import api from '../api'; import { CancelToken, isCancel } from 'axios'; import { throttle } from 'lodash'; import { search as emojiSearch } from '../features/emoji/emoji_mart_search_light'; import { tagHistory } from '../settings'; import { useEmoji } from './emojis'; import resizeImage from '../utils/resize_image'; import { importFetchedAccounts } from './importer'; import { updateTimeline, dequeueTimeline } from './timelines'; import { showAlert, showAlertForError } from './alerts'; import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; import { openModal, closeModal } from './modal'; import { getSettings } from './settings'; import { getFeatures } from 'soapbox/utils/features'; import { uploadMedia } from './media'; import { isLoggedIn } from 'soapbox/utils/auth'; import { createStatus } from './statuses'; let cancelFetchComposeSuggestionsAccounts; export const COMPOSE_CHANGE = 'COMPOSE_CHANGE'; export const COMPOSE_SUBMIT_REQUEST = 'COMPOSE_SUBMIT_REQUEST'; export const COMPOSE_SUBMIT_SUCCESS = 'COMPOSE_SUBMIT_SUCCESS'; export const COMPOSE_SUBMIT_FAIL = 'COMPOSE_SUBMIT_FAIL'; export const COMPOSE_REPLY = 'COMPOSE_REPLY'; export const COMPOSE_REPLY_CANCEL = 'COMPOSE_REPLY_CANCEL'; export const COMPOSE_DIRECT = 'COMPOSE_DIRECT'; export const COMPOSE_MENTION = 'COMPOSE_MENTION'; export const COMPOSE_RESET = 'COMPOSE_RESET'; export const COMPOSE_UPLOAD_REQUEST = 'COMPOSE_UPLOAD_REQUEST'; export const COMPOSE_UPLOAD_SUCCESS = 'COMPOSE_UPLOAD_SUCCESS'; export const COMPOSE_UPLOAD_FAIL = 'COMPOSE_UPLOAD_FAIL'; export const COMPOSE_UPLOAD_PROGRESS = 'COMPOSE_UPLOAD_PROGRESS'; export const COMPOSE_UPLOAD_UNDO = 'COMPOSE_UPLOAD_UNDO'; export const COMPOSE_SUGGESTIONS_CLEAR = 'COMPOSE_SUGGESTIONS_CLEAR'; export const COMPOSE_SUGGESTIONS_READY = 'COMPOSE_SUGGESTIONS_READY'; export const COMPOSE_SUGGESTION_SELECT = 'COMPOSE_SUGGESTION_SELECT'; export const COMPOSE_SUGGESTION_TAGS_UPDATE = 'COMPOSE_SUGGESTION_TAGS_UPDATE'; export const COMPOSE_TAG_HISTORY_UPDATE = 'COMPOSE_TAG_HISTORY_UPDATE'; export const COMPOSE_MOUNT = 'COMPOSE_MOUNT'; export const COMPOSE_UNMOUNT = 'COMPOSE_UNMOUNT'; export const COMPOSE_SENSITIVITY_CHANGE = 'COMPOSE_SENSITIVITY_CHANGE'; export const COMPOSE_SPOILERNESS_CHANGE = 'COMPOSE_SPOILERNESS_CHANGE'; export const COMPOSE_TYPE_CHANGE = 'COMPOSE_TYPE_CHANGE'; export const COMPOSE_SPOILER_TEXT_CHANGE = 'COMPOSE_SPOILER_TEXT_CHANGE'; export const COMPOSE_VISIBILITY_CHANGE = 'COMPOSE_VISIBILITY_CHANGE'; export const COMPOSE_LISTABILITY_CHANGE = 'COMPOSE_LISTABILITY_CHANGE'; export const COMPOSE_COMPOSING_CHANGE = 'COMPOSE_COMPOSING_CHANGE'; export const COMPOSE_EMOJI_INSERT = 'COMPOSE_EMOJI_INSERT'; export const COMPOSE_UPLOAD_CHANGE_REQUEST = 'COMPOSE_UPLOAD_UPDATE_REQUEST'; export const COMPOSE_UPLOAD_CHANGE_SUCCESS = 'COMPOSE_UPLOAD_UPDATE_SUCCESS'; export const COMPOSE_UPLOAD_CHANGE_FAIL = 'COMPOSE_UPLOAD_UPDATE_FAIL'; export const COMPOSE_POLL_ADD = 'COMPOSE_POLL_ADD'; export const COMPOSE_POLL_REMOVE = 'COMPOSE_POLL_REMOVE'; export const COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_ADD = 'COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_ADD'; export const COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_CHANGE = 'COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_CHANGE'; export const COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_REMOVE = 'COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_REMOVE'; export const COMPOSE_POLL_SETTINGS_CHANGE = 'COMPOSE_POLL_SETTINGS_CHANGE'; export const COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_ADD = 'COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_ADD'; export const COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_SET = 'COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_SET'; export const COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_REMOVE = 'COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_REMOVE'; const messages = defineMessages({ uploadErrorLimit: { id: 'upload_error.limit', defaultMessage: 'File upload limit exceeded.' }, uploadErrorPoll: { id: 'upload_error.poll', defaultMessage: 'File upload not allowed with polls.' }, }); const COMPOSE_PANEL_BREAKPOINT = 600 + (285 * 1) + (10 * 1); export const ensureComposeIsVisible = (getState, routerHistory) => { if (!getState().getIn(['compose', 'mounted']) && window.innerWidth < COMPOSE_PANEL_BREAKPOINT) { routerHistory.push('/posts/new'); } }; export function changeCompose(text) { return { type: COMPOSE_CHANGE, text: text, }; }; export function replyCompose(status, routerHistory) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); dispatch({ type: COMPOSE_REPLY, status: status, account: state.getIn(['accounts', state.get('me')]), }); dispatch(openModal('COMPOSE')); }; }; export function cancelReplyCompose() { return { type: COMPOSE_REPLY_CANCEL, }; }; export function resetCompose() { return { type: COMPOSE_RESET, }; }; export function mentionCompose(account, routerHistory) { return (dispatch, getState) => { dispatch({ type: COMPOSE_MENTION, account: account, }); dispatch(openModal('COMPOSE')); }; }; export function directCompose(account, routerHistory) { return (dispatch, getState) => { dispatch({ type: COMPOSE_DIRECT, account: account, }); dispatch(openModal('COMPOSE')); }; }; export function handleComposeSubmit(dispatch, getState, data, status) { if (!dispatch || !getState) return; dispatch(insertIntoTagHistory(data.tags || [], status)); dispatch(submitComposeSuccess({ })); // To make the app more responsive, immediately push the status into the columns const insertIfOnline = timelineId => { const timeline = getState().getIn(['timelines', timelineId]); if (timeline && timeline.get('items').size > 0 && timeline.getIn(['items', 0]) !== null && timeline.get('online')) { let dequeueArgs = {}; if (timelineId === 'community') dequeueArgs.onlyMedia = getSettings(getState()).getIn(['community', 'other', 'onlyMedia']); dispatch(dequeueTimeline(timelineId, null, dequeueArgs)); dispatch(updateTimeline(timelineId,; } }; if (data.visibility !== 'direct') { insertIfOnline('home'); } else if (data.visibility === 'public') { insertIfOnline('community'); insertIfOnline('public'); } } export function submitCompose(routerHistory, group) { return function(dispatch, getState) { if (!isLoggedIn(getState)) return; function onModalSubmitCompose() { dispatch(submitComposeRequest()); dispatch(closeModal()); const idempotencyKey = getState().getIn(['compose', 'idempotencyKey']); const params = { status, in_reply_to_id: getState().getIn(['compose', 'in_reply_to'], null), media_ids: => item.get('id')), sensitive: getState().getIn(['compose', 'sensitive']), spoiler_text: getState().getIn(['compose', 'spoiler_text'], ''), visibility: getState().getIn(['compose', 'privacy']), content_type: getState().getIn(['compose', 'content_type']), poll: getState().getIn(['compose', 'poll'], null), scheduled_at: getState().getIn(['compose', 'schedule'], null), }; dispatch(createStatus(params, idempotencyKey)).then(function(data) { if (data.visibility === 'direct' && getState().getIn(['conversations', 'mounted']) <= 0 && routerHistory) { routerHistory.push('/messages'); } handleComposeSubmit(dispatch, getState, data, status); }).catch(function(error) { dispatch(submitComposeFail(error)); }); } const status = getState().getIn(['compose', 'text'], ''); const media = getState().getIn(['compose', 'media_attachments']); if ((!status || !status.length) && media.size === 0) { return; } const missingDescriptionModal = getSettings(getState()).get('missingDescriptionModal'); if (missingDescriptionModal && media.filter(item => !item.get('description')).size) { dispatch(openModal('MISSING_DESCRIPTION', { onContinue: () => onModalSubmitCompose(), })); } else onModalSubmitCompose(); }; }; export function submitComposeRequest() { return { type: COMPOSE_SUBMIT_REQUEST, }; }; export function submitComposeSuccess(status) { return { type: COMPOSE_SUBMIT_SUCCESS, status: status, }; }; export function submitComposeFail(error) { return { type: COMPOSE_SUBMIT_FAIL, error: error, }; }; export function uploadCompose(files) { return function(dispatch, getState) { if (!isLoggedIn(getState)) return; const uploadLimit = getFeatures(getState().get('instance')).attachmentLimit; const media = getState().getIn(['compose', 'media_attachments']); const progress = new Array(files.length).fill(0); let total = Array.from(files).reduce((a, v) => a + v.size, 0); if (files.length + media.size > uploadLimit) { dispatch(showAlert(undefined, messages.uploadErrorLimit, 'error')); return; } dispatch(uploadComposeRequest()); for (const [i, f] of Array.from(files).entries()) { if (media.size + i > uploadLimit - 1) break; resizeImage(f).then(file => { const data = new FormData(); data.append('file', file); // Account for disparity in size of original image and resized data total += file.size - f.size; const onUploadProgress = function({ loaded }) { progress[i] = loaded; dispatch(uploadComposeProgress(progress.reduce((a, v) => a + v, 0), total)); }; return dispatch(uploadMedia(data, onUploadProgress)) .then(({ data }) => dispatch(uploadComposeSuccess(data))); }).catch(error => dispatch(uploadComposeFail(error))); }; }; }; export function changeUploadCompose(id, params) { return (dispatch, getState) => { if (!isLoggedIn(getState)) return; dispatch(changeUploadComposeRequest()); api(getState).put(`/api/v1/media/${id}`, params).then(response => { dispatch(changeUploadComposeSuccess(; }).catch(error => { dispatch(changeUploadComposeFail(id, error)); }); }; }; export function changeUploadComposeRequest() { return { type: COMPOSE_UPLOAD_CHANGE_REQUEST, skipLoading: true, }; }; export function changeUploadComposeSuccess(media) { return { type: COMPOSE_UPLOAD_CHANGE_SUCCESS, media: media, skipLoading: true, }; }; export function changeUploadComposeFail(error) { return { type: COMPOSE_UPLOAD_CHANGE_FAIL, error: error, skipLoading: true, }; }; export function uploadComposeRequest() { return { type: COMPOSE_UPLOAD_REQUEST, skipLoading: true, }; }; export function uploadComposeProgress(loaded, total) { return { type: COMPOSE_UPLOAD_PROGRESS, loaded: loaded, total: total, }; }; export function uploadComposeSuccess(media) { return { type: COMPOSE_UPLOAD_SUCCESS, media: media, skipLoading: true, }; }; export function uploadComposeFail(error) { return { type: COMPOSE_UPLOAD_FAIL, error: error, skipLoading: true, }; }; export function undoUploadCompose(media_id) { return { type: COMPOSE_UPLOAD_UNDO, media_id: media_id, }; }; export function clearComposeSuggestions() { if (cancelFetchComposeSuggestionsAccounts) { cancelFetchComposeSuggestionsAccounts(); } return { type: COMPOSE_SUGGESTIONS_CLEAR, }; }; const fetchComposeSuggestionsAccounts = throttle((dispatch, getState, token) => { if (cancelFetchComposeSuggestionsAccounts) { cancelFetchComposeSuggestionsAccounts(); } api(getState).get('/api/v1/accounts/search', { cancelToken: new CancelToken(cancel => { cancelFetchComposeSuggestionsAccounts = cancel; }), params: { q: token.slice(1), resolve: false, limit: 4, }, }).then(response => { dispatch(importFetchedAccounts(; dispatch(readyComposeSuggestionsAccounts(token,; }).catch(error => { if (!isCancel(error)) { dispatch(showAlertForError(error)); } }); }, 200, { leading: true, trailing: true }); const fetchComposeSuggestionsEmojis = (dispatch, getState, token) => { const results = emojiSearch(token.replace(':', ''), { maxResults: 5 }); dispatch(readyComposeSuggestionsEmojis(token, results)); }; const fetchComposeSuggestionsTags = (dispatch, getState, token) => { dispatch(updateSuggestionTags(token)); }; export