import axios, { AxiosError, Canceler } from 'axios'; import { List as ImmutableList } from 'immutable'; import throttle from 'lodash/throttle'; import { defineMessages, IntlShape } from 'react-intl'; import api from 'soapbox/api'; import { isNativeEmoji } from 'soapbox/features/emoji'; import emojiSearch from 'soapbox/features/emoji/search'; import { normalizeTag } from 'soapbox/normalizers'; import { tagHistory } from 'soapbox/settings'; import toast from 'soapbox/toast'; import { isLoggedIn } from 'soapbox/utils/auth'; import { getFeatures, parseVersion } from 'soapbox/utils/features'; import { formatBytes, getVideoDuration } from 'soapbox/utils/media'; import resizeImage from 'soapbox/utils/resize-image'; import { useEmoji } from './emojis'; import { importFetchedAccounts } from './importer'; import { uploadMedia, fetchMedia, updateMedia } from './media'; import { openModal, closeModal } from './modals'; import { getSettings } from './settings'; import { createStatus } from './statuses'; import type { EditorState } from 'lexical'; import type { AutoSuggestion } from 'soapbox/components/autosuggest-input'; import type { Emoji } from 'soapbox/features/emoji'; import type { Account, Group } from 'soapbox/schemas'; import type { AppDispatch, RootState } from 'soapbox/store'; import type { APIEntity, Status, Tag } from 'soapbox/types/entities'; import type { History } from 'soapbox/types/history'; const { CancelToken, isCancel } = axios; let cancelFetchComposeSuggestions: Canceler; const COMPOSE_CHANGE = 'COMPOSE_CHANGE' as const; const COMPOSE_SUBMIT_REQUEST = 'COMPOSE_SUBMIT_REQUEST' as const; const COMPOSE_SUBMIT_SUCCESS = 'COMPOSE_SUBMIT_SUCCESS' as const; const COMPOSE_SUBMIT_FAIL = 'COMPOSE_SUBMIT_FAIL' as const; const COMPOSE_REPLY = 'COMPOSE_REPLY' as const; const COMPOSE_EVENT_REPLY = 'COMPOSE_EVENT_REPLY' as const; const COMPOSE_REPLY_CANCEL = 'COMPOSE_REPLY_CANCEL' as const; const COMPOSE_QUOTE = 'COMPOSE_QUOTE' as const; const COMPOSE_QUOTE_CANCEL = 'COMPOSE_QUOTE_CANCEL' as const; const COMPOSE_DIRECT = 'COMPOSE_DIRECT' as const; const COMPOSE_MENTION = 'COMPOSE_MENTION' as const; const COMPOSE_RESET = 'COMPOSE_RESET' as const; const COMPOSE_UPLOAD_REQUEST = 'COMPOSE_UPLOAD_REQUEST' as const; const COMPOSE_UPLOAD_SUCCESS = 'COMPOSE_UPLOAD_SUCCESS' as const; const COMPOSE_UPLOAD_FAIL = 'COMPOSE_UPLOAD_FAIL' as const; const COMPOSE_UPLOAD_PROGRESS = 'COMPOSE_UPLOAD_PROGRESS' as const; const COMPOSE_UPLOAD_UNDO = 'COMPOSE_UPLOAD_UNDO' as const; const COMPOSE_GROUP_POST = 'COMPOSE_GROUP_POST' as const; const COMPOSE_SET_GROUP_TIMELINE_VISIBLE = 'COMPOSE_SET_GROUP_TIMELINE_VISIBLE' as const; const COMPOSE_SUGGESTIONS_CLEAR = 'COMPOSE_SUGGESTIONS_CLEAR' as const; const COMPOSE_SUGGESTIONS_READY = 'COMPOSE_SUGGESTIONS_READY' as const; const COMPOSE_SUGGESTION_SELECT = 'COMPOSE_SUGGESTION_SELECT' as const; const COMPOSE_SUGGESTION_TAGS_UPDATE = 'COMPOSE_SUGGESTION_TAGS_UPDATE' as const; const COMPOSE_TAG_HISTORY_UPDATE = 'COMPOSE_TAG_HISTORY_UPDATE' as const; const COMPOSE_SPOILERNESS_CHANGE = 'COMPOSE_SPOILERNESS_CHANGE' as const; const COMPOSE_TYPE_CHANGE = 'COMPOSE_TYPE_CHANGE' as const; const COMPOSE_SPOILER_TEXT_CHANGE = 'COMPOSE_SPOILER_TEXT_CHANGE' as const; const COMPOSE_VISIBILITY_CHANGE = 'COMPOSE_VISIBILITY_CHANGE' as const; const COMPOSE_LISTABILITY_CHANGE = 'COMPOSE_LISTABILITY_CHANGE' as const; const COMPOSE_EMOJI_INSERT = 'COMPOSE_EMOJI_INSERT' as const; const COMPOSE_UPLOAD_CHANGE_REQUEST = 'COMPOSE_UPLOAD_UPDATE_REQUEST' as const; const COMPOSE_UPLOAD_CHANGE_SUCCESS = 'COMPOSE_UPLOAD_UPDATE_SUCCESS' as const; const COMPOSE_UPLOAD_CHANGE_FAIL = 'COMPOSE_UPLOAD_UPDATE_FAIL' as const; const COMPOSE_POLL_ADD = 