import { type RecursiveKeyValuePair } from 'tailwindcss/types/config'; /** */ const withOpacityValue = (variable: string): string => `rgb(var(${variable}) / )`; /** Parse a single color as a CSS variable. */ const toColorVariable = (colorName: string, tint: number | null = null): string => { const suffix = tint ? `-${tint}` : ''; const variable = `--color-${colorName}${suffix}`; return withOpacityValue(variable); }; /** Parse list of tints into Tailwind function with CSS variables. */ const parseTints = (colorName: string, tints: number[]): RecursiveKeyValuePair => { return tints.reduce>((colorObj, tint) => { colorObj[tint] = toColorVariable(colorName, tint); return colorObj; }, {}); }; interface ColorMatrix { [colorName: string]: number[] | boolean; } /** Parse color matrix into Tailwind color palette. */ const parseColorMatrix = (colorMatrix: ColorMatrix): RecursiveKeyValuePair => { return Object.entries(colorMatrix).reduce((palette, colorData) => { const [colorName, tints] = colorData; // Conditionally parse array or single-tint colors if (Array.isArray(tints)) { palette[colorName] = parseTints(colorName, tints); } else if (tints === true) { palette[colorName] = toColorVariable(colorName); } return palette; }, {}); }; export { withOpacityValue, parseColorMatrix };