import split from 'graphemesplit'; import unicodeMapping from './mapping'; import type { Emoji as EmojiMart, CustomEmoji as EmojiMartCustom } from 'emoji-mart'; /* * TODO: Consolate emoji object types * * There are five different emoji objects currently * - emoji-mart's "onPickEmoji" handler * - emoji-mart's custom emoji types * - an Emoji type that is either NativeEmoji or CustomEmoji * - a type inside redux's `store.custom_emoji` immutablejs * * there needs to be one type for the picker handler callback * and one type for the emoji-mart data * and one type that is used everywhere that the above two are converted into */ export interface CustomEmoji { id: string, colons: string, custom: true, imageUrl: string, } export interface NativeEmoji { id: string, colons: string, custom?: boolean, unified: string, native: string, } export type Emoji = CustomEmoji | NativeEmoji; export function isCustomEmoji(emoji: Emoji): emoji is CustomEmoji { return (emoji as CustomEmoji).imageUrl !== undefined; } export function isNativeEmoji(emoji: Emoji): emoji is NativeEmoji { return (emoji as NativeEmoji).native !== undefined; } // export type Emoji = any; const isAlphaNumeric = (c: string) => { const code = c.charCodeAt(0); if (!(code > 47 && code < 58) && // numeric (0-9) !(code > 64 && code < 91) && // upper alpha (A-Z) !(code > 96 && code < 123)) { // lower alpha (a-z) return false; } else { return true; } }; const validEmojiChar = (c: string) => { return isAlphaNumeric(c) || c === '_' || c === '-' || c === '.'; }; const convertCustom = (shortname: string, filename: string) => { return `${shortname}`; }; const convertUnicode = (c: string) => { const { unified, shortcode } = unicodeMapping[c]; return `${c}`; }; const convertEmoji = (str: string, customEmojis: any) => { if (str.length < 3) return str; if (str in customEmojis) { const emoji = customEmojis[str]; const filename = emoji.static_url; if (filename?.length > 0) { return convertCustom(str, filename); } } return str; }; export const emojifyText = (str: string, customEmojis = {}) => { let buf = ''; let stack = ''; let open = false; const clearStack = () => { buf += stack; open = false; stack = ''; }; for (let c of split(str)) { // convert FE0E selector to FE0F so it can be found in unimap if (c.codePointAt(c.length - 1) === 65038) { c = c.slice(0, -1) + String.fromCodePoint(65039); } // unqualified emojis aren't in emoji-mart's mappings so we just add FEOF const unqualified = c + String.fromCodePoint(65039); if (c in unicodeMapping) { if (open) { // unicode emoji inside colon clearStack(); } buf += convertUnicode(c); } else if (unqualified in unicodeMapping) { if (open) { // unicode emoji inside colon clearStack(); } buf += convertUnicode(unqualified); } else if (c === ':') { stack += ':'; // we see another : we convert it and clear the stack buffer if (open) { buf += convertEmoji(stack, customEmojis); stack = ''; } open = !open; } else { if (open) { stack += c; // if the stack is non-null and we see invalid chars it's a string not emoji // so we push it to the return result and clear it if (!validEmojiChar(c)) { clearStack(); } } else { buf += c; } } } // never found a closing colon so it's just a raw string if (open) { buf += stack; } return buf; }; export const parseHTML = (str: string): { text: boolean, data: string }[] => { const tokens = []; let buf = ''; let stack = ''; let open = false; for (const c of str) { if (c === '<') { if (open) { tokens.push({ text: true, data: stack }); stack = '<'; } else { tokens.push({ text: true, data: buf }); stack = '<'; open = true; } } else if (c === '>') { if (open) { open = false; tokens.push({ text: false, data: stack + '>' }); stack = ''; buf = ''; } else { buf += '>'; } } else { if (open) { stack += c; } else { buf += c; } } } if (open) { tokens.push({ text: true, data: buf + stack }); } else if (buf !== '') { tokens.push({ text: true, data: buf }); } return tokens; }; const emojify = (str: string, customEmojis = {}) => { return parseHTML(str) .map(({ text, data }) => { if (!text) return data; if (data.length === 0 || data === ' ') return data; return emojifyText(data, customEmojis); }) .join(''); }; export default emojify; export const buildCustomEmojis = (customEmojis: any) => { const emojis: EmojiMart[] = []; customEmojis.forEach((emoji: any) => { const shortcode = emoji.get('shortcode'); const url = emoji.get('static_url'); const name = shortcode.replace(':', ''); emojis.push({ id: name, name, keywords: [name], skins: [{ src: url }], }); }); return emojis; };