import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import { closeChat, toggleChat, } from 'soapbox/actions/chats'; import Avatar from 'soapbox/components/avatar'; import HoverRefWrapper from 'soapbox/components/hover_ref_wrapper'; import IconButton from 'soapbox/components/icon_button'; import { HStack, Counter } from 'soapbox/components/ui'; import { useAppSelector, useAppDispatch } from 'soapbox/hooks'; import { makeGetChat } from 'soapbox/selectors'; import { getAcct } from 'soapbox/utils/accounts'; import { displayFqn as getDisplayFqn } from 'soapbox/utils/state'; import ChatBox from './chat-box'; import type { Account as AccountEntity } from 'soapbox/types/entities'; type WindowState = 'open' | 'minimized'; const getChat = makeGetChat(); interface IChatWindow { /** Position of the chat window on the screen, where 0 is rightmost. */ idx: number, /** ID of the chat entity. */ chatId: string, /** Whether the window is open or minimized. */ windowState: WindowState, } /** Floating desktop chat window. */ const ChatWindow: React.FC<IChatWindow> = ({ idx, chatId, windowState }) => { const dispatch = useAppDispatch(); const displayFqn = useAppSelector(getDisplayFqn); const chat = useAppSelector(state => { const chat = state.chats.items.get(chatId); return chat ? getChat(state, chat.toJS() as any) : undefined; }); const inputElem = useRef<HTMLTextAreaElement | null>(null); const handleChatClose = (chatId: string) => { return () => { dispatch(closeChat(chatId)); }; }; const handleChatToggle = (chatId: string) => { return () => { dispatch(toggleChat(chatId)); }; }; const handleInputRef = (el: HTMLTextAreaElement) => { inputElem.current = el; }; const focusInput = () => { inputElem.current?.focus(); }; useEffect(() => { if (windowState === 'open') { focusInput(); } }, [windowState]); if (!chat) return null; const account = chat.account as unknown as AccountEntity; const right = (285 * (idx + 1)) + 20; const unreadCount = chat.unread; const unreadIcon = ( <div className='mr-2 flex-none'> <Counter count={unreadCount} /> </div> ); const avatar = ( <HoverRefWrapper accountId={}> <Link to={`/@${account.acct}`}> <Avatar account={account} size={18} /> </Link> </HoverRefWrapper> ); return ( <div className={`pane pane--${windowState}`} style={{ right: `${right}px` }}> <HStack space={2} className='pane__header'> {unreadCount > 0 ? unreadIcon : avatar } <button className='pane__title' onClick={handleChatToggle(}> @{getAcct(account, displayFqn)} </button> <div className='pane__close'> <IconButton src={require('@tabler/icons/x.svg')} title='Close chat' onClick={handleChatClose(} /> </div> </HStack> <div className='pane__content'> <ChatBox chatId={} onSetInputRef={handleInputRef} /> </div> </div> ); }; export default ChatWindow;