'COMPOSE_POLL_ADD' as const; const COMPOSE_POLL_REMOVE = 'COMPOSE_POLL_REMOVE' as const; const COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_ADD = 'COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_ADD' as const; const COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_CHANGE = 'COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_CHANGE' as const; const COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_REMOVE = 'COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_REMOVE' as const; const COMPOSE_POLL_SETTINGS_CHANGE = 'COMPOSE_POLL_SETTINGS_CHANGE' as const; const COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_ADD = 'COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_ADD' as const; const COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_SET = 'COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_SET' as const; const COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_REMOVE = 'COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_REMOVE' as const; const COMPOSE_ADD_TO_MENTIONS = 'COMPOSE_ADD_TO_MENTIONS' as const; const COMPOSE_REMOVE_FROM_MENTIONS = 'COMPOSE_REMOVE_FROM_MENTIONS' as const; const COMPOSE_SET_STATUS = 'COMPOSE_SET_STATUS' as const; const COMPOSE_EDITOR_STATE_SET = 'COMPOSE_EDITOR_STATE_SET' as const; const messages = defineMessages({ exceededImageSizeLimit: { id: 'upload_error.image_size_limit', defaultMessage: 'Image exceeds the current file size limit ({limit})' }, exceededVideoSizeLimit: { id: 'upload_error.video_size_limit', defaultMessage: 'Video exceeds the current file size limit ({limit})' }, exceededVideoDurationLimit: { id: 'upload_error.video_duration_limit', defaultMessage: 'Video exceeds the current duration limit ({limit, plural, one {# second} other {# seconds}})' }, scheduleError: { id: 'compose.invalid_schedule', defaultMessage: 'You must schedule a post at least 5 minutes out.' }, success: { id: 'compose.submit_success', defaultMessage: 'Your post was sent' }, editSuccess: { id: 'compose.edit_success', defaultMessage: 'Your post was edited' }, uploadErrorLimit: { id: 'upload_error.limit', defaultMessage: 'File upload limit exceeded.' }, uploadErrorPoll: { id: 'upload_error.poll', defaultMessage: 'File upload not allowed with polls.' }, view: { id: 'toast.view', defaultMessage: 'View' }, replyConfirm: { id: 'confirmations.reply.confirm', defaultMessage: 'Reply' }, replyMessage: { id: 'confirmations.reply.message', defaultMessage: 'Replying now will overwrite the message you are currently composing. Are you sure you want to proceed?' }, }); interface ComposeSetStatusAction { type: typeof COMPOSE_SET_STATUS id: string status: Status rawText: string explicitAddressing: boolean spoilerText?: string contentType?: string | false v: ReturnType withRedraft?: boolean } const setComposeToStatus = (status: Status, rawText: string, spoilerText?: string, contentType?: string | false, withRedraft?: boolean) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const { instance } = getState(); const { explicitAddressing } = getFeatures(instance); const action: ComposeSetStatusAction = { type: COMPOSE_SET_STATUS, id: 'compose-modal', status, rawText, explicitAddressing, spoilerText, contentType, v: parseVersion(instance.version), withRedraft, }; dispatch(action); }; const changeCompose = (composeId: string, text: string) => ({ type: COMPOSE_CHANGE, id: composeId, text: text, }); interface ComposeReplyAction { type: typeof COMPOSE_REPLY id: string status: Status account: Account explicitAddressing: boolean } const replyCompose = (status: Status) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const state = getState(); const instance = state.instance; const { explicitAddressing } = getFeatures(instance); const action: ComposeReplyAction = { type: COMPOSE_REPLY, id: 'compose-modal', status: status, account: state.accounts.get(!, explicitAddressing, }; dispatch(action); dispatch(openModal('COMPOSE')); }; const cancelReplyCompose = () => ({ type: COMPOSE_REPLY_CANCEL, id: 'compose-modal', }); interface ComposeQuoteAction { type: typeof COMPOSE_QUOTE id: string status: Status account: Account | undefined explicitAddressing: boolean } const quoteCompose = (status: Status) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const state = getState(); const instance = state.instance; const { explicitAddressing } = getFeatures(instance); const action: ComposeQuoteAction = { type: COMPOSE_QUOTE, id: 'compose-modal', status: status, account: state.accounts.get(, explicitAddressing, }; dispatch(action); dispatch(openModal('COMPOSE')); }; const cancelQuoteCompose = () => ({ type: COMPOSE_QUOTE_CANCEL, id: 'compose-modal', }); const groupComposeModal = (group: Group) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const composeId = `group:${}`; dispatch(groupCompose(composeId,; dispatch(openModal('COMPOSE', { composeId })); }; const resetCompose = (composeId = 'compose-modal') => ({ type: COMPOSE_RESET, id: composeId, }); interface ComposeMentionAction { type: typeof COMPOSE_MENTION id: string account: Account } const mentionCompose = (account: Account) => (dispatch: AppDispatch) => { const action: ComposeMentionAction = { type: COMPOSE_MENTION, id: 'compose-modal', account: account, }; dispatch(action); dispatch(openModal('COMPOSE')); }; interface ComposeDirectAction { type: typeof COMPOSE_DIRECT id: string account: Account } const directCompose = (account: Account) => (dispatch: AppDispatch) => { const action: ComposeDirectAction = { type: COMPOSE_DIRECT, id: 'compose-modal', account, }; dispatch(action); dispatch(openModal('COMPOSE')); }; const directComposeById = (accountId: string) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const account = getState().accounts.get(accountId); if (!account) return; const action: ComposeDirectAction = { type: COMPOSE_DIRECT, id: 'compose-modal', account, }; dispatch(action); dispatch(openModal('COMPOSE')); }; const handleComposeSubmit = (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState, composeId: string, data: APIEntity, status: string, edit?: boolean) => { if (!dispatch || !getState) return; dispatch(insertIntoTagHistory(composeId, data.tags || [], status)); dispatch(submitComposeSuccess(composeId, { })); toast.success(edit ? messages.editSuccess : messages.success, { actionLabel: messages.view, actionLink: `/@${data.account.acct}/posts/${}`, }); }; const needsDescriptions = (state: RootState, composeId: string) => { const media = state.compose.get(composeId)!.media_attachments; const missingDescriptionModal = getSettings(state).get('missingDescriptionModal'); const hasMissing = media.filter(item => !item.description).size > 0; return missingDescriptionModal && hasMissing; }; const validateSchedule = (state: RootState, composeId: string) => { const schedule = state.compose.get(composeId)?.schedule; if (!schedule) return true; const fiveMinutesFromNow = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 300000); return schedule.getTime() > fiveMinutesFromNow.getTime(); }; const submitCompose = (composeId: string, routerHistory?: History, force = false) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { if (!isLoggedIn(getState)) return; const state = getState(); const { richText } = getFeatures(state.instance); const compose = state.compose.get(composeId)!; const status = compose.text; const media = compose.media_attachments; const statusId =; let to =; const contentType = richText ? 