import { defineMessages, IntlShape } from 'react-intl'; import api from 'soapbox/api'; import { formatBytes } from 'soapbox/utils/media'; import resizeImage from 'soapbox/utils/resize_image'; import { importFetchedStatus } from './importer'; import { fetchMedia, uploadMedia } from './media'; import { closeModal } from './modals'; import snackbar from './snackbar'; import type { AxiosError } from 'axios'; import type { AppDispatch, RootState } from 'soapbox/store'; import type { APIEntity } from 'soapbox/types/entities'; const LOCATION_SEARCH_REQUEST = 'LOCATION_SEARCH_REQUEST'; const LOCATION_SEARCH_SUCCESS = 'LOCATION_SEARCH_SUCCESS'; const LOCATION_SEARCH_FAIL = 'LOCATION_SEARCH_FAIL'; const CREATE_EVENT_NAME_CHANGE = 'CREATE_EVENT_NAME_CHANGE'; const CREATE_EVENT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE = 'CREATE_EVENT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE'; const CREATE_EVENT_START_TIME_CHANGE = 'CREATE_EVENT_START_TIME_CHANGE'; const CREATE_EVENT_HAS_END_TIME_CHANGE = 'CREATE_EVENT_HAS_END_TIME_CHANGE'; const CREATE_EVENT_END_TIME_CHANGE = 'CREATE_EVENT_END_TIME_CHANGE'; const CREATE_EVENT_APPROVAL_REQUIRED_CHANGE = 'CREATE_EVENT_APPROVAL_REQUIRED_CHANGE'; const CREATE_EVENT_LOCATION_CHANGE = 'CREATE_EVENT_LOCATION_CHANGE'; const EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_REQUEST = 'EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_REQUEST'; const EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_PROGRESS = 'EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_PROGRESS'; const EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_SUCCESS = 'EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_SUCCESS'; const EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_FAIL = 'EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_FAIL'; const EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_UNDO = 'EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_UNDO'; const EVENT_SUBMIT_REQUEST = 'EVENT_SUBMIT_REQUEST'; const EVENT_SUBMIT_SUCCESS = 'EVENT_SUBMIT_SUCCESS'; const EVENT_SUBMIT_FAIL = 'EVENT_SUBMIT_FAIL'; const EVENT_JOIN_REQUEST = 'EVENT_JOIN_REQUEST'; const EVENT_JOIN_SUCCESS = 'EVENT_JOIN_SUCCESS'; const EVENT_JOIN_FAIL = 'EVENT_JOIN_FAIL'; const EVENT_LEAVE_REQUEST = 'EVENT_LEAVE_REQUEST'; const EVENT_LEAVE_SUCCESS = 'EVENT_LEAVE_SUCCESS'; const EVENT_LEAVE_FAIL = 'EVENT_LEAVE_FAIL'; const messages = defineMessages({ exceededImageSizeLimit: { id: 'upload_error.image_size_limit', defaultMessage: 'Image exceeds the current file size limit ({limit})' }, success: { id: 'create_event.submit_success', defaultMessage: 'Your event was created' }, joinSuccess: { id: 'join_event.success', defaultMessage: 'Joined the event' }, joinRequestSuccess: { id: 'join_event.request_success', defaultMessage: 'Requested to join the event' }, view: { id: 'snackbar.view', defaultMessage: 'View' }, }); const locationSearch = (query: string, signal?: AbortSignal) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { dispatch({ type: LOCATION_SEARCH_REQUEST, query }); return api(getState).get('/api/v1/pleroma/search/location', { params: { q: query }, signal }).then(({ data: locations }) => { dispatch({ type: LOCATION_SEARCH_SUCCESS, locations }); return locations; }).catch(error => { dispatch({ type: LOCATION_SEARCH_FAIL }); throw error; }); }; const changeCreateEventName = (value: string) => ({ type: CREATE_EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, value, }); const changeCreateEventDescription = (value: string) => ({ type: CREATE_EVENT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE, value, }); const changeCreateEventStartTime = (value: Date) => ({ type: CREATE_EVENT_START_TIME_CHANGE, value, }); const changeCreateEventEndTime = (value: Date) => ({ type: CREATE_EVENT_END_TIME_CHANGE, value, }); const changeCreateEventHasEndTime = (value: boolean) => ({ type: CREATE_EVENT_HAS_END_TIME_CHANGE, value, }); const changeCreateEventApprovalRequired = (value: boolean) => ({ type: CREATE_EVENT_APPROVAL_REQUIRED_CHANGE, value, }); const changeCreateEventLocation = (value: string | null) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { let location = null; if (value) { location = getState().locations.get(value); } dispatch({ type: CREATE_EVENT_LOCATION_CHANGE, value: location, }); }; const uploadEventBanner = (file: File, intl: IntlShape) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const maxImageSize = getState().instance.configuration.getIn(['media_attachments', 'image_size_limit']) as number | undefined; let progress = 0; dispatch(uploadEventBannerRequest()); if (maxImageSize && (file.size > maxImageSize)) { const limit = formatBytes(maxImageSize); const message = intl.formatMessage(messages.exceededImageSizeLimit, { limit }); dispatch(snackbar.error(message)); dispatch(uploadEventBannerFail(true)); return; } resizeImage(file).then(file => { const data = new FormData(); data.append('file', file); // Account for disparity in size of original image and resized data const onUploadProgress = ({ loaded }: any) => { progress = loaded; dispatch(uploadEventBannerProgress(progress)); }; return dispatch(uploadMedia(data, onUploadProgress)) .then(({ status, data }) => { // If server-side processing of the media attachment has not completed yet, // poll the server until it is, before showing the media attachment as uploaded if (status === 200) { dispatch(uploadEventBannerSuccess(data, file)); } else