function fetchComposeSuggestions(token) { return (dispatch, getState) => { switch (token[0]) { case ':': fetchComposeSuggestionsEmojis(dispatch, getState, token); break; case '#': fetchComposeSuggestionsTags(dispatch, getState, token); break; default: fetchComposeSuggestionsAccounts(dispatch, getState, token); break; } }; }; export function readyComposeSuggestionsEmojis(token, emojis) { return { type: COMPOSE_SUGGESTIONS_READY, token, emojis, }; }; export function readyComposeSuggestionsAccounts(token, accounts) { return { type: COMPOSE_SUGGESTIONS_READY, token, accounts, }; }; export function selectComposeSuggestion(position, token, suggestion, path) { return (dispatch, getState) => { let completion, startPosition; if (typeof suggestion === 'object' && { completion = suggestion.native || suggestion.colons; startPosition = position - 1; dispatch(useEmoji(suggestion)); } else if (suggestion[0] === '#') { completion = suggestion; startPosition = position - 1; } else { completion = getState().getIn(['accounts', suggestion, 'acct']); startPosition = position; } dispatch({ type: COMPOSE_SUGGESTION_SELECT, position: startPosition, token, completion, path, }); }; }; export function updateSuggestionTags(token) { return { type: COMPOSE_SUGGESTION_TAGS_UPDATE, token, }; } export function updateTagHistory(tags) { return { type: COMPOSE_TAG_HISTORY_UPDATE, tags, }; } function insertIntoTagHistory(recognizedTags, text) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const oldHistory = state.getIn(['compose', 'tagHistory']); const me = state.get('me'); const names = recognizedTags .filter(tag => text.match(new RegExp(`#${}`, 'i'))) .map(tag =>; const intersectedOldHistory = oldHistory.filter(name => names.findIndex(newName => newName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase()) === -1); names.push(...intersectedOldHistory.toJS()); const newHistory = names.slice(0, 1000); tagHistory.set(me, newHistory); dispatch(updateTagHistory(newHistory)); }; } export function mountCompose() { return { type: COMPOSE_MOUNT, }; }; export function unmountCompose() { return { type: COMPOSE_UNMOUNT, }; }; export function changeComposeSensitivity() { return { type: COMPOSE_SENSITIVITY_CHANGE, }; }; export function changeComposeSpoilerness() { return { type: COMPOSE_SPOILERNESS_CHANGE, }; }; export function changeComposeContentType(value) { return { type: COMPOSE_TYPE_CHANGE, value, }; }; export function changeComposeSpoilerText(text) { return { type: COMPOSE_SPOILER_TEXT_CHANGE, text, }; }; export function changeComposeVisibility(value) { return { type: COMPOSE_VISIBILITY_CHANGE, value, }; }; export function insertEmojiCompose(position, emoji, needsSpace) { return { type: COMPOSE_EMOJI_INSERT, position, emoji, needsSpace, }; }; export function changeComposing(value) { return { type: COMPOSE_COMPOSING_CHANGE, value, }; }; export function addPoll() { return { type: COMPOSE_POLL_ADD, }; }; export function removePoll() { return { type: COMPOSE_POLL_REMOVE, }; }; export function addSchedule() { return { type: COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_ADD, }; }; export function setSchedule(date) { return { type: COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_SET, date: date, }; }; export function removeSchedule() { return { type: COMPOSE_SCHEDULE_REMOVE, }; }; export function addPollOption(title) { return { type: COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_ADD, title, }; }; export function changePollOption(index, title) { return { type: COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_CHANGE, index, title, }; }; export function removePollOption(index) { return { type: COMPOSE_POLL_OPTION_REMOVE, index, }; }; export function changePollSettings(expiresIn, isMultiple) { return { type: COMPOSE_POLL_SETTINGS_CHANGE, expiresIn, isMultiple, }; };