import reducer from '../auth'; import { Map as ImmutableMap, List as ImmutableList } from 'immutable'; import * as actions from 'soapbox/actions/auth'; // import app from 'soapbox/__fixtures__/app.json'; import user from 'soapbox/__fixtures__/user.json'; describe('auth reducer', () => { it('should return the initial state', () => { expect(reducer(undefined, {})).toEqual(ImmutableMap({ app: ImmutableMap(), user: ImmutableMap(), tokens: ImmutableList(), })); }); it('should handle AUTH_APP_CREATED', () => { const state = ImmutableMap({ }); const auth = { auth: { app: { vapid_key: 'BHczIFh4Wn3Q_7wDgehaB8Ti3Uu8BoyOgXxkOVuEJRuEqxtd9TAno8K9ycz4myiQ1ruiyVfG6xT1JLeXtpxDzUs', token_type: 'Bearer', client_secret: 'HU6RGO4284Edr4zucuWmn8OFjcpVtMsoXJU0-8tpwRM', redirect_uri: 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob', created_at: 1594050270, name: 'SoapboxFE_2020-07-06T15:43:31.989Z', client_id: 'Q0A2r_9ZcEORMenj9kuDRQc3UVL8ypQRoNJ6XQHWJU8', expires_in: 600, scope: 'read write follow push admin', refresh_token: 'aydRA4eragIhavCdAyg6QQnDJmiMbdc-oEBvHYcW_PQ', website: null, id: '113', access_token: 'pbXS8HkoWodrAt_QE1NENcwqigxgWr3P1RIQCKMN0Os', }, user: { access_token: 'UVBP2e17b4pTpb_h8fImIm3F5a66IBVb-JkyZHs4gLE', expires_in: 600, me: '', refresh_token: 'c2DpbVxYZBJDogNn-VBNFES72yXPNUYQCv0CrXGOplY', scope: 'read write follow push admin', token_type: 'Bearer', }, tokens: [], }, }; const action = { type: actions.AUTH_APP_CREATED, app: auth, }; expect(reducer(state, action).toJS()).toMatchObject({ app: auth, }); }); // Fails with TypeError: cannot read property merge of undefined // it('should handle the Action AUTH_APP_AUTHORIZED', () => { // const state = ImmutableMap({ // auth: { // app: { // vapid_key: 'oldVapidKey', // token_type: 'Bearer', // client_secret: 'oldClientSecret', // redirect_uri: 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob', // created_at: 1594764335, // name: 'SoapboxFE_2020-07-14T22:05:17.054Z', // client_id: 'bjiy8AxGKXXesfZcyp_iN-uQVE6Cnl03efWoSdOPh9M', // expires_in: 600, // scope: 'read write follow push admin', // refresh_token: 'oldRefreshToken', // website: null, // id: '134', // access_token: 'oldAccessToken', // }, // }, // }); // const action = { // type: actions.AUTH_APP_AUTHORIZED, // app: app, // }; // expect(reducer(state, action).toJS()).toMatchObject({ // app: app, // }); // }); it('should handle the Action AUTH_LOGGED_IN', () => { const state = ImmutableMap({ user: { access_token: 'UVBP2e17b4pTpb_h8fImIm3F5a66IBVb-JkyZHs4gLE', expires_in: 600, me: '', refresh_token: 'c2DpbVxYZBJDogNn-VBNFES72yXPNUYQCv0CrXGOplY', scope: 'read write follow push admin', token_type: 'Bearer', }, }); const action = { type: actions.AUTH_LOGGED_IN, user: user, }; expect(reducer(state, action).toJS()).toMatchObject({ user: user, }); }); it('should handle the Action AUTH_LOGGED_OUT', () => { const state = ImmutableMap({ user: { access_token: 'UVBP2e17b4pTpb_h8fImIm3F5a66IBVb-JkyZHs4gLE', expires_in: 600, me: '', refresh_token: 'c2DpbVxYZBJDogNn-VBNFES72yXPNUYQCv0CrXGOplY', scope: 'read write follow push admin', token_type: 'Bearer', }, }); const action = { type: actions.AUTH_LOGGED_OUT, }; expect(reducer(state, action).toJS()).toMatchObject({ user: {}, }); }); });