if (isSelfReply && !hasSelfMention) {
const selfMention = mentionSchema.parse(status.account);
mentions = [selfMention, ...mentions];
// Normalize event
let event: BaseStatus['event'] & ({
banner: MediaAttachment | null;
links: Array<MediaAttachment>;
} | null) = null;
let media_attachments = status.media_attachments;
if (status.event) {
const firstAttachment = status.media_attachments[0];
let banner: MediaAttachment | null = null;
if (firstAttachment?.description === 'Banner' && firstAttachment.type === 'image') {
banner = firstAttachment;
media_attachments = media_attachments.slice(1);
const links = media_attachments.filter(attachment => attachment.mime_type === 'text/html');
media_attachments = media_attachments.filter(attachment => attachment.mime_type !== 'text/html');
event = {
return {
reblog_id: status.reblog?.id || null,
poll_id: status.poll?.id || null,
group_id: || null,
translating: false,
expectsCard: false,
showFiltered: null as null | boolean,
quote_id: status.quote?.id || status.quote_id || null,
expanded: null,
hidden: null,
/** Rewrite `<p></p>` to empty string. */
content: status.content === '<p></p>' ? '' : status.content,
filtered: status.filtered?.map(result => result.filter.title),
translation: (status.translation || calculated.translation || null) as Translation | null | false,
type Status = ReturnType<typeof normalizeStatus>;
export {
type StatusApprovalStatus,
type StatusVisibility,
type Status,