marcin mikołajczak 583e4171f1 Add some tests
Signed-off-by: marcin mikołajczak <>
2022-07-13 19:57:22 +02:00

42 lines
1.4 KiB

import { List as ImmutableList, Record as ImmutableRecord, Set as ImmutableSet } from 'immutable';
import {
} from 'soapbox/actions/announcements';
import reducer from '../announcements';
const announcements = require('soapbox/__fixtures__/announcements.json');
describe('accounts reducer', () => {
it('should return the initial state', () => {
expect(reducer(undefined, {} as any)).toMatchObject({
items: ImmutableList(),
isLoading: false,
show: false,
unread: ImmutableSet(),
it('parses announcements as Records', () => {
const action = { type: ANNOUNCEMENTS_FETCH_SUCCESS, announcements };
const result = reducer(undefined, action).items;
expect(result.every((announcement) => ImmutableRecord.isRecord(announcement))).toBe(true);
describe('ANNOUNCEMENTS_UPDATE', () => {
it('updates announcements', () => {
const state = reducer(undefined, { type: ANNOUNCEMENTS_FETCH_SUCCESS, announcements: [announcements[0]] });
const action = { type: ANNOUNCEMENTS_UPDATE, announcement: { ...announcements[0], content: '<p>Updated to Soapbox v3.0.0.</p>' } };
const result = reducer(state, action).items;
expect(result.size === 1);
expect(result.first()?.content === '<p>Updated to Soapbox v3.0.0.</p>');