2020-03-27 13:59:38 -07:00
import React from 'react' ;
import { connect } from 'react-redux' ;
2021-08-30 13:09:21 -07:00
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom' ;
2020-03-27 13:59:38 -07:00
import PropTypes from 'prop-types' ;
import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes' ;
import StatusListContainer from '../../ui/containers/status_list_container' ;
import Column from '../../../components/column' ;
import { FormattedMessage , injectIntl } from 'react-intl' ;
import { connectGroupStream } from '../../../actions/streaming' ;
import { expandGroupTimeline } from '../../../actions/timelines' ;
import MissingIndicator from '../../../components/missing_indicator' ;
import LoadingIndicator from '../../../components/loading_indicator' ;
2020-05-28 15:52:07 -07:00
import ComposeFormContainer from '../../../../soapbox/features/compose/containers/compose_form_container' ;
2020-03-27 13:59:38 -07:00
import Avatar from '../../../components/avatar' ;
2020-04-01 19:20:47 -07:00
const mapStateToProps = ( state , props ) => {
2020-04-14 11:44:40 -07:00
const me = state . get ( 'me' ) ;
return {
account : state . getIn ( [ 'accounts' , me ] ) ,
group : state . getIn ( [ 'groups' , props . params . id ] ) ,
relationships : state . getIn ( [ 'group_relationships' , props . params . id ] ) ,
hasUnread : state . getIn ( [ 'timelines' , ` group: ${ props . params . id } ` , 'unread' ] ) > 0 ,
} ;
2020-04-01 19:20:47 -07:00
} ;
2020-03-27 13:59:38 -07:00
export default @ connect ( mapStateToProps )
@ injectIntl
class GroupTimeline extends React . PureComponent {
2020-04-14 11:44:40 -07:00
2020-04-14 13:45:38 -07:00
static contextTypes = {
router : PropTypes . object ,
} ;
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2020-04-14 13:45:38 -07:00
static propTypes = {
params : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
dispatch : PropTypes . func . isRequired ,
columnId : PropTypes . string ,
hasUnread : PropTypes . bool ,
group : PropTypes . oneOfType ( [ ImmutablePropTypes . map , PropTypes . bool ] ) ,
relationships : ImmutablePropTypes . map ,
account : ImmutablePropTypes . map ,
intl : PropTypes . object . isRequired ,
} ;
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2020-04-14 14:47:35 -07:00
componentDidMount ( ) {
2020-04-14 13:45:38 -07:00
const { dispatch } = this . props ;
const { id } = this . props . params ;
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2020-04-14 13:45:38 -07:00
dispatch ( expandGroupTimeline ( id ) ) ;
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2020-04-14 13:45:38 -07:00
this . disconnect = dispatch ( connectGroupStream ( id ) ) ;
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2020-04-14 14:47:35 -07:00
componentWillUnmount ( ) {
2020-04-14 13:45:38 -07:00
if ( this . disconnect ) {
this . disconnect ( ) ;
this . disconnect = null ;
2020-03-27 13:59:38 -07:00
2020-04-14 13:45:38 -07:00
handleLoadMore = maxId => {
const { id } = this . props . params ;
this . props . dispatch ( expandGroupTimeline ( id , { maxId } ) ) ;
2020-03-27 13:59:38 -07:00
2020-04-14 14:47:35 -07:00
render ( ) {
2020-04-14 13:45:38 -07:00
const { columnId , group , relationships , account } = this . props ;
const { id } = this . props . params ;
2020-03-27 13:59:38 -07:00
2020-04-14 13:45:38 -07:00
if ( typeof group === 'undefined' || ! relationships ) {
return (
< Column >
< LoadingIndicator / >
< / C o l u m n >
) ;
} else if ( group === false ) {
return (
< Column >
< MissingIndicator / >
< / C o l u m n >
) ;
2020-03-27 13:59:38 -07:00
2021-08-30 13:09:21 -07:00
const acct = account . get ( 'acct' ) ;
2020-04-14 13:45:38 -07:00
return (
< div >
{ relationships . get ( 'member' ) && (
< div className = 'timeline-compose-block' >
2021-08-30 13:09:21 -07:00
< NavLink className = 'timeline-compose-block__avatar' to = { ` /@ ${ acct } ` } >
2020-04-14 13:45:38 -07:00
< Avatar account = { account } size = { 46 } / >
2021-08-30 13:09:21 -07:00
< / N a v L i n k >
2020-04-14 13:45:38 -07:00
< ComposeFormContainer group = { group } shouldCondense autoFocus = { false } / >
< / d i v >
) }
2020-03-27 13:59:38 -07:00
2020-04-14 13:45:38 -07:00
< div className = 'group__feed' >
< StatusListContainer
scrollKey = { ` group_timeline- ${ columnId } ` }
timelineId = { ` group: ${ id } ` }
onLoadMore = { this . handleLoadMore }
group = { group }
withGroupAdmin = { relationships && relationships . get ( 'admin' ) }
emptyMessage = { < FormattedMessage id = 'empty_column.group' defaultMessage = 'There is nothing in this group yet. When members of this group make new posts, they will appear here.' / > }
/ >
< / d i v >
< / d i v >
) ;
2020-04-14 11:44:40 -07:00
2020-03-27 13:59:38 -07:00