if (status === 202) { const poll = () => { dispatch(fetchMedia({ status, data }) => { if (status === 200) { dispatch(uploadEventBannerSuccess(data, file)); } else if (status === 206) { setTimeout(() => poll(), 1000); } }).catch(error => dispatch(uploadEventBannerFail(error))); }; poll(); } }); }).catch(error => dispatch(uploadEventBannerFail(error))); }; const uploadEventBannerRequest = () => ({ type: EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_REQUEST, }); const uploadEventBannerProgress = (loaded: number) => ({ type: EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_PROGRESS, loaded, }); const uploadEventBannerSuccess = (media: APIEntity, file: File) => ({ type: EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_SUCCESS, media, file, }); const uploadEventBannerFail = (error: AxiosError | true) => ({ type: EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_FAIL, error, }); const undoUploadEventBanner = () => ({ type: EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_UNDO, }); const submitEvent = () => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const state = getState(); const name =; const status = state.create_event.status; const banner = state.create_event.banner; const startTime = state.create_event.start_time; const endTime = state.create_event.end_time; const joinMode = state.create_event.approval_required ? 'restricted' : 'free'; const location = state.create_event.location; if (!status || !status.length) { return; } dispatch(submitEventRequest()); const params: Record = { name, status, start_time: startTime, join_mode: joinMode, }; if (endTime) params.end_time = endTime; if (banner) params.banner_id =; if (location) params.location_id = location.origin_id; return api(getState).post('/api/v1/pleroma/events', params).then(({ data }) => { dispatch(closeModal('CREATE_EVENT')); dispatch(importFetchedStatus(data)); dispatch(submitEventSuccess(data)); dispatch(snackbar.success(messages.success, messages.view, `/@${data.account.acct}/events/${}`)); }).catch(function(error) { dispatch(submitEventFail(error)); }); }; const submitEventRequest = () => ({ type: EVENT_SUBMIT_REQUEST, }); const submitEventSuccess = (status: APIEntity) => ({ type: EVENT_SUBMIT_SUCCESS, status, }); const submitEventFail = (error: AxiosError) => ({ type: EVENT_SUBMIT_FAIL, error, }); const joinEvent = (id: string, participationMessage?: string) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const status = getState().statuses.get(id); if (!status || !status.event || status.event.join_state) return; dispatch(joinEventRequest()); return api(getState).post(`/api/v1/pleroma/events/${id}/join`, { participationMessage }).then(({ data }) => { dispatch(importFetchedStatus(data)); dispatch(joinEventSuccess(data)); dispatch(snackbar.success( data.pleroma.event?.join_state === 'pending' ? messages.joinRequestSuccess : messages.joinSuccess, messages.view, `/@${data.account.acct}/events/${}`, )); }).catch(function(error) { dispatch(joinEventFail(error, status?.event?.join_state || null)); }); }; const joinEventRequest = () => ({ type: EVENT_JOIN_REQUEST, }); const joinEventSuccess = (status: APIEntity) => ({ type: EVENT_JOIN_SUCCESS, status, }); const joinEventFail = (error: AxiosError, previousState: string | null) => ({ type: EVENT_JOIN_FAIL, error, previousState, }); const leaveEvent = (id: string) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const status = getState().statuses.get(id); if (!status || !status.event || !status.event.join_state) return; dispatch(leaveEventRequest()); return api(getState).post(`/api/v1/pleroma/events/${id}/leave`).then(({ data }) => { dispatch(importFetchedStatus(data)); dispatch(leaveEventSuccess(data)); }).catch(function(error) { dispatch(leaveEventFail(error)); }); }; const leaveEventRequest = () => ({ type: EVENT_LEAVE_REQUEST, }); const leaveEventSuccess = (status: APIEntity) => ({ type: EVENT_LEAVE_SUCCESS, status, }); const leaveEventFail = (error: AxiosError) => ({ type: EVENT_LEAVE_FAIL, error, }); export { LOCATION_SEARCH_REQUEST, LOCATION_SEARCH_SUCCESS, LOCATION_SEARCH_FAIL, CREATE_EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, CREATE_EVENT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE, CREATE_EVENT_START_TIME_CHANGE, CREATE_EVENT_END_TIME_CHANGE, CREATE_EVENT_HAS_END_TIME_CHANGE, CREATE_EVENT_APPROVAL_REQUIRED_CHANGE, CREATE_EVENT_LOCATION_CHANGE, EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_REQUEST, EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_PROGRESS, EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_SUCCESS, EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_FAIL, EVENT_BANNER_UPLOAD_UNDO, EVENT_SUBMIT_REQUEST, EVENT_SUBMIT_SUCCESS, EVENT_SUBMIT_FAIL, EVENT_JOIN_REQUEST, EVENT_JOIN_SUCCESS, EVENT_JOIN_FAIL, EVENT_LEAVE_REQUEST, EVENT_LEAVE_SUCCESS, EVENT_LEAVE_FAIL, locationSearch, changeCreateEventName, changeCreateEventDescription, changeCreateEventStartTime, changeCreateEventEndTime, changeCreateEventHasEndTime, changeCreateEventApprovalRequired, changeCreateEventLocation, uploadEventBanner, uploadEventBannerRequest, uploadEventBannerProgress, uploadEventBannerSuccess, uploadEventBannerFail, undoUploadEventBanner, submitEvent, submitEventRequest, submitEventSuccess, submitEventFail, joinEvent, joinEventRequest, joinEventSuccess, joinEventFail, leaveEvent, leaveEventRequest, leaveEventSuccess, leaveEventFail, };