import { produce, enableMapSet } from 'immer'; import { ENTITIES_IMPORT, ENTITIES_DELETE, ENTITIES_DISMISS, ENTITIES_FETCH_REQUEST, ENTITIES_FETCH_SUCCESS, ENTITIES_FETCH_FAIL, EntityAction, ENTITIES_INVALIDATE_LIST, ENTITIES_INCREMENT, ENTITIES_TRANSACTION, } from './actions'; import { createCache, createList, updateStore, updateList } from './utils'; import type { DeleteEntitiesOpts } from './actions'; import type { EntitiesTransaction, Entity, EntityCache, EntityListState, ImportPosition } from './types'; enableMapSet(); /** Entity reducer state. */ interface State { [entityType: string]: EntityCache | undefined; } /** Import entities into the cache. */ const importEntities = ( state: State, entityType: string, entities: Entity[], listKey?: string, pos?: ImportPosition, newState?: EntityListState, overwrite = false, ): State => produce(state, draft => { const cache = draft[entityType] ?? createCache(); = updateStore(, entities); if (typeof listKey === 'string') { let list = cache.lists[listKey] ?? createList(); if (overwrite) { list.ids = new Set(); } list = updateList(list, entities, pos); if (newState) { list.state = newState; } cache.lists[listKey] = list; } draft[entityType] = cache; }); const deleteEntities = ( state: State, entityType: string, ids: Iterable, opts: DeleteEntitiesOpts, ) => produce(state, draft => { const cache = draft[entityType] ?? createCache(); for (const id of ids) { delete[id]; if (!opts?.preserveLists) { for (const list of Object.values(cache.lists)) { if (list) { list.ids.delete(id); if (typeof list.state.totalCount === 'number') { list.state.totalCount--; } } } } } draft[entityType] = cache; }); const dismissEntities = ( state: State, entityType: string, ids: Iterable, listKey: string, ) => produce(state, draft => { const cache = draft[entityType] ?? createCache(); const list = cache.lists[listKey]; if (list) { for (const id of ids) { list.ids.delete(id); if (typeof list.state.totalCount === 'number') { list.state.totalCount--; } } draft[entityType] = cache; } }); const incrementEntities = ( state: State, entityType: string, listKey: string, diff: number, ) => produce(state, draft => { const cache = draft[entityType] ?? createCache(); const list = cache.lists[listKey]; if (typeof list?.state?.totalCount === 'number') { list.state.totalCount += diff; draft[entityType] = cache; } }); const setFetching = ( state: State, entityType: string, listKey: string | undefined, isFetching: boolean, error?: any, ) => produce(state, draft => { const cache = draft[entityType] ?? createCache(); if (typeof listKey === 'string') { const list = cache.lists[listKey] ?? createList(); list.state.fetching = isFetching; list.state.error = error; cache.lists[listKey] = list; } draft[entityType] = cache; }); const invalidateEntityList = (state: State, entityType: string, listKey: string) => produce(state, draft => { const cache = draft[entityType] ?? createCache(); const list = cache.lists[listKey] ?? createList(); list.state.invalid = true; }); const doTransaction = (state: State, transaction: EntitiesTransaction) => produce(state, draft => { for (const [entityType, changes] of Object.entries(transaction)) { const cache = draft[entityType] ?? createCache(); for (const [id, change] of Object.entries(changes)) { const entity =[id]; if (entity) {[id] = change(entity); } } } }); /** Stores various entity data and lists in a one reducer. */ const reducer = (state: Readonly = {}, action: EntityAction): State => { switch (action.type) { case ENTITIES_IMPORT: return importEntities(state, action.entityType, action.entities, action.listKey, action.pos); case ENTITIES_DELETE: return deleteEntities(state, action.entityType, action.ids, action.opts); case ENTITIES_DISMISS: return dismissEntities(state, action.entityType, action.ids, action.listKey); case ENTITIES_INCREMENT: return incrementEntities(state, action.entityType, action.listKey, action.diff); case ENTITIES_FETCH_SUCCESS: return importEntities(state, action.entityType, action.entities, action.listKey, action.pos, action.newState, action.overwrite); case ENTITIES_FETCH_REQUEST: return setFetching(state, action.entityType, action.listKey, true); case ENTITIES_FETCH_FAIL: return setFetching(state, action.entityType, action.listKey, false, action.error); case ENTITIES_INVALIDATE_LIST: return invalidateEntityList(state, action.entityType, action.listKey); case ENTITIES_TRANSACTION: return doTransaction(state, action.transaction); default: return state; } }; export { type State, reducer as default };