import { InfiniteData, useInfiniteQuery, useMutation, useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query'; import sumBy from 'lodash/sumBy'; import { importFetchedAccount, importFetchedAccounts } from 'soapbox/actions/importer'; import snackbar from 'soapbox/actions/snackbar'; import { getNextLink } from 'soapbox/api'; import { ChatWidgetScreens, useChatContext } from 'soapbox/contexts/chat-context'; import { useStatContext } from 'soapbox/contexts/stat-context'; import { useApi, useAppDispatch, useAppSelector, useFeatures, useOwnAccount } from 'soapbox/hooks'; import { normalizeChatMessage } from 'soapbox/normalizers'; import { flattenPages, PaginatedResult, updatePageItem } from 'soapbox/utils/queries'; import { queryClient } from './client'; import { useFetchRelationships } from './relationships'; import type { IAccount } from './accounts'; export const messageExpirationOptions = [120, 604800, 1209600, 2592000, 7776000]; export enum MessageExpirationValues { 'TWO_MINUTES' = messageExpirationOptions[0], 'SEVEN' = messageExpirationOptions[1], 'FOURTEEN' = messageExpirationOptions[2], 'THIRTY' = messageExpirationOptions[3], 'NINETY' = messageExpirationOptions[4] } export interface IChat { accepted: boolean account: IAccount created_at: string created_by_account: string discarded_at: null | string id: string last_message: null | { account_id: string chat_id: string content: string created_at: string discarded_at: string | null id: string unread: boolean } latest_read_message_by_account?: { id: string, date: string }[] latest_read_message_created_at: null | string message_expiration?: MessageExpirationValues unread: number } export interface IChatMessage { account_id: string chat_id: string content: string created_at: string id: string unread: boolean pending?: boolean } type UpdateChatVariables = { message_expiration: MessageExpirationValues } const ChatKeys = { chat: (chatId?: string) => ['chats', 'chat', chatId] as const, chatMessages: (chatId: string) => ['chats', 'messages', chatId] as const, chatSearch: (searchQuery?: string) => searchQuery ? ['chats', 'search', searchQuery] : ['chats', 'search'] as const, }; /** Check if item is most recent */ const isLastMessage = (chatMessageId: string): boolean => { const queryData = queryClient.getQueryData>>(ChatKeys.chatSearch()); const items = flattenPages(queryData); const chat = items?.find((item) => item.last_message?.id === chatMessageId); return !!chat; }; const useChatMessages = (chat: IChat) => { const api = useApi(); const isBlocked = useAppSelector((state) => state.getIn(['relationships',, 'blocked_by'])); const getChatMessages = async (chatId: string, pageParam?: any): Promise> => { const nextPageLink = pageParam?.link; const uri = nextPageLink || `/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}/messages`; const response = await api.get(uri); const { data } = response; const link = getNextLink(response); const hasMore = !!link; const result =; return { result, link, hasMore, }; }; const queryInfo = useInfiniteQuery(ChatKeys.chatMessages(, ({ pageParam }) => getChatMessages(, pageParam), { enabled: !isBlocked, cacheTime: 0, staleTime: 0, getNextPageParam: (config) => { if (config.hasMore) { return { link: }; } return undefined; }, }); const data = flattenPages(; return { ...queryInfo, data, }; }; const useChats = (search?: string) => { const api = useApi(); const dispatch = useAppDispatch(); const features = useFeatures(); const { setUnreadChatsCount } = useStatContext(); const fetchRelationships = useFetchRelationships(); const getChats = async (pageParam?: any): Promise> => { const endpoint = features.chatsV2 ? '/api/v2/pleroma/chats' : '/api/v1/pleroma/chats'; const nextPageLink = pageParam?.link; const uri = nextPageLink || endpoint; const response = await api.get(uri, { params: search ? { search, } : undefined, }); const { data } = response; const link = getNextLink(response); const hasMore = !!link; setUnreadChatsCount(Number(response.headers['x-unread-messages-count']) || sumBy(data, (chat) => chat.unread)); // Set the relationships to these users in the redux store. fetchRelationships.mutate({ accountIds: => }); dispatch(importFetchedAccounts( => item.account))); return { result: data, hasMore, link, }; }; const queryInfo = useInfiniteQuery(ChatKeys.chatSearch(search), ({ pageParam }) => getChats(pageParam), { keepPreviousData: true, getNextPageParam: (config) => { if (config.hasMore) { return { link: }; } return undefined; }, }); const data = flattenPages(; const chatsQuery = { ...queryInfo, data, }; const getOrCreateChatByAccountId = (accountId: string) =>`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/by-account-id/${accountId}`); return { chatsQuery, getOrCreateChatByAccountId }; }; const useChat = (chatId?: string) => { const api = useApi(); const dispatch = useAppDispatch(); const fetchRelationships = useFetchRelationships(); const getChat = async () => { if (chatId) { const { data } = await api.get(`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}`); fetchRelationships.mutate({ accountIds: [] }); dispatch(importFetchedAccount(data.account)); return data; } }; return useQuery(, getChat, { cacheTime: 0, enabled: !!chatId, }); }; const useChatActions = (chatId: string) => { const account = useOwnAccount(); const api = useApi(); const dispatch = useAppDispatch(); const { setUnreadChatsCount } = useStatContext(); const { chat, changeScreen } = useChatContext(); const markChatAsRead = async (lastReadId: string) => { return`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}/read`, { last_read_id: lastReadId }) .then(({ data }) => { updatePageItem(ChatKeys.chatSearch(), data, (o, n) => ===; const queryData = queryClient.getQueryData>>(ChatKeys.chatSearch()); if (queryData) { const flattenedQueryData: any = flattenPages(queryData)?.map((chat: any) => { if ( === { return data; } else { return chat; } }); setUnreadChatsCount(sumBy(flattenedQueryData, (chat: IChat) => chat.unread)); } return data; }) .catch(() => null); }; const createChatMessage = useMutation( ( { chatId, content, mediaId }: { chatId: string, content: string, mediaId?: string }, ) =>`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}/messages`, { content, media_id: mediaId }), { retry: false, onMutate: async (variables) => { // Cancel any outgoing refetches (so they don't overwrite our optimistic update) await queryClient.cancelQueries(['chats', 'messages', variables.chatId]); // Snapshot the previous value const prevContent = variables.content; const prevChatMessages = queryClient.getQueryData(['chats', 'messages', variables.chatId]); // Optimistically update to the new value queryClient.setQueryData(ChatKeys.chatMessages(variables.chatId), (prevResult: any) => { const newResult = { ...prevResult }; newResult.pages = any, idx: number) => { if (idx === 0) { return {, result: [ normalizeChatMessage({ content: variables.content, id: String(Number(new Date())), created_at: new Date(), account_id: account?.id, pending: true, unread: true, }),, ], }; } return page; }); return newResult; }); return { prevChatMessages, prevContent }; }, // If the mutation fails, use the context returned from onMutate to roll back onError: (_error: any, variables, context: any) => { queryClient.setQueryData(['chats', 'messages', variables.chatId], context.prevChatMessages); }, onSuccess: (response, variables) => { const nextChat = {, last_message: }; updatePageItem(ChatKeys.chatSearch(), nextChat, (o, n) => ===; queryClient.invalidateQueries(ChatKeys.chatMessages(variables.chatId)); }, }, ); const updateChat = useMutation((data: UpdateChatVariables) => api.patch(`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}`, data), { onMutate: async (data) => { // Cancel any outgoing refetches (so they don't overwrite our optimistic update) await queryClient.cancelQueries(; // Snapshot the previous value const prevChat = { }; const nextChat = {, }; // Optimistically update to the new value queryClient.setQueryData(, nextChat); // Return a context object with the snapshotted value return { prevChat }; }, // If the mutation fails, use the context returned from onMutate to roll back onError: (_error: any, _newData: any, context: any) => { changeScreen(ChatWidgetScreens.CHAT,; queryClient.setQueryData(, context.prevChat); dispatch(snackbar.error('Chat Settings failed to update.')); }, onSuccess() { queryClient.invalidateQueries(; queryClient.invalidateQueries(ChatKeys.chatSearch()); dispatch(snackbar.success('Chat Settings updated successfully')); }, }); const deleteChatMessage = (chatMessageId: string) => api.delete(`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}/messages/${chatMessageId}`); const acceptChat = useMutation(() =>`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}/accept`), { onSuccess(response) { changeScreen(ChatWidgetScreens.CHAT,; queryClient.invalidateQueries(; queryClient.invalidateQueries(ChatKeys.chatMessages(chatId)); queryClient.invalidateQueries(ChatKeys.chatSearch()); }, }); const deleteChat = useMutation(() => api.delete(`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}`), { onSuccess() { changeScreen(ChatWidgetScreens.INBOX); queryClient.invalidateQueries(ChatKeys.chatMessages(chatId)); queryClient.invalidateQueries(ChatKeys.chatSearch()); }, }); return { createChatMessage, markChatAsRead, deleteChatMessage, updateChat, acceptChat, deleteChat }; }; export { ChatKeys, useChat, useChatActions, useChats, useChatMessages, isLastMessage };