'text/markdown' : 'text/plain'; if (!validateSchedule(state, composeId)) { toast.error(messages.scheduleError); return; } if ((!status || !status.length) && media.size === 0) { return; } if (!force && needsDescriptions(state, composeId)) { dispatch(openModal('MISSING_DESCRIPTION', { onContinue: () => { dispatch(closeModal('MISSING_DESCRIPTION')); dispatch(submitCompose(composeId, routerHistory, true)); }, })); return; } const mentions: string[] | null = status.match(/(?:^|\s)@([a-z\d_-]+(?:@[^@\s]+)?)/gi); if (mentions) { to = to.union( => mention.trim().slice(1))); } dispatch(submitComposeRequest(composeId)); dispatch(closeModal()); const idempotencyKey = compose.idempotencyKey; const params: Record = { status, in_reply_to_id: compose.in_reply_to, quote_id: compose.quote, media_ids: =>, sensitive: compose.sensitive, spoiler_text: compose.spoiler_text, visibility: compose.privacy, content_type: contentType, poll: compose.poll, scheduled_at: compose.schedule, to, }; if (compose.privacy === 'group') { params.group_id = compose.group_id; params.group_timeline_visible = compose.group_timeline_visible; // Truth Social } dispatch(createStatus(params, idempotencyKey, statusId)).then(function(data) { if (!statusId && data.visibility === 'direct' && getState().conversations.mounted <= 0 && routerHistory) { routerHistory.push('/messages'); } handleComposeSubmit(dispatch, getState, composeId, data, status, !!statusId); }).catch(function(error) { dispatch(submitComposeFail(composeId, error)); }); }; const submitComposeRequest = (composeId: string) => ({ type: COMPOSE_SUBMIT_REQUEST, id: composeId, }); const submitComposeSuccess = (composeId: string, status: APIEntity) => ({ type: COMPOSE_SUBMIT_SUCCESS, id: composeId, status: status, }); const submitComposeFail = (composeId: string, error: AxiosError) => ({ type: COMPOSE_SUBMIT_FAIL, id: composeId, error: error, }); const uploadCompose = (composeId: string, files: FileList, intl: IntlShape) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { if (!isLoggedIn(getState)) return; const attachmentLimit = getState().instance.configuration.getIn(['statuses', 'max_media_attachments']) as number; const maxImageSize = getState().instance.configuration.getIn(['media_attachments', 'image_size_limit']) as number | undefined; const maxVideoSize = getState().instance.configuration.getIn(['media_attachments', 'video_size_limit']) as number | undefined; const maxVideoDuration = getState().instance.configuration.getIn(['media_attachments', 'video_duration_limit']) as number | undefined; const media = getState().compose.get(composeId)?.media_attachments; const progress = new Array(files.length).fill(0); let total = Array.from(files).reduce((a, v) => a + v.size, 0); const mediaCount = media ? media.size : 0; if (files.length + mediaCount > attachmentLimit) { toast.error(messages.uploadErrorLimit); return; } dispatch(uploadComposeRequest(composeId)); Array.from(files).forEach(async(f, i) => { if (mediaCount + i > attachmentLimit - 1) return; const isImage = f.type.match(/image.*/); const isVideo = f.type.match(/video.