import { Map as ImmutableMap, Record as ImmutableRecord, } from 'immutable'; import { STATUS_IMPORT } from 'soapbox/actions/importer'; import { STATUS_CREATE_REQUEST, STATUS_CREATE_FAIL, STATUS_DELETE_REQUEST, STATUS_DELETE_FAIL, } from 'soapbox/actions/statuses'; import { normalizeStatus } from 'soapbox/normalizers'; import reducer, { ReducerStatus } from '../statuses'; describe('statuses reducer', () => { it('should return the initial state', () => { expect(reducer(undefined, {} as any)).toEqual(ImmutableMap()); }); describe('STATUS_IMPORT', () => { it('parses the status as a Record', () => { const status = require('soapbox/__fixtures__/pleroma-quote-post.json'); const action = { type: STATUS_IMPORT, status }; const result = reducer(undefined, action).get('AFmFMSpITT9xcOJKcK'); expect(ImmutableRecord.isRecord(result)).toBe(true); }); it('fixes the order of mentions', () => { const status = require('soapbox/__fixtures__/status-unordered-mentions.json'); const action = { type: STATUS_IMPORT, status }; const expected = ['NEETzsche', 'alex', 'Lumeinshin', 'sneeden']; const result = reducer(undefined, action) .get('AFChectaqZjmOVkXZ2')?.mentions .map(mention => mention.get('username')) .toJS(); expect(result).toEqual(expected); }); it('preserves the quote', () => { const quotePost = require('soapbox/__fixtures__/pleroma-quote-post.json'); const quotedQuotePost = require('soapbox/__fixtures__/pleroma-quote-of-quote-post.json'); let state = undefined; state = reducer(state, { type: STATUS_IMPORT, status: quotePost }); state = reducer(state, { type: STATUS_IMPORT, status: quotedQuotePost.pleroma.quote }); expect(state.getIn(['AFmFMSpITT9xcOJKcK', 'quote'])).toEqual('AFmFLcd6XYVdjWCrOS'); }); it('normalizes Mitra attachments', () => { const status = require('soapbox/__fixtures__/mitra-status-with-attachments.json'); const state = reducer(undefined, { type: STATUS_IMPORT, status }); const expected = [{ id: '017eeb0e-e5df-30a4-77a7-a929145cb836', type: 'image', url: '', preview_url: '', remote_url: null, }, { id: '017eeb0e-e5e4-2a48-2889-afdebf368a54', type: 'unknown', url: '', preview_url: '', remote_url: null, }, { id: '017eeb0e-e5e5-79fd-6054-8b6869b1db49', type: 'unknown', url: '', preview_url: '', remote_url: null, }, { id: '017eeb0e-e5e6-c416-a444-21e560c47839', type: 'unknown', url: '', preview_url: '', remote_url: null, }]; expect(state.get('017eeb0e-e5e7-98fe-6b2b-ad02349251fb')?.media_attachments.toJS()).toMatchObject(expected); }); it('fixes Pleroma attachments', () => { const status = require('soapbox/__fixtures__/pleroma-status-with-attachments.json'); const action = { type: STATUS_IMPORT, status }; const state = reducer(undefined, action); const result = state.get('AGNkA21auFR5lnEAHw')?.media_attachments; expect(result?.size).toBe(4); expect(result?.get(1)?.meta).toEqual(ImmutableMap()); expect(result?.getIn([1, 'pleroma', 'mime_type'])).toBe('application/x-nes-rom'); }); it('hides CWs', () => { const status = require('soapbox/__fixtures__/status-cw.json'); const action = { type: STATUS_IMPORT, status }; const hidden = reducer(undefined, action).getIn(['107831528995252317', 'hidden']); expect(hidden).toBe(true); }); it('expands CWs when expandSpoilers is enabled', () => { const status = require('soapbox/__fixtures__/status-cw.json'); const action = { type: STATUS_IMPORT, status, expandSpoilers: true }; const hidden = reducer(undefined, action).getIn(['107831528995252317', 'hidden']); expect(hidden).toBe(false); }); it('parses custom emojis', () => { const status = require('soapbox/__fixtures__/status-custom-emoji.json'); const action = { type: STATUS_IMPORT, status }; const expected = 'Hello :ablobcathyper: :ageblobcat: 😂 world 😋 test :blobcatphoto:'; const result = reducer(undefined, action).getIn(['AGm7uC9DaAIGUa4KYK', 'contentHtml']); expect(result).toBe(expected); }); it('builds search_index', () => { const status = require('soapbox/__fixtures__/status-with-poll.json'); const action = { type: STATUS_IMPORT, status }; const expected = `What is tolerance? Banning, censoring, and deplatforming anyone you disagree with Promoting free speech, even for people and ideas you dislike`; const result = reducer(undefined, action).getIn(['103874034847713213', 'search_index']); expect(result).toEqual(expected); }); it('builds search_index with mentions', () => { const status = require('soapbox/__fixtures__/pleroma-status-reply-with-mentions.json'); const action = { type: STATUS_IMPORT, status }; const expected = `DMs are definitely only federated to the servers of the recipients tho. So if I DM a kfcc user, the kfcc admins can see it, but no other instance admins can.`; const result = reducer(undefined, action).getIn(['AHcweewcCh0iPUtMdk', 'search_index']); expect(result).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('STATUS_CREATE_REQUEST', () => { it('increments the replies_count of its parent', () => { const state = ImmutableMap({ '123': normalizeStatus({ replies_count: 4 }) as ReducerStatus, }); const action = { type: STATUS_CREATE_REQUEST, params: { in_reply_to_id: '123' }, }; const result = reducer(state, action).getIn(['123', 'replies_count']); expect(result).toEqual(5); }); }); describe('STATUS_CREATE_FAIL', () => { it('decrements the replies_count of its parent', () => { const state = ImmutableMap({ '123': normalizeStatus({ replies_count: 5 }) as ReducerStatus, }); const action = { type: STATUS_CREATE_FAIL, params: { in_reply_to_id: '123' }, }; const result = reducer(state, action).getIn(['123', 'replies_count']); expect(result).toEqual(4); }); }); describe('STATUS_DELETE_REQUEST', () => { it('decrements the replies_count of its parent', () => { const state = ImmutableMap({ '123': normalizeStatus({ replies_count: 4 }) as ReducerStatus, }); const action = { type: STATUS_DELETE_REQUEST, params: { in_reply_to_id: '123' }, }; const result = reducer(state, action).getIn(['123', 'replies_count']); expect(result).toEqual(3); }); it('gracefully does nothing if no parent', () => { const state = ImmutableMap({ '123': normalizeStatus({ replies_count: 4 }) as ReducerStatus, }); const action = { type: STATUS_DELETE_REQUEST, params: { id: '1' }, }; const result = reducer(state, action).getIn(['123', 'replies_count']); expect(result).toEqual(4); }); }); describe('STATUS_DELETE_FAIL', () => { it('decrements the replies_count of its parent', () => { const state = ImmutableMap({ '123': normalizeStatus({ replies_count: 4 }) as ReducerStatus, }); const action = { type: STATUS_DELETE_FAIL, params: { in_reply_to_id: '123' }, }; const result = reducer(state, action).getIn(['123', 'replies_count']); expect(result).toEqual(5); }); it('gracefully does nothing if no parent', () => { const state = ImmutableMap({ '123': normalizeStatus({ replies_count: 4 }) as ReducerStatus, }); const action = { type: STATUS_DELETE_FAIL, params: { id: '1' }, }; const result = reducer(state, action).getIn(['123', 'replies_count']); expect(result).toEqual(4); }); }); });