import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; const messages = defineMessages({ unexpectedTitle: { id: 'alert.unexpected.title', defaultMessage: 'Oops!' }, unexpectedMessage: { id: 'alert.unexpected.message', defaultMessage: 'An unexpected error occurred.' }, }); export const ALERT_SHOW = 'ALERT_SHOW'; export const ALERT_DISMISS = 'ALERT_DISMISS'; export const ALERT_CLEAR = 'ALERT_CLEAR'; const noOp = () => {}; export function dismissAlert(alert) { return { type: ALERT_DISMISS, alert, }; } export function clearAlert() { return { type: ALERT_CLEAR, }; } export function showAlert(title = messages.unexpectedTitle, message = messages.unexpectedMessage, severity = 'info') { return { type: ALERT_SHOW, title, message, severity, }; } export function showAlertForError(error) { return (dispatch, _getState) => { if (error.response) { const { data, status, statusText } = error.response; if (status === 502) { return dispatch(showAlert('', 'The server is down', 'error')); } if (status === 404 || status === 410) { // Skip these errors as they are reflected in the UI return dispatch(noOp); } if (status === 413) { return dispatch(showAlert('', 'File exceeds the file size limit', 'error')); } let message = statusText || status; if (data.error) { message = data.error; } return dispatch(showAlert('', message, 'error')); } else { console.error(error); return dispatch(showAlert(undefined, undefined, 'error')); } }; }