*/); const videoDurationInSeconds = (isVideo && maxVideoDuration) ? await getVideoDuration(f) : 0; if (isImage && maxImageSize && (f.size > maxImageSize)) { const limit = formatBytes(maxImageSize); const message = intl.formatMessage(messages.exceededImageSizeLimit, { limit }); toast.error(message); dispatch(uploadComposeFail(composeId, true)); return; } else if (isVideo && maxVideoSize && (f.size > maxVideoSize)) { const limit = formatBytes(maxVideoSize); const message = intl.formatMessage(messages.exceededVideoSizeLimit, { limit }); toast.error(message); dispatch(uploadComposeFail(composeId, true)); return; } else if (isVideo && maxVideoDuration && (videoDurationInSeconds > maxVideoDuration)) { const message = intl.formatMessage(messages.exceededVideoDurationLimit, { limit: maxVideoDuration }); toast.error(message); dispatch(uploadComposeFail(composeId, true)); return; } // FIXME: Don't define const in loop /* eslint-disable no-loop-func */ resizeImage(f).then(file => { const data = new FormData(); data.append('file', file); // Account for disparity in size of original image and resized data total += file.size - f.size; const onUploadProgress = ({ loaded }: any) => { progress[i] = loaded; dispatch(uploadComposeProgress(composeId, progress.reduce((a, v) => a + v, 0), total)); }; return dispatch(uploadMedia(data, onUploadProgress)) .then(({ status, data }) => { // If server-side processing of the media attachment has not completed yet, // poll the server until it is, before showing the media attachment as uploaded if (status === 200) { dispatch(uploadComposeSuccess(composeId, data, f)); } else if (status === 202) { const poll = () => { dispatch(fetchMedia({ status, data }) => { if (status === 200) { dispatch(uploadComposeSuccess(composeId, data, f)); } else if (status === 206) { setTimeout(() => poll(), 1000); } }).catch(error => dispatch(uploadComposeFail(composeId, error))); }; poll(); } }); }).catch(error => dispatch(uploadComposeFail(composeId, error))); /* eslint-enable no-loop-func */ }); }; const changeUploadCompose = (composeId: string, id: string, params: Record) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { if (!isLoggedIn(getState)) return; dispatch(changeUploadComposeRequest(composeId)); dispatch(updateMedia(id, params)).then(response => { dispatch(changeUploadComposeSuccess(composeId,; }).catch(error => { dispatch(changeUploadComposeFail(composeId, id, error)); }); }; const changeUploadComposeRequest = (composeId: string) => ({ type: COMPOSE_UPLOAD_CHANGE_REQUEST, id: composeId, skipLoading: true, }); const changeUploadComposeSuccess = (composeId: string, media: APIEntity) => ({ type: COMPOSE_UPLOAD_CHANGE_SUCCESS, id: composeId, media: media, skipLoading: true, }); const changeUploadComposeFail = (composeId: string, id: string, error: AxiosError) => ({ type: COMPOSE_UPLOAD_CHANGE_FAIL, composeId, id, error: error, skipLoading: true, }); const uploadComposeRequest = (composeId: string) => ({ type: COMPOSE_UPLOAD_REQUEST, id: composeId, skipLoading: true, }); const uploadComposeProgress = (composeId: string, loaded: number, total: number) => ({ type: COMPOSE_UPLOAD_PROGRESS, id: composeId, loaded: loaded, total: total, }); const uploadComposeSuccess = (composeId: string, media: APIEntity, file: File) => ({ type: COMPOSE_UPLOAD_SUCCESS, id: composeId, media: media, file, skipLoading: true, }); const uploadComposeFail = (composeId: string, error: AxiosError | true) => ({ type: COMPOSE_UPLOAD_FAIL, id: composeId, error: error, skipLoading: true, }); const undoUploadCompose = (composeId: string, media_id: string) => ({ type: COMPOSE_UPLOAD_UNDO, id: composeId, media_id: media_id, }); const groupCompose = (composeId: string, groupId: string) => ({ type: COMPOSE_GROUP_POST, id: composeId, group_id: groupId, }); const setGroupTimelineVisible = (composeId: string, groupTimelineVisible: boolean) => ({ type: COMPOSE_SET_GROUP_TIMELINE_VISIBLE, id: composeId, groupTimelineVisible, }); const clearComposeSuggestions = (composeId: string) => { if (cancelFetchComposeSuggestions) { cancelFetchComposeSuggestions(); } return { type: COMPOSE_SUGGESTIONS_CLEAR, id: composeId, }; }; const fetchComposeSuggestionsAccounts = throttle((dispatch, getState, composeId, token) => { if (cancelFetchComposeSuggestions) { cancelFetchComposeSuggestions(composeId); } api(getState).get('/api/v1/accounts/search', { cancelToken: new CancelToken(cancel => { cancelFetchComposeSuggestions = cancel; }), params: { q: token.slice(1), resolve: false, limit: 4, }, }).then(response => { dispatch(importFetchedAccounts(; dispatch(readyComposeSuggestionsAccounts(composeId, token,; }).catch(error => { if (!isCancel(error)) { toast.showAlertForError(error); } }); }, 200, { leading: true, trailing: true }); const fetchComposeSuggestionsEmojis = (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState, composeId: string, token: string) => { const state = getState(); const results = emojiSearch(token.replace(':', ''), { maxResults: 5 }, state.custom_emojis); dispatch(readyComposeSuggestionsEmojis(composeId, token, results)); }; const fetchComposeSuggestionsTags = (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState, composeId: string, token: string) => { if (cancelFetchComposeSuggestions) { cancelFetchComposeSuggestions(composeId); } const state = getState(); const instance = state.instance; const { trends } = getFeatures(instance); if (trends) { const currentTrends = state.trends.items; return dispatch(updateSuggestionTags(composeId, token, currentTrends)); } api(getState).get('/api/v2/search', { cancelToken: new CancelToken(cancel => { cancelFetchComposeSuggestions = cancel; }), params: { q: token.slice(1), limit: 4, type: 'hashtags', }, }).then(response => { dispatch(updateSuggestionTags(composeId, token,; }).catch(error => { if (!isCancel(error)) { toast.showAlertForError(error); } }); }; const fetchComposeSuggestions = (composeId: string, token: string) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { switch (token[0]) { case ':': fetchComposeSuggestionsEmojis(dispatch, getState, composeId, token); break; case '#': fetchComposeSuggestionsTags(dispatch, getState, composeId, token); break; default: fetchComposeSuggestionsAccounts(dispatch, getState, composeId, token); break; } }; interface ComposeSuggestionsReadyAction { type: typeof COMPOSE_SUGGESTIONS_READY id: string token: string emojis?: Emoji[] accounts?: APIEntity[] } const readyComposeSuggestionsEmojis = (composeId: string, token: string, emojis: Emoji[]) => ({ type: COMPOSE_SUGGESTIONS_READY, id: composeId, token, emojis, }); const readyComposeSuggestionsAccounts = (composeId: string, token: string, accounts: APIEntity[]) => ({ type: COMPOSE_SUGGESTIONS_READY, id: composeId, token, accounts, }); interface ComposeSuggestionSelectAction { type: typeof COMPOSE_SUGGESTION_SELECT id: string position: number token: string | null completion: string path: Array } const selectComposeSuggestion = (composeId: string, position: number, token: string | null, suggestion: AutoSuggestion, path: Array) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { let completion, startPosition; if (typeof suggestion === 'object' && { completion = isNativeEmoji(suggestion) ? suggestion.native : suggestion.colons; startPosition = position - 1; dispatch(useEmoji(suggestion)); } else if (typeof suggestion === 'string' && suggestion[0] === '#') { completion = suggestion; startPosition = position - 1; } else { completion = getState().accounts.get(suggestion)!.acct; startPosition = position; } const action: ComposeSuggestionSelectAction = { type: COMPOSE_SUGGESTION_SELECT, id: composeId, position: startPosition, token, completion, path, }; dispatch(action); }; const updateSuggestionTags = (composeId: string, token: string, tags: ImmutableList) => ({ type: COMPOSE_SUGGESTION_TAGS_UPDATE, id: composeId, token, tags, }); const updateTagHistory = (composeId: string, tags: