39 lines
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39 lines
1.4 KiB
import * as v from 'valibot';
import { customEmojiSchema } from './custom-emoji';
import { groupRelationshipSchema } from './group-relationship';
import { datetimeSchema, filteredArray } from './utils';
* @category Schemas
const groupSchema = v.object({
avatar: v.fallback(v.string(), ''),
avatar_static: v.fallback(v.string(), ''),
created_at: v.fallback(datetimeSchema, new Date().toISOString()),
display_name: v.fallback(v.string(), ''),
domain: v.fallback(v.string(), ''),
emojis: filteredArray(customEmojiSchema),
header: v.fallback(v.string(), ''),
header_static: v.fallback(v.string(), ''),
id: v.pipe(v.unknown(), v.transform(String)),
locked: v.fallback(v.boolean(), false),
membership_required: v.fallback(v.boolean(), false),
members_count: v.fallback(v.number(), 0),
owner: v.fallback(v.nullable(v.object({ id: v.string() })), null),
note: v.fallback(v.pipe(v.string(), v.transform(note => note === '<p></p>' ? '' : note)), ''),
relationship: v.fallback(v.nullable(groupRelationshipSchema), null), // Dummy field to be overwritten later
statuses_visibility: v.fallback(v.string(), 'public'),
uri: v.fallback(v.string(), ''),
url: v.fallback(v.string(), ''),
avatar_description: v.fallback(v.string(), ''),
header_description: v.fallback(v.string(), ''),
* @category Entity types
type Group = v.InferOutput<typeof groupSchema>;
export { groupSchema, type Group };