import { Map as ImmutableMap, List as ImmutableList } from 'immutable'; import { accountToMention } from 'soapbox/utils/accounts'; import { mergeDefined } from 'soapbox/utils/normalizers'; // Some backends can return null, or omit these required fields const baseStatus = ImmutableMap({ application: null, bookmarked: false, card: null, created_at: new Date(), emojis: ImmutableList(), favourited: false, favourites_count: 0, in_reply_to_account_id: null, in_reply_to_id: null, language: null, mentions: ImmutableList(), muted: false, pinned: false, reblog: null, reblogged: false, reblogs_count: 0, replies_count: 0, spoiler_text: '', tags: ImmutableList(), uri: '', url: '', visibility: 'public', }); const basePollOption = ImmutableMap({ title: '', votes_count: 0 }); const basePoll = ImmutableMap({ emojis: ImmutableList(), expired: false, expires_at: new Date( + 1000 * (60 * 5)), // 5 minutes multiple: false, options: ImmutableList(), voters_count: 0, votes_count: 0, }); // Merge base status const mergeBase = status => { return status.mergeDeepWith(mergeDefined, baseStatus); }; // Ensure attachments have required fields // const normalizeAttachment = attachment => { const url = [ attachment.get('url'), attachment.get('preview_url'), attachment.get('remote_url'), ].find(url => url) || ''; const base = ImmutableMap({ url, preview_url: url, remote_url: url, }); return attachment.mergeWith(mergeDefined, base); }; const normalizeAttachments = status => { return status.update('media_attachments', ImmutableList(), attachments => { return; }); }; // Normalize mentions const normalizeMention = mention => { const base = ImmutableMap({ acct: '', username: (mention.get('acct') || '').split('@')[0], url: '', }); return mention.mergeWith(mergeDefined, base); }; const normalizeMentions = status => { return status.update('mentions', ImmutableList(), mentions => { return; }); }; // Normalize poll option const normalizePollOption = option => { return option.mergeWith(mergeDefined, basePollOption); }; // Normalize poll const normalizePoll = status => { if (status.hasIn(['poll', 'options'])) { return status.update('poll', ImmutableMap(), poll => { return poll.mergeWith(mergeDefined, basePoll).update('options', options => { return; }); }); } else { return status.set('poll', null); } }; // Fix order of mentions const fixMentionsOrder = status => { const mentions = status.get('mentions', ImmutableList()); const inReplyToAccountId = status.get('in_reply_to_account_id'); // Sort the replied-to mention to the top const sorted = mentions.sort((a, b) => { if (a.get('id') === inReplyToAccountId) { return -1; } else { return 0; } }); return status.set('mentions', sorted); }; // Add self to mentions if it's a reply to self const addSelfMention = status => { const accountId = status.getIn(['account', 'id']); const isSelfReply = accountId === status.get('in_reply_to_account_id'); const hasSelfMention = accountId === status.getIn(['mentions', 0, 'id']); if (isSelfReply && !hasSelfMention) { const mention = accountToMention(status.get('account')); return status.update('mentions', ImmutableList(), mentions => ( ImmutableList([mention]).concat(mentions) )); } else { return status; } }; // Move the quote to the top-level const fixQuote = status => { return status.withMutations(status => { status.update('quote', quote => quote || status.getIn(['pleroma', 'quote']) || null); status.deleteIn(['pleroma', 'quote']); }); }; export const normalizeStatus = status => { return status.withMutations(status => { mergeBase(status); normalizeAttachments(status); normalizeMentions(status); normalizePoll(status); fixMentionsOrder(status); addSelfMention(status); fixQuote(status); }); };