2020-12-31 20:20:31 -08:00
import React from 'react' ;
import { connect } from 'react-redux' ;
import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component' ;
import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes' ;
import { injectIntl , defineMessages } from 'react-intl' ;
import StatusContent from 'soapbox/components/status_content' ;
import DropdownMenu from 'soapbox/containers/dropdown_menu_container' ;
import { deleteStatus } from 'soapbox/actions/admin' ;
import snackbar from 'soapbox/actions/snackbar' ;
import { openModal } from 'soapbox/actions/modal' ;
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import noop from 'lodash/noop' ;
import { MediaGallery , Video , Audio } from 'soapbox/features/ui/util/async-components' ;
import Bundle from 'soapbox/features/ui/components/bundle' ;
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const messages = defineMessages ( {
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viewStatus : { id : 'admin.reports.actions.view_status' , defaultMessage : 'View post' } ,
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deleteStatus : { id : 'admin.reports.actions.delete_status' , defaultMessage : 'Delete post' } ,
deleteStatusPrompt : { id : 'confirmations.admin.delete_status.message' , defaultMessage : 'You are about to delete a post by {acct}. This action cannot be undone.' } ,
deleteStatusConfirm : { id : 'confirmations.admin.delete_status.confirm' , defaultMessage : 'Delete post' } ,
statusDeleted : { id : 'admin.reports.status_deleted_message' , defaultMessage : 'Post by {acct} was deleted' } ,
} ) ;
export default @ connect ( )
@ injectIntl
class ReportStatus extends ImmutablePureComponent {
static propTypes = {
status : ImmutablePropTypes . map . isRequired ,
report : ImmutablePropTypes . map ,
} ;
makeMenu = ( ) => {
const { intl , status } = this . props ;
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const acct = status . getIn ( [ 'account' , 'acct' ] ) ;
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return [ {
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text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . viewStatus , { acct : ` @ ${ acct } ` } ) ,
to : ` /@ ${ acct } /posts/ ${ status . get ( 'id' ) } ` ,
} , {
text : intl . formatMessage ( messages . deleteStatus , { acct : ` @ ${ acct } ` } ) ,
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action : this . handleDeleteStatus ,
} ] ;
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getMedia = ( ) => {
const { status } = this . props ;
if ( status . get ( 'media_attachments' ) . size > 0 ) {
if ( status . get ( 'media_attachments' ) . some ( item => item . get ( 'type' ) === 'unknown' ) ) {
} else if ( status . getIn ( [ 'media_attachments' , 0 , 'type' ] ) === 'video' ) {
const video = status . getIn ( [ 'media_attachments' , 0 ] ) ;
return (
< Bundle fetchComponent = { Video } loading = { this . renderLoadingVideoPlayer } >
{ Component => (
< Component
preview = { video . get ( 'preview_url' ) }
blurhash = { video . get ( 'blurhash' ) }
src = { video . get ( 'url' ) }
alt = { video . get ( 'description' ) }
aspectRatio = { video . getIn ( [ 'meta' , 'small' , 'aspect' ] ) }
width = { 239 }
height = { 110 }
sensitive = { status . get ( 'sensitive' ) }
onOpenVideo = { noop }
/ >
) }
< / B u n d l e >
) ;
} else if ( status . getIn ( [ 'media_attachments' , 0 , 'type' ] ) === 'audio' ) {
const audio = status . getIn ( [ 'media_attachments' , 0 ] ) ;
return (
< Bundle fetchComponent = { Audio } loading = { this . renderLoadingAudioPlayer } >
{ Component => (
< Component
src = { audio . get ( 'url' ) }
alt = { audio . get ( 'description' ) }
sensitive = { status . get ( 'sensitive' ) }
onOpenAudio = { noop }
/ >
) }
< / B u n d l e >
) ;
} else {
return (
< Bundle fetchComponent = { MediaGallery } loading = { this . renderLoadingMediaGallery } >
{ Component => < Component media = { status . get ( 'media_attachments' ) } sensitive = { status . get ( 'sensitive' ) } height = { 110 } onOpenMedia = { this . handleOpenMedia } / > }
< / B u n d l e >
) ;
return null ;
handleOpenMedia = ( media , index ) => {
const { dispatch } = this . props ;
dispatch ( openModal ( 'MEDIA' , { media , index } ) ) ;
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handleDeleteStatus = ( ) => {
const { intl , dispatch , status } = this . props ;
const nickname = status . getIn ( [ 'account' , 'acct' ] ) ;
const statusId = status . get ( 'id' ) ;
dispatch ( openModal ( 'CONFIRM' , {
message : intl . formatMessage ( messages . deleteStatusPrompt , { acct : ` @ ${ nickname } ` } ) ,
confirm : intl . formatMessage ( messages . deleteStatusConfirm ) ,
onConfirm : ( ) => {
dispatch ( deleteStatus ( statusId ) ) . then ( ( ) => {
const message = intl . formatMessage ( messages . statusDeleted , { acct : ` @ ${ nickname } ` } ) ;
dispatch ( snackbar . success ( message ) ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( ) => { } ) ;
this . handleCloseReport ( ) ;
} ,
} ) ) ;
render ( ) {
const { status } = this . props ;
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const media = this . getMedia ( ) ;
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const menu = this . makeMenu ( ) ;
return (
< div className = 'admin-report__status' >
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< div className = 'admin-report__status-content' >
< StatusContent status = { status } / >
{ media }
< / d i v >
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< div className = 'admin-report__status-actions' >
< DropdownMenu items = { menu } icon = 'ellipsis-v' size = { 18 } direction = 'right' / >
< / d i v >
< / d i v >
) ;