2022-07-11 08:48:25 -07:00
import React , { useState , useEffect } from 'react' ;
import { useIntl , FormattedMessage , defineMessages } from 'react-intl' ;
import { patchMe } from 'soapbox/actions/me' ;
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import { FE_NAME , SETTINGS_UPDATE , changeSetting } from 'soapbox/actions/settings' ;
import List , { ListItem } from 'soapbox/components/list' ;
import {
CardHeader ,
CardTitle ,
Column ,
Button ,
Form ,
FormActions ,
FormGroup ,
Textarea ,
} from 'soapbox/components/ui' ;
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import SettingToggle from 'soapbox/features/notifications/components/setting-toggle' ;
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import { useAppSelector , useAppDispatch , useSettings } from 'soapbox/hooks' ;
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import toast from 'soapbox/toast' ;
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const isJSONValid = ( text : any ) : boolean = > {
try {
JSON . parse ( text ) ;
return true ;
} catch {
return false ;
} ;
const messages = defineMessages ( {
heading : { id : 'column.settings_store' , defaultMessage : 'Settings store' } ,
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advanced : { id : 'developers.settings_store.advanced' , defaultMessage : 'Advanced settings' } ,
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hint : { id : 'developers.settings_store.hint' , defaultMessage : 'It is possible to directly edit your user settings here. BE CAREFUL! Editing this section can break your account, and you will only be able to recover through the API.' } ,
} ) ;
const SettingsStore : React.FC = ( ) = > {
const intl = useIntl ( ) ;
const dispatch = useAppDispatch ( ) ;
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const settings = useSettings ( ) ;
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const settingsStore = useAppSelector ( state = > state . settings ) ;
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const [ rawJSON , setRawJSON ] = useState < string > ( JSON . stringify ( settingsStore , null , 2 ) ) ;
const [ jsonValid , setJsonValid ] = useState ( true ) ;
const [ isLoading , setLoading ] = useState ( false ) ;
const handleEditJSON : React.ChangeEventHandler < HTMLTextAreaElement > = ( { target } ) = > {
const rawJSON = target . value ;
setRawJSON ( rawJSON ) ;
setJsonValid ( isJSONValid ( rawJSON ) ) ;
} ;
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const onToggleChange = ( key : string [ ] , checked : boolean ) = > {
dispatch ( changeSetting ( key , checked , { showAlert : true } ) ) ;
} ;
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const handleSubmit : React.FormEventHandler = e = > {
const settings = JSON . parse ( rawJSON ) ;
setLoading ( true ) ;
dispatch ( patchMe ( {
pleroma_settings_store : {
[ FE_NAME ] : settings ,
} ,
} ) ) . then ( response = > {
dispatch ( { type : SETTINGS_UPDATE , settings } ) ;
setLoading ( false ) ;
} ) . catch ( error = > {
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toast . showAlertForError ( error ) ;
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setLoading ( false ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
useEffect ( ( ) = > {
setRawJSON ( JSON . stringify ( settingsStore , null , 2 ) ) ;
setJsonValid ( true ) ;
} , [ settingsStore ] ) ;
return (
< Column label = { intl . formatMessage ( messages . heading ) } backHref = '/developers' >
< Form onSubmit = { handleSubmit } >
< FormGroup
hintText = { intl . formatMessage ( messages . hint ) }
errors = { jsonValid ? [ ] : [ 'is invalid' ] }
< Textarea
value = { rawJSON }
onChange = { handleEditJSON }
disabled = { isLoading }
rows = { 12 }
/ >
< / FormGroup >
< FormActions >
< Button theme = 'primary' type = 'submit' disabled = { ! jsonValid || isLoading } >
< FormattedMessage id = 'soapbox_config.save' defaultMessage = 'Save' / >
< / Button >
< / FormActions >
< / Form >
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< CardHeader className = 'mb-4' >
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< CardTitle title = { intl . formatMessage ( messages . advanced ) } / >
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< / CardHeader >
< List >
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< ListItem
label = { < FormattedMessage id = 'preferences.fields.demo_label' defaultMessage = 'Demo mode' / > }
hint = { < FormattedMessage id = 'preferences.fields.demo_hint' defaultMessage = 'Use the default Soapbox logo and color scheme. Useful for taking screenshots.' / > }
< SettingToggle settings = { settings } settingPath = { [ 'demo' ] } onChange = { onToggleChange } / >
< / ListItem >
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< ListItem label = { < FormattedMessage id = 'preferences.notifications.advanced' defaultMessage = 'Show all notification categories' / > } >
< SettingToggle settings = { settings } settingPath = { [ 'notifications' , 'quickFilter' , 'advanced' ] } onChange = { onToggleChange } / >
< / ListItem >
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< ListItem label = { < FormattedMessage id = 'preferences.fields.unfollow_modal_label' defaultMessage = 'Show confirmation dialog before unfollowing someone' / > } >
< SettingToggle settings = { settings } settingPath = { [ 'unfollowModal' ] } onChange = { onToggleChange } / >
< / ListItem >
< ListItem label = { < FormattedMessage id = 'preferences.fields.missing_description_modal_label' defaultMessage = 'Show confirmation dialog before sending a post without media descriptions' / > } >
< SettingToggle settings = { settings } settingPath = { [ 'missingDescriptionModal' ] } onChange = { onToggleChange } / >
< / ListItem >
< ListItem label = { < FormattedMessage id = 'preferences.fields.reduce_motion_label' defaultMessage = 'Reduce motion in animations' / > } >
< SettingToggle settings = { settings } settingPath = { [ 'reduceMotion' ] } onChange = { onToggleChange } / >
< / ListItem >
< ListItem label = { < FormattedMessage id = 'preferences.fields.underline_links_label' defaultMessage = 'Always underline links in posts' / > } >
< SettingToggle settings = { settings } settingPath = { [ 'underlineLinks' ] } onChange = { onToggleChange } / >
< / ListItem >
< ListItem label = { < FormattedMessage id = 'preferences.fields.system_font_label' defaultMessage = "Use system's default font" / > } >
< SettingToggle settings = { settings } settingPath = { [ 'systemFont' ] } onChange = { onToggleChange } / >
< / ListItem >
< ListItem
label = { < FormattedMessage id = 'preferences.fields.demetricator_label' defaultMessage = 'Use Demetricator' / > }
hint = { < FormattedMessage id = 'preferences.hints.demetricator' defaultMessage = 'Decrease social media anxiety by hiding all numbers from the site.' / > }
< SettingToggle settings = { settings } settingPath = { [ 'demetricator' ] } onChange = { onToggleChange } / >
< / ListItem >
< / List >
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< / Column >
) ;
} ;
export default SettingsStore ;