string[]) => ({ type: COMPOSE_TAG_HISTORY_UPDATE, id: composeId, tags, }); const insertIntoTagHistory = (composeId: string, recognizedTags: APIEntity[], text: string) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const state = getState(); const oldHistory = state.compose.get(composeId)!.tagHistory; const me =; const names = recognizedTags .filter(tag => text.match(new RegExp(`#${}`, 'i'))) .map(tag =>; const intersectedOldHistory = oldHistory.filter(name => names.findIndex(newName => newName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase()) === -1); names.push(...intersectedOldHistory.toJS()); const newHistory = names.slice(0, 1000); tagHistory.set(me as string, newHistory); dispatch(updateTagHistory(composeId, newHistory)); }; const changeComposeSpoilerness = (composeId: string) => ({ type: COMPOSE_SPOILERNESS_CHANGE, id: composeId, }); const changeComposeContentType = (composeId: string, value: string) => ({ type: COMPOSE_TYPE_CHANGE, id: composeId, value, }); const changeComposeSpoilerText = (composeId: string, text: string) => ({ type: COMPOSE_SPOILER_TEXT_CHANGE, id: composeId, text, }); const changeComposeVisibility = (composeId: string, value: string) => ({ type: COMPOSE_VISIBILITY_CHANGE, id: composeId, value, }); const insertEmojiCompose = (composeId: string, position: number, emoji: Emoji, needsSpace: boolean) => ({ type: COMPOSE_EMOJI_INSERT, id: composeId, position, emoji, needsSpace, }); const addPoll = (composeId: string) => ({ type: COMPOSE_POLL_ADD, id: composeId, }); const removePoll = (composeId: string) => ({ type: COMPOSE_POLL_REMOVE, id: composeId, }); const addSchedule = (composeId: string) => ({ type: COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_ADD, id: composeId, }); const setSchedule = (composeId: string, date: Date) => ({ type: COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_SET, id: composeId, date: date, }); const removeSchedule = (composeId: string) => ({ type: COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_REMOVE, id: composeId, }); const addPollOption = (composeId: string, title: string) => ({ type: COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_ADD, id: composeId, title, }); const changePollOption = (composeId: string, index: number, title: string) => ({ type: COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_CHANGE, id: composeId, index, title, }); const removePollOption = (composeId: string, index: number) => ({ type: COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_REMOVE, id: composeId, index, }); const changePollSettings = (composeId: string, expiresIn?: number, isMultiple?: boolean) => ({ type: COMPOSE_POLL_SETTINGS_CHANGE, id: composeId, expiresIn, isMultiple, }); const openComposeWithText = (composeId: string, text = '') => (dispatch: AppDispatch) => { dispatch(resetCompose(composeId)); dispatch(openModal('COMPOSE')); dispatch(changeCompose(composeId, text)); }; interface ComposeAddToMentionsAction { type: typeof COMPOSE_ADD_TO_MENTIONS id: string account: string } const addToMentions = (composeId: string, accountId: string) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const state = getState(); const acct = state.accounts.get(accountId)!.acct; const action: ComposeAddToMentionsAction = { type: COMPOSE_ADD_TO_MENTIONS, id: composeId, account: acct, }; return dispatch(action); }; interface ComposeRemoveFromMentionsAction { type: typeof COMPOSE_REMOVE_FROM_MENTIONS id: string account: string } const removeFromMentions = (composeId: string, accountId: string) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const state = getState(); const acct = state.accounts.get(accountId)!.acct; const action: ComposeRemoveFromMentionsAction = { type: COMPOSE_REMOVE_FROM_MENTIONS, id: composeId, account: acct, }; return dispatch(action); }; interface ComposeEventReplyAction { type: typeof COMPOSE_EVENT_REPLY id: string status: Status account: Account explicitAddressing: boolean } const eventDiscussionCompose = (composeId: string, status: Status) => (dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const state = getState(); const instance = state.instance; const { explicitAddressing } = getFeatures(instance); return dispatch({ type: COMPOSE_EVENT_REPLY, id: composeId, status: status, account: state.accounts.get(, explicitAddressing, }); }; const setEditorState = (composeId: string, editorState: EditorState | string | null) => ({ type: COMPOSE_EDITOR_STATE_SET, id: composeId, editorState: editorState, }); type ComposeAction = ComposeSetStatusAction | ReturnType | ComposeReplyAction | ReturnType | ComposeQuoteAction | ReturnType | ReturnType | ComposeMentionAction | ComposeDirectAction | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ComposeSuggestionsReadyAction | ComposeSuggestionSelectAction | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ReturnType | ComposeAddToMentionsAction | ComposeRemoveFromMentionsAction | ComposeEventReplyAction | ReturnType export { COMPOSE_CHANGE, COMPOSE_SUBMIT_REQUEST, COMPOSE_SUBMIT_SUCCESS, COMPOSE_SUBMIT_FAIL, COMPOSE_REPLY, COMPOSE_REPLY_CANCEL, COMPOSE_EVENT_REPLY, COMPOSE_QUOTE, COMPOSE_QUOTE_CANCEL, COMPOSE_DIRECT, COMPOSE_MENTION, COMPOSE_RESET, COMPOSE_UPLOAD_REQUEST, COMPOSE_UPLOAD_SUCCESS, COMPOSE_UPLOAD_FAIL, COMPOSE_UPLOAD_PROGRESS, COMPOSE_UPLOAD_UNDO, COMPOSE_GROUP_POST, COMPOSE_SUGGESTIONS_CLEAR, COMPOSE_SUGGESTIONS_READY, COMPOSE_SUGGESTION_SELECT, COMPOSE_SUGGESTION_TAGS_UPDATE, COMPOSE_TAG_HISTORY_UPDATE, COMPOSE_SPOILERNESS_CHANGE, COMPOSE_TYPE_CHANGE, COMPOSE_SPOILER_TEXT_CHANGE, COMPOSE_VISIBILITY_CHANGE, COMPOSE_LISTABILITY_CHANGE, COMPOSE_EMOJI_INSERT, COMPOSE_UPLOAD_CHANGE_REQUEST, COMPOSE_UPLOAD_CHANGE_SUCCESS, COMPOSE_UPLOAD_CHANGE_FAIL, COMPOSE_POLL_ADD, COMPOSE_POLL_REMOVE, COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_ADD, COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_CHANGE, COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_REMOVE, COMPOSE_POLL_SETTINGS_CHANGE, COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_ADD, COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_SET, COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_REMOVE, COMPOSE_ADD_TO_MENTIONS, COMPOSE_REMOVE_FROM_MENTIONS, COMPOSE_SET_STATUS, COMPOSE_EDITOR_STATE_SET, COMPOSE_SET_GROUP_TIMELINE_VISIBLE, setComposeToStatus, changeCompose, replyCompose, cancelReplyCompose, quoteCompose, cancelQuoteCompose, resetCompose, mentionCompose, directCompose, directComposeById, handleComposeSubmit, submitCompose, submitComposeRequest, submitComposeSuccess, submitComposeFail, uploadCompose, changeUploadCompose, changeUploadComposeRequest, changeUploadComposeSuccess, changeUploadComposeFail, uploadComposeRequest, uploadComposeProgress, uploadComposeSuccess, uploadComposeFail, undoUploadCompose, groupCompose, groupComposeModal, setGroupTimelineVisible, clearComposeSuggestions, fetchComposeSuggestions, readyComposeSuggestionsEmojis, readyComposeSuggestionsAccounts, selectComposeSuggestion, updateSuggestionTags, updateTagHistory, changeComposeSpoilerness, changeComposeContentType, changeComposeSpoilerText, changeComposeVisibility, insertEmojiCompose, addPoll, removePoll, addSchedule, setSchedule, removeSchedule, addPollOption, changePollOption, removePollOption, changePollSettings, openComposeWithText, addToMentions, removeFromMentions, eventDiscussionCompose, setEditorState, type ComposeAction, };