import { useInfiniteQuery, useMutation } from '@tanstack/react-query'; import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import snackbar from 'soapbox/actions/snackbar'; import { useChatContext } from 'soapbox/contexts/chat-context'; import { useApi, useAppDispatch } from 'soapbox/hooks'; import { queryClient } from './client'; export interface IChat { id: string unread: number created_by_account: string last_message: null | { account_id: string chat_id: string content: string created_at: string discarded_at: string | null id: string unread: boolean } created_at: Date updated_at: Date accepted: boolean discarded_at: null | string account: any } export interface IChatMessage { account_id: string chat_id: string content: string created_at: Date id: string unread: boolean } const reverseOrder = (a: IChat, b: IChat): number => { if (Number( < Number( return -1; if (Number( > Number( return 1; return 0; }; const useChatMessages = (chatId: string) => { const api = useApi(); const getChatMessages = async(chatId: string, pageParam?: any): Promise<{ result: IChatMessage[], maxId: string, hasMore: boolean }> => { const { data, headers } = await api.get(`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}/messages`, { params: { max_id: pageParam?.maxId, }, }); const hasMore = !!; const result = data.sort(reverseOrder); const nextMaxId = result[0]?.id; return { result, maxId: nextMaxId, hasMore, }; }; const queryInfo = useInfiniteQuery(['chats', 'messages', chatId], ({ pageParam }) => getChatMessages(chatId, pageParam), { keepPreviousData: true, getNextPageParam: (config) => { if (config.hasMore) { return { maxId: config.maxId }; } return undefined; }, }); const data = (prev: IChatMessage[], curr) => [...curr.result, ...prev], [], ); return { ...queryInfo, data, }; }; const useChats = () => { const api = useApi(); const getChats = async(pageParam?: any): Promise<{ result: IChat[], maxId: string, hasMore: boolean }> => { const { data, headers } = await api.get('/api/v1/pleroma/chats', { params: { max_id: pageParam?.maxId, }, }); const hasMore = !!; const nextMaxId = data[data.length - 1]?.id; return { result: data, maxId: nextMaxId, hasMore, }; }; const queryInfo = useInfiniteQuery(['chats'], ({ pageParam }) => getChats(pageParam), { keepPreviousData: true, getNextPageParam: (config) => { if (config.hasMore) { return { maxId: config.maxId }; } return undefined; }, }); const data = (prev: IChat[], curr) => [...prev, ...curr.result], [], ); const chatsQuery = { ...queryInfo, data, }; const getOrCreateChatByAccountId = (accountId: string) =>`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/by-account-id/${accountId}`); return { chatsQuery, getOrCreateChatByAccountId }; }; const useChat = (chatId: string) => { const api = useApi(); const { setChat, setEditing } = useChatContext(); const markChatAsRead = (lastReadId: string) => {`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}/read`, { last_read_id: lastReadId }) .then(() => queryClient.invalidateQueries(['chats'])) .catch(() => null); }; const createChatMessage = (chatId: string, content: string) => { return`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}/messages`, { content }); }; const deleteChatMessage = (chatMessageId: string) => api.delete(`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}/messages/${chatMessageId}`); const acceptChat = useMutation(() =>`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}/accept`), { onSuccess(response) { setChat(; queryClient.invalidateQueries(['chats', 'messages', chatId]); queryClient.invalidateQueries(['chats']); }, }); const deleteChat = useMutation(() => api.delete(`/api/v1/pleroma/chats/${chatId}`), { onSuccess(response) { setChat(null); setEditing(false); queryClient.invalidateQueries(['chats', 'messages', chatId]); queryClient.invalidateQueries(['chats']); }, }); return { createChatMessage, markChatAsRead, deleteChatMessage, acceptChat, deleteChat }; }; const useChatSilences = () => { const api = useApi(); const dispatch = useAppDispatch(); const { chat } = useChatContext(); const [isSilenced, setSilenced] = useState(false); const getChatSilences = async() => { const { data } = await api.get(`api/v1/pleroma/chats/silence?account_id=${chat?}`); return data; }; const fetchChatSilence = async() => { const data = await getChatSilences(); if (data) { setSilenced(true); } }; const handleSilence = () => { if (isSilenced) { deleteSilence(); } else { createSilence(); } }; const createSilence = () => { setSilenced(true);`api/v1/pleroma/chats/silence?account_id=${chat?}`) .then(() => { dispatch(snackbar.success('Successfully silenced this chat.')); }) .catch(() => { dispatch(snackbar.error('Something went wrong trying to silence this chat. Please try again.')); setSilenced(false); }); }; const deleteSilence = () => { setSilenced(false); api.delete(`api/v1/pleroma/chats/silence?account_id=${chat?}`) .then(() => { dispatch(snackbar.success('Successfully unsilenced this chat.')); }) .catch(() => { dispatch(snackbar.error('Something went wrong trying to unsilence this chat. Please try again.')); setSilenced(true); }); }; useEffect(() => { fetchChatSilence(); }, []); return { isSilenced, handleSilence }; }; export { useChat, useChats, useChatMessages, useChatSilences };